
Quadro comparativo dos tempos verbais em inglês

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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	Ações habituais;
Verdades universais
VERB TO BE: am, is, are
DO and DOES: usado em negativas e interrogativas.
	a) I listen to the news on the car radio every day.
b)The sun rises in the east.
c) They like to eat bread for breakfast.
	Ação que ainda está ocorrendo
VERB TO BE: am, is, are
Verb “ING”
	a)He is talking on the phone (right now).
b) They are reading a book together.
c) I'm studying English now.
	Ação que ocorreu em um tempo não especificado no passado;
Ação que ocorreu recentemente;
Ação que começou no passado e continua até o presente (geralmente utilizado com as palavras for = faz, há e since = desde)
VERB TO BE: have / has + verb past participle 
	a) I’m sorry. I have forgotten your name.
b) He's just gone to the staff meeting.
c)Jack has lived in Miami all his life.
d)I’ve been here since 2 o’clock in the morning.
	Enfatizar a continuidade de uma ação que começou no passado e se prolonga até o presente.
VERB TO BE: have/has + been+ verb “ING”
	a) We’ve been working for 35 years in the same department.
b)She has been watching too much television lately.
c)Ana has not been practicing her English.
	Hábitos passados;
Ações que se iniciaram e concluíram no passado.
Sufixo “ED”: usado em afirmativas.
DID: usado em negativas e interrogativas.
	a)I worked yesterday.
b)She didn’t sell her house.
c)Did he wash his car last week?
	Ação em andamento em um determinado momento do passado.
VERB TO BE: was, were
Verb “ING”
	a) I was talking to my boss when you called me yesterday afternoon.
b) Fred was dancing with his girlfriend.
c) It was raining this morning.
	Ação que ocorreu no passado, antes de outra ação passada.
VERB TO BE: had + verb past participle
	a) The film had already started when we got to the cinema.
b) Had she read the book before seeing the movie?
c) She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska.
	Enfatizar a duração ou repetição de uma ação no passado anterior a outra ação também no passado.
VERB TO BE: had been
Verb “ING”
	a)They had been playing soccer before it started to rain.
b) I had been working hard for 10 years before I got that promotion.
c)What had you been doing when his grandmother called?

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