
What is the required education/experience and salary for the position of Assistant in the Human Resources department at Grupo IMNE? a. Bachelor's...

What is the required education/experience and salary for the position of Assistant in the Human Resources department at Grupo IMNE?

a. Bachelor's degree in Administration, Psychology or Human Resources, and 2 years of experience in HR. Salary of R$ 2,250.00 and benefits of transportation voucher, health plan, and meal voucher.
b. Bachelor's degree in Logistics or Administration, and 2 years of experience in logistics. Salary of R$ 2,400.00 and benefits of transportation voucher, health plan, and meal voucher.
c. High school diploma, necessary experience to perform the functions. Salary of R$ 1,789.96 and benefits of food voucher, life insurance, health plan, and dental plan.
d. Technical degree in Administration, and at least 6 months of experience in the position. Salary of R$ 1,777.00 and benefits of transportation voucher, health plan, and meal voucher.

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A alternativa correta para a posição de Assistente no departamento de Recursos Humanos do Grupo IMNE é a letra a. É necessário ter graduação em Administração, Psicologia ou Recursos Humanos, além de 2 anos de experiência na área de RH. O salário oferecido é de R$ 2.250,00, com benefícios de vale-transporte, plano de saúde e vale-refeição.



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