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Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- Poetry, Theatre and Fiction 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Class content:
•Modern trends of British Literature.
The main authors of the literary period which followed World War II to the present day. 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Jacques Derrida was born on July 15, 1930 in French Algeria. He was a French philosopher whose critique of Western philosophy had an incredible influence on the intellectual world in the late 20th century. He eventually taught at universities throughout the world and published 40 books on his theory, which has come to be known as "deconstruction." He died in 2004. 
Postmodernism and deconstruction 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
“The poet…is the man of metaphor: while the philosopher is interested only in the truth of meaning, beyond even signs and names, and the sophist manipulates empty signs…the poet plays on the multiplicity of signifieds.”- Jacques Derrida
“I speak only one language, and it is not my own.” - Jacques Derrida
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
One of the most well-known postmodernist concerns is deconstruction, a concern for philosophy, literary criticism, and textual analysis developed by Jacques Derrida. The notion of a deconstructive approach implies an analysis that questions the already evident deconstruction of a text in terms of presuppositions, ideological underpinnings, hierarchical values, and frames of reference. A deconstructive approach further depends on the techniques of close reading without reference to cultural, ideological, moral opinions or information derived from an authority over the text such as the author. At the same time Derrida famously writes: "Il n'y a pas de hors-texte (there is no such thing as outside-of-the-text).“ Derrida implies that the world follows the grammar of a text undergoing its own deconstruction. 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
In other (simpler) words…. It is a branch of literary criticism, with applications in philosophy and psychology, which states that all language is metaphorical and can not guarantee the absolute sense or in any way trying to analyze discourse texts by deciphering its multiple meanings, giving primacy to the interpretation of reader.
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
As the 21st century got under way, history remained the outstanding concern of English literature. Although contemporary issues such as global warming and international conflicts (especially theSecond Persian Gulf War and its aftermath) received attention, writers were still more disposed to look back. Bennett’s play The History Boys (filmed 2006) premiered in 2004; it portrayed pupils in a school in the north of England during the 1980s. Although Cloud Atlas (2004)—a far-reaching book by David Mitchell, one of the more ambitious novelists to emerge during this period—contained chapters that envisage future eras 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Thus far, literature of the 21st century carries on many of the themes that concerned the modernist and postmodernist movements. The genesis of modernism and postmodernism can be largely traced to the Industrial Revolution and the vastly different thinking inspired by the world wars, and the themes that concerned those movements of the past century are still applicable to the contemporary world. By looking for certain themes in literature of the 21st century, you will see how contemporary writers apply the same themes embraced by their predecessors. 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Postmodernism - artistic movement that defies definition, but it is largely concerned with the abandonment of objectivism, rationalism and other ideals embraced in past movements and periods such as the Enlightenment. Many themes and tendencies arise from postmodernist thinking. A common literary device used in postmodern literature is metafiction, in which the artificiality or creation of the text is incorporated into the text itself; in other words, literature that is self-conscious. Metafiction is prevalent in contemporary memoirs, which often feature the author speaking from a first-person perspective, speaking directly to the reader and/or referring to the written text itself.
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Post-structuralism - the linguistic aspect of postmodernism. It is concerned with both writer and reader perspectives, claiming that a written text lives beyond the author once it is part of the literary canon, and that a reader's subjective reality is a large part of the textual meaning experienced. This translates into more specific tendencies, such as a conscious objection to conventional textual structure and/or typography. Many post-structural themes deal with the abstract nature of human interaction, especially in the context of written communication.
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Subjectivity - a theme that plays into both postmodernism and post-structuralism. However, subjectivity itself often plays a large role in 21st-century literature. Many contemporary texts embrace subjectivity by incorporating multiple narrators or perspectives throughout the story. It is also common to find literary works that embrace wildly different perspectives, in an aim to force the reader to establish a subjective reading of the entire text. These themes primarily stem from the postmodernist tendency to reject objective truths or perspectives.
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Information Age Themes - The Information Age is defined by the explosion of computer and Internet technology over recent decades, which has allowed for an exponential increase in the exchange of information. Themes in 21st-century literature that come out of this include continued themes from the cyberpunk movement, which often feature dystopian societies that have been overrun or destroyed by technology. A continuance of existential themes popular in postmodernist literature can be seen in 21st-century literature, applied to the digital world of computers and online identities.
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Contemporary literature is a vast group of written works produced from a specific time in history through the current age. This literary era defines a time period, but it also describes a particular style and quality of writing. Some see this period as an extension of postmodern literature, but most refer to it as a literary era of its own. 
"Escape Spirit VideoSlime," by Takeshi Murata 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Genres included in this literary period span a variety of writing forms in addition to novels and poetry. Flash fiction, short stories, slam poetry, plays, memoirs, and autobiographies can all be included in this category. Nonfiction is usually not classified as literature, but this era sometimes includes works of creative nonfiction, which tell a true story using literary techniques. 
Rick Kirby 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Typical characteristics of the contemporary period include reality-based stories with strong characters and a believablestory. Settings usually keep to the current or modern era, so futuristic and science fiction novels are rarely included in this category. Well-defined, realistic, and highly developed characters are important in classifying a written work as contemporary, and most writing in this category features stories that are more character driven than plot driven. Contemporary literature features a somewhat modern narrative, but it also contains a harsher reality. Contemporary written works tend to be influenced by the prosperous lifestyle that followed WWII, but this literary class is rooted in the devastation that war brought to the world. A new reality blossomed in the post-war mind, and it included a personal cynicism, disillusionment, and frustration that is common to this literary period.
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
The term contemporary fiction describes stories set in modern times that don’t bring in any elements of fantasy. It is technically a kind of realistic fiction, and the term "contemporary" is used specifically to distinguish it from realistic fiction with a historical setting, which is also generally common and fairly popular. Contemporary fiction is normally focused on giving people a window into some corner of everyday experience and showing them what it would be like to walk in someone else’s shoes. Some of the stories may be politically-motivated or designed to raise social awareness, while others exist purely for the purposes of entertainment. 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
When authors create contemporary fiction, there is generally a focus on making everything as realistic as possible. This often means avoiding any exaggeration, even including those that might be convenient for the purposes of satisfying the audience. Many fans who enjoy contemporary fiction relish this focus on realism and may even punish stories that drift too far afield into unlikely scenarios. 
Contemporary light art sculpture 
Manfred Kielnhofer
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Another common focus for authors who specialize in this type of fiction is social relevance. For example, they often make stories that focus specifically on issues like race relations, sexism, crime, or poverty. These authors often hope that the experience of reading a story may give the reader a better understanding of these issues than he would get from a nonfiction account dealing with the same kind of subject matter, which could potentially help the person develop more sympathy or a better understanding. Genre fiction stories also often do this, but usually it is much less direct than the way it is handled in contemporary realistic fiction. 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Characteristics of Contemporary Literature 
1. Uses code switching between elevated literary language and "lower" forms, 
between high art and low art 
2. Deploys metafictional techniques to draw our attention to the work's relationship 
(or non-relationship) to "reality" 
3. Emphasizes performative nature of our identities; they aren't "true" or natural 
but just seem that way because they are consistent and persistent 
4. Emphasizes fragmentation in human experience of postmodern culture, and as 
an artistic strategy 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
5. Breaks down our faith in the supremacy of the rational, scientific human being 
(e.g. comparisons between animals and humans and machines) 
6. Questions our ability to understand ourselves and our culture 
7. Questions omniscience by questioning our ability to accurately see reality 
8. Questions the link between language and reality (everything is a biased 
9. Depicts border-crossing and migration as fundamental to human experience 
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
10. Emphasizes the permeability of old boundaries: between men and women; 
between the East and the West; between high and low culture 
11. Shows people struggling to find meaning in a world that doesn't offer us the old 
assurances (of either faith or science) 
Kowei Nawa
Tema da Apresentação
Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
Twenty-first century British poetry is no longer precisely English. Like the world literature with which it is now firmly allied it has as many facets as the eye of a fly, saying exactly what remains as the problem of the moment. 21st century British literature carries on many of the themes that concerned the modernist and postmodernist movements. The genesis of modernism and postmodernism can be traced to the Industrial Revolution and the vastly different thinking inspired by the world wars, and the themes that concerned those movements of the past century are still applicable to the contemporary world. It is still too soon to examine the literature produced by the 21st century authors due to its closeness to the present moment. It is possible, however, to spot themes such as technological revolution and ecology to be present in some of the most recent works of our time.
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Lesson10: Modern trends of British Literature- 
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