
What is the function of a subcollector in a plumbing system according to NBR 8160/1999? A subcollector is a pipe that receives effluents from one ...

What is the function of a subcollector in a plumbing system according to NBR 8160/1999?

A subcollector is a pipe that receives effluents from one or more sewage or discharge branches and leads them to a downpipe or main collector.
A subcollector is a vertical pipe that carries sewage from various floors to subcollectors located on the ceiling of the basement or on the ground.
A subcollector is a pipe that carries effluents from subcollectors, sewage branches, and discharge branches to a downpipe or main collector.
a) Only statement I is correct.
b) Only statement II is correct.
c) Only statement III is correct.
d) Statements I, II, and III are correct.

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Instalações Hidraúlicas Universidade Federal de Juiz de ForaUniversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


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The function of a subcollector in a plumbing system according to NBR 8160/1999 is to receive effluents from one or more sewage or discharge branches and lead them to a downpipe or main collector. Therefore, the correct alternative is a) Only statement I is correct.



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