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- Aula 08: Avaliando o aprendizadoConcluído: 34,29% |Tópico
Which alternative cannot answer the following question: What are consumer culture elements?
How can functionalism be defined?
Choose the alternative that is correct in relation to Post modernism and identity:
Durkheim thoughts revealed the independent existence of social facts in relation to persons. He created the expression
collective conscious, which means
Advertising plays an important role in the economic life of almost every market economy. Why is it so? Because ...
What are the strengths of functionalism in relation to culture?
CEL0559_EX_A8_201501375113 » 04:11 de 50 min. Lupa 
Aluno: LUANA MACHADO DE ARAUJO Matrícula: 201501375113
Disciplina: CEL0559 - EST. CULT.L.INGLESA Período Acad.: 2015.3 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu EXERCÍCIO DE FIXAÇÃO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua avaliação. O
mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha (3).
Após a finalização do exercício, você terá acesso ao gabarito. Aproveite para se familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na
sua AV e AVS.
 Consumption is immediate, based on the instant gratification of needs.
Advertising plays a large role in the creation of wants and desires.
 Consumption does not play a part in life-style formation.
Consumption is bound up with a capitalist economy based on the production of commodities.
The commodities consumed come from popular cultural sources.
 Gabarito Comentado
It is the perspective in sociology according to which society consists of different and separate parts, each of which
serves a particular purpose.
It is the perspective in astrology according to which society consists of different but related parts, each of which
serves a particular purpose.
It is the perspective in sociology according to which society does not consists of different but related parts, each of
which serves a particular purpose.
It is the perspective in arts according to which society consists of different but related parts, each of which serves a
particular purpose.
It is the perspective in sociology according to which society consists of different but related parts, each of which
serves a general purpose.
Romantics such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they were
under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to become who they wish, through
consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they
were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to become who they wish,
through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
b. Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are not much more fluid and ambivalent than
they were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to become who they
wish, through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they
were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are not free to become who they wish,
through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they
were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to behave rigidly, through
consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
the standardized manner of conduct and thought that may not be observed in an inner social group.
 the standardized manner of conduct and thought that may be observed in an inner social group.
the strange manner of conduct and thought that may be observed in an inner social group.
the exotic manner of conduct and thought that may be observed in an inner social group.
the abusive manner of conduct and thought that may be observed in an inner social group.
so far we cannot find any evidence that advertising affects private consumption.
given the level of maturity of economic activity, advertising sells certain products because they are old-fashioned.
 consumption is bound up with a socialist economy based on the production of commodities.
the informative role of advertising products makes people learn how to save and avoid consumption.
 consumption is based on the instant gratification of needs.
 Gabarito Comentado
It does not allow us to think about the nature of the social system as a whole, explains the process of socialization
and how culture can create order in society.
It allows us to think about the nature of the social system as a whole, changes the process of socialization and
explain how culture can create order in society.
It allows us to think about the nature of the social system as a whole, changes the process of socialization and
explain how culture cannot create order in society.
It allows us change the nature of the social system as a whole, explains the process of socialization and how
culture can create order in society.
It allows us to think about the nature of the social system as a whole, explains the process of socialization and how
culture can create order in society.
Legenda: Questão não respondida Questão não gravada Questão gravada
Exercício inciado em 17/11/2015 14:10:15.

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