
The Unified Health System must be oriented and trained for comprehensive attention to women's health, from a perspective that includes health promo...

The Unified Health System must be oriented and trained for comprehensive attention to women's health, from a perspective that includes health promotion, the health needs of the female population, the control of the most prevalent pathologies in this group, and the guarantee of the right to health. Check the statements below: I. The Women's Health Care Policy should reach women in all life cycles, safeguarding the specificities of different age groups and distinct population groups. II. The elaboration, execution, and evaluation of women's health policies should be guided by the perspective of gender, race, and ethnicity. III. The elaboration, execution, and evaluation of women's health policies should be guided by the expansion of the approach, breaking the boundaries of sexual and reproductive health, to reach all aspects of women's health. It can be stated that:

a. Only I and III are correct.
b. Only I and II are correct.
c. Only III is correct.
d. I and III are correct.
e. Only a is correct.

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Fisioterapia na Saúde da Mulher


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De acordo com as informações fornecidas, pode-se afirmar que a alternativa correta é a letra D. I e III estão corretas. A Política de Atenção à Saúde da Mulher deve abranger mulheres em todas as fases da vida, levando em consideração as especificidades de diferentes faixas etárias e grupos populacionais distintos. Além disso, a elaboração, execução e avaliação das políticas de saúde da mulher devem ser orientadas pela perspectiva de gênero, raça e etnia, e devem abranger todos os aspectos da saúde da mulher, indo além da saúde sexual e reprodutiva.



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