
5. Word Formation

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

1. Você conhece “The New Adventures of Old Christine”? 
The New Adventures of Old Christine is a comedy about a 
35-year-old immature divorced mom (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), 
who runs a female-only gym with Barbara 'Barb' (Wanda 
Sykes), and tries to keep peace with everyone around her. 
That includes the judgmental stay-at-home moms at her 
son Richie's (Trevor Gagnon) private school, her ex-
husband, Richard (Clark Gregg), his new girlfriend (Emily 
Rutherfurd), whose name is also Christine and old 
Christine's brother, Matthew (Hamish Linklater), who lives 
with her. From writer-executive producer Kari Lizer, it 
originally ran on CBS from March 13, 2006 to May 12, 
2010, completing five seasons. The series received nine 
Emmy Award nominations, winning one for Louis-Dreyfus' 
performance in the first season. 
Christine "Old Christine" Campbell, the main character 
of the series. She has a number of neuroses: although she 
suffers from feelings of inadequacy, she can also be highly 
self-centered and self-obsessed. Christine's bad luck with 
relationships continued after her divorce. Her age is 
unknown and her brother constantly teases her about her 
age. An ongoing joke is her addiction to wine and her 
obliviousness to it. 
Richard Campbell is Christine's “useless” ex-husband, 
who maintains a frequent presence in her life. After 
divorcing Christine, he found love with another woman also 
named Christine, who is nicknamed "New Christine". He 
suffers from commitment problem, taking months to tell 
New Christine that he loved her and four years to propose 
to her. Richard's presence in his ex-wife's life caused a 
tension between him and New Christine, but they reunite 
when she becomes pregnant. 
Matthew Kimble is Christine's brother who lives with her and has trouble finding a career path. He entered and 
quit medical school and then pursued a career as a therapist. He suffers from an unhealthy attachment to his mother 
and his romantic life is less than interesting. Despite his nerd-like features, Matthew is frequently called attractive 
by many women. 
Barbara "Barb" Baran is Christine's sarcastic best friend and colleague at the gym. Barb, who in one episode was 
referred to as "my black friend, Barb" by Old Christine, is divorced and in the fourth season was revealed to be from 
the Bahamas and not an American citizen. She has a dry sense of humor and is rarely excited by any of Christine's 
plans. Barb and Christine got married early in season four to save Barb from deportation, but their same-sex 
marriage ended up resulting in them losing ownership of their gym. 
Christine "New Christine" Liesl Hunter is Richard's "beautiful dumb blonde" girlfriend, often frustrated and 
confused. She is annoyed by Richard's continued friendship with Old Christine, who seems to be in a competition 
with her. She is also frustrated with Richard's lack of commitment to their relationship. She walked out on their 
wedding, and has intense anger towards Richard for ruining it. She also became furious to learn she is pregnant, 
even though Richard told her he had a vasectomy. 
Richard "Ritchie" Campbell, Jr. is Christine and Richard's son, who attends a classy private school. Often 
overprotected by his mother, his lack of masculine traits worried his father. 
2. Relacione os termos abaixo aos seus significados mais próximos: 
 1. runs ( ) traços 
 2. judgemental ( ) ignorância 
 3. main ( ) falta/ausência 
 4. unknown ( ) vício 
 5. teases ( ) apesar de 
 6. ongoing ( ) contínua/repetitiva 
 7. addiction ( ) propriedade 
 8. obliviousness ( ) provoca 
 9. useless ( ) ligação/afeto 
 10. nicknamed ( ) desconhecida 
 11. propose ( ) plano de carreira 
 12. career path ( ) principal 
 13. attachment ( ) propor casamento 
 14. despite ( ) críticas 
 15. ownership ( ) apelidada 
 16. lack ( ) conduz 
 17. traits ( ) inútil 
3. É possível imaginar qual descrição acima corresponde a cada personagem na imagem? 
4. Qual personagem descrita não aparece na imagem? 
5. Qual é o tema do seriado “The New Adventures of Old Christine”? 
6. Em qual período o show esteve no ar? Por quantas temporadas? 
 7. A série foi nomeada e/ou recebeu algum prêmio? Explique. 
8. Descreva, em linhas gerais, cada um dos personagens apresentados no texto. 
Christine Campell: 
Richard Campbell: 
Matthew Kimble: 
Barbara Baran: 
Christine Hunter: 
Richard Campbell Jr.: 
Observe as palavras destacadas nas frases abaixo: 
“(…) her ex-husband, Richard (…)” 
“(…) she can also be highly self-centered (…)” 
“(…) but they reunite when she becomes pregnant.” 
Através do estudo da morfologia de uma língua, pode-se perceber a flexibilidade da mesma. Através dos 
afixos, podemos criar novas palavras e mudar o sentido destas. A vantagem de se estudar a morfologia, 
é que mesmo sem saber o significado da palavra, pode-se identificar a classe gramatical da mesma, o 
que facilita bastante a compreensão textual. AFFIXATION é a adição de prefixos e sufixos. 
Prefixos normalmente não alteram a categoria gramatical da palavra-base a que se aplicam. Sua função 
é predominantemente semântica, isto é, eles alteram o significado da base. 
1. IN: o prefixo “in” dá ideia de oposição às palavras: 
 In transforma-se em im antes de palavras que começam com ‘m’ ou ‘p’. 
Ex: immature, impatient, impossible, impolite. 
 Desta mesma forma in transforma-se em ir antes de palavras que começam com ‘r’. 
Ex.: irregular; irresponsible. 
 Seguindo ainda a mesma ideia, in será transformado em il com palavras que começam com ‘l’. 
Ex.: illegal, illiterate, illegible. 
2. UN e DIS: os prefixos un e dis também dão ideia de oposição aos verbos. Estes prefixos são 
geralmente usados para reverter a ação dos verbos. 
Ex.: cover/uncover, lock/unlock, agree/disagree, like/dislike. 
3. NON: o prefixo non também dá ideia de negação. 
Ex.: non-smoker, non-conformist. 
4. ANTI: o prefixo anti dá ideia de oposoção “against” e pode ser aplicado para verbose substantivos. 
Ex.: anti-war; antisocial; antibiotic; antibody. 
5. EX: o prefixo ex é igual a ‘antigo’, ‘anterior’, ‘passado’. 
Ex.: ex-wife, ex-smoker, ex-boss. 
6. MIS: mis dá ideia de ‘erroneamente’. 
Ex.: misunderstand, mistranslate, mislead. 
7. MONO: o prefixo mono dá ideia de único (single). 
Ex.: monolingual, monologue, monosyllabic. 
8. MULTI: multi dá ideia de múltiplos (many). 
Ex.: multinational, multimedia. 
9. OVER: over dá ideia de excesso (a lot). 
Ex.: overwork, overtired, oversleep. 
10. POST: post dá ideia de postergação. 
Ex.: postgraduate, post-war, postpone. 
11. PRE: o prefixo pre é o mesmo que ‘antes’. 
Ex.: pre-war, pre-judge, pre-school. 
12. PRO: pro é o mesmo que ‘em favor de’. 
Ex.: pro-government, pro-student, pro-revolutionary. 
13. PSEUDO: pseudo, como no português é o mesmo que ‘falso’. 
Ex.: peseudo-scientific, pseudo-intellectual. 
14. RE: o prefixo re dá ideia de ‘novamente (again)’. 
Ex: rewrite, replay, restart, renew. 
15. UNDER: o prefixo under dá ideia de ‘não suficiente’. 
Ex.: underestimate, undercooked. 
16. SELF: o prefixo self corresponde a “auto”. 
Ex: self-centered, self-obsessed, self-esteem, self-control, self-taught 
A. Extraia do texto alguns exemplos de uso de prefixo e imagine seu possível significado: 
. . . . . . 
Os sufixos têm a função de modificar a categoria gramatical das palavras a que se aplicam. Isto é, um 
determinado sufixo será sempre aplicado a uma determinada categoria de palavra e resultará sempre 
numa outra determinada categoria. 
1. ER e OR: er e or são usados para a pessoa que pratica uma ação (agente da ação). 
Ex.: writer, driver, singer, worker, actor, donor. 
2. ER e EE: er e ee podem contrastar com outros significados. Por exemplo, er é usado para a pessoa 
que pratica a ação (quem faz), enquanto que ee é a pessoa quem recebe ou vivência tal ação. 
Ex.: employer/ employee, sender/addressee. 
3. ION: ion é usado para formar substantivos a partir de verbos. 
Ex.: compete/competition, promote/promotion, act/action. 
4. ABLE e IBLE: significa ‘capaz de’, ‘merecedor de’. Transforma verbos em adjetivos. 
Ex.: drinkable, washable, adorable, available, flexible. 
5. MENT, ANCE e ENCE: as terminações ment, ance e ence também são acrescentadas a verbos para 
formar substantivos que significam “a ação de” ou o “resultado da ação de”. 
Ex.: excitement, enjoyment, replacement. 
6. HOOD: hood significa “o estado de ser”. 
Ex.: childhood, motherhood, neighborhood. 
7. SHIP: ship também significa “o estado de ser”. Refere-se especialmente a status. 
Ex.: friendship, partnership, membership. 
8. FUL: o sufixo ful forma substantivos com o significado de “caracterizado por”. 
Ex.: hopeful, useful, beautiful. 
9. LESS: o sufixo less é frequentemente usado com o sentido de “falta de”, “ausência de”, e pode vir 
ligado a substantivos para formar adjetivos. 
Ex.: useless, harmless. 
10. NESS: o sufixo ness tem a função de transformar adjetivos em substantivos. 
Ex: happy/happiness, sad/sadness, oblivious/obliviousness, dark/darkness 
B. Extraia do texto alguns exemplos de uso de sufixo e imagine seu possível significado: 
C. Observe as frases abaixo extraídas do episódio assistido em sala de aula, grifando as palavras 
formadas a partir de affixation. 
1. “- They're having a champagne reception before the ceremony. 
 - Hey, we should pick a designated driver.” 
2. ”- I want you to stop talking and start drinking. 
 - But I'm the designated driver. 
 - I'm un-designating you.” 
3. “- So, listen, Claire, I am picking up some major weirdness between us, and I really want to 
 reassure you that Ben and I were just friends.” 
4. “- I feel like our entire relationship is based on a lie.” 
5. “- It was was such a beautiful ceremony.” 
6. “- Yeah, see? I'm just a regular girl. I put my comfortable underwear on one leg at a time. 
Although, actually, today I accidentally put two legs through one hole 'cause I was driving, but 
I'm actually feeling so much better.” 
7. “- I am telling you, Barb, this one wasn't my fault. He said my name-- I was just sitting there 
 minding my own business.I can't help it if he finds me irresistible.”

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