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Aula 4 
Text 1: The Rise of the Tycoon 
 America once idealized the businessman who amassed a vast financial 
empire – the business tycoon. His epoch was the second half of the 19th century. It 
began with the spread of the railroad networks in the 1850s, and included the growth 
of northern industry in the 1860s, and the rise of investment banking in the 1870s. 
Throughout this period, business interests had significant influence over government. 5 
 The great tycoons were fierce competitors, single-minded in their pursuit of 
financial success and power. Some of the giants were Jay Gould, J. P. Morgan, 
Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford. Some of these men were 
honest according to business standards of their day; others used force, bribery and 
guile to achieve their wealth and power. 10 
 The business spirit was not indigenous to America; it grew from the soil of 
European capitalism. By the time of the American Revolution, businessmen were 
operating in Italy, Holland, and England. Very early in American history there were 
industrialists, mostly in New England and along the northeastern seaboard. They 
were shipbuilders, manufacturers, land speculators, and bankers. Only a few, 15 
however, amassed large fortunes. 
 J. Pierpont Morgan, perhaps the most flamboyant of the entrepreneurs, 
operated on a scale of magnificence. He displayed aggressiveness and grandeur in 
his private and business life. He and his companions gambled, sailed yachts, gave 
lavish parties, built palatial homes, and bought the art treasures of Europe. 20 
 In contrast, such men as John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford demonstrated 
taut Puritan qualities. They retained their small-town values and life styles. As 
churchgoers, they felt a sense of responsibility to others. They demonstrated that 
personal virtues could bring success; theirs was the gospel of work and thrift. Later 
their heirs would establish the largest philanthropic foundations in America. 25 
 While many European intellectuals saw business and moneymaking as 
degrading, Americans generally embraced it with enthusiasm. They enjoyed the risk 
and excitement of business enterprise, as well as the potential rewards of power and 
 By the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s, however, the image of the 30 
entrepreneur as an American ideal had lost much of its luster. The crucial change 
came with the rise of corporation. Few business barons remained. They were 
replaced by "technocrats" as the heads of corporations. These executives, expert in 
every phase of corporate activity, became the indispensable cogs in the industrial 
machine. The high-salaried manager replaced the swaggering tycoon. 35 
 The big business leaders today are often involved in many areas of public life. 
They not only direct the fate of corporations, they also serve on boards in their 
community and as university trustees. The new corporate leaders fly to Washington 
to confer with government officials on national policy. They are concerned about the 
state of the national economy and America’s relationship with other nations. (From 40 
An Outline of American Economy, ps.11/12, USIA) 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- 
 Procure responder as questões de reading comprehension como se 
elas fossem questões da sua prova. Utilize as técnicas e estratégias já abordadas. 
Choose the best option: 
1. All these options can be used to refer to the great Tycoons, except 
a) they were fierce competitors. 
b) single-mindedly they pursued wealth and power. 
c) they all resorted to bribery and guile to achieve power. 
d) according to business standards of their day some were honest. 
2. The image of the tycoons lost much of its luster by the time .... 
a) the Great Depression which devastated America. 
b) corporate activity grew more intense. 
c) high-salaried experts were employed. 
d) industrial machines had to be replaced. 
3. After reading the text you can affirm that ... 
a) Europeans made a fortune by selling the Americans their art treasures. 
b) Americans and Europeans enjoyed the risk of business enterprise. 
c) the excitement of business enterprise fascinated Europeans. 
d) Americans and European intellectuals regarded business differently. 
4. New England industrialists early on in American history ... 
a) were mainly shipbuilders, manufacturers, land speculators and bankers. 
b) were highly influenced by Italians, Dutch and British businessmen. 
c) hardly ever amassed large fortunes. 
d) did not pursue financial power so hard as the great tycoons. 
5. It can be inferred from the passage that ... 
a) were it not for the tycoons there would never be philanthropic 
foundations in America today. 
b) the tycoons’ self-centered business led to their eventual replacement. 
c) big business leaders nowadays have as much influence over government 
as the great tycoons did in the past. 
d) heads of corporate activity do not enjoy the risk of business enterprise. 
6. The word while (L-26) as a discourse marker indicates 
a) contrast. 
b) time. 
c) emphasis. 
d) consequence. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3- 
I. Do texto 1 retire 20 true cognates, as palavras transparentes, cuja 
semelhança com nosso português é evidente. Já comecei para você: 
America, idealized, vast, financial, empire ________________________ 
II - Verifique quantas vezes ‘the little word of’ a quem demos tanta 
importância antes aparece no texto? 
III - Por ser uma narrativa histórica o past simple predomina no texto 1. Só 
no primeiro parágrafo encontrei: idealized, amassed, was, began, 
included, had. 
 Escreva nas linhas a seguir os exemplos de past simple que você 
encontra no trecho que vai de J. Pierpont Morgan, perhaps ... até rewards of power 
and acclaim (L-17/29) 
IV -- Retorne à aula 1 e veja que reading strategies você poderia ter usado 
para responder cada uma das questões de reading comprehension. 
Questão 1 ________________________________________________ 
Questão 2 ________________________________________________ 
Questão 3 ________________________________________________ 
Questão 4 ________________________________________________ 
Questão 5 ________________________________________________ 
Questão 6 ________________________________________________ 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4- 
I - “Throughout this period, business interests had significant influence 
over government.” (L-5) 
A function word ‘throughout’ (=in every part of, all through) é uma 
preposição. No fragmento em negrito é: durante todo este período. 
II - “In contrast, such men as John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford 
demonstrated taut Puritan qualities.” (L-21/22) 
Como discourse marker, ‘in contrast (=conversely) que indica contraste. 
A tradução do fragmento em negrito é: ao contrário, inversamente. 
Veja se consegue traduzir os seguintes fragmentos do texto 1. Não use 
dicionário. No final da aula apresento a minha tradução para confronto. 
1. amassed large fortunes 
2. gave lavish parties 
3. were fierce competitors 
4. bought art treasures 
5. retained small-town values 
6. embraced moneymaking with enthusiasm 
7. enjoyed the risk of business enterprise 
8. had lost much of its luster 
9. came with the rise of corporations 
10. became the indispensable cogs in the industrial machine 
11. direct the fate of corporations 
12. concerned about the state of national economy 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- 
a) the suffix -OR 
 Na aula 3 falamos sobre o sufixo –ER , acrescentado a verbos e 
indicando aquele que faz alguma coisa. 
 Veja alguns exemplos do texto 1: 
 Shipbuilders ( = aqueles que constroem navios) 
 Manufacturers ( = aqueles que fabricam algo) 
 Bankers (banqueiros , os que realizam as operações bancárias) 
 No texto, nesta mesma seqüência você encontra land speculators (= 
especuladores de terras) Ao verbo speculate acrescentou-se o sufixo –OR 
Veja estes outros exemplos com este mesmo sufixo: 
 They are expecting more visitors over the weekend. 
 Eles estão esperando mais visitantes durante o fim de semana. 
 As a result, a large number of investors changed route. 
 Em conseqüência, um grande número de investidores mudou de rumo. 
 My brother had some experience as a realtor. 
 Meu irmão tinha alguma experiência como corretor de imóveis. 
 Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação 
quando encontrá-las em suas leituras. 
a) the suffix -SHIP 
From text 1: 
 “They are concerned about the state of the national economy and 
America’s relationship with other nations.” (L-39/40) 
 Neste caso, relationships significa relações diplomáticas com outras nações. 
 O sufixo –SHIP é normalmente acrescentado a substantivos para formar 
outros substantivos. Estude estes exemplos: 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- 
 For me nothing was more precious that her friendship. 
 Para mim nada era mais precioso do que a amizade dela. 
 It was an old manuscript whose authorship was hard to determine. 
 Era um velho manuscrito cuja autoria ficava difícil determinar. 
 Nobody enjoys living under dictatorship. 
 Ninguém gosta de viver numa ditadura. 
 Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação 
quando encontrá-las em suas leituras. 
c) the prefix -IN 
From text 1: 
 “These executives, expert in every phase of corporate activity, became the 
indispensable cogs in the industrial machine.” (L-33/35) 
 Eis outro prefixo que forma antônimos em inglês. Já tínhamos estudado 
NON-. De dispensable (=dispensável) forma-se indispensable (= 
indispensável). Veja outros exemplos: 
 We could barely hear those indistinct sounds. 
 Mal conseguíamos ouvir aqueles sons indefinidos. 
 In English you have definite and indefinite articles. 
 Em inglês tem-se artigos definidos e indefinidos. 
 Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação 
quando encontrá-las em suas leituras. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- 
Complete the sentences with one of the words in bold type: 
1. Belong / belonged / belongings 
 ‘Our airline cannot be held responsible for any personal ............................ 
left on the plane,’ the flight attendant announced. 
2. Pursuit / pursue / pursuer 
 The .............................. of happiness must be every man’s dream in life. 
3. Unions / unify / unification / reunification 
 With the advent of computer technology most business enterprises in 
Brazil have ................................ their controlling systems. 
4. Trends / trendy / trend 
 If purple hair comes in fashion, be sure Lola will wear it. God knows how 
.................................... she is. 
5. Industrial / industrialists / industrialized / industrialization 
 Wealthy ...................................... in São Paulo begin to demonstrate signs 
of impatience with the government’s economic policies. 
6. Magnificence / magnificent / magnified 
 We found the scenery ................................ Never had we seen such a 
beautiful waterfall. 
7. Profit / profitable / profiteer 
 Mr. Weld runs a very ................................. business. 
8. Account / accountable / accountings / accountant 
 Soon the auditors found out that the ............................... had been cooking 
the books for quite a while. 
9. Advantage / advantageous / advantages 
 Talk to your bank manager. He can show you the most ............................. 
form of investing your money. 
10. Competitor / compete / competitive / competitiveness 
 The racer’s complaints had to do with his car’s lack of ............................. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8- 
From Text 1: 
 “By the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s, however, the image of 
the entrepreneur as an American ideal had lost much of its luster…”(L-30/31) 
Utilizemos as expressões learn fast (=aprender rápido) com o verbo regular 
learn e grow old (ficar velho) com o verbo irregular grow (grew, grown). 
I / You / He / She / It/ We / They had learned fast/ grown old 
Como você pode observar usa-se o passado simples do auxiliar ‘to have’ + o 
particípio passado do verbo principal. 
 Had I/ You / He / She / It/ We / They learned fast/ grown old? 
Forma-se a interrogativa com a inversão do auxiliar ‘have’ e o sujeito da frase. 
I/ You / He / She / It/ We / They had not learned fast / grown old 
Forma-se a negativa com o acréscimo de ‘not’ após o auxiliar ‘had’. 
Encontra-se a forma contraída: had not = hadn’t. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9- 
a) Used to describe a past action that took place before another past action. 
 Descreve uma ação passada que ocorre antes de outra ação passada. 
Exs.: When I got to the airport, Jenny had already left. 
 Quando cheguei ao aeroporto, a Jenny já havia partido. 
 Had she learned any English before you met? 
 Ela havia aprendido inglês antes de vocês se encontrarem? 
b) In indirect speech, when the past simple was used in direct statements or 
 Em discurso indireto quando o passado simples foi usado nas afirmativas 
Exs.: “I saw Vera ”, John confirmed. (–Eu vi a Vera, confirmou o João.) 
 John confirmed that he had seen her. João confirmou que tinha visto a 
 ‘The witness didn’t talk to the criminal.’ the inspector said. 
 A testemunha não falou com o criminoso - declarou o inspetor. 
 The inspectorsaid that the witness hadn’t talked to the criminal. 
 O inspetor disse que a testemunha não havia falado com o criminoso. 
 Sinceramente já perdi a conta das vezes em que utilizei esta atividade nas 
minhas aulas. É excelente para praticar estruturas com past simple e past 
perfect. Aos alunos é apresentado o seguinte diálogo incompleto: [S1 é 
student 1 // S2 é student 2] 
S1: Did you _________________ last night? 
S2: No, I didn’t. Last night I _____ something I had never ______ in my life. 
S1: Oh, really! What ___________? 
S2: I _______________________. 
 Um exemplo com o verbo to see (saw, seen) [=ver] 
S1: Did you see the film on TV last night? 
S2: No, I didn’t. Last night I saw something I had never seen in my life. 
S1: Oh, really! What did you see? 
S2: I saw a hockey game. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10- 
E se o verbo escolhido fosse drink (drank, drunk)? O diálogo poderia ser 
preenchido assim: 
S1: Did you drink Guaraná last night? 
S2: No, I didn’t. Last night I drank something I had never drunk in my life. 
S1: Oh, really! What did you drink? 
S2: I drank Tequila. 
 A seguir você encontra uma lista de verbos irregulares que se encaixam 
no diálogo incompleto acima. A lista não está dada de mão beijada para você. 
Deixei uma das formas - ou do past tense ou do past participle em zigzag 
- para você preencher. 
 Esteja você estudando alone ou in small groups eu aconselho que faça 
este exercício para treinar estruturas com past simple e past perfect. 
 Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle 
 buy bought _____________ 
 catch _________ caught 
 choose chose _____________ 
 do _________ done 
 draw drew _____________ 
 drink _________ drunk 
 eat ate _____________ 
 feel _________ felt 
 fly flew _____________ 
 hear _________ heard 
 hit hit _____________ 
 leave _________ left 
 lose lost _____________ 
 make _________ made 
 run ran _____________ 
 sell _________ sold 
 spend spent ______________ 
 spread _________ spread 
 steal stole _____________ 
 teach _________ taught 
 tell told _____________ 
 throw _________ thrown 
 understand understood _____________ 
 wear _________ worn 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- 
Não deixe de preencher este word formation cloze pois ele lhe 
permitirá verificar o quanto você desenvolveu seu conhecimento 
de word families 
 Choose the best word in parentheses to complete the text: 
 The Federal Reserve Board–in Washington, D.C., coordinates Federal 
Reserve Banks, which in fact constitute a central (1-banker / banking / 
banked) system. The Federal Reserve Board helps (2-stabilization / stabilize / 
stabilizing) and coordinate the nation’s commercial banks. About 6,000 of the 
14,000 banks (3-belong / belonging / belongs) to the system. The member 
banks handle more than 3/4 of all U.S. bank deposits. The Federal Reserve 
Banks lend money to (4-membership / member / members) banks for the cash 
reserves they are required to hold, (5-issuing / issue /issues) paper money, act 
as check (6-cleared /clearer /clearing) houses and provide other services. By 
increasing or decreasing cash reserve requirements and by raising or lowering 
(7-interesting / interest /interested) rates banks must pay for loans from the 
Reserve Banks, the Federal Reserve Board can influence the (8-availability / 
available/ avails) and cost of money for loans, and thereby check inflationary 
or deflationary trends in the economy. Most business and industrial activity in 
the United States is financed by loans from commercial banks and (9-insured / 
insuring / insurance) companies. Commercial banks receive money in the form 
of deposits, (10-savings / saver / saved) or repayments from the public, then 
lend it at interest to borrowers. Profit is made (11-primaries / primarily/ 
primary) from interest. The (12-pools / pooling / pool) of funds for bank loans 
comes from deposits by (13-businessmen / businesses / business-like) and 
individuals and from bank investment profits. Banks return a (14-portioned/ 
portion / portions) of investment profits to depositors in the form of services 
and interest on savings accounts. The money for insurance-company lending 
comes from the (15-annual / annually /annuals) premium paid by individuals 
and businesses for insurance (16-politics / policies / policy). 
 Money saved by individuals is usually deposited for safekeeping in 
interest– (17-bearing / bearer / born) accounts in one of four types of (18- 
private / privacy/ privately) institutions: commercial banks, savings banks, 
savings and loan associations and group credit unions. Interest-bearing U.S. 
government savings (19-bonds / bonding / bonded) are also available and are 
(20-widely / widening / width) used. Almost all the private savings institutions 
buy insurance offered by federal government corporations to protect individual 
savings accounts up to $ 100,000. Most of the money deposited in these 
individual savings accounts is used by the institutions to finance the purchase, 
building or remodeling of private homes. (From “This is America”, p.54, USIA-
1990 and from “An Outline of American Economy”, p.87, USIA-l981) 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12- 
From the Word Formation Cloze: 
“The Federal Reserve Banks lend money to member banks for the 
cash reserves they are required to hold.” (L-8/9) 
“The money for insurance-company lending comes from the annual 
premium paid by individuals...” (L-25/26) 
“Commercial banks receive money in the form of deposits, savings 
or repayments from the public, then lend it at interest to borrowers. 
 Distinguish between the usage of ‘to lend’ and ‘to borrow’: 
a) To borrow (r.v.)–be given sth. or take sth. intending to return it. 
Exs.: Marjorie borrowed $ l,000 from her father. 
 Mark borrowed a video tape from me. 
 Philip had to borrow from the bank to pay for his motorcycle. 
 The book you borrowed from the library is due tomorrow. 
b) to lend ( lent, lent) - give sth as a loan. 
Exs.: The bank lent me $l.000. 
 Lend you video game to your friend, Paul. 
 The dim lights lent a romantic touch to the room. 
 Two options of the quiz question were correct. I’m sure you can say: ‘He 
lent his CD to me’ or ‘He lent me his CD.’ 
Summarizing: You borrow things from somebody and you lend things to 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13- 
A number of words have been removed from the minitexts 
that follow. Complete them with the words from the box 
paying attention to the meaning and structure of the texts. 
Mini-text 1: How to Understand Corporate Taxes in Brazil 
 havens dividends rendered levied 
 rates remittances profits domain 
 A withholding income tax is __________ (1) on transactions involving 
companies or individuals, residents or domiciled outside of Brazil. Tax 
__________ (2) may vary from case to case. In most international transactions, 
such as interest and capital gain __________ (3), the applicable rate is 15%. 
Payments for services __________ (4) by non-residents are subject to 
withholding at the rate of 25%. Royalties are subject to withholdingtax of 15% 
plus a contribution to the economic intervention __________ (5) of 10%. 
Distribution of __________ (6) and__________ (7) generated as from January 
1996, are not subject to withholding income tax. Most of the payments to 
residents or individuals domiciled in tax __________ (8) are subject to 
withholding income tax at the rate of 25%. (From How to Understand Corporate 
Taxes in Brazil, p.4, a publication of the American Chamber of Commerce (SP), 
sponsored by Price Waterhouse Coopers) 
Mini-text 2: Petrobrás seeks more refining capacity 
 demand decision units join 
 building production record jobs 
 The _________ (1) by Petrobrás to _________ (2) Venezuela’s state-run 
petroleum company, PDVSA, in _________ (3) a new refinery in the state of 
Pernambuco means that the Brazilian state-run enterprise will increase its 
________ (4) level by 200,000 barrels/day by the year 2011. That is good news 
with domestic ________ (5) rising between 2.6% to 2.7% annually. The new 
refinery will also create a total of 230,000 _________ (6) over a four-year period. 
 At the moment, Petrobrás has eleven refining __________ (7), most in 
the Southeastern regions of the country, and has been setting new production 
records with regularity. In August, average daily production reached 1,8 million 
barrels. That is a new __________ (8). The problem is that by 2011 it will no 
longer be enough. (Agência Brasil. by Nielmar de Oliveira, Translator: Allen Bennett) 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14- 
 Fill each blank in the text with the correct word or phrase. 
Choose from the items in the box. Use each item once only. 
commission debited in full interest 
issued outstanding ATM withdraw 
credit rating statement loan default 
collateral overdraft bounce financial 
 Banks offer many services to businesses and their customers. Here are 
some of the most common: 
 Many people now have a card which enables them to ___________ (1) 
money from an ___________ (2). You feed your card into the machine and key 
in your PIN (personal identification number) and the amount of money you 
want. If you have enough in your account, the amount requested will be 
___________ (3) to you up to a daily limit. Your account is automatically 
____________ (4) for the amount you have drawn out. 
 Provided you have a sound ___________ (5), you can get a credit card 
from a bank and other ___________ (6) institutions. To obtain goods and 
services, you present your card and sign a special voucher. When it receives the 
voucher the credit card company pays the merchant minus a __________ (7) 
and then sends you a monthly ___________ (8). Depending on the type of card 
you have, you will either have to pay ___________ (9) or be able to pay part of 
what is owed and pay _________ (10) on the balance left _________ (11). 
 If you need additional money for investment or other major purchases, 
you can take out a _________ (12). The bank may need you to offer them 
something as __________ (13) in case you __________ (14) on your loan. Most 
good banks offer checking accounts with _________ (15) protection so that a 
check won’t _________ (16) in case no funds are available in your account. 
(From American Business Vocabulary, by John Flower and Ron Martinez, p.15) 
 Como eu já disse antes: seu estudo de inglês não tem que ser boring. O 
texto a seguir, extraído do velho, porém interessante, livro do Alexander, 
Perguntas e Respostas, intitula-se Blackmail (=chantagem). O seu tom jocoso 
facilita a memorização. Se você tiver um parceiro /a de estudos de inglês tente 
contar-lhe esta historinha resumidamente. Se for em inglês, ótimo; mas se só 
conseguir em português também está bom. Responda as perguntas em inglês. 
Use-as como guide to retell the story. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- 
 The great liner had anchored some distance from the harbor. The captain 
had told the passengers that they could visit the port if they wished to but they 
must be on board at 5.30, as the ship would set sail at 6 o’clock. The ship was 
far too big to dock in the harbor and all day long local boatmen had been 
rowing to and from the liner carrying sightseers to the small port. 
 At about 5 o’clock, Miss Merryweather hired a local boatman to take her 
back to the ship. The man had asked for $5, which Miss Merryweather 
thought excessive. 
 “Either you accept $3, or I shall hire another boatman, Miss Merryweather 
said firmly. 
 After a good deal of arguing, the man reluctantly agreed to take her for $3. 
 When they were about two hundred yards from the liner, the boatman 
stopped rowing. 
 “Is anything the matter?' inquired Miss Merryweather anxiously. 
 'Nothing at all,' the boatman replied. 'Either you pay me $5, or you can sit 
here and watch the ship sail away without you.” 
(From Question an Answer, by L.G. Alexander, p.112, Longman) 
1. What kind of ship was anchored some distance from the harbor? 
2. What had the captain told the passengers? 
3. Why had the boatmen been rowing to and from the ship? 
4. What did Miss. Merryweather do at 5 o’clock? 
5. How much had the boatman asked to take her back to the ship? 
6. How much was Miss. Merryweather willing to pay the boatman? 
7. Why did the boatman stop when they were about 200 yards from the ship? 
8. What did Miss. Merryweather ask the boatman? 
9. How did the boatman reply? 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16- 
 Read the text below in order to answer questions 24 to 26. 
Not exactly Major league 
 By most measures, the president has quite an ambitious economic agenda 
for his second term. George Bush’s goals include overhauling the tax code, 
reforming the Social Security System halving the budget deficit and pushing 
through more trade agreements. But who exactly is meant to do all this stuff? 
 In theory, Mr. Bush’s economic team is headed by John Snow. The 
president was on the point of sacking his treasury secretary at the end of last 
year; he then pulled back- but only apparently to keep Mr. Snow as a traveling 
salesman for his pension reform scheme. The former railroad boss has recently 
visited such well-known global financial centers as San Antonio, Albuquerque 
and New Orleans. 
 The treasury itself seems short of both staff and clout with the 
administration. That might be excusable if economic policy were being steered 
by a professional team in the White House; but it is short of economists, 
particularly ones that are dose to Mr. Bush.(Source: The Economist / May 17th 2005) 
24. According to the article, 
a) Mr. Bush’s treasury secretary was on the brink of being dismissed. 
b) Mr. Bush’s economic team intends do away with the tax code. 
c) the Social Security System has been remodeled and upgraded 
d) the former American president established four economic aims. 
e) Mr. Bush set an unachievable economic agenda in his first term.25. As to the budget deficit, it is supposed to be halved, which means to be 
a) 100% cleared. 
b) reduced by 50%. 
c) settled in percentages. 
d) increased by 15%. 
e) cut by around 75% 
26. The text refers to the Treasury as 
a) lacking political power with the opposition. 
b) not having had enough staff with the administration. 
c) having the political clout with the administration. 
d) not aiming for economic influence with the administration. 
e) not having enough influence with the administration. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- 
Reading Comprehension Questions 
Questão 1. C O autor menciona que os tycoons - os barões de indústria – 
eram ferozes competidores (a); que buscavam a riqueza e o poder com 
determinação (b), também é mencionado que para os padrões da época alguns 
deles eram tidos como honestos. Agora a letra (c) está invalidada por causa da 
palavra ‘all’. Cuidado com as palavras como todos, sempre, etc e nenhum, 
nunca etc. Essa questão já obrigava ao intensive reading. 
Questão 2. A Idéia expressa no texto: a imagem dos tycoons perdeu 
muito do seu brilho na época em que a grande depressão arrasou os EUA (L- 
....), na letra b) lê-se: a atividade corporativa tornou-se mais intensa, na letra c) 
lê-se: peritos altamente remunerados foram empregados; na letra d), temos: as 
máquinas industriais tiveram que ser substituídas. Bastava você fazer o 
scanning e detectar que a informação desejada se encontrava 
Questão 3.D Não há respaldo no texto para se afirmar que os europeus 
fizeram fortuna vendendo aos americanos suas obras de arte (a). O texto 
menciona que apenas os americanos gostavam do risco empresarial (b); o 
entusiasmo pelos negócios fascinava os americanos e não os europeus, segundo 
o autor. Bastava fazer o de novo o scanning para buscar a idéia expressa. 
Questão 4. A Outra idéia expressa no texto. Não se tem elementos para 
afirmar que os industriais de New England eram altamente influenciados por 
homens de negócios da Itália da Holanda e da Grã Bretanha(b), não para se 
precisar também quanto industriais de New England hardly ever 
(=raramente) amealhavam uma fortuna (c) . Também não se pode afirmar que os 
industriais de New England não buscavam o poder financeiro tão arduamente 
quanto os barões. 
Questão 5.B Cuidado com questões de inferência. O examinador pede que 
você chegue a uma conclusão sobre um ponto que não está dito expressamente 
no texto. Certamente seria ir muito longe dizer que se não fossem os barões e 
não haveria instituições filantrópicas na América hoje (a). Com relação à opção 
(c), no texto há uma menção a grande influência que os barões exerciam sobre o 
governo nos áureos tempos. Quanto à opção (d), a mais fora de propósito, como 
afirmar ou mesmo inferir que os dirigentes das grandes corporações de hoje não 
apreciem o risco pela atividade empresarial!?. 
Questão 6.A Tipo de questão que deveria ser respondida primeiro se você 
estivesse com pouco tempo de prova sobrando. Basta fazer uma leitura rápida e 
saber que while (L-26) está indicando contraste, significando enquanto 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- 
1. acumularam grandes fortunas // 2. davam festas suntuosas // 3. eram ferozes 
competidores // 4. compravam tesouros artísticos // 5. conservavam valores das 
pequenas cidades // 6. abraçaram a ambição pelo dinheiro com entusiasmo // 7. 
adoravam o risco da atividade empresarial // 8. haviam perdido muito do seu 
brilho // 9. veio com o crescimento das corporações // 10. tornaram-se peças 
indispensáveis da máquina industrial // 11. dirigem os destinos das corporações 
// 12. preocupados com a situação da economia nacional. 
1. ‘Our airline cannot be held responsible for any personal belongings left 
on the plane,’ the flight attendant announced. 
 Nossa companhia não pode ser responsabilizada por objetos pessoais 
deixados no avião, anunciou a aeromoça. 
2. The Pursuit of happiness must be every man’s dream in life. 
 A busca da felicidade deve ser o sonho na vida de todo homem. 
3. With the advent of computer technology most business enterprises in 
Brazil have unified their controlling systems. 
 Com o advento da tecnologia da computação a maiorias da empresas no 
Brasil unificaram seus sistemas de controle . 
4. If purple hair comes in fashion, be sure Lola will wear it. God knows how 
trendy she is. 
 Se cabelo roxo virar moda esteja certo de que Lola vai usá-lo. Deus sabe 
como ela é ligada em moda. 
5. Wealthy industrialists in São Paulo begin to demonstrate signs of 
impatience with the government’s economic policies. 
 Ricos industriais de S.Paulo começam a demonstrar sinais de impaciência 
com as políticas econômicas governamentais. . 
6. We found the scenery magnificent Never had we seen such a beautiful 
 Acham o cenário magnífico. Nunca havíamos visto tão bela cachoeira. 
7. Mr. Weld runs a very . profitable business. 
 O Sr. Weld dirige uma empresa muito lucrativa. 
8. Soon the auditors found out that the accountant had been cooking the 
books for quite a while. 
 Logo os auditores descobriram que o contador vinha fraudando os livros por 
algum tempo. 
9. Talk to your bank manager. He can show you the most advantageous 
form of investing your money. 
 Fale com o gerente do banco. Ele poderá lhe mostrar a formar mais 
vantajosa de investir o seu dinheiro. . 
10. The racer’s complaints had to do with his car’s lack of competitiveness. 
 As reclamações do piloto diziam respeito à falta de competitividade do carro. 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- 
1. banking // 2. stabilize // 3. belong // 4. member // 5. issue // 6. clearing // 7. 
interest // 8. availability // 9. insurance // 10. savings 11. primarily // 12. pool // 
13. businesses // 14. portion // 15. annual // 16. policies// 17. bearing // 18. 
private // 19. bonds // 20. widely. 
Mini-text 1: 1. levied // 2. rates // 3. remittances // 4. rendered // 5. domain // 6. 
profits // 7. dividends ( or 6. dividends // 7. profits) 8. havens. 
Mini-text 2: 1. decision // 2. join // 3. building // 4. production// 5. demand // 6. 
jobs // 7. units // 8. record 
1. withdraw // 2. ATM ( automatic teller machine) // 3. issued // 4. debited // 5. 
credit rating// 6. financial// 7. commission // 8. statement //9. in full // 10. 
interest // 11. outstanding // 12. loan // 13. collateral // 14. default // 15. 
overdraft // 16. bounce 
I almost forgot 
(fora de ordem) 
I. True cognates 
 epoch, included, industry, investment, significant, influence, government, 
competitors, financial, success, honest, force, spirit, indigenous, capitalism, 
European, American, Revolution, operating, history, industrialists speculators 
II. The little Word of 
 A palavra ‘of aparece 22 vezes. 
III. Past simple examples 
 operated, displayed, gambled, sailed, gave, built, bought, demonstrated, 
retained, felt, could, was, would, saw, embraced, enjoyed, 
ESAF /AFC STN / 2005 
24. a 25.b 26. e 
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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -20- 
 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados. 
 Raise your awareness of: 
 Despertar sua conscientização para: 
I – Reading Strategy (III): Inference questions 
 Estratégia de Leitura (II): questões envolvendoinferência 
II – Study of text 1: The Rise of the Tycoon 
 Estudo do texto1 “A ascenção dos Barões da Indústria ” 
III – Key Words : throughout, conversely 
 Palavras-chave: por toda parte, inversamente 
IV – Word Forms – The prefix IN- 
 Formação de Palavras – prefixo –NON 
V – Word Forms – The suffixes: –OR, –SHIP 
 Formação de Palavras – Sufixos: -OR, -SHIP 
VI - Summary of Verb Tenses: Past Perfect 
 Resumo dos tempos verbais: Passado Perfeito 
VII – Word Formation Cloze : The Fed 
 Texto (Cloze) sobre formação das palavras: Federal Reserve 
VIII – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: taxes / oil/ 
 Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: tributos, petróleo, termos 
IX– Lighten up! Blackmail – a story to retell (Exs. c/ Past Perfect) 
 Relaxe! Chantagem – uma historinha para recontar (Exs. c/ passado perfeito 
X– Analysis of past exams: ESAF / AFC/STN – 2005 
 Text: “Not exactly Major League” 
 Análise de provas anteriores: ESAF / AFC / STN – 2005 
 Texto : “Não exatamente Primeira Divisão” 
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