
Based on the information of the text, it is correct to say that: a) Hopkin’s babysitter was not able to arrive on time to take care of the children...

Based on the information of the text, it is correct to say that:
a) Hopkin’s babysitter was not able to arrive on time to take care of the children.
b) Laura Hopkin’s children were unassisted until she came back at six in the morning.
c) Laura Hopkin said she had previously planned to go to the nightclub to have some wine.
d) Hopkin’s children were not able to attend school because they had lost their belongings.
e) Hopkin’s neighbour took the two children home after entering the house through the window.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova 2020 Inglês faculdade campo real
18 pág.


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Vou analisar cada alternativa antes de responder: a) "A babá de Hopkin não conseguiu chegar a tempo para cuidar das crianças..." Com base nas informações do texto, essa afirmação está correta. A babá de Hopkin não conseguiu chegar a tempo para cuidar das crianças. Portanto, a alternativa A está correta.



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