
What are the main theories of human development according to Cortinaz? 1. Developmental factors 2. Principles of human development 3. Stages of hum...

What are the main theories of human development according to Cortinaz?
1. Developmental factors
2. Principles of human development
3. Stages of human development
4. Cognitive and social development
5. Main theories of development
6. Human learning
7. Intelligence and learning processes
8. Neuroscience, education, and learning
9. The insertion of neurobiology in education
10. The importance of continuing education for teachers in neuroeducation
11. Relationship between cognition and learning
a) Theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, and psychoanalysis.
b) Developmental factors, principles of human development, and stages of human development.
c) Human learning, intelligence and learning processes, and neuroscience, education, and learning.
a) Theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, and psychoanalysis.
b) Developmental factors, principles of human development, and stages of human development.
c) Human learning, intelligence and learning processes, and neuroscience, education, and learning.

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A alternativa correta é a letra b) Developmental factors, principles of human development, and stages of human development.



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