
- Express Grammar English - Amos e Prescher

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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©Eduardo Amos, Elisabeth Prescher, 2008 
Diretoria: Paul Berry 
Gerencia editorial: Sandra Passas 
Coordenai;ao de arte: Christiane Sorin 
Coordenai;ao de pesquisa iconografica: Ana Lucia Soares 
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Edii;ao de texto: Ray Shoulder 
Preparai;ao: Maiza Prande Bernardello 
Revisao linguistica: Ray Shoulder 
Revisao: Ibraima Dafonte Tavares 
Edii;ao de arte: Gilciane Munhoz 
Projeto grafico: Gilciane Munhoz 
Ilustrai;oes: Attilio, Luiz Moura, Moo 
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Criai;oes especiais: Daniel de Souza Fantini, Gl6ucia Correa Koller, Raquel Buim Barradas 
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Amos, Eduardo 
The Richmond express grammar of English / 
Amos, Prescher. -- Sao Paulo: Moderna, 2008. 
Inclui CD. 
1. Ingles - Estudo e ensino I. Prescher, 
Elisabeth. II. Titulo. 
indices para catalogo sistematico: 
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Simple Diagnostic Test 
Grammar Units 
1 Personal Pronouns - I, you, he ... , me, you, him, 
2 Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns - my, your. .. , mine, yours 
3 Verb to be (Present Simple) - I am, you are, he is . 
4 Verb to be (Past Simple) - I was, you were, he was 
5 There+ to be (Present & Past) - there is, there was 
6 The Indefinite Article - a car, an egg 
7 Demonstratives - this, that, these, those 
8 Countable Nouns (Plural Forms) - girls, buses, pianos 
9 Special Plural Forms - politics, people . 
10 Countable and Uncountable Nouns - a train, some advice 
Progress Check 1 
11 Gender of Nouns - boy-girl, man -woman 
12 Possessive with 's - my brother's car, my sister's husband 
13 Present Continuous I - I am studying, he is studying 
14 Present Continuous 11 - drive -driving, cut-cutting, tie -tying . 
15 Past Continuous I - I was leaving, he was going 
16 Past Continuous II - When I arrived, he was having dinner . 
17 Going to - Future - I am going to study, he is going to study . 
18 Going to - Future in the Past - I was going to, he was going to 
19 Simple Future - I will go, she will go 
20 Will and Going to - I'll stay, I'm going to stay 
21 Imperative - Look! Don't run! Let's go! 
22 Simple Present I - I work, she works 
23 Simple Present II - fix-fixes, try-tries 
24 Simple Present 111 - Do they study?, they don't study 
Progress Check 2 
25 Simple Past I (Regular Verbs) - I walked, she walked 
26 Simple Past II (Spelling Rules) - love -loved, stop-stopped 
27 Simple Past Ill (Irregular Verbs) - buy-bought, drink-drank 
28 Used to - I used to, they used to 
... 8 
... 14 
. 16 
. 18 
.. 20 
.. 32 
.... 36 
... 38 
.. 42 
..... 54 
.. 62 
.. 66 
... 68 
29 To Have - I have, he has 
30 Future Continuous - I will be working, they will be working 
31 Quantifiers - much, many, few, little 
32 Some, Any, No, None - some money, any time, no people 
33 Somebody, Anybody, Nobody - There is nobody here ... 
34 All, Every, Each - all the students, every student, each student 
35 Both, Either, Neither - both hands, either is fine, neither of them. .. 
Progress Check 3 
36 Reflexive Pronouns I - myself, yourself, himself 
37 Reflexive Pronouns 11 - by myself, she herself 
38 The Definite Article I (use) - the boy, the boys 
39 The Definite Article 11 (omission) - She's in hospital. They're at school. 
40 Adjectives I - a pretty girl, an old woman 
41 Adjectives 11 - an exciting movie, an excited child 
42 Adjectives 111 (Order and Position) - a big old house, a beautiful young woman 
43 Question Words I - What?, Who?, How? 
44 Question Words 11 - How long?, How far?, How much? 
45 Adverbs I (Form) - slowly, here, fast. She speaks slowly 
46 Adverbs (Use I) - manner, place, time . 
47 Adverbs (Use 11) - frequency, probability, degree, intensity 
Progress Check 4 
48 Comparison I - as ... as, not as ... as, more than, the most 
49 Comparison 11 - larger, the largest, hotter, the hottest 
50 Comparison of Adverbs - faster, easier, more seriously 
51 Present Perfect I - I have studied, she has done 
52 Present Perfect 11 - recently, ever, since, for 
53 Present Perfect 111 - just, already, yet, many times 
54 Present Perfect Continuous - have been doing, has been doing 
55 Past Perfect - had done 
56 Relative Pronouns I - who, which .. that, whom 
57 Relative Pronouns II - where, whose, what 
58 Relative Clauses - defining and non-defining 
59 Future Perfect - I will have fixed, she will have fixed 
Progress Check 5 
60 Prepositions of Place I - in, on, at .. 
61 Prepositions of Place II - behind, opposite, outside 
62 Prepositons of Movement - out of, up, down ... 
. 106 
. 114 
.. 122 
. 128 
. 134 
. 136 
....... ...... 138 
. 140 
. 142 
63 Prepositions and forms of transport - by, on, into 
64 Prepositions of Time I - in, on, at .. 
65 Prepositions of Ti me 11 - from. .. to, until, by ... .. . . .. ... . . 
66 Modals I (Form) - she may go, we might stay 
67 Modals II - can, could, must 
68 Modals Ill - may, might, would 
69 Modals IV - should, ought to, deductions 
70 Conditionals (Form) - will, would, would have 
71 Zero and First Conditionals - if it rains, ... 
72 Second and Third Conditionals - if it rained, if it had rained 
73 Special Conditional Structures - unless, provided, in case, as long as 
Progress Check 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
74 Tag Questions - isn't it?, did he ... ? 
75 Passive Voice - is done, were done 
76 Have (something) done - I had my house painted . 
77 Indirect Speech I - She said that ... 
78 Indirect Speech 11 - She asked me ... , She told me ... 
79 Infinitive - to do, to go 
80 Gerund - doing, going 
81 IndirectQuestions - Do you know what time it is? ...... . 
82 Agreement - Each child has a pet 
83 Phrasal Verbs - get up, look up, put up with ... . 
Progress Check 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 
1 Linking Words 
2 Basic Adverbs 
3 Grammar Patterns after Adjectives 
4 Grammar Patterns after Verbs 
5 Phrasal Verbs 
6 Common Irregular Verbs 
7 Final Test ...... . 
English - Portuguese, similarities and differences 
Test Answers 
Grammar Units Answers 
Index ........ . 
...... 146 
... 148 
. 176 
.. 178 
. . .... .... . ...... .... ... 192 
.. 196 
.. . ....... 200 
. 201 
.. 202 
. 225 
........... 226 
The Richmond Express Grammar combina uma gramatica de referencia e exercfcios em um unico volume. 
Esta obra foi especialmente desenvolvida para servir de material de 2poio para alunos que estudam sozinhos 
ou para aqueles que frequentam cursos de lfngua inglesa. 
Veja a seguir outros destaqLes desta edic;:ao: 
1. The Richmond Grammar Practice CD-ROM (com audio) - Mais de 230 questiSes de gramatica, com 
respostas gravadas com falantes nativos da lingua inglesa. 
2. English - Portuguese, similarities and differences - Com base nas diferenc;:as mais relevantes entre as 
duas lfnguas, as explicac;:oes e os exercfcios desta sec;:ao enfocam dificuldades e duvidas especfficas do 
aluno brasileiro, permitindo-lhe ampliar seu conhecimento de maneira rapida e efetiva. 
3. Progress Checks - Apresentadas a intervalos regulares, estas sec;:oes oferecem ao aluno a oportunidade 
de avaliar seu desempenho e competencia lingufstica, par meio de exercfcios que utilizam a linguagem 
do dia a dia. 
Cada Progress Check 
refere-se as unidades 
, _____ (lood)onour plar;etin1938. 
StiHa baby,Jor-Elandlara 'sonlychld ______ {be)sentinto space 
onan urmanned spaceship'beforethe1rplanetKrypton 
(explode}. The spaceshp___ (111nd) onEarthclose to 
the Kent's home. Th? Kents (find) the baby and 
(decide)to raise2himar>dcajlhlmClaric,C!arkKent 
The storyis well-known to aiofUS 
Amost everyone _____ lfolow)�'sadventures-nactionc<rtoons,onthe 
radio,onT'/andinthemovies-eachonetelngadifferootpart of&pemlan'sstory. 
____ (pnnt)thecomc str1:>'inl938.lt 
(inciude)the�ofloisl<Y>e,andthenew�they (woi*) for 
S14'erma n'; worst enemy. Luthor, only__ (appear) 1n AcTion Comics #23 
!t_ (be)onthe radio,notinthecomics that Krypto'lite,Supennan's famous 
weakness•, ____ _ (comelintothe story. 
The figures areurld Superman are impressive. The comic book (po.Dfrsh) 
in 1940, Ji which Superman __ (asl<;) Lois L1111e to marry him (and she 
__ (accept),__ __ (sell outin a fa w d a y s 
Superman #75 __ (tell) the story of Superrn1111's death in November 1992. It 1s 
the best-seller oftheseries:it (sell}6rnillioncopies 
Exercfcios para testar o uso da estrutura 
gramatical apresentada em textos atuais 
e autenticos. 
l. Fill the gaps w·1th the determiners from he box below. (Sometimes more than one answer may be 
correct and you will need to use some of the words more than once). Remember to read the text 
oncethrcughfirstto understandthe meaning. 
inani alDIDf •. , .. , .. �IJm:i�sT.JJ"JOM--
� -- There ts __ evidence that suggests 
- :�- that ancient Cl'llllzat1onswere very : �i superstitious But superst1twn is also p�1t O! our modern world 
_ . .- . veryold belwl� are still wnh us 
,,-f- -<�-'.� today a brokenmmor for example.mednsscven years 
,"' .-·-·;; bad Juel:' Jn cultures a b�ach cat 
-- · 
canbnngyoue1the1goodluckorbad uck 1'.acrosses y0ur 
-:;;.?. path' _ ___ people neverwalkunder a 
,_-.• , _.' 
ladder' because it also means bad luck New Yorkers have a 
c1moussuperstltlon,the numbe1131s a s:gn ofbad luck and 
;5� ,"t bu1ldmgshave ___ _ 
'l • _
�-;:< :- .,. ::_.:.·; th111een:hfloor 
- ·;._
. Chdrms'and b!'llefsare pop1.:larbecause 
� mthe past,_____ pecplebel!cved theybrouqht 
'< 11 goodluck 
Superst1t10n 1scertd1nlypartofthe pastand present 
andw11lprobablyremarnw1thusmtothe future too For 
_____ people1tw1gm1rnncr,fo1others 1t 1s an --::':.. ;{� 1m portantpaI1of theullves 
Challenge Amos Prescnera�d P<1'QlHl1n R" l>m('fl<l PutJlis�1ng 
Glossario com express,5es 
mais complexas. 
- 0 
4. Veja, a seguir, o esquema das unidades do livro. 
Apresentagao da forma 
e do uso da estrutura 
Exercfcio com nfvel 
basico de dificuldade. 
Exercfcio com nfvel mais 
complexo de dificuldade. 
I have studied, ... she has done ... 
• Forrna�ilo hava I has + part1cip10 passado do verbo pnnc1�0I 
Have theyl1vedhere7 
have not•haven't 
• O prosentperfecte usado para se rerenr a a�iies que 
aronroceramnum tempo1ndef1 m d o nopassadD 
• &Io rem po em que a a�ao OCMreu for mendorado o u sugerido, 
d1 iven llinishedm yhomeworkonehour ago 
Clbs:Atradui;iio dosdmstempos vertrn1sp0deseramesrna 
I. Write affirmative or neg<Iive sentences or questions. Use the present perfect 
Example: l've f1nished my homework (negative) 
l. He has cleaned h1s roo-n (negat ive) __ _ 
2.They havebought a house.(quesbonJ __ _ 
3. She hasn'tbeen t0Bat1a.(afflrmat1ve) _____ _ 
4. Hashe cut htmself? (negative) ________ _ 
5. You've done yourhome,,..ork (question) _________ _ 
6. Have webeen therebe-ore? (aff1rmat1ve) _________ _ 
7. Theyhaven'tl1vedhere verylong.(quest1on) ________ _ 
8.lt"s been veryhot today(negat1ve) 
----------------- -
II. Write sentences using tie present perfect or the simple past. 
1. When I was a boy, llsw1m/1n that river __ _ 
2. Youlook d1fferent Wtatlyou/dolto yourhair? 
3. Helbuylthat old carltwo yearsago __ _ 
4. Look! Somebody I spill I water I on my desk. __ _ 
5. It's nogood try1ng to call heron the phone /She/go/out. ____ _ 
111.Completethe dialogwiththeverbsfromthebox. 
hashappened heal! didhappen was called hashurt has1umped hasamved 
W hatare thoseJeople look1ngat'What __ _ 
Miranda: Acal __ from the window n the bu1ld1ng next door 
Really'Thepoor th1ng! _____ _____ 1tself7Tell me what 
Miranda: Well,1t seemsthatthecat _ _ ____ on the window sill of the 9'' floor apartment 
and fell onto the balconyofthe5'"floorapartment The ownerofthe5""ftoorapartment 
to the balcony He5ilw l he catand 
the doorman tohelph1m 
_____ this __ _ 
Miranda: Aboutten mmules ago 
_____ anyone _____ for help? 
Miranda:Yes,avet_ already 
IV. Complete the dialogs with the present perfect or the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. 
1 A· Lookl Somebody _____ (leave)lhe k1tche11 tapon.Thes1nk 1sfull ofwater 
B·lt___ (notbe)me.l ______ (not do)rt 
2. A ------ 1°"---- __ (see)Lara' 
______ (notsee)her 
3. A: Chris 1sn'tatwork.She ______ (brea�) her arm 
______ (do)lhal' 
____ (fall)down the stws 
____ (go)last n ight? 
{go) to the theater 
5.A ____ _ ___ (f1rnsh)all your testsat school? 
B. Yes, 1 ______ (11n1sh)them lastFriday 
Explicagao em nfvel 
ma is complexo. 
Exercfcio com nfvel 
medio de dificuldade. 
Do this test before you begin studying. It will help you identify which units you need most. 
Check your answers on page 225. 
PART I (Units 1 to 29) 
Underline the correct alternative. 
Example: I (am I are) tired. 
1. Ted is doing (him I his) homework. The children are doing (them I theirs). 
2. (Are you I You are) sad today? 
3. We (were I was) tired last night. 
4. (There is I There was) a letter for you yesterday but (there aren't I there weren't) any letters today. 
5. I can see (a I an) horse behind the tree and (a I an) old cow in the field. 
6. (These I This) book is interesting but (those I that) magazines are boring. 
7. The (tomatos I tomatoes) are in the (boxies I boxes)and the (strawberrys I strawberries) are on the table. 
8. (Jacks I Jack's) bag isn't here. It is in the (girls' I girls's) room. 
9. They (aren't I isn't) sleeping now. They (are studying I are studing). 
10. (Is she I She is) working at the moment? 
11. (Were I Was) you watching TV th is morning? 
12. Mom was making lunch (while I when) I arrived. 
13. Jeff is going (drive I to drive) his new car to the party tonight. 
14. They will probably (to arrive I arrive) at 10 p.m. 
15. (Not I Don't) talk in class! 
16. I watch the news on TV (all evenings I every evening). 
17. Does Sally (likes I like) coffee? 
18. Nina often (studies I study) English in the afternoon. 
19. What (does he I he does) teach? 
20. When did you (finished I finish) your homework? 
21. We (didn't I not) arrive late for class. 
22. They (go I went) to the movies yesterday. 
23. (My I mine) car is in the garage. Can you lend me (your I yours)? 
24. He needs (some I an) information about the new equipment. 
25. He always (watches I watch) TV in the evening. 
26. I often (have I has) breakfast in the kitchen. 
27. My father (buy I bought) a new car last month. 
28. They (cleaned /clean) their room yesterday. 
29. Pepe (is going to go to I go) Rio next weekend. 
30. Plfnio (used to I is used to) have long hair before he started working in a bank. 
PART II (Units 30 to 59) 
Underline the correct alternative. 
1. Tomorrow morning, I will (be traveling I to travel) to Miami. 
2. Is there (some I any) coffee in the cupboard? 
3. There are (some I any) cats in the garden. 
4. We don't have (much I many) time and we have very (few I little) money. 
5. Is there (somebody I anybody) home? 
6. We enjoyed (us I ourselves) at the party. 
7. I cut (myself I me) with that knife. 
8. We argued with (each other I ourselves). 
9. They live by (theirs I themselves). 
10. (The I 0) John likes to play (the I 0) guitar. 
11. (The I 0) our car is in front of (the I 0) his house. 
12. Karen is (as I more) pretty as Jane. 
13. Tom is the (most happy I happiest) boy I know. 
14. My new car is (good I better) than that old one. 
15. You are getting (fatter and fatter I more fat). 
16. Look, Mom! I (have cleaned I has cleaned) my room. 
17. I have lived here (since I for) 1990. 
18. They have lived here (since I for) two years. 
19. They haven't bought the car (never I yet). 
20. I'm tired. I have been (worked I working) since eight in the morning. 
21. When I arrived, the teacher (had been speaking I spoke) for an hour. 
22. The students (have to finish I had finished) the test when I arrived. 
23. The girl (which I 0) I saw was beautiful. 
24. The boy (who I 0) is arriving now is my brother. 
25. The book (that I who) you gave me is very interesting. 
26. The guy (which I whose) leg is broken is my friend. 
27. He is the best doctor (who I that) I know. 
28. Are you sure you (will have I will have done) your work before I arrive? 
29. By the time Jim arrives, you (had left/ will have left) for Chicago. 
30. He (had had I has had) breakfast before he arrived at the meeting. 
B =(no word) 
PART 111 (Units 60 to 83) 
Underline the correct alternative to complete the sentences. 
1. We traveled (from I to) London (from I to) Rome. 
2. The child threw the ball (through I by) the window. 
3. She will travel (by I on) plane and will be here (until I by) 4 p.m. tomorrow. 
4. The boy got (on I at) the train at Se Station and got (out of I off) at Parafso Station. 
5. Christmas is (in I on) December and this year it will be (on I in) Saturday. 
6. The dog jumped (off I from) the coffee table and (to I onto) the sofa. 
7. We went for a walk (on I along) the river last Sunday. 
8. The car went (past I into) the drugstore and turned left. 
9. Aline told Joaquim (to go to bed immediately I he would go to bed). 
10. If you travel from Brazil to Uruguay, you (don't have to I must) take your passport. 
11. The deadline to hand in the composition is next Friday but you (can I must) hand it in before then. 
12. Carlos said (that he has had a test tomorrow I that he had a test the next day). 
13. Everyone (needs I need) to do the test. 
14. We went shopping (although I despite) the bad weather. 
15. He is sick. He (used I should) go to the doctor. 
16. I would buy a car if I (knew I had known) how to drive. 
17. I (would rather I had better) eat in a restaurant than at home. 
18. If he calls, I (will speak I would speak) to him. 
19. If I had arrived on time, I (would have seen I will have seen) you. 
20. Leonardo said that (he had been working 5 minutes before I he worked 5 minutes ago). 
21. Lilian asked me if (I can call her the next day I I could call her the next day). 
22. He's having his motorcycle (repair I repaired). 
23. Otelia asked me when (my boss would have been back I my boss would be back). 
24. She has brought her umbrella, (hasn't I doesn't) she? 
25. (Since I Though) we didn't have much time, we only had a snack. 
26. (Swim I Swimming) is good for your health. 
27. Our rivers (are being polluted I are polluting) with chemical waste. 
28. The students (were sent I sent) to the director's office. 
29. You can have dessert (as long as I though) you finish your dinner. 
30. You may (go I to go) now. 
See page 225 for answers 
Personal Pronouns 
• Pronome sujeito e usado coma sujeito da orac;ao. 
I am Brazilian. 
Rodrigo and I go to the gym every day. 
• Pronome objeto e usado coma: 
"' objeto direto ou indireto 
Julio loves her. 
.,. objeto de preposic;ao 
I talked to him yesterday. 
I, you, he ... , me, you, him ... 
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns 
you you 
he him 
she her 
it it 
we us 
you you 
they them 
• Oragoes com dois objetos. 
He gave me some flowers. (enfatiza o objeto direto) 
He gave some flowers to me. (enfatiza o objeto 
I. Underline the subject and object pronouns in these sentences. 
Example: We go to the restaurant every weekend. My father drives us there. 
1. Can you help me? I am looking for a cybercafe. 
2. Yesterday, I got an e-mail from a friend. I will write to him tomorrow. 
3. My brother and I go to the gym after school. We like it a lot because our instructor is great. He talks to us 
about exercise and healthy food. 
4. What is wrong with them? They are so sad. 
5. We gave the CDs to her. She gave them to him. 
6. They're very tall and strong. 
7. My name is Daniel, I'm 15 years old. Everyone knows me at the local gym. 
8. I think it's going to rain. 
9. My boyfriend gets angry at me when I don't call him. 
10. Don't tell her about me getting the job. 
II. Underline the correct alternative. 
Example: (We I Us) often get up early. We have breakfast with (they I them). 
1. On Mondays, I usually meet (him, he) after school. 
2. Dad's car isn't here. (It, He) is in the garage. 
3. What's wrong with (them, they)? (They, Them) look sad. 
4. At Christmas, Mom always buys some new clothes for (we, us). 
5. Please don't tell (she, her) about (I, me)! 
6. (We, Us) live near (her, she). (Us, We) come to school together every day. 
7. My bicycle is broken. (It, she) needs repairs. 
8. (I I me) have to take my dog to the vet. (Him I He) has to have his vaccination. 
Ill.Substitute the highlighted word(s) for the correct subject and object pronouns. 
Then, write sentences or questions. 
Example: Apes are very intelligent animals. \Vie� o.re ver� ime\\i9em O.Y\imo.\s. 
1. The teacher is doing her work. ___________________________ _ 
2. What's the matter with the girls? __________________________ _ 
3. Where are Rodrigo and Marcio? __________________________ _ 
4. My sister and I are sick. _____________________________ _ 
5. The lawyer is talking to his daughter. ___________ _____________ _ 
6. My father always spends time with my brother and me. 
7. What are the dogs doing? _______________________ _____ _ 
8. My sister gave my mother a beautiful birthday present. ___________________ 
IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 
1. He gave flowers 
2. They ask 
3. He gave 
4. She is writing a card to 
) him. 
) me flowers. 
) to me. 
) us many questions. 
V. Write subject or object pronouns in the gaps. 
Hi, my name's Tiago am 16. My family lives in Rio. 
______ have a brother called Daniel and a sister called Patricia. _____ _ 
in a big house. has 3 bedrooms. My sister and ______ like swimming. 
______ go swimming every day at a pool near my house. is an Olympic-size 
pool and ______ have swimming lessons there. Our swimming teacher gives _____ _ 
lots of practice, but have fun too. 
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns 
my, your ... , mme, yours ... 
+ Os possessivos concordam com o possuidor. 
I love my girlfriend, you love yours. 
+ Adjetivos possessivos precedem substantivos. 
This is my bike. 
His hair is brovvn. 
+ Pronomes possessivos substituem substantivos. 
This is my homevvork. Where's yours? (your 
I. Underline the correct alternative. 
Example: (Our I ours) bags are here. Where are (your I yours)? 
1. Don't interrupt me. I'm doing (my i mine) homework. 
2. "Is this (her I hers) bike?" "Yes, it's (her I hers)." 
3. Look, there's Rachel! Is she a friend of (your I yours)? 
Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns 
my mine 
your yours 
his his 
her hers 
its its 
our ours 
your yours 
their theirs 
• Pronomes possessivos podem ser usados depois 
de of. 
She is a friend of mine. (one of my friends) 
They are friends of ours. (some of our friends) 
4. (Our I Ours) grandparents always come to lunch on Sundays. 
5. The children don't like (their I theirs) new school. 
6. Marta and Leticia are friends of (our I ours). 
7. My cat is eating (it I its) food. 
8. "Where's Cristina?" "She's with (her I hers) father." 
9. (Theirs I Their) car is white, but (his I him) is black. 
10. This isn't (ours I our) luggage, it's (their I theirs). 
II. Complete these sentences with possessive adjectives or pronouns. 
Example: My brother always checks hs homework, but I never check miVle 
1. Tatiana gave friend a CD. 
2. Marcelo and I are going to meet friends at the movie theater. 
3. Give me your address and I'll give you ______ _ 
4. We really like ______ math teacher. Do you like ______ _ 
5. Dan is riding bike. Rebecca is riding ______ _ 
6. Diego and Luciana are our neighbors. _______ apartment is near ______ _ 
7. Do you know Rafaela? She's a friend of . We're in the same class. 
8. Marcia and Paulo are visiting some of relatives. 
Ill. Underline the correct alternative to complete the dialogue. 
Steve: Look at (my I mine) exam results! They are terrible! 
What about (your I yours)? 
Ben: (My I Mine) are OK. How are Rachel's results? 
Steve: (Her I Hers) are OK too. 
Ben: And Tom's? 
Steve: (His I He) results are OK too! 
Ben: Oh, no! 
IV. Manuela is studying English in the U.S. Complete this letter to her friends 
in Brazil. Use possessive adjectives and pronouns. 
Hi, guys! How's school? I am studying hard. ______ _ 
English classes are difficult, bat teacher is real{ y 
friendly and patient. And after school I have a lot of fun with the other 
students in class. On Friday, we had a big party. 
I met a nice boy and I gave him phone nurrber. He 
gave me too. An Italian boy asked off the girls for 
______ e-mail addresses. Ange/a didn't give ______ _ 
to Carlo. But she gave it to a really cute guy called Stefan. 
/'fl write again soon with some roore news. Bye for now! 
Manuela XXXX 
Verb to be - Present Simple 
I am, you are, he is ... 
-- ,, _____ ----·----,·---·-�-,_ ____ 
He is not fifteen. 
• Usa-se o verbo to be: 
You are ,,, para identificar e descrever pessoas e objetos. 
lnterrogativa I'm from Brazil. 
Is he fifteen? It's a keyboard. 
She is 15 
Formas abreviadas They're Mike and Bob. 
It am • 'm I'm a teacher. 
are• 're - nas expressoes de tempo, idade e lugar. 
is• 's It is sunny today. 
You are am not• 'm not 
Peter is fifteen years old. 
are not• aren't 
is not • isn't 
We are in New York. 
I. Fill in the gaps with the verb to be in the present simple tense. 
Example: Hi! How o.n you? I'm fine, thanks. 
1. Carlos hungry. Let's eat a burger! 
2. Mrs. Carvalho and my mother very good friends. 
3. This the latest model keyboard. I t very 
4. He fifteen and his brother twelve. 
5. It very cold today in the south of Brazil. 
6. The children in the classroom. Their teacher 
in the hall. 
7. My sister a doctor and my brother 
an electrician. 
8. I tall, but she short. 
9. We on vacation. Let's go to the beach! 
10. You the boss! Tel I me what to do! 
II. Write questions using the correct form of the verb to be. 
Example: you I French or Spanish? f\re �o\.A \=rench or S?on\sh? 
1. Dani and Marcelo I actors? ____________________________ _ 
2. your motorcycle I new? _____________________________ _ 
3. we /early I for the party? _____________________________ _ 
4. I I late I for the movie? _____________________________ _ 
5. she I your I best friend? _____________________________ _ 
Ill. Write questions for these answers. 
Example: /\re �O\.A married? Yes, I am. 
1. your sister? 
2. tired? 
No, she isn't. 
Yes, they are. 
3. ___________ from Brazil? No, he isn't. 
4. sunny in the Northeast? Yes, it is. 
5. OK, then, doctor? Yes, you are. 
IV. Write affirmative and negative sentences based on the model below: 
Example: Thiago Pereira - football player - swimmer \h\ogo Pereiro \sv\1 o '\Dolbo.11 ?lo�er. \-\es o swimmer 
1. Dolphins - fish - mammals 
2. Jose Saramago - painter - writer 
3. Kaka and Robin ho - actors - football players 
4. Fernanda Montenegro - pop singer - actress 
V. Guto is in Bali. Complete this e-mail to his school friends using 
the correct form of the verb to be. 
. l D: Subje:�: 
�'·�:-��ry· one! 
�i- ' 
Guess where I ? Look at the picture I am attaching to this e-mail' What a beautiful 
sunset! It Kuta Beach, in Bali. I here for a few days. It hot and sunny like 
it every day here. The food great - lots of fish and seafood. But the waves __ _ 
the best thing of all. They up to 3 meters high. And you, guys7 you OK? 
Please, send me news asap. 
Gu to 
Verb to be - Past Simple 
You were 
She was not at home. 
Was she at home? 
Formas abreviadas 
No passado, s6 as 
formas negativas podem 
ser abreviadas. 
was not • wasn't 
were not • weren't 
I. Underline the correct alternatives. 
Example: They (was I were) happy to be on vacation. 
1. Julia and I (was I were) friends at high school. 
2. Your exercise book (was I were) here a moment ago. 
3. (Was I Were) it very cold last night in the South? 
4. My brother and sister (wasn't I weren't) born in Brazil. 
5. (Was I Were) the children hungry after school? 
I was, you were, he was ... 
• Verbos no passado frequentemente vem 
acompanhados par locu�5es adverbiais au adverbios 
de tern po, coma ago, yesterday, last night. 
Sally was here two minutes ago. 
"My brother wasn't born in Brazil." 
II. Complete the sentences with the verb to be in the past simple tense. 
Example: He wo.s in the office when I phoned him. 
1. They late for school and their teacher angry at them. 
2. Marcela very happy. Her birthday party a success. 
3. Daniela's dog is so naughty. I t i n the kitchen yesterday. 
4. After school, the children very tired. 
5. _____ fifteen and my brother twelve when we moved here. 
6. The football game great on the weekend. My team won. 
7. She very upset yesterday. 
8. Carlos at home last night. 
9. The students at our school on vacation last week. 
10. We sad to hear you hadn't won. 
Ill. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false statements. Follow the example. 
Example: Porto Alegre was the capital of Brazil in the past. (Rio de Janeiro) 
No.Pono t\\e9re wosv\r me co�irol of�rnz.i\ in me �osr. Rio �e Joneiro wos. 
1. Brazil was a Spanish colony in the past. (Portuguese colony) 
2. Pero Vaz de Caminha was the man who discovered Brazil. (Pedro Alvares Cabral) 
IV. Match the answers with the correct questions. 
l. Where were you yesterday at 2 o'clock? ) I was in the city center. 
2. Were you alone? 
3. What was the weather like yesterday? 
) I was in bed, but I wasn't asleep. 
) It was really hot. 
4. Were you ill last week? ) No, I was with a friend. 
5. Were you in bed asleep at midnight? ) No, I was fine, but my brother was ill. 
V. Complete the questions for these answers. 
Example: Were �ou interested in the lesson? No, I wasn't. 
1. ________ late for class? No, he wasn't. He was early. 
2. at home yesterday? 
3. in the library yesterday? 
No, they weren't. They were at school. 
No, she wasn't. She was at work. 
VI. Fred and Camila are on vacation in the Northeast of Brazil. Complete their e-mail by underlining the 
correct alternative (the present or past tense of the verb to be). 
We (are I were) in Itacare today But yesterday, we (are I were) in Salvador. 
Salvador (was I is) a great place, but it (was I is) really hot there. We walked 
all around Pelourinho. At night, I (was I is) tired. I had so much exercise. So 
today we (is I are) relaxing Our guesthouse (was I is) really comfortable, and 
the breakfast (is I isn't) great. 
Take care. 
See you back at school. 
Fred and Camila 
There + to be - Present & Past 
+ There + to be = haver, existir 
Present Past 
There is = existe, ha 
There is water in the pitcher. 
There are = existem, ha 
There are oranges in the basket. 
There is not. 
I nterrogativa 
Is there? 
There are not. 
Are there? 
• Usa-se there +to be para indicar: 
,. algo que existe. 
In my street, there is a bakery. 
I. Underline the correct alternative. 
There was= existia, havia 
There was a dog in the garden. 
There were= existiam, havia 
There were dogs in the garden. 
There was not. 
Was there? 
There were not. 
Were there? 
" um evento ou atividade. 
There was a party last week. 
Example: (There is I There are) four people coming this evening. 
1. (Is there I Are there) a taxi stand near here? 
2. (Are there I Is there) lots of students at your school? 
3. (Was there I Were there) many people at the game last week? 
4. How many people (was there I were there) at her birthday party? 
5. (There isn't I There aren't) a football field near our house. 
6. (Weren't there I Wasn't there) anything good on TV last night? 
7. How many people (are there I is there) in your class? 
8. (Is there I Are there) anything on your desk? 
9. (There wasn't I There weren't) a lot of children in the park. 
10. (There was I There were) three tigers at the zoo. 
there is, there was ... 
Formas abreviadas 
There is • There's 
There is not • There isn't 
There are not • There aren't 
There was not • There wasn't 
There were not • There weren't 
�. quantidade. 
In the classroom, there were 
five chairs. 
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there + to be. 
Example: Is mere any milk in the fridge? 
1. How many CDs in your box? 
2. _________ an accident in our street yesterday. 
3. _________ anybody in Room 201 at the moment? 
4. _________ a man waiting for me outside the school. 
5. _________ two girls in reception. Are they your sisters? 
6. five men here now, but there were seven a few minutes ago. 
7. a swimming pool at your school? 
8. How many girls _________ at your party last week? 
9. any patients in the waiting room? 
10. She said twelve people waiting. 
Ill. Fill in the gaps with there is or there are. 
My neighborhood is great. _______ a nice lake 
nearby where you can play sport or just relax. _______ bicycle and jogging tracks. 
_______ a kiosk where you can buy coconut milk and fruit juice. _____ _ 
lots of good places to eat. _______ a nice view of the city. ______ exercise 
bars so you can work out. boats to rent. _______ a lot of people 
sunbathing and lots of children and dogs. 
IV. Complete the telephone conversation between Julia and Carol. Use there was, there wasn't and there 
were, there weren't. 
Julia: Hi, Carol' This is Julia. 
Carol: Oh, hi, Ju! 
Carol: Yes, just old songs. 
Julia: Oh, I hate old songs. 
Julia: How was the party? Carol: Listen, I have tc go now. Let's talk at school! 
Carol: Great! lots of people. 
Julia: snacks and drinks? 
Sure' And _______ cake too! 
_______ many boys? 
_______ good music? 
_______ . The music was No, 
The Indefinite Article 
• an ea (um, uma) sao usados: 
� antes de substantivos contaveis no singular. 
an orange, an elephant, a car, a house. 
" quando uma pessoa ou uma "coisa" e 
mencionada pela primeira vez. 
I have a sister and a brother. My sister is Leticia 
and my brother is Joao. 
• an e usado antes de palavras: 
., no singular iniciadas par vogais. 
an egg, an eraser, an animal, an ugly dog. 
.. iniciadas par h quando este nao for pronunciado. 
an hour; an heir, an honest man. 
I. Underline the correct alternatives. 
Example: Let's have (.§I an) coffee. 
l. There is (a I an) computer in my room. 
2. This isn't (a/ an) good idea. Let's go home! 
3. My uncle is (a I an) lawyer. He's (a I an) very 
honest man. 
4. There is (a I an) elephant and (a I an) camel 
at the new zoo. 
5. This is (a I an) awful movie. Let's leave! 
6. I wear (a I an) uniform to school. 
7. The train leaves in (a I an) hour. Let's go! 
8. It's (a I an) hot day today, isn't it? 
9. Is he (an I a) honest man? 
10. I'm (an I a) chemistry student at university. 
a car, an egg ... 
+ a e usado antes de substantivos: 
'@ no singular, iniciados par consoantes. 
a boy, a ship, a dog, a chair, a friend, a teacher. 
iniciados par h quando esse for pronunciado. 
a horse; a hair; a house; a huge animal; 
a happy man. 
� iniciados par vogais que tern som de consoantes. 
a university, a uniform, a European 
• a e an nao sao usados antes de substantivos no plural 
e de substantivos incontaveis . 
Horses are mammals. Would you like some bread7 
Ver Unidade 10, pagina 30. 
"What a big pizza'" 
II. Put the words in the box into the correct columns. 
test apple bread money European country hour students engineer teachers hospital useful thing 
a an 
Ill. Write a or an before the words, only when necessary. 
Example: My friends have CA new house with CA large garden. 
1. My 
2. My 
4. He 
cocktai I 
5. Henrique likes horses but 
he has 
8. Work 
9. I 
10. They 
IV. Read and complete the gaps with a, an or 0 when no article is necessary. 
no article 
My friend is Ae>tcalian, but she has unusual name for � r r '}: 1 � 
_____ Australian girl - Gabriela. Gabi's father is Australian, but he � [-
married Brazilian woman. Gabriela studies at ____ _ 
university in Sydney. When she graduates, she wants to work as 
� tourist guide. She lives in huge house with her parents and her _ two sisters. On weekends, Gabi goes to the beach or to the Blue Mountains. These ;::::1 :::==::::..:====�::-:: are the famous mountains about hour from Sydney. Gabi likes 
_____ scary movies and horses. She is saving _____ money to 
travel to Brazil on her next vacation. She wants to visit her relatives nere. She also 
wants to visit beaches and nationalparks. She wants 
to eat _____ typical Brazilian food and see _____ Carnival parade. 
+ Quando nos referimos a alga ou alguem que esta perto, 
usamos this (este, esta, isto) e these (estes, estas). 
This book is interesting. 
These books are interesting. 
This is difficult. 
These are expensive. 
• Quando nos referimos a alga ou alguem que esta longe, 
usamos that (aquele, aquela, aquilo) e those (aqueles, 
That girl (over there) is my sister. 
Those girls (over there) are my sisters. 
That is Marcela (over there). 
Those are my sisters (over there). 
I. Underline the correct alternatives. 
Example: (These I This) are the books she's been looking for. 
1. (That I Those) are the shoes I want! 
2. I'm tired of (this I these) job. I'm going to look for 
another one. 
3. Mom, (this I these) is my friend Laura and (that I those) 
are her brothers. 
4. Let's play with (that I those) children in the playground. 
5. My father is (this I that) man talking to (that I those) 
women near the bank. 
6. (This I these) chair is very comfortable but (that I those) 
sofa isn't. 
7. What are you going to do about (this I these) problem? 
8. Are (th is I these) the people you work with? 
this, that, these, those ... 
• Pode-se tambem usar demonstrativos para: 
,. apresentar uma pessoa. 
"Henrique, this is my sister, Martha." 
"These are my brothers, Paul and Steve." 
,, falar ao telefone. 
"This is Marcia. Can I speak to Leo?" 
"Is that you, Pedro?" 
"" para fazer um comentario sobre a Igo dito 
por outra pessoa. 
Luciana: I passed my test! 
Matheus: That's great! 
"These are my parents, that girl over there is 
my sister and those boys are my brothers." 
II. Write this, that, these or those in the gaps. 
Example: "Hi John, th\s is Mary. She's going to help you today." 
1. Look! is my girlfriend in the restaurant over there. 
2. Let's contact people we met on vacation. They were so nice. 
3. My book is on the desk. one isn't mine! 
4. Bring pictures here! They're beautiful! 
5. What are red spots on my body, Doctor? 
6. You see that man across the street? _______ is my new English teacher. 
7. Mom, _______ are my new friends from school. 
8. What's on top of the building? 
9. "Hey guys, I passed my test!" "Wow, ______ is great!" 
10. "What can you tell me about report I'm reading?" 
Ill. Put these sentences into the plural form. 
Example: This exercise is difficult. \\.-iese exercises on di{1\wll. 
1. This isn't the girl I want to talk to. __________________________ _ 
2. That book belongs to this boy. __________________________ _ 
3. This bus goes to that city. ____________________________ _ 
4. That is an easy question. ____________________________ _ 
5. This apple is delicious. 
6. Who is that man in the red car? __________________________ _ 
7. What is the answer to this question? ________________________ _ 
8. Is this box mine? _______________________________ _ 
9. That is his favorite rock band. ___________________________ _ 
10. This isn't the paper she's been looking for. 
IV. Look at the picture and complete the conversation with this, that, these or those. 
At the beach 
Marcos: Can I borrow _______ towel? 
Adriana: No, towel is mine. _______ 's your towel over there. 
Marcos: Oh, OK_ 
Adriana: Do you want a sandwich? 
Marcos: No, but I'd like one of _______ apples. 
Did you see me? I swam to rocks. 
Adriana: Which rocks? 
Marcos: _______ over there_ Where that guy is_ 
Adriana: Which guy? 
Marcos: _______ guy on the surfboard. 
___ �_- rG 
Countable Nouns - Plural Forms 
+ A maioria dos substantivos e contavel, isto e, tern 
uma forma no singular e outra no plural. 
The girl is waiting for the bus. 
Three girls are waiting for the bus. 
• De maneira geral, faz-se o plural acrescentando-se 
s ao substantivo. 
table - tables 
boy -boys 
computer - computers 
• Substantivos terminados em s, ss, ch, sh, x, z e a 
maioria dos substantivos terminados em o recebem 
es no final. 
bus -buses 
church - churches 
brush -brushes 
box -boxes 
class - classes 
quiz - quizzes 
potato -potatoes 
hero -heroes 
Porem, acrescenta-se apenas s aos substantivos a 
photo -photos 
radio -radios 
piano -pianos 
kilo -kilos 
video -videos 
avocado - avocados 
Obs: Alguns substantivos possuem as duas formas 
de plural: 
mosquito - mosquitos, mosquitoes 
volcano - volcanos, volcanoes 
• Troca-se o y final por ies quando ele for precedido 
de consoante. 
lady -ladies 
sky -skies 
body -bodies 
girls, buses, pianos ... 
• Alguns substantivos terminados em f ou fe trocam 
essas letras por ves. 
calf -calves 
life -lives 
shelf -shelves 
half -halves 
loaf - loaves 
thief - thieves 
leaf - leaves 
wolf -wolves 
wife -wives 
knife -knives 
Obs: Ex1stem ainda substantivos que fazem o plural 
das duas formas: 
dwarf - dwarfs, dwarves 
scarf - scarfs, scarves 
hoof - hoofs, hooves 
• Alguns substantivos emprestados de outros idiomas 
conservam o plural de origem: 
medium -media 
bacterium -bacteria 
crisis -crises 
nucleus -nuclei 
• Plurais irregulares: 
man - men 
woman -women 
mouse -mice 
foot - feet 
tooth - teeth 
child - children 
person - people 
• Substantivos com a mesma form a no singular e no 
deer- deer 
fish -fish 
sheep - sheep 
species - species 
- ���������������������--=---
-- �- - -- � - -
= - """" - --.. "' """' ..,. - � - - -- - - - -� � -
I. Write the plural of the following nouns in the correct lists. 
peach chief key box 
window child woman 
thief safe 
echo toy 
s es ies ves other 
II. Put the words in bold into the plural form. 
Example: I spoke to a woman. I S?O�e ro \WO womm 
l. I put the book on the shelf. ----------------------------� 
2. He saw the mouse under the chair. _________________________ _ 
3. Look at the sheep in the field. 
4. Can you see that beautiful baby? __________________________ _ 
5. Be careful of the knife! _____________________________ _ 
6. H is tooth is broken. 
7. My foot hurts. 
8. I had to buy the dress for my daughter. _______________________ _ 
Ill. Clara is on vacation. Complete her e-mail using the plural form of the words in parentheses. 
We arrived yesterday. The (person) here are friendly but the hotel is terrible. I saw 
(mouse) in my room last night' And there are (fly) during 
the day and (mosquito) at night. But the (beach) are really 
beautiful. Yesterday, I bought (peach) , (tomato) and (orange) 
________ at a market. We took two (bus) ________ to get to the zoo. 
A Japanese tourist wanted to take some (photo) . I was so embarrassed. Today my (foot) 
________ are hurting from so much sightseeing. 
Special Plural Forms 
+ Alguns substantivos s6 existem no singular, 
embora terminem em s. 
news - politics - Mathematics - Physics -
Economics - genetics - elect ronics 
Politics is a controversial subject. 
+ Outros substantivos parecem estar no singular, 
mas sao sempre usados com verbos no plural: 
people - police - cattle 
People want to see the best team. 
The police are looking for the criminal. 
+ Algumas palavras s6 existem no plural e sempre 
concordam com verbos no plural. 
As mais usadas sao: 
clothes - belongings - savings - contents -
outskirts - surroundings - headquarters -
My clothes are in the washing machine. 
I. Underline the correct alternatives. 
Example: The news (are I�) al l good recently. 
1. Physics (is I are) a fascinating subject . 
2. My glasses (is I are) on the table. 
3. All my savings (is I are) in the bank. 
4. The police (is I are) investigating the case. 
5. People (is I are) always worried about the future. 
politics, people ... 
+ Substantivos que indicam names de vestimentas 
ou objetos com duas partes iguais s6 existem no 
glasses - trousers- jeans - shorts - pants -
pajamas - scissors 
My glasses are on the table. 
Jeans are expensive. 
Com esses substantivos, tambem pode ser usada 
a expressao a pai r of. 
Can you lend me a pair of scissors? 
I need a new pair of jeans. 
• Substantivos coletivos (collective nouns) podem ser 
seguidos de verbos no singular ou no plural. 
His family is very big. 
His family are all very tall. 
Manchester United is a popular team. 
Manchester United are at the top of the league. 
Remember! Don't 
menfon politics, 
religion or football and 
they will love youl 
6. The government headquarters (is I are) on the outskirts of town. 
7. His trousers (are I is) too big for him. 
8. All my belongings (is I are) in my suitcase. 
II. Put the letters in the correct order to form names of objects. 
Example: a pair of SROSSICS o. �o.ir of scissors. 
1. a pair of ENAJS 
2. a pair of SETRUOSR 
3. a pair of SORTSH 
4. a pair of SMJAPAA 
5. a pair of EHSOS 
6. a pair of OKSCS 
7. a pair of OVLGSE 
" 1t 
Ill. Complete the sentences using the collective nouns below. 
government team crowd company family audience gang army 
Which is the best football _________ in your country? 
_________ lives in the Northeast of Brazil. 
_________ is preparing an attack on the enemy. 
_________ is meeting today to decide the laws. 
I live in Sao Paulo, but my 
Pol ice arrested a _________ yesterday. They are accused of robbery and bribery. 
_________ is investing two million dollars in the project. 
_________ is singing with the band. 
8. The _________ is waiting for the store to open. 
IV. Read the text below. There are mistakes in some of the sentences. 
(a) Check (v') the correct sentences. 
(b) Underline and correct the mistakes in the other sentences. 
Example: Economics were his best subject at university. 
1. I met a very interesting man on the train. He was wearing a glasses. 
2. In two hours, I learnt a lot about him. Physics was his main subject at university. 
3. He even wrote a book about it. His earnings from the book was very small. 
4. He certainly looked poor. His glasses were broken. His clothes was all old. 
5. He said he didn't care about his surroundings. The news weren't of interest 
to him. People was of no interest either. 
Countable and Uncountable Nouns 
• Substantivos contaveis. 
Em ingles, a maioria dos substantivos e contavel: 
eles podem ser usados tanto no singular quanta 
no plural. 
train •trains girl• girls dog• dogs 
• Substantivos incontaveis. 
Alguns substantivos sao incontaveis e s6 podem ser 
usados no singular: 
air - water - information - advice -
food - electricity - money 
Substantivos incontaveis frequentemente indicam: 
substancias: food, water, iron 
qualidades humanas: courage, cruelty, honesty 
atividades: help, travel, work 
ideias abstratas: beauty, freedom, life 
a train, some advice 
• Substantivos contaveis podem ser precedidos 
par artigos indefinidos au definidos. 
a train, the train, the trains 
a girl, the girl, the girls 
• Substantivos incontaveis podem ser precedidos 
de the, some, any, much e expressoes coma 
a piece of, a loaf of, a bottle of. 
The water is dirty. 
Let me give you some advice. 
He doesn't have much money. 
Do you need any information? 
I want a piece of advice. 
Can you buy a loaf of bread? 
Ver Unidades 6 e 38, paginas 22 e 92. 
I. Complete these sentences with the singular or plural form of the verbs in parentheses. 
Example: The buses o.n late today. (is I are) 
1. The children for school. (is leaving I are leaving) 
2. My brother in the army. (is I are) 
3. The mice the cheese. (is eating /are eating) 
4. The address on the letter wrong. (is I are) 
5. Sheep typical farm animals. (is I are) 
6. There some food in the cupboard. (is I are) 
7. Travel always exciting. (is I are) 
8. They say "work good for the sou I." (are I is) 
9. The train the station right now. (is leaving I are leaving) 
10. The advice she gives usually good advice. (are I is) 
-""'-·---------------�-=- -
- - ,_....,_ - --
- � -- - - - - - - - � --
- - =� � -� --
II. Look at the words in bold and write C (countable) or U (uncountable). 
Example: (VI) I need a piece of advice. Can you help me? 
1. ) The people are arriving at five o'clock. 
2. ) The Northeast of Brazil needs more water. 
3. ) Our work is very interesting. 
4. ) The children are not at school today. They are on vacation. 
5. ) He doesn't have much money, but he is happy. 
6. ) Life is good. 
7. ) Those women are my aunts. 
8. ) Our computers are very expensive. 
9. ) Does the hotel have large rooms? 
10. ) Can you give me some information, please? 
Ill. Use these uncountable nouns to complete the sentences below. 
traffic information help equipment electricity happiness work advice 
l. Excuse me! Can you give me some __________ about train schedules? 
2. Why don't you leave home earlier? The is always very bad at this time. 
3. My __________ is very interesting but the salary is bad. 
4. This isn't working. Let's call the technician to repair it. 
5. Do you use gas or to cook your meals? 
6. Please feel free to call me, if you need any _________ _ 
7. If you want my __________ , you should start all over again. 
8. __________ is an elusive quality. 
IV. Complete the sentences with a(n), some, any, much, a piece of. 
Example: I need o. �iece of information. 
1. Do you need help? 
2. Can you give me advice? 
3. I am buying furniture for my new house. 
4. I like to have bread for breakfast. 
5. Would you like coffee? 
6. I need to put oil in my car. 
7. I'm thirsty. Can I have water? 
8. Can you give me paper? 
9. The scientists are doing interesting research. 
10. He isn't help, to tell you the truth. 
Progress Check 
1. Read the text once, quickly, to get the general idea. Then underline all the possessive adjectives and 
pronouns. You should find nine. 
I'm mad at my friend Janice. The other day, I showed her my composition 
and later I found out that she'd simply copied it!! our teacher, Mr. Swan, 
thought that the composition was hers and not mine! When I told him what 
had happened, he said that it wasn't his problem. 
When other friends of mine tried to help by talking to 
Mr. swan, he said that they shouldn't get involved in a pr
oblem � 
that isn't theirs! I had a huge argument with if � 0 � 
Janice and she finally confessed that the 
composition was, in fact, mine! 
% ;;.-�"'1'o.�-"""8""-
Source: Graded English. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Moderna, 2006. 
l. Read the text and choose the appropriate grammatical form to complete de dialog between Carlos 
and Alex. 
Carlos: The movie we saw last night wasn't very good. It was all about life in a small town like ours here. 
Alex: So? 
Carlos: (There wasn't I There are I There weren't) any point to the story, to tell you the truth. Why would anyone 
want to know what life is like in a place like this? (There are I There's I There isn't) ever anything exciting 
going on round here1. 
Alex: You obviously didn't hear what happened yesterday downtown then, did you? 
Carlos: No! What? 
Alex: (There weren't I There are I There was) a series of robberies in the afternoon I Three armed robbers broke 
into four different banks. 
Carlos: And (wasn't there I aren't there I won't there be) any clues2 for the police to find out who the robbers were? 
Alex: So far they have no idea. 
Carlos: Wowi (There will be I There is I There was) more going on here yesterday than at the movies then!! 
• 1 going on round here= acontecendo par aqui 
• 2 clues= :;,s;:;s 
3. Quickly read the text to understand the general idea. Then underline the correct demonstrative 
pronoun given in parentheses. 
,\\\llllllllllll!llllll!lllJllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllll!llfllllll!lllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llll,Jllll//1/f Take a lcx>k hem' [!hie I Thece I Thoce J ic my high echool photo album. [Thie I The'° I That) three men were my I= 
� teachers. (This I These I Those) one on the left was Mr. Peters. He was an excellent teacher. Everybody in 
I the school loved him. (That I Those I This) woman on the right is Ms. Winslett, the principal. Look at (that I 
� these I this) other four pictures. (That I These I This) are my parents and (these I that I those) '.ittle girl is my = 
� sister when she was three! She was so cute. Can you believe Mr. Peters is her teacher now! (That I This I 
I These) last one is our summer vacation ten years ago. Can you guess which one is me? 
Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006. 
4. Read the article once and then complete the text. Use a I an or KJ (no article). 
Almost everyone 
has ______ wish, but not 
many people are able to make their wishes 
come true'. once in ancient China, ______ _ 
man had strange wish. "I want to see the 
difference between ______ heaven and _____ _ 
hell before I die," he used to say. Then, one day, his wish came true. 
When he was visiting ______ hell he saw ______ table 
full of ______ delicious food, but everyone was hungry and angry. 
They had food, but had to sit far from the table because they 
were forced to use very long chopsticks2• It was impossible for them to put any 
food into their mouths. 
When the man was visiting ______ heaven, he had _____ _ 
surprise. Everything looked the same: big table full of 
______ delicious food, people sitting far from the table, and using 
very long chopsticks to eat. It was exactly like hell, but in 
heaven the people were happy and well-fed3• The difference is that in 
______ heaven they have realized that ______ chain4 
does not stop you feedings others! 
• 'make a wish come true = realizar um dese10 
• 'chopsticks = hashi, pauzinhos 
• 3well-fed = bem alimentado 
• 4c ha in = corrente 
• 5feed = alimentar 
Source: Graded English. Amos, Prescher & Pasqualin. Moderna, 2006. 
Gender of Nouns 
• Ha tres generos em ingles: 
Neutro: boat, person, lawyer, doctor, shark. 
Masculino: boy, man, wa,ter, brother. 
Feminino: girl, sister, aunt, wife. 
• Em sua maioria, os substantivos, mesmo aqueles 
que se referem a pessoas e animais, sao neutros, 
isto e, podem ser usados tanto coma masculino 
coma feminino. 
lawyer • advogado I advogada 
doctor• medico I medica 
\j/ IJ,..,--____ ) 
boy - girl, man - woman ... 
• Ha, porem, substantivos que se referem a pessoas 
e animais e que apresentam uma forma para o 
masculino e outra para o feminino. 
boy• girl 
man• woman 
• 0 genera e indicado por: 
"' palavras diferentes .� terminac;oes diferentes 
brother • sister 
son • daughter 
father• mother 
nephew• niece 
bull• cow 
man• woman 
uncle• aunt 
king• queen 
husband• wife 
actor • actress 
waiter• waitress 
heir• heiress 
steward • stewardess 
lion• lioness 
host • hostess 
godfather• godmother 
grandfather• grandmother 
I. Find the hidden word. Put the masculine form of the nouns below into the puzzle. 
wife waitress lawyer niece godmother woman sister heiress aunt 
II. Rewrite the sentences below using the feminine form for the words in italics. 
Example: My father is waiting for his brother. N\� molher is woi\iV19 �r her sisltr. 
1. The actor is sick. 
2. He is the heir of all this land. __________________________ _ _ _ 
3. He is a waiter. -----------------------------------
4. The Englishman lives near that boy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
5. The king is an old man. 
6. These men are my uncles. ___________________ _ _________ _ 
7. My boyfriend went shopping. 
8. My son-in-law is an air-steward. 
9. My brother is a successful businessman. ________________________ _ 
10. My father-in-law is an excellent cook. ____ _____________________ _ 
11. Her husband works for my uncle. ___________ ________________ _ 
12. My grandfather I ives in another city. 
Possessive with 's 
my brother's car, my sister's husband ... 
• o ap6strofo seguido de s ['sl colocado depois de um substantivo indica o possuidor. 
the boy's name 
Charles's book 
the cat's eyes 
the girl's dress 
the men's cars 
the boy's books 
" No caso de substantivo plural terminado em s, acrescenta-se apenas o ap6strofo [ ' J. 
the babies' toys the girls' books the wives' presents 
• Quando o possuidor for um objeto, usa-se a constru�ao com of au um substantivo composto. 
The door of the car ou The car door The leg of the table ou The table leg 
• Quando o possuidor for um substantivo composto, e sempre tratado coma substantivo simples. 
My father-in-law's car. 
• 0 ['s] tambem pode ser usado para se referir a lugares. 
I'm going to Grandma's� Grandma's house. 
• Quando ha mais de um possuidor: 
" para indicar posse comum, apenas o ultimo possuidor recebe o ('s]. 
Sally and Susan's car� o mesmo carro . 
., para indicar posse individual, usa-se o ('sl para cada um dos possuidores. 
Bob's and Jane's fathers� pais diferentes 
• Pode-se ainda usar o ('s] em referencias ao tempo, lugares que levam names de pessoas e corpos celestes. 
a day's work two weeks' vacation St. Peter's Cathedral the moon's surface 
�.,,,A -'" 
I. Underline the correct word in each sentence. 
Example: About 70% of the Earth's I Earths' surface is covered by salt water. 
1. The doctors' I doctor's wife is a friend of mine. 
2. The womens' I women's husbands are waiting. 
3. My fathers' I father's car is in the garage. 
4. The boys' I boy's bicycles are outside. 
5. The children's I childrens' toys are in the basket. 
6. I will graduate in two years' I year's time. 
II. Complete the sentences by adding ('s) ou ( ' ) to the nouns in parentheses. 
Example: We are having a c\-\i\clm\s porty on Sunday. (a party for children) 
1. Do you know John? He's father. (David and Steve) 
2. I borrowed _____________ car. (James) 
3. My _____________ family is very artistic. (sister-in-law) 
4. fathers are both architects. (Bob and Jane) 
5. I'm going to . Do you want to come with me? (Grandma) 
Ill. Rewrite the questions below using ('s) or ( ' ). 
Example: What's the name of your mother? W\-\ots �O\,\f momers Y\Ome? 
1. What's the favorite pastime of your parents? ______________________ _ 
2. What's the new film of the actress? _________________________ _ 
3. What is the job of your father-in-law? ________________________ _ 
4. Which are the cars of Fred and Eric? ________________________ _ 
5. Are they the toys of your son? ___________________________ _ 
IV. Rewrite these sentences. Follow the example. 
Example: The door of the car is open. 1\-\e rnr cloor is opm 
1. I can't find the keys of the house. _________________________ _ 
2. The manager is using the car of the company. _____________________ _ 
3. The window of the kitchen is dirty. _________________________ _ 
V. Use ('s) to form new sentences. Follow the example. 
Example: The population of the world is increasing. 1\-\e WQr\& s po�ulo\ioY\ is iY\mOSiY\g. 
1. The beaches of Bali are crowded in summer. _____________________ _ 
2. These sunglasses filter the rays of the sun. ______________________ _ 
3. That shop sells clothes for women. _________________________ _ 
Susan's dog Jane's dog 
Present Continuous I 
• 0 present continuous e formado pelo presente do 
verbo to be + verbo principal + ing. 
You are 
She is 
You are 
He is not working. 
Formas abreviadas 
am•'m are• 're 
Is he working? 
is• 's 
I am studying, he is studying ... 
+ 0 presente contfnuoe usado para expressar 
ac;:oes que: 
,. acontecem no momenta da fala. 
Look! It's raining. 
" 0 presente contfnuo e geralmente usado com 
adverbios de tempo: at the moment, at present, 
now etc. 
Lucas is studying at the moment. 
• 0 presente contfnuo tambem pode ser usado 
para expressar a�oes que estao ocorrendo na 
I am taking driving classes. 
I'm having English lessons. 
• E eventos futuros que tenham sido planejados e 
I am seeing John this evening. 
I'm going on vacation next week. 
am not• 'm not are not• aren't is not • isn't 
..,.. o� .. ���'"" 
I. Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in parentheses. 
l. My sister and I (do) our homework now. 
2. My neighbors (travel) around the world. 
3. The cat (sleep) in the garden. 
4. The children (watch) TV in their room. 
5. The teacher (correct) our exercises now. 
6. "Susan, can you answer the phone?" "Sorry, I can't. I (wash) the dishes." 
7. All of them (wear) black trousers. 
8. Why are you (work) so hard? 
II. Complete the questions with the present continuous of the verbs in parentheses. 
l. Where you (work) these days? 
2. they (meet) their friends after school? 
3. What she (have) for dinner tonight? 
4. Who (come) to dinner tomorrow? 
5. they (build) their house next year? 
Ill. Look at the picture and write sentences. Follow the example. 
Example: (The man I not read) 
I he mcm isvi 1 nocling. \-\e is �lo�ing boll. 
1. (The tall woman I not play ball) 
2. (The boy I not do nai Is) 
3. (The girl I not paint the wall) 
4. (the short woman I not I isten to music) 
5. (the dog I not barking) 
IV. Look at Mariana's diary for this week and answer the questions. 
Example: What's Mariana doing on Friday? 
Shes woshing her hoir. 
1. What's Mariana doing on Sunday? 
2. What's Mariana doing on Wednesday? 
�Q\-�:_illD aR Ba' 1 
3. What's Mariana doing on Saturday? 
4. What's Mariana doing on Tuesday? 
5. What's Mariana doing on Monday? 
Present Continuous 11 
drive - driving, cut - cutting, tie - tying 
• Geralmente os verbos nao sofrem modificar;6es ao 
receber ing. Porem: 
• Se o verbo terminar em ie, troca-se o ie por y e 
acrescenta-se ing. 
" se o verbo terminar em e, ele perde o e ao 
receber ing. 
drive• driving write• writing love• loving 
• Dobra-se a ultima consoante e acrescenta-se ing 
" o verbo termina em consoante I vogal I consoante 
cut• cutting swim • swimming 
� o verbo tern duas sflabas, sendo a ultima t6nica. 
begin • beginning omit• or'1itting 
refer • referring 
tie • tying lie • lying die • dying 
• Nao se dobram as 
consoa ntes w e x. 
snow � snowing 
fix� fixing 
• Em ingles britanico, 
dobra-se a consoante I. 
travel � travelling 
I. Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in parentheses. 
Example: I om 1rnve\iY\9 (travel) a lot this year. 
1. The children (swim) in the lake. 
2. I (cut) apples to make a pie. 
3. He (take) a walk in the park. 
4. Grandma (knit) a new sweater. 
5. We (not refer) to your problem. 
6. She (walk) along the beach. 
7. My brother (borrow) my car tonight. 
8. They (develop) some new research. 
9. It (begin) to rain. 
10. The boys (tie) their shoelaces. 
11. I (not write) a letter. I (write) a postcard. 
12. We (leave) for school. 
13. It (snow) again! 
14. We (not go) out this weekend. 
15. I (study) harder from now on! 
II. Underline the mistakes in the sentences below and write the correct form of the verbs. 
Example: They are rideing their bikes. RicliV\9 
1. It is rainning now. 
2. The birds are dieing because of the pollution. 
3. Are the men fixxing that car? ______ _ 
4. They are cuting down the trees. ______ _ 
5. Is it snowwing outside? ______ _ 
6. I am moveing to Paris. ______ _ 
7. Aren't you listenning to me? __________ _ 
8. Is Oscar makeing a cake? ______ _ 
9. My friend sleeping on the sofa. _______ _ 
10. I was studing for my exams at the time. ______ _ 
Ill. Unscramble and write questions. 
Example: they / travel I at the moment? he the� rrnve\liV\9 I troveliV\9 01 the momem? 
1. snow I outside I it I is? _____________________________ _ 
2. they/where/swim? ______________________________ _ 
3. refer I you I to me? ______________________________ _ 
4. the boys I behave well? ______________________________ _ 
5. a letter I write I your mother? ___________________________ _ 
IV. What are the people in the park doing? Look at the picture and write sentences about 
what you see. 
swim fix argue 
Example: The man isn't reading. 
\--le s swimmiV\9 iV\ the lol\e. 
1. The girl isn't dancing. 
2. The little boy isn't doing exercise. 
3. The teenage boy isn't riding his bicycle. 
4. The couple isn't reading. 
Past Continuous I 
I was leaving, he was going ... 
+ Formac;ao: passado do verbo to be+ verbo principal + ing. 
You were 
She was 
You were 
He was not working. 
Was he working? 
Formas abreviadas 
was not • wasn't 
were not • weren't 
• 0 passado contfnuo e usado para: 
" indicar a�oes em andamento em um 
determinado momento no passado. 
At 8:00 am, I was flying over New York. 
.. narrar as circunstancias de uma situa�ao 
no passado. 
It was Saturday morning and the sun was 
shin ing. 
I. Complete the sentences with the past continuous of the verbs in parentheses. 
Example: Lucy was SiY19iY19 (sing) in the shower again this morning. 
1. The children (cry) an hour ago. 
2. The boys (not do) their homework. They (argue). 
3. Everybody was at the party. Fred (wear) a new shirt. 
He (talk) to some friends. 
Erica (dance) with her boyfriend. 
4. A: What Maria (do) in the library? 
B: She (read). 
5. A: (feel) sick yesterday? 
B: Yes, I (not feel) well. 
6. At lunchtime, Julio (eat) in the cafeteria. 
7. I (watch) television last night at 10 o'clock. 
8. She (not expect) her football team to win, but it did! 
9. I t 's a shame vacation is over. We (have) such a good time! 
10. He really (not enjoy) himself at the party, so he left. 
II. Complete the text below with the past continuous of the verbs given. 
';1estercla\;11 I hacl a reall\;l l:>acl clav. I woke up Late l:>ee-ause Wl\;I alarWl e-Loe-k _______ _ 
( 11ot work). It ( rai11) outsi cle. The 11ei ghl:>ors ________ (shout). 
M\;1 heacl (hurt). I tur11ecl 011 the TY l:>ut there _______ _ 
(11ot show). I tur11ecl 011 the raclio l:>ut there 
________ 110 9oocl Musie-________ (pLav). I _______ _ 
(feel) clow11. 
Ill. Look at this diary and write what each person was doing at each time last week. 
�· .•···!-5.aturday. 8:0Q_pm _________ _ 
'- Paulo and Maria I ea� .[2iWL. ____ _ 
• . · ··-� 2:00 pm __________ . 
�-... -------
'h·'" Monday 9:00 pm ________ _ 
-�-- Joana J slA!i_Yl')_gi_fb_e_cJ_ld� --------
- ' - _- --� 
."- -__ . 
, � :i���,���� "f 
.· - - ··--
• •. _ •. Friday. 80Q_J2_�-------'•. · 
���/have dinner ----�� 
·· : _Saturda.yJl:OO am . :,,�. 
- �_i!raLdiliL.sbQfJPillg. ___ ll 
_____ -=- .--·--: 
T uesdgYcJJQ_gf'Y) __________ ·�nfic�·-· -------� Bruno I type a report 
_Wedn15.d.ay.J;OO_arr1 ___ �.; 
Beth I ffy to .Brasfk __ _ 
Example: (Tuesday, 9:30 am) l'.iruY\o wos tlj?iY\9 o re?Ofl 
1. (Wednesday, 7 .00 am) 
2. (Friday, 8:00 pm) 
3. (Saturday, 8:00 pm) 
4. (Monday, 9:00 pm) 
5. (Sunday, 2:00 pm) 
6. (Thursday, 1:00 pm) 
7. (Saturday, 11 :00 am) 
--- 0 
Past Continuous 11 
When I arrived, he was having dinner ... 
• Frequentemente, usamos o passado contfnuo 
para nos referirmos a duas at;6es ou atividades 
que estavam em andamento ao mesmo tempo, 
ou para uma at;ao que estava em andamento 
quando uma outra ocorreu . 
,,. ·�,�.._'M'Nc"K�''h'·' 
., Com 0 passado contfnuo e frequente 0 USO dos 
adverbios when e while. 
WHILE (enquanto)While I was cooking dinner, Carlos was 
watching TV. 
Carlos was watching TV while I was eating 
It started to rain while I was waiting for the bus. 
While I was waiting for the bus, it started to rain. 
WHEN (quando) 
When I arrived, they were eating dinner. 
They were eating dinner when I arrived. 
I was having a shower when the phone rang. 
When I was having a shower, the phone rang. 
I. Look at the picture on the right and write what the students were doing when the teacher came into 
the classroom. Use the words in the box. 
play read eat write dance listen 
Example: A boy wos slee?iY\g. 
1. A girl on the blackboard. 
2. Two girls 
3. A girl to music. 
4. Some boys sandwiches. 
5. A boy a comic book. 
6. Two boys cards. 
- -=-=---= """---==--
� � - - - - -�- - - = � - � 
"""'" "'-"-- - -- - - � 
II. Complete the following sentences with when or while. 
Example: We were watching TV w\.ieY\ Fred arrived home. 
1. The students were listening to the radio _______ the teacher came in. 
2. _______ my mother was making dinner we were playing in the garden. 
3. I entered the station, the train was leaving. 
4. the teacher was writing on the blackboard, the children were telling jokes. 
5. Everyone was talking the lights went out. 
6. The workers were chatting the boss was having a meeting. 
7. We were traveling to the Northeast the accident happened. 
8. I was waiting for the bus I saw her. 
9. You were studying I met you. 
10. _______ Emma arrived, Dave was just leaving. 
Ill. Ask questions with the words given. Then answer them using the information in parentheses. 
Example: Joana I sleep I when you got home? (watch TV) 
W C\S JoC\Y\C\ s\ee?iY\g 1AA-lm �ou gar \iome? I No. Siie WC\S WC\11.liiY\g IV w\.im \ gar \iome. 
1. the students I argue I when the teacher arrived? (dance) 
2. Sally I drink I wine I when they came in? (drink water) 
3. Fred and Lisa I walk I in the street/ 15 minutes ago? (waiting for the bus) 
4. Sofia I a magazine I read I on the bus? (read a newspaper) 
5. When you arrived I dog I bark? (sleep) 
6. While you were cooking breakfast I Maria I sleep? (jogging) 
Going To Future 
I am going to study, he is going to study 
+ Forma9ao: presente do verbo to be + going to+ verbo principal. 
You are 
She is 
You are 
going to 
He is not going to eat . 
Is he going to eat? 
Formas abreviadas 
am • 'm am not• 'm not 
are • 're are not• aren't 
is • 's is not • isn't 
• Going toe usado para indicar: 
" eventos Que temos certeza que irao 
acontecer em um futuro pr6ximo 
(pois ha evidencias claras disso no 
Look at those dark clouds! It is going 
to rain! 
,. pianos ou inten�oes . 
When I leave school, I'm going to 
study architecture. 
I. Complete the sentences with going to + the verb in parentheses. 
Example: Im goiY\g \1l wwr my new suit tonight (wear). 
1. Look out! We' (crash). 
2. I'm starting a new course next month. (study) Spanish. 
3. A: What ____________ (do) on your next vacation? 
____________ (visit) my family in the countryside. 
____________ (not spend) any money this year. (save) 
for a new car. 
5. Monica (not eat) dinner tonight. She's on a diet. 
____________ (build) a new factory in the countryside. They 
_______ (recruit) 100 new workers. 
6. The company 
7. they _________ (drive) into town or they (catch) 
_________ the train? 
8. Have you decided what you (have) for lunch? 
9. I'm sorry, but I (not write) that report all over again! 
10. My team (win). They've been playing well all season! 
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II. Match the sentences (which have present evidences that something will happen in the future) with the 
corresponding predictions. 
1. It's very cold. ) They are going to fall asleep. 
2. The children are really tired. ) It's going to be crowded. 
3. There's a big line for the cinema. ) She's going to look great. 
4. She bought a new dress. ) I'm going to be late for work. 
5. Oh no! I missed the train. ) It's going to snow. 
6. She has a lot to do. ) I think I'm going to fail. 
7. The test was very difficult. ) They are not going to find a table. 
8. They didn't make a reservation. ) She's going to work unti I late. 
Ill. Marco is going to create his own Web site. Complete the sentences below with going to and the verbs 
in parentheses. 
Example: Marco is 9oiY\9 tu crwte (create) his own Web site. 
1. Marco ____________ (take) photos of himself and his friends. 
2. His friend Leandro (write) about his physics project. 
3. Together, they (create) a blog. 
4. I (advertise) some computer equipment I don't use anymore on the site. 
5. _____ you ____________ (participate) in Marco's Website? 
IV. Ask questions about these situations. Use the words in parentheses with going to. 
Example: John looks tired. (rest I tonight) 
Is he 9oiY\9 tu rest tuY\i9h1? 
1. My sister isn't feeling well. (see I a doctor I this afternoon) 
2. Fred has to study. (have I a test I tomorrow) 
3. Ana is packing her suitcase. (go away I this evening) 
Bananas! I 
Apples! / 
Going To - Future in the Past 
I was going to, he was going to ... 
+ Formayao: passado do verbo to be+ going to+ verbo principal. 
was Negativa 
He was not going to eat. 
• Going to (no passado) e You were 
going to eat 
Was he going to eat? 
Formas abreviadas 
was not • wasn't 
were not • weren't 
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I. Put the verbs in parentheses into the going to (future in the past) form. 
Example: I wos 9oiY\9 ro stu�� (study) last night, but I was too tired. 
usado para descrever uma a�ao 
planejada no passado mas que 
par algum motivo nao aconteceu. 
I was going to study, but I was 
too tired. 
My parents were going to arrive 
this morning, but they missed 
the train. 
1. He (workout), but the gym was closed. 
2. Ricardo ______________ (visit) his friends yesterday, but he had to work until late. 
______________ (not go) to the cinema, but there was nothing else to do. 3. We 
4. David and Mark ______________ (go) to the beach on Sunday, but it started raining. 
______________ (travel) by plane, but she didn't have enough money. 
______________ (do) when your boss discovered the money was gone? 
______________ (go) to the party, but Pedro convinced her to go. 
______________ (play) outside, but it was too cold. 
______________ (write) to you but decided to phone you instead. 
______________ (buy) the apartment, but then decided to rent it. 
5. She 
6. What 
7. Sarah 
8. The children 
10. They 
II. Check ( ./) the correct sentences. Underline and correct the mistakes. 
Example: They was going to go on vacation last week. ( wm 
1. Bob and Carol were going to travel to Argentina. ( ___ _ 
2. I was going to call you, but I lost your number. ( ___ _ 
3. Where he was going to go on his vacation? ( ___ _ 
4. What were they talking about when you came in? 
5. She were going to drive into town, but she changed her mind. ( ___ _ 
6. The cat were going to eat the bird, but the woman stopped it. ( ___ _ 
7. We was going to clean the garage when the visitors arrived. ( ___ _ 
8. I were going to go out with my friends, but they didn't call me. ( ___ _ 
9. It looked like it was going to rain, so I decided not to take the dog out. ( ___ _ 
10. All the bank clerks was going to go to lunch when the customers walked in. ( ___ _ 
Ill. Answer the questions. Use the words in parentheses. 
Example: What was he going to do when you saw him? (play tennis) \-le wos going tu �\o� \mnis. 
1. What were they going to sell before they moved? (house) ________________ _ 
2. What was Ana going to study in the US? (math) ___________________ _ 
3. Where was he going to do his shopping?

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