
What are some of the new attributes and types of data defined in HTML5 for forms? HTML5 defined new types of input and new attributes related to f...

What are some of the new attributes and types of data defined in HTML5 for forms?

HTML5 defined new types of input and new attributes related to forms.
The new attributes include placeholder, required, autofocus, and pattern.
The new types include tel, datetime, date, and number.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Linguagem de Marcação de Hypertexto - HTML
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Isso mesmo! O HTML5 definiu novos tipos de entrada e novos atributos relacionados a formulários. Alguns dos novos atributos incluem placeholder, required, autofocus e pattern. Já os novos tipos incluem tel, datetime, date e number. Essas novas funcionalidades tornam a criação de formulários mais fácil e intuitiva.



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