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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Chapter 1 
A Hello. My name's Jack . What's your name? 
B Alice. 
A Where are you from Alice? 
B I'm from Toronto. Where are you from? 
A I'm from Madrid. 
B Are you Spanish? 
A Yes, I am. Are you Canadian? 
B Yes I am. Nice to meet you. 
A Nice to meet you too. 
A Hello, Peter. How are you? 
B I’m good, thanks. And you? 
A I'm great, thank you. 
B Oh, I have to go. Nice to see you, Peter. 
A The same, John. Bye. 
B See you. 
O uso do inglês na linguagem do dia a dia é bem diferente de contextos 
formais do inglês e vale ressaltar que no uso do inglês escrito não cabe 
registrar a informalidade dos diálogos rotineiros em contextos formais. 
Ex.: How are you? Are you Marcia? 
How´re you? You are Marcia? ( uso de afirmtiva como interrogativa na 
fala/uso das formas contractas do inglês). 
 Good morning/Good 
afternoon/ Good 
evening/Good night 
 How’s everything? 
 What’s up? 
 How are you doing? 
 How do you do? 
 Fine, thanks. 
 Not too bad. 
 Pleased to meet you. 
 Nice to meet you. 
 Glad to meet you. 
 See you. 
 See you later. 
 Bye. 
 Goodbye 
Informal Dialogue 
O verbo “to be” pode expressar dois significados: ser ou estar. Logo, tanto para dizer que eu 
sou uma professora (I am a teacher), quanto para dizer que eu estou na escola (I am at school), 
deve-se utilizar o verbo “to be”. 
O verbo “to be” no presente se conjuga em “am”, “is” e“are”. Segue uma tabela para indicar o uso 
correto do verbo “to be” no presente: 
Three tigers are born at a zoo in China. Two of them are girls and one is a boy. Their 
mother is weak. She does not have enough milk. People give her better food, and 
she gets better. 
Now the little tigers are one month old. It is not easy for them, but they look healthy. 
People in the zoo meet them. People like the tigers. They say that they are cute. 
O verbo ‘’to be’’ serve como conector de adjetivos. 
Ex: You are ugly. Are you talkative? 
Adorável – Adorable 
Amigável – Friendly 
Autoritário – Bossy 
Burro – Dumb 
Doente – Sick 
Chapter 2 
Neste Capítulo vamos abordar o uso do Present Simple DO/DOES nas descrições de hábitos e 
rotinas. Vamos ler o texto abaixo para em seguida começar a explicação. 
Simple Present Do/Does 
 Hello, I’m Beth. I live in the USA. I get up at half past 
six. I have breakfast at quarter past seven. I go to 
school at eight o’clock. We have lunch at school at half 
past twelve. I eat sandwiches, soup and fruit for lunch. I 
go home at three o’clock. I go to bed at half past nine. 
 Hello, I’m Megan. I live in Ireland. I get up at quarter 
past eight. I have breakfast at half past eight. I go to 
school at nine o’clock. We have lunch at school at one 
o’clock. I eat pasta and fruit for lunch. I go home at half 
past three. I go to bed at nine o’clock. 
 Hello, I’m Bill. I live in New Zealand. I get up at seven 
o’clock. I have breakfast at half past seven. I go to 
school at quarter past eight. We have lunch at school 
at quarter to one. I eat meat, chips and yogurt for 
lunch. I go home at quarter past three. I go to bed at 
quarter to ten. 
Na linha do tempo o Simple Present funciona assim. 
1. Ações Repetidas 
Uso DO/DOES em frases 
afirmativas como sentido de 
 I do love you. 
 She does go to New York 
O Simple Present não é um tempo verbal difícil. A maior dificuldade dos alunos é com relação a 
diferença de DO/DOES e na forma afirmativa da terceira pessoas. Veja abaixo !! 
 Nós o utilizamos para expressar verdades universais, fatos científicos ou da natureza. Utilizamos 
também para falar sobre ações habituais que fazem parte da rotina, repetidas no presente, que 
veremos mais à frente. 
A forma básica da sentença no Simple Present é o verbo no infinitivo, mas sem a partícula to. 
Essa é a forma para todas as pessoas, exceto para a 3ª pessoa do singular (he/she/it), nessa 
forma costuma-se acrescentar –s no verbo. Observe: 
O 2º caso especial é o verbo TO HAVE (ter) 
Na 3ª pessoa ele perde as duas últimas letras e acrescenta-se S. 
O 3º caso especial são os verbos terminados em o, ss, ch, sh, x, em que se acrescenta ES: 
O 4º caso especial são os verbos terminados em Y, eles têm 2 possibilidades: 
Para escrever uma sentença negativa no Simple Present utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar do + not – mais 
utilizado na escrita, pois é formal – ou sua forma contracta don’t – mais utilizada na fala, pois é 
informal – antes da forma básica do verbo sem o to, exemplo: 
1- I do not play the piano. (Eu não toco piano.) 
2- My parents don’t like TV. (Meus pais não gostam de TV.) 
Na 3ª pessoa do singular (he/she/it), usa-se o verbo auxiliar does + not ou doesn’t em vez de do+ 
notou don’t. Note que o verbo seguinte fica na forma básica sem o to e sem o S, exemplo: 
1- She does not speak Portuguese, just Chinese. (Ela não fala português, somente chinês.) 
2- Paulo doesn’t eat chocolate. (Paulo não come chocolate.) 
Observação: Os verbos auxiliares do e does não tem tradução. Mas quando acompanhado 
do not, pode-se traduzir por não simplesmente. 
-DO you study English every day? 
Yes, I do. I study English every day. 
-DOES she work on Saturdays? 
Yes, she does. She works on Saturdays. 
-DO they like romantic movies? 
Yes, they do. They like romantic movies. 
-DOES he know my name? 
Yes, he knows. He knows your name. 
-Where DOES she live? 
She lives in Houston. 
-Why DO you buy so many flowers? 
Because I love flowers. 
 Pratique com esses exemplos 
Frequency adverbs 
Quando falamos que Simple Present é usado para falar de rotinas e hábitos, não podemos 
esquecer que a frequência de determinadas ações é marcada pelo uso de advérbios de frequência/ 
Frequency adverbs. Veja alguns no quadro abaixo: 
Pratique com o quadro 
Os Frequency adverbs são aqueles que nos indicam com que frequência algo 
aconteceu, acontece, acontecerá etc. 
Chapter 3 
A: What are you doing now? 
B: I’m studying French. And you? 
A: I am listening to music. Where’s your sister? 
B: She is drinking beer with her friends. 
A: And what about your father and mother? 
B: They’re having dinner in a restaurant 
A: And where’s your grandparents? 
B:My grandpa is watching tv and my grandma is 
spending his money at the mall. (laugh) 
A:What an interesting family! 
Aqui no Brasil quando está chovendo muito forte dizemos “Está 
chovendo canivetes”. Na língua inglesa é usada a expressão “It’s 
raining cats and dogs”, ou seja, “Está chovendo gatos e 
O presente contínuo deve ser usado 
para expressar uma situação que está 
em progresso, ou seja, uma ação que 
ainda está acontecendo. Todo nosso 
“ando”, “endo” e “indo” dos verbos em 
português devem ser trocados em 
inglês por “ing”. 
A construção do presente contínuo 
deve ser dada segundo a forma: 
Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo com 
“ing” + complemento 
She is studying English now. (Ela está 
estudando inglês agora). 
Para a forma negativa, basta 
acrescentar o “not” após o verbo “to 
be” (am, is are). 
What are they doing? 
_________________________________ __________________________________ 
_________________________________ __________________________________ 
_________________________________ __________________________________ 
Chapter 4 
Jill: Is there any milk left in the fridge? 
Terry: Nope, sorry! I finished that last carton last night. 
Jill: Hmm… What about that orange juice? I need to drink something cold before I head to the office. 
Terry: There’s still some juice. There’s also a leftover cheese sandwich from yesterday. You can have it – I’m 
not that hungry. 
Jill: A sandwich… this early in the morning? I don’t think so. (opening the fridge) Oh, we’re completely out of 
fruit! Where are all the strawberries? 
Terry: Strawberries? Hmm, I ate those. Here, have a banana. 
Jill: Thanks… Let me make a list right now of what we need – I’ll stop by the supermarket on my way home 
tonight. Milk, fruit, coffee… 
Terry: No, we have plenty of coffee. We need brown sugar, eggs and flour. I’m gonna make pancakes 
Singular Plural 
There is a cat in the room. There are two cats in the room. 
There is not a cat in the room. 
There is no cat in the room. 
There are not two cats in the room. 
There are no cats in the room. 
negative sentence 
Is there a cat in the room? Are there two cats in the room? question 
Preposições de lugar 
As preposições de lugar, em geral, encontram um paralelo no português, o que facilita bastante. A 
coisa só se complica um pouco quando temos que lidar com o in, on e at, mas vamos por partes: 
As preposições de lugar mais simples seriam: 
 on – em cima 
 under – embaixo 
 behind – atrás 
 between – entre ( usado para algo que está posicionado entre duas coisas) 
 in front of – na frente 
Aqui é importante ressaltar o uso do “in front of“ quando estamos numa rua. Se dissermos que 
estamos “in front of the bank”, estamos na frente do banco, mas na mesma calçada. Se você quiser 
dizer que está na frente do banco, mas do outro lado da rua, deve dizer: “I’m opposite the bank”. 
 next to – ao lado de 
 near – perto, próximo 
Cuidado com esses dois últimos que costumam ser confundidos, se você está exatamente ao lado 
de alguém ou algo, deve usar next to. Exemplo: 
 I am sitting next to Susan. (Eu estou sentada ao lado da Susan.) 
Porém, se você estiver sentada próxima a algo ou alguém, mas não necessariamente ao lado, irá 
dizer: “I am sitting near the door.” (Eu estou sentada próximo à porta.) 
Temos ainda: 
 over – sobre 
 below – abaixo 
Outra questão importante é o uso das preposições into e onto. Muitas pessoas se perguntam: É a 
mesma coisa que in e on? Definitivamente não. Usamos essas preposições quando queremos dar 
ideia de movimento. Exemplos: 
 She is putting her keys into her purse. (Ela está colocando suas chaves dentro da bolsa.) 
 I saw the boy trying to climb onto the wall. (Eu vi o menino tentando subir no muro.) 
Para finalizar, temos aqueles que considero um pouquinho mais complicados, que é o caso 
do in, on e at. Embora em geral, in = dentro e on = em cima, nem sempre é assim quando estamos 
falando da localização espacial de algo ou alguém e, para completar, não existe uma regra 
específica para seu uso. 
Para tentar ajudar meus alunos eu sempre explico que o in em geral é para uma área mais fechada: 
 She is not here, she is in her room. (Ela não está aqui. Ela está no quarto dela.) 
Contudo, dizemos “on the train”, “on the bus”, “on the ship” e “on the airplane”. Apesar de dizermos 
“in the car”. 
O on é mais usado para lugares mais abertos: on the farm, on the beach. O at é usado como 
pensamos num lugar como sendo um ponto. Exemplo: 
 I’ll meet her at the airport. (Vou encontrá-la no aeroporto.) 
Veja na figura abaixo as preposições citadas acima e também outros exemplos: 
Descreva a cidade colocando a localização dos pontos comerciais em Inglês. 
Ex: There’s a Hospital in front of the Shopping Center on Pine Street. 
Chapter 5 
Futuro Simples - Simple Future 
O Futuro Simples é a forma verbal comumente usada para expressar eventos que ainda não 
aconteceram. É formado com o auxiliar modal (modal auxiliary) will + o infinitivo do verbo 
principal sem 'TO' para todas as pessoas, ou seja, este tempo verbal não sofre nenhuma flexão 
para expressar o futuro. Observe as formas e os usos deste tempo verbal: 
* FORMA CONTRAÍDA: I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They' ll 
I will wait for you in front of the College. (Esperarei por você na frente da faculdade.) 
They will help us when they have a time. (Eles nos ajudarão quando tiverem tempo.) 
She will only be at home next month. (Ela só estará em casa no mês que vem.) 
A forma negativa do Simple Future forma-se acrescentando not após o auxiliar modal will. O 
verbo principal permanece no infinitivo sem 'TO'. Veja alguns exemplos: 
Rachel won't come. (Raquel não virá.) 
I think it will not rain in the day of your marriage. (Acho que não choverá no dia do seu casamento.) 
He won't go with us. (Ele não irá conosco.) 
I will not celebrate my birthday next year, I've spent much money in my last birthday's party. (Não 
comemorarei meu aniversário no ano que vem, gastei muito dinheiro em minha última festa de 
Na forma interrogativa do Simple Future o auxiliar modal will posiciona-se antes do sujeito. O 
verbo principal permanece no infinitivo sem 'TO'. Veja alguns exemplos: 
Will he travel abroad? (Ele viajará para o exterior?) 
Where will you spend your vacation? (Onde você passará as férias?) 
“Will” quando usado para falar de algo no futuro geralmente vem acompanhado de expressões que 
indicamincerteza. Abaixo você vê algumas dessas expressões: 
 I think… (Eu acho que…) 
 Probably, … (Provavelmente, …) 
 I guess… (Eu acho…) 
 I’m not sure, but I think… (Não tenho certeza, mas acho que…) 
 I don’t know, but I think… (Num sei não, mas acho que…) 
 Maybe… (Talvez…) 
Todas elas são expressões que indicam incerteza em inglês. Claro que há outras, mas com estas 
você já será capaz de dizer muitas coisas. 
What are you going to be …? 
Quando você tem certeza do que vai fazer – caso não lhe resta dúvidas sobre o que fará no futuro, já está 
decidido e praticamente acertado – então use o “going to”. 
 I’m going to Salvador this year. 
 I’m not going to the party next Saturday. 
 We’re not going to be here tomorrow. 
Veja que nestes últimos exemplos as expressões de incerteza não apareceram. O motivo é simples: você 
não têm dúvidas do que irá fazer; você sabe que fará aquilo e pronto! Você está se organizando para fazer! 
Você já está planejando e resolvendo tudo para que aquilo aconteça. 
Gonna = Going to . Uso informal em músicas, forma coloquial. 
Chapter 6
Vira e mexe, alguém me pergunta qual a diferença entre dizer “can you help me?” ou “could you help 
me?”. Muitos aprendem que ambas sentenças significam a mesma coisa; mas então, por que usar “can” em 
uma e “could” na outra? Será que isso realmente muda o jeito como pedimos ajuda de alguém? 
De maneira bem simples, a resposta é sim! Quando pedimos algo a um amigo, familiar, alguém com o qual 
temos mais intimidade (ou afinidades), etc., podemos usar a palavra “can”. Isto é, em situações informais a 
expressão “can you…?” pode ser usada sem problemas. Veja alguns exemplos: 
 Can you open the door? (Dá pra você abrir a porta?) 
 Can you do me a little favor? (Dá pra você me fazer um favorzinho?) 
 Can you turn down the TV? (Dá pra você baixar a TV?) 
Note as equivalências que dei para “can you…?” nos exemplos acima. Ao invés de traduzir ao pé da letra 
por “você pode…?”, usei o modo informal de pedirmos algo para alguém em português, que é “dá pra 
você…?”. Agora você já sabe que para pedir algo a alguém dizendo “dá pra você…?” em inglês será “can 
you…?”. Isso é uma gramática de uso da língua inglesa: você aprende a usar e não a fazer análise sintática 
da sentença. O que dizer agora do “could” nesse caso? 
Quando desejamos mostrar um pouco mais de educação (formalidade) é comum fazermos o pedido usando 
a expressão “could you…?”. Geralmente isso será usado em situações nas quais você não conhece muito 
bem as pessoas ou está em uma situação formal no ambiente de trabalho, por exemplo. O interessante é 
que ao observarmos a língua em uso, nota-se que é comum os falantes nativos acrescentarem as 
expressões “excuse me” (com licença) e “please” (por favor, por gentileza) a esse pedido mais formal. Isso 
mostra que a situação realmente pede mais delicadeza (por assim dizer). 
 Excuse me, could you give some information, please? (Com licença, você poderia me dar uma 
informação, por favor?) 
 Excuse me, could you do me a little favor, please? (Com licença, você poderia me fazer um 
favorzinho, por gentileza?) 
 Excuse me, could you help me, please? (Com licença, você poderia me ajudar, por favor?) 
 Claro que nem sempre toda essa formalidade estará presente. Afinal, cada situação é uma situação 
diferente. No entanto, não custa aprender isso e observar a língua na prática, que é a melhor maneira 
de aprender inglês, com certeza. Pois bem! Nessa dica o que quero é mostrar a você é o uso de 
“can you…?” e “could you…?” para pedir algo a alguém. A ideia é não entrar em detalhes 
gramaticais (regras) do uso de cada palavra. 
O modal WOULD é geralmente utilizado na formação de frases interrogativas 
e também para formar o futuro do pretérito. 
Deve ser utilizado nos seguintes 
» Quando se quer fazer um pedido 
Ex: Would you please photocopy this report? (você poderia fazer uma cópia deste relatório?) 
» Quando se quer oferecer algo a alguém 
Ex: Would you like a cup of coffee? (você quer uma xícara de café?) 
» Para exprimir certa preferência por algo 
Ex: I would love to go with you. (eu amaria ir com você) 
Ex: I would like sandwich, please. (eu queria um sandwich, por favor) 
» Quando se quer fazer uma recusa 
Ex: I told him not to go, but he wouldn't listen (eu disse-lhe para não ir, mas ele não quis me ouvir) 
» Para descrever hábitos passados 
Ex: When I was a kid, I would always play football with my friends (quando eu era um garoto, eu sempre 
jogava futebol com meus amigos) 
Conjugação do modal “Would” 
Vamos agora conjugar o verbo modal WOULD com o TO LIKE (gostar) 
Também veremos que, como todo verbo modal, a conjugação é a mesma para todas as 
Statement Negative Question Contractions 
I would like I would not like Would I like ? I'd 
You would like You would not like Would you like ? You'd 
He would like He would not like Would he like ? He'd 
She would like She would not like Would she like ? She'd 
It would like It would not like Would it like ? It'd 
We would like We would not like Would we like ? We'd 
You would like You would not like Would you like ? You'd 
They would like They would not like Would they like ? They'd 
Chapter 7 
Verbo To Be - Passado / Verb To Be - Past Simple/Simple Past 
Apresentamos a seguir as formas do Simple Past (Passado Simples) do verbo to be. As formas afirmativas e 
interrogativas do Simple Past não possuem contração; a forma negativa é organizada da seguinte maneira: na 1ª coluna 
encontra-se a forma sem contração e na 2ª, mostramos a forma contraída: 
Forma Sem Contração Forma Contraída 
I was ---x--- 
You were ---x--- 
He was ---x--- 
She was ---x--- 
It was ---x--- 
We were ---x--- 
You were ---x--- 
They were ---x--- 
We were in a hurry last night and didn't stop to talk to him. (Estávamos com pressa ontem à noite e não paramos para 
falar com ele.) 
It was too cold yesterday. (Estava muito frio ontem.) 
Forma Sem 
Forma Contraída 
I was not I wasn't 
You were not You weren't 
He was not He wasn't 
She was not She wasn't 
It was not It wasn't 
We were not We weren't 
You were not You weren't 
They were not They weren't 
They were not good students. (Eles não eram bons alunos.) 
Mary wasn't the main actress. (Mary não era a atriz principal.) 
Forma Sem 
Forma Contraída 
was I? ---x--- 
were you? ---x--- 
was he? ---x--- 
was she? ---x--- 
was it? ---x--- 
were we? ---x--- 
were you? ---x--- 
were they? ---x--- 
Were you occupied when I called to you? (Você estava ocupado quando lhe liguei?) 
‘’If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of 
it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.’’ 
Jiddu Krishnamurti 
‘’Rest , if you must, but don't you quit ... Don't give up though the pace seems slow’’ 
- Author unknown – 
Abusado - Cheeky 
Adorável - Adorable, Lovely 
Agradecido - Grateful 
Alegre - Joyful 
Alto - Tall 
Ambicioso - Ambitious 
Amigável - Friendly 
Animado - Cheerful 
Ansioso - Anxious 
Apático - Listless 
Arrogante - Arrogant 
Assustador - Creepy 
Astuto - Cunning 
Autoconfiante - Self-confidentAutoritário - Bossy 
Baixo - Short 
Barato - Cheap, Inexpensive 
Bem-informado - Well-informed 
Bobo - Goofy, Silly 
Bondoso - Kind 
Bonita - Beautiful, Pretty 
Bonito - Handsome 
Briguento - Feisty, Tough 
Burro - Dumb 
Cafona - Corny 
Calmo - Calm, Easygoing 
Cansado - Tired 
Carente - Needy 
Carinhoso - Caring 
Caro - Expensive 
Cético - Skeptical 
Chato - Boring 
Cínico - Cynical 
Ciumento - Jealous 
Complicado - Complicated 
Comportado - Well-behaved 
Compreensivo - Understanding 
Confiável - Reliable, Trustworthy, 
Conservador - Conservative 
Contente - Glad 
Corajoso - Brave, Gutsy, Plucky 
Criativo - Creative 
Culto - Well-read 
Curioso - Curious 
Decidido - Decided 
Dedicado - Dedicated 
Dedo-duro - Snitch 
Desajeitado - Clumsy 
Destemido - Fearless 
Dependente - Dependent 
Desonesto - Dishonest 
Determinado - Strong-willed 
Discreto - Discreet 
Distraído - Dreamy 
Doente - Sick 
Educado - Polite, Well-mannered 
Eficiente - Efficient 
Egoísta - Selfish 
Engraçado - Funny 
Enorme - Huge 
Equilibrado - Well-balanced 
Esbelto - Slim 
Esperto - Smart, Brainy 
Espirituoso - Witty 
Estressado(a) - Stressed out 
Estudioso - Scholarly 
Experiente - Experienced 
Extrovertido - Extroverted 
Famoso - Famous, Well-known 
Feliz - Happy 
Feio - Ugly 
Fiel - Faithful 
Fofo - Cuddly 
Formal - Dressy 
Franco - Frank 
Furioso - Angry 
Generoso - Generous 
Gordinho - Chubby 
Gordo - Fat 
Gostoso(a) - Hunk 
Grande - Big 
Grudento - Clingy 
Habilidoso - Handly, Skillful 
Honesto - Honest 
Horrível - Horrible 
Independente - Independent 
Indiferente - Lukewarm 
Infantil - Childish 
Influente - Well-connected 
Ingênuo - Naive 
Inseguro - Insecure 
Inteligente - Intelligent, Brainy, Clever 
Interessante - Interesting 
Interesseiro - Self-serving 
Invejoso - Envious 
Irritante - Irritating 
Irônico - Ironic 
Justo - Fair 
Leal - Loyal 
Liberal - Open-minded 
Lindo - Gorgeous 
Machista - Sexist 
Maduro -Mature 
Magro - Thin 
Magricelo - Skinny 
Maldoso - Mean, Devilish 
Mal-educado - Impolite 
Mal-humorado - Crabby, Cranky 
Mandão - Bossy 
Manhoso - Fussy 
Mimado - Spoiled 
Modesto - Modest 
Muito estranho - Freaky 
Muito grande - Large 
Muito pequeno - Tiny 
Musculoso - Well-built 
Neurótico - Neurotic 
Obeso - Obese 
Organizado - Organized 
Orgulhoso - Big-headed 
Otimista - Optimistic 
Ousado - Daring 
Paciente - Patient 
Patético - Pathetic 
Pavio curto - Short fuse 
Peludo - Furry 
Pensador - Thoughtful 
Perverso - Devilish 
Pesado - Heavy 
Pequeno - Small 
Pessimista - Pessimistic 
Pobre - Poor 
Pontual - Punctual, Accurate 
Popular - Well-known 
Preconceituoso - Prejudiced 
Preguiçoso - Lazy 
Previsível - Predictable 
Puxa-saco -Ass-kisser, Brownnoser, Apple-polisher 
Relaxado - Sloppy 
Religioso - Religious 
Reservado - Reserved, Quiet 
Respeitado - Well thought of 
Responsável - Responsible 
Retraído - Withdrawn 
Romântico - Romantic 
Rico - Wealthy, Well-heeled, Well-off, Well-paid, Rich 
Sábio - Wise 
Safado - Shameless 
Sarado - Fit, Well-toned 
Sarcástico - Sarcastic 
Saudável - Healthy 
Sensato -Sensible 
Sensível - Sensitive 
Simpático - Nice 
Sincero - Sincere 
Sociável - Outgoin, Sociable 
Solidário - Sympathetic 
Sorridente - Smiling 
Sortudo - Lucky 
Talentoso - Talented 
Teimoso - Stubborn 
Temperamental - Moody 
Tímido - Shy 
Tolerante - Tolerant 
Tonto - Goofy 
Trabalhador - Hard-worker 
Triste - Sad 
Útil - Handy, Helpful, Useful 
Violento - Gory, Agressive 
Grandparents – avós 
Grandfather – avô 
Grandmother – avó 
Great-grandfather – bisavô 
Great-grandmother – bisavó 
Great-great-grandfather- tataravô 
Great-great-grandmother - tataravó 
Parents – pais (pai e mãe) 
Father – pai 
Mother – mãe 
Children – filhos (crianças) 
Son – filho 
Daughter – filha 
Grandchildren – netos 
Grandson – neto 
Granddaughter – neta 
Wife – esposa 
Husband – esposo 
Brother - irmão 
Sister - irmã 
Uncle – tio 
Aunt – tia 
Cousin – primo ou prima 
Nephew – sobrinho 
Niece – sobrinha 
In-law - na lei 
Father-in-law – sogro (pai na lei) 
Mother-in-law – sogra (mãe na lei) 
brother-in-law – cunhado 
sister-in-law - cunhada 
godfather – padrinho (pai em Deus) 
godmother – madrinha (mãe em Deus) 
stepfather – padrasto 
stepmother – madrasta 
halfbrother – meio irmão (somente por parte 
de pai ou mãe) 
halfsister – meia irmã. 
Egg – ovo 
Bread – pão 
Pasta – macarrão 
Rice – arroz 
Cheese – queijo 
Meat – carne 
Chicken – frango 
Fish – peixe 
Oil – óleo 
Butter – manteiga 
Sugar – açúcar 
Salt – sal 
Pepper - pimenta 
Fruits = frutas 
Apple – maçã 
Orange – laranja 
Lemon – limão 
Banana – banana 
Tangerine – mexerica 
Grapes – uvas 
Pineapple – abacaxi 
Pear – pêra 
Apricots – damasco 
Peaches – pêssego 
Strawberries – morango 
Raspberries – amora 
Honeydew melon- melão 
Avocado – abacate 
Papaya – mamão 
Mango – manga 
Kiwi – kiwi 
Watermelon – melancia 
Figs – figo 
Prunes – ameixa preta 
Guava – goiaba 
Cashew nut – caju 
Coconut – coco 
Vegetables = vegetais 
Tomato – tomate 
Potato – batata 
Pepper – pimentão 
Beans – vagem ou feijão 
Peas – ervilha 
Carrots – cenoura 
Cabbage – couve ou repolho 
Broccoli – brócolis 
Cauliflower – couve-flor 
Garlic - alho 
Leeks – alho poró 
Cucumbers – pepino 
Corn – milho 
Lettuce – alface 
Asparagus – aspargo 
Eggplant – beringela 
Celery – aipo 
Onion – cebola 
Drinks = bebidas 
Water – água 
Coffee – café 
Tea – chá 
Juice – suco 
Milk – leite 
Soda - refrigerante 
Accountant - contador 
Actor - ator 
Actress - atriz 
Air hostess / stewardess - aeromoça / comissária de bordo 
Architect - arquiteto 
Artist - artista plástico, pintor 
Athlete - atleta 
Banker - bancário 
Biologist - biólogo 
Businessman - homem de negócios / empresário 
Businesswoman - mulher de negócios / empresária 
Carpenter (male) - carpinteiro 
Chef - chefe de cozinha, de culinária 
Computer programmer - programador de computadores 
Dentist - dentista, odontólogo 
Doctor - doutor 
Driver - motorista 
Electrician - eletricista 
Engineer - engenheiro 
Flight attendant - comissária de vôo, aeromoça 
Florist - florista 
Gardener - jardineiro 
Graphic designer - designer gráfico 
Grocrey clerk - balconista ou caixa de supermercado 
Guide - guia 
Hairdresser - cabeleireiro 
Housewife - dona de casa 
Interpreter - intérprete 
Journalist - jornalista 
Lawer (lawyer) - advogado 
Librarian - bibliotecário 
Manager - gerente 
Mechanic - mecânico 
Musician - músico 
Nurse - enfermeira 
Operator - operador 
Pharmacist - farmacêutico 
Photographer - fotógrafo 
Pilot - piloto 
Politician - político 
Postman - carteiro 
Professor - professor de faculdade 
Receptionist - recepcionista 
Reporter - repórter 
Salesman - vendedor 
Salesperson - vendedor de loja 
Saleswoman - vendedora 
Scientist - cientista 
Secretary - secretária 
Singer - cantor 
Steward - comissário de bordo 
Student - estudante 
Teacher - professor de escola 
Translator - tradutor 
Travel agent - agente de viagem 
Typist - digitador 
Waiter - garçom 
Waitress - garçonete 
Writer - escritor 
1- Forehead: testa 19- Wrist: pulso 37- Waist: cintura 
2- Cheek: bochecha 20- Brain: cérebro 38- Stomach: estômago 
3- Hair: cabelo 21- Head: cabeça 39- Belly: barriga 
4- Chin: queixo 22- Shoulder: ombro 40- Womb: útero 
5- Neck: pescoço 23- Chest: peito (tórax) 41- Back: costas 
6- Eye: olho 24- Upper arm: parte superior do braço 42- Rib: costela 
7- Nose: nariz 25- Arm: braço 43- Navel: umbigo 
8- Ear: orelha 26- Forearm: antebraço 44- Nail: unha 
9- Mouth: boca 27- Lung: pulmão 45- Intestine: intestino 
10- Eyelashes: cílios 28- Heart: coração 46- Hip: quadril 
11- Eyebrow: sobrancelha 29- Thigh: coxa da perna 47- Elbow: cotovelo 
12- Eyelid: pálpebra 30- Knee: joelho 48- Face: rosto 
13- Tooth: dente 31- Calf: panturrilha 49- Nape: nuca 
14- Lip: lábio 32- Ankle: tornozelo 50- Fingernail: unha da mão 
15- Tongue: língua 33- Leg: perna 51- Throat: garganta 
16- Fingers: dedos das mãos 34- Lower leg: canela da perna 52- Armpit: axila 
17- Thumb: polegar 35- Breast: seio, peito (de mulher) 53- Foot: pé 
18- Hand: mão 36- Palm: palma da mão 54- Toes: dedos do pé 
A abreviação dos Ordinal Numbers é feita acrescentando-se ao número as duas últimas letras de sua forma 
extensa. Por exemplo: 
abreviação /por extenso abreviação /por extenso 
1st - first 30th - thirtieth 
2nd - second 50th - fiftieth 
3rd - third 62nd - sixty-second 
 4th - fourth 73rd - seventy-third 
5th - fifth 85th - eighty-fifth 
9th - ninth 99th - ninety-ninth 
12th - twelfth 133th - (one/a) hundred and thirty-third 
21st - twenty-first 518th - five hundred and eighteenth 
Na grafia da abreviação, as duas últimas letras podem ser elevadas: 
 Quando lemos ou escrevemos por extenso os números ordinais em português, tanto na dezena quanto na centena e 
no milhar, todos os algarismos vão para a forma ordinal. No inglês, no entanto, apenas o último algarismo vai para 
a forma ordinal: 
21º - vigésimo primeiro = 21st - twenty-first 
72º - septuagésimo segundo = 72nd - seventy-second 
167º - centésimo sexagésimo sétimo = 167th - one hundred and sixty-seventh 
 Repare que, nos números ordinais acima de 100, o uso da conjunção and segue as mesmas regras dos cardinais: 
205th – two hundred and fifth 
440th – four hundred and fortieth 
Números Ordinais em datas - Ordinal Numbers in dates: 
 Uma mesma data pode ser expressa de diversas maneiras. Por exemplo, a data 13 de maio pode ser escrita das 
seguintes formas: May 13 / May 13th / 13 May / 13th May. 
 O modo como se fala é geralmente May the thirteenth ou The thirteen of May. Entretanto, no inglês americano, 
também é possível dizer May thirteen. 
0- zero/ nought * 
1 - one 11 - eleven 21 - twenty-one 31 - thirty-one 
2 - two 12 - twelve 22 - twenty-two 32 - thirty-two 
3 - three 13 - thirteen 23 - twenty-three 33 - thirty-three 
4 - four 14 - fourteen 24 - twenty-four 34 - thirty-four 
5 - five 15 - fifteen 25 - twenty-five 35 - thirty-five 
6 - six 16 - sixteen 26 - twenty-six 36 - thirty-six 
7 - seven 17 - seventeen 27- twenty-seven 37 - thirty-seven 
8 - eight 18 - eighteen 28 - twenty-eight 38 - thirty-eight 
9 - nine 19 - nineteen 29 - twenty-nine 39 - thirty-nine 
10 - ten 20 - twenty 30 - thirty 40 - forty 
10 - ten 40 - forty 70 - seventy 
20 - twenty 50 - fifty 80 - eighty 
30 - thirty 60 - sixty 90 - ninety 
- Em inglês a pontuação dos números é diferente da nossa: onde usamos vírgula, utiliza-se ponto e 
onde usamos ponto, utiliza-se vírgula. Exemplos: 
Português Inglês 
1.000 (mil) 1,000 (one/a thousand) 
1.000.000 (um milhão) 1,000,000 (one/a million) (um bilhão) 1,000,000,000 (one/a billion) 
3,1415 (pi) 3.1415 
0,5 (zero vírgula cinco) 0.5 (nought/oh point five) 
R$ 2.770,50 US$ 1,345.50 
- A ou one? Com números a partir de cem, é possível optar por falar de duas formas: com a (um = artigo indefinido) ou com one (um = 
numeral) no início do número. One é mais formal e preciso e pode enfatizar o valor. Compare os dois exemplos: 
 The total cost was one hundred and sixty pounds exactly. (valor exato) 
 It cost about a hundred and fifty quid. (valor aproximado) 
- A thousand pode ser empregado sozinho e antes de and, mas não soa natural utilizá-lo antes de centenas. Veja: 
 a/one thousand 
 a/one thousand and forty nine (antes de dezena) 
 one thousand, six hundred and two (mais natural que a thousand, six hundred and two.) 
- And: Com números acima de cem é necessário acrescentar and (e) antes das dezenas. Este elemento de ligação and é pronunciado 
como /n/, ficando a sílaba tônica no último número. 
- No inglês americano, numa conversa informal, o and pode ser omitido: 
 a/one hundred and twenty 
 five hundred and sixty three 
 eight hundred and eight-one 
100 - a/one hundred 
200 - two hundred 
300 - three hundred 
400 - four hundred 
500 - five hundred 
600 - six hundred 
700 - seven hundred 
800 - eight hundred 
900 - nine hundred 
101 - a/one hundred and one 
110 - a/one hundred and ten 
233 - two hundred and thirty-three 
268 - two hundred and sixty-eight 
350 - three hundred and fifty 
409 - four hundred and nine 
540 - five hundred and forty 
790 - seven hundred and ninety 
1000 - a/one thousand 
1001 - a/one thousand and one 
1010 - a/one thousand and ten 
2000 - two thousand 
2002 - two thousand and two 
5899 - five thousand, eight hundred 
and ninety-nine 
7384 - seven thousand, three 
hundred and eighty-four 
9961 - nine thousand, nine hundred 
and sixty-one 
10,000 (dez mil) - ten thousand 
50,000 (cinquenta mil) - fifty thousand 
100,000 (cem mil) - a/one hundred 
1,000,000 (um milhão) - a/one million 
2,000,000 (dois milhões) - two million 
1,000,000,000 (um bilhão) - a/one 
1,000,000,000,000 (um trilhão) - a/one 
Polar Bear 
Panda Bear 
Hippo (informal) 
* BrE = British English 
* NAmE = North American English 
Polo Shirt 
Denim Jacket 
Dressing gown 
Bathrobe (NAmE) 
Nightdress (BrE) 
Pants (NAmE) 
Trousers (BrE) 
Leather Coat 
Cargo Pants 
Bermuda Shorts 
Check Pyjamas (BrE) 
Checked Pajamas 
Panties (NAmE) 
Knickers (BrE) 
Underwear / 
Waistcoat (BrE) 
Vest (NAmE) 
Tights (BrE) 
Pantyhose (NAmE) 
Trunks / Swimming trunks 
Swimming Costume 
(BrE) / Swimsuit 
(BrE, NAmE) 
Braces (BrE) 
Tennis Shoes 
Bread Roll 
(Pão Francês) 
French loaf, 
French stick or 
White Bread 
(Pão de forma) 
(Pão integral) 
Brown Bread or 
Rye Bread 
(Pão de Centeio) 
Sliced bread 
(Pão pré-fatiado ou 
pão de sanduíche.) 
Cheese breads 
or cheese buns 
(pães de queijo) 
Cottage* Loaf 
(Pão Cottage) 
*cottage = cabana 
Twist Bread 
(Pão Torcido) 
Pita (pão sírio) 
Chapter 1 
1. These _________ my friends. 
2. Robert _________ sick. 
3. ________ he Mexican? 
4. His tests ________ very difficult. 
5. My parents are not rich, but my aunt ________. 
6. I ________ older than my brother. 
7. My sister and I ________ twins. 
8. That ________ a really good movie! 
9. These ________ not my socks. 
Put in AM IS ARE: 
1) She __________ (be) a teacher. 
2) We __________ (be) hungry. 
3) Luke __________ (be) late. 
4) They __________ (be) Spanish. 
5) You __________ (be) happy. 
6) I __________ (be) thirsty. 
7) It __________ (be) cold. 
8) She __________ (be) German. 
9) He __________ (be) early 
10) We ___________ (be) tired. 
11) You __________ (be) beautiful. 
12) I __________ (be) hot. 
13) I __________ (be) from London. 
14) You _________ (be) a doctor. 
15) Emily __________ (be) my sister. 
16) They __________ (be) on the bus. 
17) He __________ (be) is in the garden. 
18) We __________ (be) friends. 
19) I __________ (be) 25 years old. 
20) She __________ (be) sick. 
Make a question with ‘be’: 
1. Where / John? 
Where is John. 
2. Why / they / hungry? 
Why are they hungry? 
3. Where / we? 
4. Who / you? 
5. Why / he / late? 
6. What / this? 
7. Where / Jimmy ? 
8. How old / she ? 
9. How / you ? 
10. Where / the station? 
 11. What time / it now? 
12. Where / Pedro / from? 
13. Why / they / in the kitchen? 
14. How / the food? 
15. How long / the journey? 
16. How old / you ? 
17. Why / I / last ? 
18. What time / the concert? 
19. Where / she? 
20. Who / Julie / with? 
Chapter 2 
I. Complete os espaços nas sentenças abaixo com a conjugação correta no Simple Present Tense – Presente 
Ex: Jason (love) loves Rock ‘n’ Roll. (Jason ama Rock ‘n’ Roll.) 
1. Robert (go) _____________ to school in the afternoon. (Robert vai para a escola à tarde.) 
2. Susan and Danny (have) ___________ English class on Mondays. (Susan e Danny têm aula de inglês às segundas-
3. Julie (study) __________________ in the University of California. (Julie estuda na Universidade da Califórnia.) 
4. I (eat) ________________ spaghetti for dinner every evening. (Eu como espaguete no jantar todas as noites.) 
5. The bus (arrive) _____________ at 10:00 a.m. (O ônibus chega às 10h00 da manhã.) 
II. Desembaralhe as palavras e com elas elabore perguntas no Simple Present Tense – Presente Simples, utilizando 
os auxiliares Do-Does. Depois responda a pergunta usando uma resposta curta utilizando os auxiliares Do-Does: 
Ex: LEAVE- PLANE –THE- 8:00-AT = Does the plane leave at 8:00? Yes, it does. 
( O avião parte às 8:00 ? Sim, ele parte.) 
______________________________________ ? No, _____________ 
 (Mike assiste TV todas as noites? Não, ele não assiste.) 
_______________________________? Yes, ____________ 
(O cachorro gosta de brincar com a bola? Sim, ele gosta.) 
_________________________________________? No, _________ 
(Sarah tem um notebook? Não, ela não tem.) 
4. BILL- AND- PART TIME- JOHN – WORK _____________________________________? Yes, ____________ 
( Bill e John trabalham meio período? Sim, eles trabalham.) 
5. COOK – YOU – LUNCH-DAY- EVERY? ____________________________________? No, _____________ 
( Você cozinha o almoço todos os dias? Não, eu não cozinho.) 
Choose the correct form of the present tense ! 
Mark (YOU LOOK) for someone Mark? 
Alan Yes, I (NEED) to speak to Neil. He isn't in his office. 
Mark He (TALK) to his boss at the moment. 
I (THINK) they (DISCUSS) money. 
Alan Oh, right. And what about you? for (YOU LOOK) 
for someone too ? 
Mark Yes, Linda. (YOU KNOW) where she is ? 
Alan Oh, she isn't here today. She only (WORK) four days a 
week and she (NOT WORK) on Fridays. She'll be 
here next Monday. 
Mark Thanks. (YOU KNOW) a lot about Linda? 
Alan Well, on most days I (GIVE) her a lift, or 
she (GIVE) me one. She (LIVE) quite close to 
me. It (SAVE) petrol.Mark Good idea. Well, I (WASTE) my time here then. I'll 
get back to my computer. 
Answer the questions below 
1. How often are you online? 
2. How often do you clean your house? 
3. How often do you do your nails? 
4. How often do you drink beer with your friends? 
5. How often do you eat pizza? 
6. How often do you have a haircut? 
7. How often do you play soccer? 
8. How often do you play with your children? 
9. How often do you see your relatives? 
10. How often do you shave? 
11. How often do you speak with your parents? 
12. How often do you study English? 
13. How often do you use MSN or Skype? 
14. How often do you use the computer? 
15. How often do you visit your friends? 
16. How often do you wash your car? 
17. How often do you wash your clothes? 
18. How often do you watch TV? 
19. How often do you work out? 
20. How often do you write and answer e-mails? 
Chapter 3 
Make the present continuous: 
1. (we / go to the cinema later) 
2. (they / work now) 
3. (you / not / walk) 
4. (they / learn new things?) 
5. (when / he / start work?) 
6. (why / I / stay at home?) 
7. (it / get dark?) 
8. (we / not / win) 
9. (they / not / bring a cake) 
10.(the dog / not / play with a ball) 
11. (why / it / rain now?) 
12. (how / she / travel?) 
13. (where / you / work?) 
14. (what / we / watch?) 
15. (you / meet your friend at four) 
16. (I / take too much cake?) 
17. (you / think?) 
18. (we / study this evening) 
19. (Lucy and Steve / play the piano) 
20. (Sarah / not / tell a story) 
Change the verb into the correct form: 
1. Anna _______________ (rest) right now. 
2. I _______________ (talk) on the phone at this moment. 
3. Bella _______________ (cook) dinner now. 
4. They _______________ (help) the teacher right now. 
5. He _______________ (run) very fast! 
6. Julia_______________ (bake) a chocolate cake at the moment. 
7. I _______________ (have) fun! 
8. You _______________ (dance) very nicely. 
9. They _______________ (answer) all the questions. 
10. John _______________ (eat) Salad, and I am eating fish. 
11. Marta _______________ (drive), and Chris is sleeping (sleep). 
12. It _______________ (rain). 
13. I _______________ (write) my homework. 
14. We _______________ (work) on the new show right now. 
15. Kate _______________ (lie) in bed now. 
Keep practicing: 
1. Trina ___________ (walk) past the supermarket. 
2. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you! 
3. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move). 
4. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me? 
5. I ___________ (sit) on a bus. 
6. Pete´s mother ___________ (not have) a burger. 
7. John´s friends ___________ (play) football at the Sports Centre. 
8. My best friend ___________ (sit) next to me. 
9. I ___________ (not wear) something blue. 
10. My teacher ___________ (not stand) behind me. 
11. I ___________ (not write) with a pencil. 
12. Irama ___________ (have) a shower. 
13. Montse ___________ (leave) the room. 
14. Marcelo ___________ (make) a phone call. 
15. Rosa ___________ (open) the door. 
16. Olga ___________ (brush) her teeth. 
17. Eva ___________ (sing). 
 18. Mati ___________ (listen) to the radio. 
19. Jose ___________ (walk) to school. 
20. Javi ___________ (write) a letter. 
21. What ___________ the boys ___________ (do) now? 
22. Angela ___________ (eat) spaghetti. 
23. What ___________ your teacher ___________ (say)? 
24. Juanma ___________ (play) with the dog. 
25. Where ___________ Eva and Mar ___________ (sit)? 
1. I ____________ (learn) how to swim. 
2. I ____________ (eat) my lunch. 
3. I ____________ (watch) television. 
4. She ____________ (read) a book. 
5. Dad ____________ (bake) a cake. 
6. My sister ____________ (listen) to music. 
7. Peter ____________ (clean) his car. 
8. The dog ____________ (bark) in the garden. 
9. We ____________ (sing) our favourite song. 
10. My brother and I ____________ (play) a computer game. 
11. The teachers ____________ (show) us a film. 
12. They ____________ (bring) a TV in the classroom. 
13. She´s bored. Her friend ____________ (watch) TV again. 
14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea ____________ (win) the match. 
15. I´m scared. A big dog ____________ (stand) in front of me. 
16. She´s happy. She ____________ (not work) today. 
17. I´m worried. It ____________ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella. 
 18. The teacher is annoyed. We ____________ (not listen). 
19. What ____________ you ____________ (wait) for? I´m ____________ (wait) for John. 
20. ____________ it ____________ (snow)? No, it ____________ (rain). 
21. What ____________ you ____________ (do) today? We ____________ (go) to the park. 
22. ____________ you ____________ (listen) to me? No, I ____________ (listen) to the radio. 
23. ____________ you ____________ (watch) TV? No, we ____________ (study). 
24. What ____________ you ____________ (do)? I ____________ (do) my homework. 
25. ____________ they ____________ (sleep)? Yes, they are. 
Chapter 4 
Complete the sentences 
1. There _____ thirty students in my class. 
2. There _____ some books in my bag. 
3. There _____ some computers in the library. 
4. There _____ a blackboard in the classroom. 
5. There _____ a CD player on our teacher´s desk. 
6. There _____ some posters. 
7. There _____ some dictionaries in the classroom. 
Instructions: Choose the correct answer. 
1 - ____ two. 
There is 
There are 
2 - There ____ a lot of people coming. 
3 - There ____ a lot of water on the carpet. 
4 - There ____ a lot of noise coming from next door. 
5 - There ____ a lot of traffic in the rush hour. 
6 - There ____ only one possible answer. 
7 - There ____ two possible answers. 
Either could be used here. 
8 - There ____ never enough time to finish it. 
9 - There ____ some people to see you. 
10 - There ____ nobody there. 
11 - There ____ little information available. 
12 - There _____ little time left. 
13 - There ____ no time like the present. 
14 - There ____ some stuff left. 
15 - There _____ much to say on the subject. 
Write IS or ARE in the blanks below.1. There ________ many animals in the zoo. 
2. There ________ a snake in the window. 
3. There ________ a zebra in the grass. 
4. There ________ lions in the zoo, too. 
5. There ________ many baby lions near their parents. 
6. There ________ a bird next to the tree. 
7. There ________ many monkeys in the trees. 
8. There ________ an elephant in the zoo. 
9. There ________ some water in the lake near the elephants. 
10. There ________ birds in the zoo. 
11. There ________ many people visiting the animals today. 
12. There ________ many children, too. 
13. There ________ some grass under the tree. 
14. There ________ bananas in the tree with the gorilla. 
15. There ________ many birds near the gorilla. 
16. There ________ a rock near the tree. 
17. There ________ many sharks in the aquarium. 
18. There ________ an eel in the aquarium, too. 
19. There ________ lots of water for the fish. 
20. There ________ many creatures to see at the zoo. 
Chapter 5 
Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). Use will. 
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him: 
Make the future simple positive: 
1. You (earn) will earn a lot of money. 
2. You (travel) ____________________ around the world. 
3. You (meet) ____________________ lots of interesting people. 
4. Everybody (adore) ____________________ you. 
5. You (not / have) ____________________ any problems. 
6. Many people (serve) ____________________ you. 
7. They (anticipate) ____________________ your wishes. 
8. There (not / be) ____________________ anything left to wish for. 
9. Everything (be) ____________________ perfect. 
10. But all these things (happen / only) ____________________ if you marry me. 
Complete the dialogue: 
1. A: “There's someone at the door.” 
B: “I _________________________ (get) it.” 
2. Joan thinks the Conservatives _________________________ (win) the next 
3. A: “I’m moving house tomorrow.” 
B: “I _________________________ (come) and help you.” 
4. If she passes the exam, she _________________________ (be) very happy. 
5. I _________________________ (be) there at four o'clock, I promise. 
6. A: “I’m cold.” 
B: “I _________________________ (turn) on the fire.” 
7. A: “She's late.” 
B: “Don't worry she _________________________ (come).” 
8. The meeting _________________________ (take) place at 6 p.m. 
9. If you eat all of that cake, you _________________________ (feel) sick. 
10. They _________________________ (be) at home at 10 o'clock. 
Fill in the will - future of the words below. 
have – go – meet – visit – walk – have – buy – not be – have 
Tomorrow I ____________________ my friend George. We ____________________ to the movies and then we 
____________________ our dinner at the new fast – food place. In the afternoon we ____________________ 
George's uncle and play table tennis in his garden. Then we ____________________ around in the shopping mall 
where we __________________ a look at the shops. Maybe I ____________________ new jeans. 
We_________________ back before 6 o’clock. I think we __________________ a great day. 
When I'm older, I will ..... 
buy - have - watch - buy - go - stay - go 
When I'm older, I ____________________ out late. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ TV as long as I like. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ to parties. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ two children. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ a car. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ to the cinema. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ a lot of sweets. 
When I'm older, I will not / won't.... 
do - write - go - wash - go - live - make 
When I'm older, I ____________________ any homework. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ my bed in the morning. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ for a walk with my parents. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ my father's car. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ to school. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ so much. 
When I'm older, I ____________________ in my parent's house. 
Type in the verbs in the future I (going to). 
1. Mr Potts (sell) his house. 
2. Our neighbours (spend) their next holidays in the Caribbean. 
3. I (move) to another town. 
4. My husband (build) a tree house for the kids. 
5. His friends (learn) English. 
Type in the verbs in the future I (going to). 
1. I (tell/not) you the secret. 
2. She (ring/not) me. 
3. We (invite/not) him to our party. 
4. Greg (work/not) abroad. 
5. Her parents (lend/not) her any more money. 
Write questions in the future I (going to). 
1. (you/help/me) ? 
2. (she/study/in Glasgow) ? 
3. (they/paint/the room) ? 
4. (he/apply/for that job) ? 
5. (what/you/do) about this? 
Going to or Will ? 
going to 
-when you can see what's going to 
-immediate decisions 
-scientific predictions 
6. Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using either the going to or will form of the future tense. 
1 Sally: There's no milk left! 
 Betty: Oh. I _______________ some from the shop. (get) 
2 The population of Valencia _______________ 2 million by the year 2010. (reach) 
3 Mum: I told you to tidy up your room. 
 Son: Sorry, Mum, I forgot. I _______________ it after lunch.(do) 
4 Sally: Why don't we meet for coffee on Friday morning? 
 Willy: Sorry. I can't. I _______________ the doctor then. (see) 
5 "Tomorrow _______________ a bright and sunny day everywhere in Spain, except in La Coruña," 
said the weatherwoman. (be) 
6 Look at that big black cloud. I think it _______________ . (rain) 
7 Sally: What are your plans for the week-end? 
 Betty: Brad Pitt phoned. We _______________ on a picnic. (go) 
8 Betty: Have you booked the flights yet? 
 Sally: Don't worry. It's all organized. I _______________ to the travel agent's tomorrow morning. 
9 In the future people _______________ bigger heads. (have) 
10 If we miss the bus, we _______________ a taxi. (take) 
11 Next month I _______________ a DVD player. (buy) 
12 When _______________ you _______________ another party? (have) 
13 I've got to go to the dentist this morning. _______________ you _______________ with 
me? (come) 
14 Oh no! I think I _______________ . (sneeze) 
15 Fanny: I can't open this jar. 
 Leslie: Give it to me. I _______________ it. (do) 
Chapter 6 
1. Complete these sentences with can or can't: 
a) Mark _____ play badminton fairly well, but his brother _____ play at all. 
b) Marathon runners _____ normally run fast, but they _____ run for a very long time. 
c) Most people _____ ride a bike but they _____ play golf. 
d) You _____ play soccer in the rain, but you ____ play tennis. 
e) Everybody _____ do it. 
f) I _____ read this book because I forgot my glasses. 
2. Use can, can't, could or couldn't: 
a) Garrincha _____ dribble better than anybody. 
b) Volleyball players _____ normally jump very high. 
c) Until 1968, men _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. Then Jim Hines broke the world 
record to 9.9 seconds. 
d) Women still _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. The world record of 10.49 seconds 
belongs to Florence Griffith Joyner. 
e) I _____ talk very fast, but my mother _____. 
f) When I was child, I _____ swim at all, but now I _____. 
2. Write the phrases in brackets in their correct forms into the gaps. 
1. Last week we swimming, this week we can't. (can/to go) 
2. Maybe the Smiths a new house next year. (can/to build) 
3. If you try hard, you your examinations. (can/to pass) 
4. When I was five, I . (not/can/to swim) 
5. Dennis the trumpet after four months.(can/to play) 
6. Luke has passed his driving test, now he a car. (can/to drive) 
7. I to him on the phone for three weeks last month. (not/can/to speak) 
8. Alex his homework when his desk is in such a mess. (not/can/to do) 
9. They were so busy, they me. (not/can/to text) 
10. Lisa her dress. She can wear it again. (can/to clean) 
Chapter 7 
Complete the sentences with was / were 
1. How many people __________ at your house last weekend? 
2. The book wasn´t difficult It __________ easy. 
3. Those __________ my best jeans. 
4. Dinosaurs __________ prehistoric animals. 
5. __________ your friends at school yesterday? 
6. Sandra __________ not at school yesterday. 
7. You __________ nasty to me! 
8. __________ your grandparents designers. 
9. John and I __________ in the garden. 
10. __________ your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they __________ . 
11. My grandmother __________ a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor. 
12. I __________ thin when I was 6 years old. 
13. When I __________ younger, I played with teddy bears. 
14. We __________ away on vacation last month. 
15. __________ you at the cinema last night? 
16. Ten years ago, I __________ a baby. 
17. __________ the exam difficult? 
18. The film __________ (not) exciting. It was boring. 
19. __________ there many people at the party? 
20. __________ the girls in the park? No, they __________ . 
21. Her name wasn´t Kate. It __________ Isabel. 
22. Paco wasn´t happy. He __________ sad. 
23. __________ the boys at the football game? Yes, they __________ . 
24. The books __________ (not) on the shelf. They were in the bookcase. 
25. __________ Tom at a concert? Yes, he __________ . 
Exercise Was or Were? 
Complete the sentences with was or were. 
1. I __________ happy. 
2. You __________ angry. 
3. She__________ in London last week. 
4. He __________ on holiday. 
5. It __________ cold. 
6. We __________ at school. 
7. You __________ at the cinema. 
8. They __________ at home. 
9. The cat __________ on the roof. 
10. The children __________ in the garden. 
Example: My dog (be) was sick last night. 
Example: Carlos (be, not) was not at work yesterday. 
1) The party (be) fun last weekend. 
2) They (be) were watching a movie when Ernesto called. 
3) Jessie (be) tired. So, he went to sleep. 
4) When she was a little girl, Margo (be) very good at tennis. She practiced a lot. 
5) My friends and I (be) playing at the beach last weekend. 
6) Kendra (be) a girl with dark hair and brown eyes. 
7) The movie (be) really boring. So, I decided to read a book. 
8) After playing outside, my dog (be) very dirty. She came into the house and ran into my room. It 
(be) such a mess! 
9) The car (be, not) new. In fact, it (be) very old. Therefore, it didn't cost very much. 
10) I (be, not) ready to go. Please wait up for me!!! 
Make past simple ‘yes / no’ or ‘wh’ questions: 
1. (John / be / at the party?) 
2. (you / be / tired yesterday?) 
3. (the weather / be / good?) 
4. (we / be / too noisy?) 
5. (he / be / a doctor when he was young?) 
6. (they / be / in the class last week?) 
7. (she / be / a good student?) 
8. (I / be / on time?) 
9. (Julie and Lucy / be / at the meeting?) 
10. (we / be / in Paris?) 
Keep practicing: 
11. (where / you / be?) 
12. (what / that noise / be?) 
13. (who / that man / be?) 
14. (how / the weekend / be?) 
15. (where / the money / be?) 
16. (why / the door open / be?) 
17. (who / the teacher / be?) 
18. (how / your holiday / be?) 
19. (what / the weather like / be?) 
20. (why / the children awake / be?) 
Starting a Conversation - Top Ten Questions 
Here are ten questions to help you start speaking English. Each of these questions help to begin or 
continue a conversation. The questions are in two categories: Basic Facts and Hobbies / Free Time. There 
are also a number of questions that can help you continue the conversation after the first question. 
Five Basic Facts 
These five questions will help you get to know people. They are simple questions with simple answers and 
provide information so you can ask more questions. 
What is your name? 
Where do you live? 
What do you do? 
Are you married? 
Where are you from? 
More questions for ... 
These questions help to continue the conversation after your first question. 
"What is your name?" 
It's a pleasure to meet you. Where are you from? 
That's an interesting name. Is it Chinese / French / Indian, etc.? 
Does your name have a special meaning? 
"Where do you live?" 
How long have you lived there? 
Do you like that neighborhood? 
Do you live in an apartment or house? 
Do you have a garden at your home? 
Do you live alone or with your family? 
"What do you do?" 
Which company do you work for? 
How long have you had that job? 
Do you like your job? 
What's the best / worst thing about your job? 
What do you like best / least about your job? 
Would you like to change jobs? 
"Are you married?" 
How long have been married? 
Where did you get married? 
What does your husband / wife do? 
Do you have any children? 
How old are your children? 
"Where are you from?" 
Where is ....? 
How long did you live there? 
What is XYZ like? 
Do you like living here? 
How is your country different than here? 
Do the people in your country speak English / French / German, etc.? 
Hobbies / Free Time 
These questions will help you continue conversations and find out more about people's likes and dislikes. 
What do you like doing in your free time? 
Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.? 
What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy? 
What do you do on weekends / Saturdays? 
More questions for ... 
These questions will help you ask for more detail. 
"What do you like doing in your free time?" 
How often do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.)? 
Where do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.) in this town? 
Why do you like (listening to music, eating out in restaurants, etc.) so much? 
"Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.?" 
Do you enjoy playing tennis /golf /soccer /etc.? 
How long have you played tennis /golf /soccer /etc.? 
Who do you play tennis /golf /soccer /etc. with? 
"What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy?" 
What's the best place to see /eat / go on vacations? 
What's the best type of film /food / vacation, etc. in your opinion? 
How often doyou watch films / eat out / go on vacation? 
"What do you do on weekends / Saturdays?" 
Where do you go to ...? 
Could you recommend a good place to (go shopping / take my children swimming / etc.)? 
How long have you done that? 
Text 1 
By Tim Parkinson via Wikimedia Commons 
Workers in Australia, have a new hotline they can call when they feel stressed and overworked. The new 
counselling service, Called Talk2Me, will charge its users $2,97 per minute to talk to a counsellor who 
promises to “just listen” to their work complaints. Of course, the service offers more than just a friendly ear: 
the counsellors have special skills. It’s not the same as just talking to a friend. For one thing, they do not 
interrupt with their own tales. Just make sure you don’t talk for too long, otherwise you could end up more 
stressed when you get the bill. Would you use this service? 
Read by Tina (Australian accent). 
Study the words 
Hotline- telephone service 
Stressed- under stress 
Overworked- working too much 
Launched- started 
Charge- ask for payment 
Complaints- problems, criticisms 
End up- become (in the end) 
Bill- invoice 
Friendly ear- a kind person to listen to you 
Skills- abilities 
Tales- stories 
Text 2 
This is Juan Uribe. He’s from Madrid in Spain but he lives in Argentina. He is an actor. Mr Uribe is 23 years 
old. He works for TV ARGENTINA. He also studies; he studies Journalism at the Federal University of 
Argentina. Mr Uribe cannot sing or dance but he can play the violin very well. He loves classical music and 
he listens to it every day from 5:10 am to 8:45am every morning. After this he has fruit juice for breakfast and 
goes to university. Mr Uribe is a very good student. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Mr Uribe 
lives in a flat. His flat number is 133, on the 1st floor. Mr Uribe loves Spanish food but he doesn’t like Argentine 
food. He loves milk caramels but he doesn’t like chocolate. He doesn’t smoke. 
Text 3 
Japan's most famous dog 
In front of the enormous Shibuya train station in Tokyo, there is a life-size bronze statue of a dog. Even 
though the statue is very small when compared to the huge neon signs flashing, it isn't difficult to find. It has 
been used as a meeting point since 1934 and today you will find hundreds of people waiting there for their 
friends to arrive- just look for the crowds. 
Hachiko, an Akita dog,was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924. His owner, Professor Eisaburo 
Uyeno and he were inseparable friends right from the start. Each day Hachiko would accompany his owner, 
a professor at the Imperial University, to Shibuya train station when he left for work. When he came back, 
the professor would always find the dog patiently waiting for him. Sadly, the professor died suddenly at 
work in 1925 before he could return home. 
Although Hachiko was still a young dog, the bond between him and his owner was very strong and he 
continued to wait at the station every day. Sometimes, he would stay there for days at a time, though some 
believe that he kept returning because of the food he was given by street vendors. He became a familiar 
sight to commuters over time. In 1934, a statue of him was put outside the station. In 1935, Hachiko died at 
the place he last saw his friend alive. 
Text 4 
Elephant and Friends 
One day an elephant wandered into a forest in search of friends. 
He saw a monkey on a tree. 
“Will you be my friend?” asked the elephant. 
Replied the monkey, “You are too big. You can not swing from trees like me.” 
Next, the elephant met a rabbit. He asked him to be his friends. 
But the rabbit said, “You are too big to play in my burrow!” 
Then the elephant met a frog. 
“Will you be my friend? He asked. 
“How can I?” asked the frog. 
“You are too big to leap about like me.” 
The elephant was upset. He met a fox next. 
“Will you be my friend?” he asked the fox. 
The fox said, “Sorry, sir, you are too big.” 
The next day, the elephant saw all the animals in the forest running for their lives. 
The elephant asked them what the matter was. 
The bear replied, “There is a tier in the forest. He’s trying to gobble us all up!” 
The animals all ran away to hide. 
The elephant wondered what he could do to solve everyone in the forest. 
Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find. 
The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals.” 
“Mind your own business!” growled the tiger. 
The elephant has a no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick. 
The frightened tiger ran for his life. 
The elephant ambled back into the forest to announce the good news to everyone. 
All the animals thanked the elephant. 
They said, “You are just the right size to be our friend.” 
Text 5 
Is she Happy? 
Sandra Rosa is very beautiful, young, and successful. She’s a famous actress. She’s also very rich. Her 
house near the beach is big and beautiful, and her car is very expensive. Her fans love her. But is she happy? 
Sandra says, “yeah, I’m young, rich, beautiful, and famous. People think rich people are happy. That’s not 
always true!” 
Sandra’s brother, Mike, is her manager. He says, “Sandra is only 18. She enjoys acting and entertaining 
people. But she’s not happy. She doesn’t like being famous.” 
“It’s true,” Sandra says. “I’m never alone. Reporters are everywhere. Wherever I go, they’re there. They’re 
outside my house all the time!” 
Text 5 
The Bigger the Ring, the shorter the Marriage 
If you’re going to propose in the near future, don’t worry if you can’t afford a massive engagement ring. 
A recent study suggests that the bigger the ring is, the shorter the marriage will be. Economics professors 
at Emory University in America have shown that bigger isn’t always better. In fact, men who spend between 
£1200 – £2000 on an engagement ring are actually 1.3 times more likely to divorce, than those who 
spend between £300 – £1200. Of course, these statistics don’t prove that a large ring is the cause of the 
problem. They simply show a correlation. However it seems clear that if you place more importance on the 
cost of the ring, than the man you’re about to marry, it’s not a promising sign. Do you think the size of 
an engagement ring is important? 
Text 5 
Holiday Home 
Are you looking for a holiday home in Italy? Why not buy a home in the picturesque town of Gangi for one 
Euro? This offer may seem too good to be true, but there’s

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