
SLIEL a09_t09

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Questionnaire Construction 
 They are relatively simple to 
administer and easy to analyze; 
 They are impersonal; 
 A large sample of information can 
be gathered from a large number 
of people in a relatively short 
period of time at a low cost; 
 They are inadequate for complex 
 They can be administered by the 
researcher or by a number of 
 They are inadequate for visually 
impaired respondents; 
 They can be used for enquiring 
about sensitive topics, which 
respondents might feel 
uncomfortable talking about. 
 If any information is missing, you 
cannot go back to respondents; 
 respondents might leave some 
questions unanswered or complete 
them incorrectly; 
 There is no way of telling whether 
the respondents are providing true 
answers and / or how much thought 
they have put into them. 
Therefore it is the researcher’s sole responsibility to judge if the 
questionnaire is appropriate for the type of study s/he is undertaking. In case 
it is, the researcher should also decide on the type of questionnaire that 
should be used.

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