
What is the correct classification of the Iconha River? The Iconha River is classified as Class 1 Special (waters with salinity equal to or less t...

What is the correct classification of the Iconha River?

The Iconha River is classified as Class 1 Special (waters with salinity equal to or less than 0.5%), suitable for human consumption after simplified treatment.
The Iconha River is classified as Class 2 (waters suitable for navigation, recreation, and fishing, after treatment).
The Iconha River is classified as Class 3 (waters suitable for navigation, recreation, and fishing, after treatment).
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only II is correct.
c) Only III is correct.
d) I and II are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Relatorio_tecnico_ambiental - Atividade 1 -Mychely
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The correct alternative is "a) Only I is correct." since the Iconha River is classified as Class 1 Special, which means that its waters have low salinity and are suitable for human consumption after simplified treatment. The other alternatives are incorrect because they classify the river as Class 2 or Class 3, which means that its waters are suitable for navigation, recreation, and fishing, but require treatment before being consumed by humans.



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