

Prévia do material em texto

Hauptaufgabe der Bedarfsplanung ist es zu ermitteln, welches Material in welcher Höhe zu welchem Termin benötigt wird.
Die Nettobedarfsrechnung läuft im Rahmen der Bedarfsplanung beim Planungslauf ab und findet auf Werksebene statt. Das System überprüft dabei, ob der Bedarf durch den verfügbaren Lagerbestand und fest eingeplante Zugänge gedeckt werden kann; bei Unterdeckung wird die Unterdeckungsmenge errechnet und ein Bestellvorschlag erzeugt.
Die Losgrößenberechnung läuft im Rahmen der Bedarfsplanung entsprechend des im Material-stammsatz festgelegten Losgrößenverfahrens ab.
Bei der Ermittlung des Bestellvorschlags wird geprüft, ob der Zugang durch Eigenfertigung oder durch Fremdbeschaffung erfolgen soll. Dies ist materialspezifisch durch die Beschaffungsart und ggf. durch die Sonderbeschaffungsart bestimmt. 
Die Beschaffungsart wird durch die Materialart im Customizing des Materialstamms voreingestellt.
Durch die Sonderbeschaffungsart wird die Eigenfertigung oder Fremdbeschaffung genauer festgelegt.
Die Terminierung ermittelt die Start- und Endtermine der Beschaffungselemente für eigengefertigte und fremdbeschaffte Materialien. Bei der Terminierung von fremdbeschafften Materialien werden folgende Zeiten berücksichtigt: Einkaufsbearbeitungszeit, Planlieferzeit, Wareneingangs-Bearbei-tungszeit.
Requirements planning can be carried out for various numbers of materials. The planning run type controls the scope of the materials to be planned. The planning run type is specified by the field processing key in the initial screen.
The creation indicator controls the creation of planned orders or purchase requisitions, of schedule lines, and of MRP lists.
The following evaluations are available for analyzing the planning result:
MRP list
The system creates an MRP list during the planning run depending on the creation indicator. MRP lists provide the most important work basis for the MRP controller. It displays the future stock/requirements situation as a result of the planning run. Changes that have occurred after the execution of the planning run are not included in the MRP list. They are only taken into account in the subsequent planning run and included in the resulting MRP list. In addition to displaying the MRP lists, you can also print them. 
Current stock/requirement list
The contents of the stock/requirement list correspond to the contents of the MRP list. Each time the stock/requirements list is called up, the system re-reads the various MRP elements and displays the most up-to-date situation. As a result, you always see the most recent availability situation for the material in the stock/requirements list.
Interactive planning is useful for materials which need to be checked thoroughly. With interactive planning, requirements planning can be carried out and changed several times in simulation mode. You can check changes as often as necessary in a simulative planning run. All changes are simulative until you save them and they are stored in the data base as the final planning result.
The system creates MRP lists during the planning run depending on the creation indicator. These lists contain the planning results for the material. The MRP list always displays the future stock/requirements situation at the time of the last planning run and it also provides a work basis for the MRP controller. The MRP list is stored in the system until it is either deleted manually or replaced by a new list from a subsequent planning run.
In the stock/requirements list, the most up-to-date development of stocks and requirements is displayed. The main difference between the MRP list and the stock/requirements list is that each time the stock/requirements list is called, the system re-reads the various MRP elements and displays the most up-to-date situation. As a result, you always see the most recent availability situation for the material in the stock/requirements list.
The MRP list displays the results of the last planning run. Changes that have occurred between planning runs are ignored in the MRP list. Contrary to this logic, in the stock/requirements list, all current stock, receipt, and issue changes are displayed. If you want to compare the MRP list with the stock/requirements list, you can do this using the compare functions. This means that you can compare the situation at the time of the last planning run with the current stock/requirement situation.
Each MRP list is divided into a header and items. In the MRP list header, material data is recorded, for example, the material number, the plant and MRP parameters. The items, on the other hand, contain information on the individual MRP elements (planned orders, purchase orders, reservations, sales orders, and so on).
In the standard system setting, the individual columns for the items include the MRP date, MRP element data (for example, the short text, the number, the item, and so on), the key to the exception message, receipts and requirements quantities as well as the available quantity which represents planned warehouse stock. In addition, you can view the start/release date column and opening date column by adjusting the width with the mouse. The system displays columns for the production version, supplying plant, and storage location, if the data exists.
The items can be grouped together into individual segments according to the different planning types. Therefore, for example, another segment is displayed in the MRP list for storage location MRP for elements that are affected by the storage location. Net requirements calculation is carried out for each segment separately.
If you set the system so that it creates MRP lists for each planning run, there will generally be a large number of such lists. To select the one particular list you want to work with from the rest, you have the following possibilities:
Individual display with selection by material number and plant,
Collective display with selection by MRP controller, plant and further selection criteria.
With the collective display, you can select several MRP lists for a plant and an MRP controller. A list of all the materials which fulfilled your selection criteria now appears. From this overview, you have two possibilities for displaying the MRP lists:
After selecting an MRP list, you can directly branch into the selected list.
After selecting several MRP lists, you then branch into the first list that you selected. You can systematically display each of the MRP lists that you selected in the material selection view. After every selected MRP list has been displayed, you automatically return to the material selection overview screen.
Exception messages depend on the procedure and indicate exceptional situations that have to be considered (for example, start date in the past, stock level falling below safety stock).
Exception messages occur during the planning run in situations that need to be checked by the MRP controller. In most cases, manual processing of the planning result is required.
Exception messages are used to control the planning results. The MRP controller is able to select materials from the planning result that have to be processed manually. 
Exception messages refer to an individual MRP element.
In Customizing, you can define
Whether an exception message should be created,
In which priority exception messages are to be displayed if several exception messages were created during the planning run for an MRP element,
Which exception messages are to be grouped together into an exception group,
Which exception messages lead to the creation of a MRP list if you set the creation indicator Create MRP list depending on exception messages.
A planned order is an internal document used by the MRP controller which specifies what amount of a a certain material is needed on which date. Aplanned order is only used within the company and it is not binding. The planned order is used to identify how the required material is to be procured.
In general, planned orders are created automatically during a planning run.
For in-house production, the planned order can be converted into a production order. For external procurement, the planned order can be converted into a purchase requisition.
You have two possibilities to convert the planned orders into purchase requisitions:
Individual conversion
Collective conversion
In collective conversion, you can select specific planned orders which have a start date within the opening horizon.
The opening horizon is the time available for the MRP controller to convert a planned order into a purchase requisition or a production order. The horizon key in the material master record controls the opening horizon.

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