

Esta é uma pré-visualização de arquivo. Entre para ver o arquivo original

select productcode, sum(quantityordered)
from orderdetails
group by productcode
having QTE>1000
select jobtitle, count(employeeNumber)
from employees
group by jobtitle
select orderdate, count(*) as QTE
from orders
where status = 'cancelled'
group by orderdate
select count(*) as 'QTE Pedidos Despachados'
from orders
where status = 'shipped' and shippeddate > '2004-05-09'
select country, count(*) as 'Quantidade de Clientes por Pais'
from customers
where creditlimit > 50000 and country!= 'USA'
group by country
select paymentdate, count(*) as QTE, sum(amount) as Soma, avg(amount) as Média
from payments
group by paymentDate
Exercício 1
select *
from products
where quantityinstock > 3000
Exercício 2
select *
from products
where productname like 'a%' or productname like 't%'
Exercício 3
select *
from employees
where officecode = 1 and jobTitle!= ('sales rep')
Exercício 4
select firstname, jobtitle
from employees
where reportsto is null
Exercício 5
select *
from orders
where status='shipped' and shippedDate > '2003-10-19'
Exercício 6
select *
from customers
where country not in ('USA','France') and creditlimit between 100000 and 150000
Exercício 7
select *
from payments
where paymentdate between '2004-08-20' and '2004-10-08'

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