
What is the main focus of studies on water economy in plants and plant cells? A) The movement of water from cell to cell or between cells and the e...

What is the main focus of studies on water economy in plants and plant cells?
A) The movement of water from cell to cell or between cells and the environment.
B) The structure and properties of water.
C) The absorption and dissipation of heat by water.
D) The role of water in metabolic reactions.

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36 pág.

Água no Sistema Solo Planta Atmosfera - Estudo completo para cadeira de Agua x Planta x Solo X Atmosfera

Fís. Sist. Água X Solo X Planta Universidade Federal Rural de PernambucoUniversidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco


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O principal foco dos estudos sobre economia de água em plantas e células vegetais é o movimento da água de célula para célula ou entre as células e o ambiente. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a A) O movimento da água de célula para célula ou entre as células e o ambiente.



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