
What are the effects of poor drainage on soil properties? Changes in soil texture Changes in soil structure Decreased aeration Decreased permeabili...

What are the effects of poor drainage on soil properties?
Changes in soil texture
Changes in soil structure
Decreased aeration
Decreased permeability
I - Poor drainage can cause changes in soil texture, with a predominance of silt and clay in proportions that did not exist before.
II - Poor drainage can alter the cementing effect of particles (organic and inorganic materials) in the soil due to salinization, compaction caused by machine traffic, and low root density.
III - Poor drainage can affect the movement of gases, which can harm the exchange of O2 and CO2 from the soil to the atmosphere, essential for plant development.
IV - Poor drainage can reduce microbial activity and result in low permeability.
a) I, II, III, and IV are correct.
b) Only I, II, and III are correct.
c) Only II, III, and IV are correct.
d) Only I, II, and IV are correct.

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35 pág.

Extensão Rural Universidade de FrancaUniversidade de Franca


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A resposta correta é a alternativa c) Only II, III, and IV are correct. A má drenagem do solo pode causar alterações na estrutura do solo, diminuição da aeração, diminuição da permeabilidade e redução da atividade microbiana. No entanto, a afirmação I está incorreta, pois a má drenagem não causa necessariamente mudanças na textura do solo.


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