
What is the structure of the SENAR English Farm course? STAGE 1 - Completed! STAGE 2 - You are here! STAGE 3 a) STAGE 1 - Completed!; STAGE 2 - Yo...

What is the structure of the SENAR English Farm course?
STAGE 1 - Completed!
STAGE 2 - You are here!

a) STAGE 1 - Completed!; STAGE 2 - You are here!; STAGE 3
b) STAGE 2 - You are here!; STAGE 1 - Completed!; STAGE 3
c) STAGE 3; STAGE 1 - Completed!; STAGE 2 - You are here!

Essa pergunta também está no material:

English Farm- Stage 2
339 pág.

Agronomia/ingles Universidade do Oeste de Santa CatarinaUniversidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina


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A estrutura do curso SENAR English Farm é a seguinte: STAGE 1 - Concluído! STAGE 2 - Você está aqui! STAGE 3 A alternativa correta é: a) STAGE 1 - Concluído!; STAGE 2 - Você está aqui!; STAGE 3



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