
Choose the correct alternative regarding crimes against public peace. a) The criminal association of article 288 of the Brazilian Penal Code puni...

Choose the correct alternative regarding crimes against public peace.

a) The criminal association of article 288 of the Brazilian Penal Code punishes the association of 04 or more people who come together, with hierarchy and to the practice of various crimes.
b) The criminal association is legally provided for in Law No. 12,850/2013, which defined the criminal organization.
c) Both criminal association and the constitution of a private militia require only two members, and it is irrelevant whether the crimes committed are consistent with those provided for in the Brazilian Penal Code or in Special Criminal Laws.
d) The constitution of a private militia, crime of article 288-A of the Brazilian Penal Code, is the same as the criminal association of article 288 of the Brazilian Penal Code, differing only in the number of members.
e) Unlike the crime of criminal association, in the crime of article 288-A, the Brazilian Penal Code did not precisely indicate the minimum number of members for the characterization of the crime.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

peculato, crime contra paz pública
1 pág.

Direito Penal , Lep , Leis Extravagantes , Portarias.


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A alternativa correta é a letra D) A constituição de uma milícia privada, crime do artigo 288-A do Código Penal Brasileiro, é igual à associação criminosa do artigo 288 do Código Penal Brasileiro, diferindo apenas no número de membros.



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