
Leia o trecho a seguir . It has been confirmed that late on the night of the sixth of july, a large red truck ran into the bakery on Maryland Stree...

Leia o trecho a seguir . It has been confirmed that late on the night of the sixth of july, a large red truck ran into the bakery on Maryland Street. After an initial investigation by police, it is now clear that the truck had no driver at all. The locals are asking a simple questions: “Where was the driver?” If the police want to solve this mystery, they __________ the CCTV footage from the street. One of the local said: “we’re all quite worried about a truck with no driver. This truck has never beeb seen in the neighborhood before. If we’d seen that truck before. E’d solve this mystery now.” Many locals share the same concerns. They want to know what’s happening in their town. Considerando as regras gramaticais necessárias para estruturar uma sentence no “First Conditional”, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase “If the police want to solve this mystery, they __________ the CCTV footage from the street.” a) Should have needed b) Would need c) Would has needed d) Will need e) needed


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Para preencher corretamente a lacuna da frase de acordo com a estrutura do "First Conditional", a alternativa correta é: b) Would need Portanto, a frase correta seria: "If the police want to solve this mystery, they would need the CCTV footage from the street."


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