
Complete the following exercises (some may have more than one correct answer): 1) The son of my son is my _______________________. 2) The wife of...

Complete the following exercises (some may have more than one correct answer):
1) The son of my son is my _______________________.
2) The wife of my brother is my _______________________.
3) The daughter of my mother is my _______________________.
4) The sister of my wife is my _______________________.
5) The sister of my cousin is my _______________________.
6) The brother of my uncle is my _______________________.
7) The mother of my grandson is my _______________________.
8) The sister of my mother is my _______________________.
9) The husband of my mother is my _______________________.
10) The sister of my brother is my _______________________.
11) The son of my grandfather is my _______________________.
17) The sister of my sister-in-law is my _______________________.
18) The son of my sister is my _______________________.
19) The wife of my son is my _______________________.
20) The husband of my mother-in-law is my _______________________.
21) The father of my husband is my _______________________.
22) The brother of my niece is my _______________________.
23) The sister of my sister is my _______________________.

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4 pág.

Inglês Centro de Ensino Unificado do PiauíCentro de Ensino Unificado do Piauí


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1) The son of my son is my grandson. 2) The wife of my brother is my sister-in-law. 3) The daughter of my mother is my sister. 4) The sister of my wife is my sister-in-law. 5) The sister of my cousin is my cousin. 6) The brother of my uncle is my father. 7) The mother of my grandson is my daughter. 8) The sister of my mother is my aunt. 9) The husband of my mother is my father. 10) The sister of my brother is my sister. 11) The son of my grandfather is my father. 17) The sister of my sister-in-law is my sister-in-law. 18) The son of my sister is my nephew. 19) The wife of my son is my daughter-in-law. 20) The husband of my mother-in-law is my father-in-law. 21) The father of my husband is my father-in-law. 22) The brother of my niece is my nephew. 23) The sister of my sister is myself.


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