
LIVRO MODELS & PROTOTYPES...[página 133 a 167]

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Shinji Matsuda 
7 v~T-T'VY7/~:Jl J~ 
About clay modelling 
? Lt-1 'ET'I) :;~;frd:, T '-lj'-1:;A 7 'Y Tc'Hiln'tLt.:: 2 ;)(JI;:NI~~ 
:l1ff=:;)(JI;:Nffl. I= l.;, êll~B"J1J:~® ' ® . :í:ffJ'\7:;AtJC'~ 
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C'Id:~I::? Lt-1 :NmiO)mit±J l.;1~;E~~li)r:::NI~9.Qo 1J:d3êll~n\ 
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m:imic'®.Qn'. lYéüm~ l:: m~.Ei;:-tLc L \.Q? Lt-1 C'rd:Bfl.QL \:7' Lt 
-ê., a(Y!L-:7y)?Lt-1~~ml.;t.::o a?Lt-1 Id:êll~B"J I=~~L\ 
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rd:A~1J'IlJU .Q ll\WJ.'1J:ff~C'® I:J 1~i~jc' ®.Qo . 
'*?Lt-1[§jo)~<!Id:?Lt-1 'y-)l; (Lt-1? · 7-1-='Y::;1" - ) n" 
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~L\o ~1ll~ c'O) I ;)('ET,)l;~iiI!i~&x1ffi~ 0)&iE1'f~~fJ5cjJJ 
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.Q~60T'-lj'-1~-cl.;CO)@m~mo)~~B"Jê ffi.c~I:J~~.Q 
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2) ? 1/1' -=ET)V(J):g.fm~ 
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--;j ;E (I / I) C''J<.Qo ~;ffiI 1J:~m 
.~ , ilE J'\7:;A~~.Qo 
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G . ~iêlijijilij$) ml~~I=~m~tL.Qo 
The main purpose 01 clay modelling is lo enable one lo evaluale lhe 
lormaliue qualily. volume and ouerall balance by lranslorming a 
2-dimensional expressional design skelch inlo a 3-dimensional exjJre:; , 
sion. 11 is Iherelore diflicult lo see lhe aclual model il numerous 
slralch marks remain on lhe swface 01 lhe modellrom lhe processing 
slage. This book has been wrillen lo shine a special spotlighl onlo lhe 
lechnique 01 elay surfacing, While islhe besl color lo show up lhe 
model elearly (as even lhe slighlesl 01 shade changes can be exjJre:;­
sed), bul Itere I fUlve used a clay which is a h-igh grade modelling 
elay Ihal has lhe lighlesl hue amongsl all grey elays available 011 lhe 
currenl markel. In some silualíons elal' coloring is added lo lhe 
model ai lhe lime 01 evalualion. This acl is nol advisable. however. 
as lhe color will give dijlerenl volume ímpressions lo lhe model, One 
01 lhe good Ihings aboul a elal' is ils capabilill' 01 corresponding well 
during evalualion should lormalive alteralions lo lhe elal' surface be 
The mos/ importanl Ihing dming clal' work is lo move yourselj 
around lhe rnodel lo lind cornlortable posilions in which lo work (il 
is impossible lo work well in one posilion), Clay modelling req-uires 
a line louch and lhe lechniques 01 human beings. 
'* The qllalily 01 a elal' stnface will linally be decided bl' lhe quali/y 
01 lhe lools. basicall)~ lhe edging lools. 
'* Ii is more ellictenl lo commence work on one side 01 lhe model 
and Ihen move lo lhe olher side aller lhe lirsl evahUllion has been 
I} Exact/y whal is a c/ay mede/ (design c/ay) ? 
Designers creale elay models as one 01 lhe melhods lo exjJress delica/e 
shapes in designs which cannol adequalely be exjJressed in 2, 
dimensional design skelches in a swill and bold manner in order lo 
pul across Iheir ideas lo a Ihird party. In comjJan'son lo olher 
lormalive melhods, designers can easily shave 011 bils lhal are 1/01 
wanled OI' add exlra pieces il needed wilh lhe clay model melhod. 
Clal' modelling is Iherelore a lavored melhod wilh designers owing lo 
il adding a flexibilill' lo Iheir 10rmaliveexjJression, 11 could be 
considered one 01 lhe mosl ellicienl malerials available in presenl 
limes. A slighl dilleren ce in lhe curved lines 01' lerminal R call 
change lhe image greally. It is importanl lor designers lo crea, 
3-dimensional cubic models lo see lhe aclual shape belore lhe desigll 
is mechanized. A Iso. designers should Iry lo avoid u.sing malhem ali­
cal calculalíons and inslead rely on Iheir own design senses wl/en 
crealing models. 
In Ihis way lhe end producl is more likell' lo appeal lo lhe ltisual 
senses 01 lhe beholder, Crealions should nol be machine paris. 
2} C/ay mede/ Iypes, 
1. Full -s ize models : A n aclual size (J / 1) model, describing in delail 
lhe lonnalive qllalily. balance and volume, 
2. Scole mode ls __ Such scales should be kept lo 1/10, 1/ 5. 1/ 4 and 
1/ 2. Basically. lull-size models (1/ 1) are more advisable, bul lime (I)/r! 
cosi problems involved in crea/ion rnake lhe scale model a more 
ralional approach ai lhe early slages 01 developmenl. This slyle i~ 
especialll' used 101' large objects (such as lour-wheelers and railway 
carriages) during lhe developmenl slage. 
3) The deve/opmenf process of eoch mode/. 
Full-size models will provide a more precise idea of lhe design as one 
can use Ihem lo sludy lhe qualily, volume and forma/iv!! balance of 
lhe aelual model, bul when working on lalge models (sueh as four­
wheelers and railway carriages), scale models can be used durinf[ lhe 
developmenl slages. Two-wheelers also belong lo lhe 'larf.!e model' 
calegory, bul in cerlain cases Ihey will be erealed in full ·size from lhe 
eommeneemenl of lhe early developmenl slage. 
* Early developmenl slage.- lmage modelo Tenla/ive model 1/10, 1/ 
* Middevelopmenl slage.- Scale model 1/4, 1/2 ---> charl making 
* Lale developmenl slage .­
3) j;~=flll~, :ã::cT')[" 
~ . m~ . ©JT~J\7::';:::ZJJ:~8tcõb [ ~Id:, 7 ) [,,:::Z-,]--JlJ"'E T')[" 
1J'-iiH~L\tJ'ff-'f~ft\], :::J:::zt----ft\]Cu7\~tJ1~ ( El!JJ~· ~)\;ií1l:~iilii 
tJê) Id:, ~JiSfJJl'IJI ~~~rfc' I d::::Z -']- - )["TT')["JJ:-:J < 80 2lffij~ [d: 
;;\;:411cld:6S8tJ"fJJl1!lf~Il"~J: O 7 )[,,-If-1.::(1 / I TT')["tt7l-Id:-:J< S1J: 
llI~tflM :::Z-']- - )["TT')[" 1/4· 1/2->*~~i'Fm 
~~ílM 7)["-If-1ÃTT')[,, I/ I C:~::-?i~~~1m~'-
OO?-1~? :~ft · .~ · ~~-?-1T'?, :::z-']-~~ 
®lli* : :::z -']--) ["TT') [,,---> 7 )[,,-If-1 .::(Q ~-1 TT')[" 
@~~t: t'R~il:; --->*~---> ~-1?r:) t----~il:; · *ffil~ . ASSY ~ 
@~~1~ : :'tiliH5ifJtj-':'t~7;;t 0-
Z (height) 
Y (Ienglh) 
x (u'h/lh) 
®~~ O(-ti O ) 1t\-1::'; t----O)~AE[d:~iIDit;, t'R~it;O)~;$:t: 1J:80 
~~01t\-1::,;t----~~ -~-.ffilC J:O.tr80 
+ O + 
01J) (Example) I x - O + Y 
===~ ?.--------'---\Cor 
Ir ] I J 
= I = 
J I I 
;tr: / :tiet'ILIC::9i5 
sei lhe sla ndard in lhe cenler 
Molorbike x 
+ O + y 
1/ 1-Full-size model 
---. charl malúng -, wood model design mas/er 
1_ ldea.- Investigalion. review. analysis ---. idea skelch 
2. Solidily .- Scale model ---. full-size elay model 
3. Design.- Line chari ---. wood model -, layoul drawing, individual 
pari drawings, ASSY dmwing 
4 . CTealion .- Crealion leclmique ---> produclion followup 
4) Sfondords 
(1) The mosl imporlan/ pari involved wilh lhe crealion 01 induslrial 
producls is lo sei lhe s/andard />oinls. 
~~ID@ 1
X ! 
x, Y.Z /ú::ed by lhe /ayoulrnnc.:hine. 
(2) The zero-puinl slandard sei will creale lhe basis 01 lhe drawing 
and char/ing processo However, each maker will have its own poinl 
O z ~ 
(À7J-!--- 5 ··1':.1) (skirl I/IIe) 
J?)lóV1'J525 §.~ : ~:::;)'-5,)//IJO~~%'ffi~62'C± 2' 
;~x.@c~< tJ@o J::-:;l n~~n\,z\~tJ'WJ . *~~T)[" I;:::~lJ e: 
L\@o êl lJJ~~~C':E::tJ l;:::l~m lJ e: L\@o 
ettiffi± §.~ : ?'l/ - /IJO~;m:.~40'C ± 2 • 
;nx. e:t ~0''PnGn'L \0 IJOI tE (tJ 'Y I-- . m~iJlJ) I;:::fl n . i§ 
Tl~[§J,':±j lJi*i*tmn e: L\@n\ [§J,':±j lJ. 7 1' '=' 'Y Y\? -IJOI~~ 
0'l~i*j0::~-g@-§ilêl!JJ~gH'~I;::: e:l~m~n e: L\@o 
e a ? ~1' §.fjJ : 8J3 @L\:;·l/-/;!]O ?-1\ ;!lil ~45·C ± 2 
ifr:tj:~ rt~nt.::? l/1' L®@n\ l' :;5':;<" I--'j y )[,, ? l/1' c~ ;EB 
±O)i:j:l rm Cfn~ lJ. ~JL:L \m~I;:::~môJ~gL·®@oIJOM;m:.~'1:,l~ < . 
~ t.::;~'P lJ t'::~2 C''1:,-{ :;5:;<., r-- I) y )[,,-7 l/-{ J:: IJ 'PnG n'L \0 
1JDI1it~ <. fJJI['\~ I: '1:, +51~JiE; L'ê:@ o [§J tI:I lJ1LtJ:j'-'t*d~F-t 
~FmC~L \ l//'()["I: íí ...tn' IJ. ~~JL: L\ aêI'Hl L'fsem~n@;:: C C 
*~i§TlW~ ( êl!llJ~tJcJ ~/N?lJ (tJ:J., 51J:c) ~ L'~fflõJ~gL® IJ. 
8fl8L \~l/-O)t.::~@~[Elfn\~'P-gL \~1j2 '1:,®@0 
6) ? l/1' ~~f\jltiJ (? l/1' f'F~~{]I) 
[O]~0'~~o);ilii~ ('PnGn'L\) 0)?l/-{0::1~mlJ . + 5tI:i:j:l 
r (~ T)[,, ::J Y) 1:11< J::'51:-g@ 0 
? l/ -{ 0:: slê:l$lcf-g J:: '51:~ IJ -,:)Ij@o 
*-~I:~ < ~lJj1 lj@;:: C leI:~lj80 
" Using clay with astlght high temperature, carefully press down on 
it until ü adheres to the model core. 
The clay should be spread evenly. 
* Try to avoid using toa much clay at once for the filling. 
[X )~ L \-7 l/-{ 0:: --,:)- -,:) ~õ lJ l1 Ij@~lJ i1lj0::fj'5 c. -7 l/1' 
n\~ < )\jj'l/ e: lJ~ L\-7 l/-{ i§l C ~Imn'~ L;@o 
• The use of mullilayered /zard clay will creale cracks on the swface 
wlzich wil/ resll/l in paris breaking awa)'. 
[O] !i!úJt~1J 8i!jJ:: IJ -~I;::: ~ < ~ IJ i1lj@;::cctJ@n\ 'PIei: IJ 
s l ê:í$lcf-gn[Ô]L'1'F~0::ij'5c [§Jnl,':±j'P-g < ~t.::IY-tÀ IJ C 
DA greater por/ion of filling is needed than in the basic filling stage, 
but good sl/1face work can be achieued by careful spreading. This will 
also prevent air from getting inside. 
[x) m~ IJ '1:,-7 l/ -( 0::~õ lJi1lje: lJ ~ '5 c[Eimmn. ~ t.:: -7 l/-{ 
~C~ O)IY-ffÀIJ'P-g<. -7l/-{ff~n'P-g <1J:@o 
.Shou/d the clay be pasted on piece by piece, a rough surface will be 
crealed wlzich will even tually crack as air will be allowed inside. 
5) T ype of c/ay and their proper uses . 
• /ndustrial c/ay J525 : Color: brown/ Heating tempo " 62'C + 2 
This type of clay becomes hard when chilled and therefore requires 
a high degree of accuracy when working. It is Suitable for largescale 
models and is mainly used in lhe field of industrial cars. 
.Katsuro oil c/ay : Colar: grey / Heating tempo : 40'C +2 
This type of clay remains slighlly soft even when chilled, and is 
excellent for processing (cutting and rough shaving) and surfacing. 
However, a modicurn of technique is required when working on the 
surfacing and finishing processo lt is partly used in the field of 
industrial cars. 
.a c/ay Colar,' light grey/ Heating tempo " 45'C +2 
A newly deueloPed clay. / t can be placed between industrial clay and 
Kalsura oil clay, and !tas a wide range of applications. / t requires a 
low heating lemperature and remains softer than industrial clay 
when chilled It is easily handled by beginners owing lo its generous 
processibilily. It also creates excellent surface finishing. It is fair to 
suggest tlw.t lhe applicational ranges of this clay will widen in the 
near fulure. It is uersatile for models from small to large and can 
theref01'e cape with Sttch objects as cars and srnall cameras. lt also !tas 
the aduantage of availing a clear surface to lhe model owing to lhe 
lightness of its colar. 
6) C/ay filling mefhods: CLA Y FOUNDA TlON WORK . 
.Basic filling 
n •) ~=====::....(l ~ o--==s ~~- '(S~ li --------------------------------~~ 
.Rough filling 
C/ay modelling process too/s 
Io Rake (direcl sem/Jer)OV1~:,~:h~J ~~v~~T1:1 71/~O f) Finisher .8 Wire S/wvmg proce~s /ools 871'-:1:/ 1> j!jIJ01JOIIfl'Y-il; 0 Do -::J mH±H.I 
0':711'- O S /eel pIa/e 
fi) Pale/le knife I.ill l'r OÀ7'--M& o R/lbber polelle S /lI face lools *m~j~tln \.Q1JOI'Y-il;€~GI:::§R cEl ?1C'~~9".Qc~L \t>9"L \0 
Tools can be improved lIpon by various conversions lo lhe onginaLs 
7 v~!)/-Jb(J)if1ttlJ
Methods for sharpening clay too/s 
.71'='Y :';i"'-o)~ff~n 
Shorpening finishers : 
1. m?iJf~ };J~1J:i11:t-Q 240# (-ify I'A\-J,-) 
nJI <: c ~1cJ:'Y-I["1J:45°~4~1;: UiW~I;:l1JiJ'9c 
};J~iJ\-J'EI;:~!>"\'>9L \ 
, . Rough sharpening . 
Sei lhe blade (fng!, 2/10#. 
11 is casy lo /Ieep li/(' b!ade III a cerlain ang!e 
ij I/I(' lool is /)!aud ai a //5 "angle for shar· 
pCllillg and Illell II"/()ved 11/) alld down. 
~'.J.>;m~ ~I:t ~ 
A small amounl 01 
oil will be needed. 
Slraiphl line. 
2.l'fJfiil~ };JiIDtb U 600# 
600#C'};JiID1J:m <-o ~0';m1J:f11:t-Qo 
m~7JIcJ:mm~c/6J [;0 
2. "Jnner sharpening . 
Blade face produclion 600#. 
The blade face is sharpened in 600# in lhe 
same slyle as before. 
A small amounl of oil wifl be needed. 
elil\lllA\ - J,- iID 1J: ~0':1J 1J: t& ~?iJf <.c ~ U!lJ 
lcJ:f11:ttJL \) };JiIDiJ\ ~iIDtJÇmll;:tJ-Q->~ um~ 
l11iIO){Jj (H < ) o 
lcJ:wn-Q ~ CiJ\ffôo 
e:5~I;:jJ(9 J: 5mFs1J:WiIDl;:~!;3"C 'FiWl;:~ 
< 51~tO)ffi~bOC'*UrtfiC'~-Qo 
* WiI;:51 < C'Ffj'tJJn-QO)C';í~o 
5 .~~A\-J\-f'F0 (};JtbuO)t.:~) 
01 .OOOH 1. 000#1J: ~90 El1J:<! 61;:*HIiJ'< 9 
5 . Superfine paper making (fUI' edging) 
l. Rub lhe 1000#+ 1000# lo creale an even 
finer 1000 # . 
'2. Oil is nol neeessary. 
6 . Edge sharpening . 
When lhe blllde is mbbed againsl lhe smface 
of lhe s/lpeifine paper ralher liglztly, lhe SUl" 
face 0/ lhe blade wi!1 resemble a mirrar -'> 
bacfl ·sha,pening once only (lighlly). 
T/ze blade wi!! C1/1 weU afieI' Ihis slage. 
The qllalily ui lhe finish lt'i!! de/Jend on how 
well lhe b!ade wls. 
Tesling Ih" shartmess of lhe blade. 
A s lhe piclllre vn lhe righl indicales, one c(m 
easily lesl lhe slzalPlless vf a blade áy placmg 
a Ihumb on lhe sha ,p edge of lhe blade and 
giuing a lighl flick lo·wards oneself
'* Injuries wi!! oeU/r if lhe finger is moved 
- m/ilBI< 
"---..------ tJJ;t1 ~ ml.l!lt~~S t; .Q 
Pull Ilte tluonb /I)II'(/rds {))/(!.'ú.:l/. 
Tite clf{tinl! ubi/i/." ((11/ b" lell {lrmugll 
llie .... /wrp·n l!...s oI 'lte b!ude, 
e600#->800#C'};JiIDm~. ~ um~~*HIiJ'L\~ 
i"'À ,)iIDl::::t.J1J:~iHt. ~~< 1@)5 1~~};J1J:f1It 
em~Oc~tbuO)~~~l'fJtbu1J:fi5c. m 
L\~il~ iIDiJ\ tb"\'>9 < tJ-Qo tO)t.:~I;:};JiIDl;::­
J'EO)J :::J};J1*0)};J1J:IDl:I:t-Qo 
7 . Special blade making 
Slwrpen lhe edge of lhe blade on lhe 600# -+ 
800# and Ihen back·sharpen il. Place lhe 
blade on a fine iron casl and give a sharp 
pu!! lo creale lhe special edge. 
A good suiface can be added lo lhe model ij 
an exlra 
process is added belween [/Ie rough shaving 
and lhe suifacing. This will require a sawed· 
grd blade. 
x o x 
3. tt.t11iJl~ J:JiHifí.t11 1.000# 
1.000#1;: z:: J:JiHi~fí.t11-50 ~1-\ ;EIl~1"1It-50 
3. Shorpen;ng f;n;sh . Blade linishing 1000#. 
Tlle blade lace slzould be sharpened as i n 
' IfX)() # fo r complelion. 
A slIIal! amol/ul 01 oi! will be needed.. l!!lóO)~<! -:li"O);:c 
Til depl"~ 01 IIU! n l/5{edl/l -S.\ Il<l'd lo be regll/aled. 
11liJ%i < '.lI < 
/, ') (1J!J:g .;tt.., ) 
l:..~rce.).S material ((lJIt)/ IiI }" unnll i... "rd lt l'u). 
4. i!R LAJl~ 
6oo#L.' 11Ut 1.000# 2 ~l~O)(1jL.'.Lt6i)-5;:C o 
i!R GliH~Id:~ J:J ~liH (" C mJ:J/;: /, I) tJ' 1:9'-5o 
"f0)/\1) ~mllJ Il*<ff~tJ'~GliH~L.'®-5o 
'*~ GliH~~0vtJ:L IC J:Jc IUJ: ~tJ:L Il/, tJJ 
tLfJ:L l o 
'* ~ GliH~Id:~1l~9~-5 c~iHil;:: RtJ\f1~tJJn 
tJ:<tJ:-5o)c', 1-2@~~c'.Lt6i)-5;:C o 
• Lt1' ?\Y-)IA7)ijff~1J 
Shorpening roke 10015. 
.*~~~7~=~~~-c~-c®-50 ~~ 
1. 000#C'0)J:Jt:Jj G1d:=1'~ 0 
240# J:Jft3~f1It-5 
600# J:JiHit:Jj G 
SOO# J:JiHifí..t.11 
Basically , lhe some methods as shown in lhe 
finislter are reqllired, However. lhe 1000# 
process can be omilled. 
240 # lix an a ng /e lo Ille b/ade, 
600# sharpen lhe b/ade face. 
800# lin ish 011 Ille b/ade face_ 
4 . Bock·shorpen;ng. 
In lhe case 01 600#, sll(lrj)en lreml Oi/e el/d 
lo lhe olheI' aud back In lil e case 01 1000 #, 
shmpen Irom oI/e e!ld lo lile oI/ler and bacli. 
and then repeal ol1ce onl)'. 
Tlze process of back-sllOrpel/il/g is carried (lI/ I 
lo remove lhe exces.~ malerial crealed on lhe 
back 01 lhe blade aller lhe Irolll of lhe blade 
IlOS beeu slwrjNll ed 
3* Wilhoul · Ille bacl<-sharpelling process, lhe 
blade wil! 1101 sc}'!'e ils dllll' as il lUil/ nol CIII 
IreI!, ' 
3* T his j)rocess sholl/d 1'101 be repealed more 
I/wn IlUice as excess slim pei/ing wil! prodllc(' 
an R OI/ lhe bacl< oi Ille blade and ma/lI' il 
b/mlt . 
J..; l' ~ 'Y - )[;o)liH~ C ~=5 J:JiHiC R tJ'f1 <ctJJ 
n~tJ\~< tJ:-5o 
The qualil)' 01 IIII! rake 1001 IPill deerec!'·' , i/ 
lhe calfing edge has an R shajN, 
x o 
8as;c shav;ng process 
~~?0~~~~~~~~~~~D~D , ~~ 
~fl~~~tcJ:t.: t>l)'I;:g-Qo 
I . Shoving. 
Wilh lhe use 01 IlIe bladc lace, scrape lhe large 
m gged slIIface oi lhe ela.\' lo achieue ali 
ot'erall smoollmess. 
OO~~?~51 < 15(ê]I;: ~ ~®Jtj l;: ~, ~IJQ;:: 
cl;:J: D 1@0/1íIJ D ~0tJ\~~ <flll!ll ~"") v0 
êOLd?~51 < 15(ê]1;:~1 ~~,ij~I;:iz ';I t---~. 
I;:K-ffi < ~IJD~Q;:: ctJ'~~Qo 
0~~?~51 < 15(ê]~mJ~~I;: ~ ~~ ?1:.~,ij~ 
~g-Q;::c~J:D. J:D~~~~~D~~~Q 
~, ~D.~~~<~D~~~.~~<~Qo 
2 -2 . SIeps for rough shoving. 
OOA large area mil be shaued 011 by sel/ing 
IlIe mke ai a 90· angle againsl lhe /mlling 
direclirll/_ Tllis is lavourable during lhe early 
slage oi s/IIlace IrealmclIl. 
êOA sl('(fdy s/t'ay 01 l/te rake can be achieved 
by inclillillg l/te rake lo lil! againsl lhe direc· 
lion 0/ l/te pull. AI lhe smnc lime a more 
ill(J'eased s/allled sllUve becoJJ1es possible. 
0 More sleaely sl/(/ lIing can be achieued by 
/iIIlling lhe mke lo draw a curved line and 
il/dil/ il/g il il/lo a lil!. This will, however, 
decrease IlIe Wllo/IJII beillg slulIled, bul lhe 
cOlldiliol/ oi Ilu! sllljace will improve. 
' };jim'!!~m9~ 
U-", ,li" hllld" ,,"d. 
-- -. ­
,"\i ­
? v-{'.!I-)vO)I1J1:J'un. JlJUOn 
fFfeclive woys of hondling lhe 1001. 
.. / 
~~r) I '!>1J: l\7J\ (!1]l:'!i!!iI': ~u , ';I -lld;''5i u ~ l\ 
? L.-1' i!ll:lJ'tl:lL.. 9l \ 
Tlie {JI((IJl!;ly hcing "'/lOred IS .'-ma//, but file loo l con he 
IJWl 'er! sl('(ulif" ogoi1/SI lhe J'lf{;J.[ed :';'Injace I.clúcll enables 
('((.... (' 0/ RtlÍJliJlg (( good (II(((/il.\' SIfI/(I((!, 
2-1 J1UWJ 
1'P<0 '.:J-)IA7)~tJ'Vr51d:-15(ê]~Id:~<. '5 
~$fL>.1;:~tJ' V'r-I'P <C ~L 'o 
2 - 1. Rough shoving . 
Wilh lhe use 01 lhe sawedged end 01 lhe raJle 
lhe basic shape' 5hollld be lonned. !t i5 advis· 
able lo moue lh e rake in random direclion in 
arder lo achieue lhe besl resulls. 
. _, __ • 
~Qo ;::0M~~~~ffi~0tl~~~.~~< 
t:pf±~ Ij'J!jIJDW-iId:. '.:J-)v~ft< 1;:~Dg<~1J 
Q ('.:J-)v0~tJ\tJmQ;::CtJ'~IJJ) J:-3I;:-g 
Qo ~nL,tcJ:~~~<-8I;:Id:~Ojl~J!jIJQ;::C 
lêI:<! ltJ:-3 0 
3 . Afler lhe surfoce Ireolmenl of rough shoving, we 
come on/o lhe process known as lhe mid-finish. 
The use 01 a linisher wilh a special blade 
allached will produee a m/reh liner surface. 
AI Ihis slage lhe smface slzould be ready lar 
LVork 011 lhe aclual modelling. 
Try lo ho/d lhe loo! lig/tlly and give lighl 
louches lo lhe shauing during lhe process 01 
lhe 71úd-finishing (il 1S importanl lar lhe 
blade lo cul well). A void pushing lhe lool 100 
Izard in order lo achieue a good qualily 01 lhe 
elo)' 's sUlfate. 
Sleps of lhe shaving processo 
$f±-t~0'Y-J1I0i.1JtJ\G7J0~1':'; t--I;J: 
1. g< ffl!5@l \~ 'y ~c·~U.Qo 
2. 'Y-JlI~iml;:rn9 .Q8i'fI;J:@ <~H.::"F[8]I;:;:r;9 
3. 'Y-J1I0i.1J~I;J:~7JimL'ij5'::~o 
\ / 
I 1I I 
~' \ 
E/leelive ways oi handling lhe 1001 during 
Ihis proeess are: 
1. CnJ; iI lighlly and gil'e lig!tl 10l/ehes lo lhe 
2. 11 should be genlly placal on lhe surface 
and moved as is shown in lhe pielure be/ow. 
3. The lools , lIoll ld be moucd in random 
iU! j§J!~imtnrenL l \.Q!l* l!liL'imf±-t111;: À 
~5~~~~~~~. im~B!l*0~~~-m. 
NB: The surface oi Ih!! elay wiU end up 
willz wav)' tines il l!te s/IIiace linishinl[ !HOC­
ess is ea rried 0111 100 slVi/lly lUlzile !lU' suifaee 
is sliU rOllgh. 
fIIlrnHWJ O)t:~f;t'v- )l;o)i1J~f;tT~ f;:;J\9 J: 
5. 5:;51Lf;:i1J1.J'9 J:5f;:9-@t:~l\0 
4. Shoving curved surfoces. 
Til(' lools sllOuld bc mon:d in random direc' 
!iO!1S lor shaving as indicaled in lhe picllo'e 
belo l(, for lhe Ireolmen l oi C/l rL'ed s/ufoces . !l-' ­
5. imfí..tl:f- 3-:JOYfj$. 
07~=~~ ~-fflMI~~~~~G~7., 
7~ ='y~~- I;:~ (~< tJJn-@~O);:t:) ? 
v1'~~~~fflí < (ID~i±..tf::ft:: i~, :f~1'(5* 
t::~ ~o)OG~~~~~~~~tt~~ <o 
f)7 ~ ='y~~-ffl1JDI~I;:~~~G~7i~ , 
:f~1'(5. ~, ~o)OG~~~(ID~~~~tt~ 
-@o (i§if~~jE-@~I;:I;t3Z~td:G) 
5. Surfoce finishing . 3 methods ovoi/ob/e . 
0 01/CI" lhe s/IIfoo Ireolmeu l wilh specially 
processed b!ades liaS beell co mpleled. lhe cio)' 
sl/ifoee is onel' agoill IllOrouglily Irealed wilh 
a lin isher (el/sure lhe blode is slwrp), {/ mbber 
spalula. IIII! lingers and lhe paim oi lhe hand 
lo u eale o canlinuilv lo lhe sI/doce. 
f)Aller Illc surloee iws been Iréaled willl lhe 
specia!ly processed blade of lhe linisher, use (/ 
rubber S/lalu!a. lhe fillg(')~~ muI lhe paim 0/ 
lhe IWJ/d lo giue a conlilluily lo lhe smfael'. 
Tltis melllOd. IUJ/cel'l'r, lc i!! lea li!' lainl !ines 
on lhe slnioee, (Tliis /('ill nol mal ler I.vlten lhe 
l ormOlion is c/lecked). 
~7~=~~~-fflMI~~~, ~~G~7. 
7~=~~~-~~?v1'~~~~fflí < ~~tt 
..t11tci~ , TVc: :; ;m~?I:;ZI;: Gih;: *tt~ 
(ID~ih~~~o)., :f~1'( 5, ~, ~o)OGW 
~i±..tf1-@o Nu 3 O)~$f;t~, (ID, ~=;7<:IT;i§ 
if~0)~.td:~pJif;:ílEffl9 -@t:~l \0 
~Once lhe surluce has been Irealed tuilh lhe 
specia!ly processed blade 01 lhe linisher. a 
Ihoro ugh Ircalmenl 01 lh e elay sarlace shou!d 
be carried 0111 wilh Ilte use 01 {l linisher. 
T ltcn. soatl a rag in lerrapill oil (/nd M!ish 
IIle smfoce hclo rc Ifte lillul Irealmenl wilh lhe 
m bber spallllo lillgl'rs ond j)(lh-n 01 lhe luznd 
lal/cs placi'. 
T fte NO.J melhod is slIilab!e lar lhe Ireal, 
me1l1 01 slecj) /)orls 01 .]·dimensional models 
S/lch as sPhericol Sl/rfoel's . 
? v1' ~~f;t:fX1.J\fflíl \~Illif;:i±..t l'Ji§if~ 1.J\~ 
~9 < ~-@o*t::;:0)••a~fi~~~+~M 
X. -@~~Ii!lt: td:-@o 
6 . finishing . 
The clay sllrfoce is compleled wilh no marks, 
wlâch make lhe lormalion eosi!y nolicable. 
The (j11O.!ily 01 lhe surlace is good enough lo 
lake colar. 
Sco/e c/oy model of o tro;n 
O~~~Y. ~~~~~~~7~~~~~~~ 
IlR ~")[;~i:Rõf). tfJTId:~+.f~ Yo)ElEEM~ 
~.:t ~t.:õf) 2rnJ 91à:c/J\;! < f"F~ ~~ l 'o tfJT 
1d:-'E~)[;""<j$=r: I) =r: I) L'f"F -:::> L V ~ -5 ~? ~~ 
-'E~[;L'0)~9 E1EEM~~< ~9. ~~~Y? 
~~O)~"*1d:tJ: < V L v*-5o)L';!lt~"~L' 
::iuJ\;!tJ:-'ET')[; (300mmJ..:rl') L'1d:tfJT1'~? ~ 
o Firslly lix lhe reduced scale levellrom lhe 
design skelch and layoul plan. /t is Ihen 
advisable lo make lhe modelling core Iwo 
sizes smaller Ihan lhe v.jJecled size 01 lhe 
model in order lo relain some jlexibilily 101' 
aUeralions lo lhe des~e.n. One should avoid 
making lhe core 100 elose in size lo lhe acJual 
/nodel as Ihis lUill nol leave much space lo 
zvork on and a modiCll1n 01 signilicance will 
be 1051 Irom lhe elay designo 
A core is nol necessary 101' small elay model· 
ling (Iess Ihan 300mm). The elay on ils own 
tvill be sullicienl. 
@) ? ~~ -'E~) [;~J < ~f!ri!. !J?:\9'fiiJtJ'O)~~~ 
~~~~Àn~~~o 2~~. EI ~~. ~@~ 
1:'9~~~tJ\~~ Y ~~tJ:~o 
2. The inserfion of fhe base fine . 
@) Some lorm 01 base tine should always be 
drawn wilh elay modelling work. One should 
make a poinl 01 drawing a cenler and 
horizonlal tine when LU01'king on elay models 
01 bicycles. cars and lrains, ele. 3 , Rough shaving. 
om~9~~*ffi~1d:lli'9~~~L'~~0 ~fi 
im. *~im. 1l~~lli '9o 
i!JU~ ~ ~rd:Jj\ ;!tJ:~Id:A~~c'~ b~ EI EE I: ~ 
tJ, Vi!JU 9 1?'9l ,~:;:,; 3 Y~l~~ ~ ~tJ' i!JU 9 O) 
f)~9f1Itld: 'tT)[;'f:iE""<j$d::9 1rnJ9*~< 
~9f1It~o ~9f1Itt.h!~'9~~Ujbn'~ 
~r:? ~~ tJ' J\:;Ij'~? Ã~t.: 9 V. ~t.:im tJ'tl:l 
v ~ «~~o)L'. ~~,,<~*O)ffi~~~~ 
v -:::>tJ, 9~9f1It~o 
7. C/ay covering, 
f) Cover lhe l'I'IIIde/ core Il'illl day IInli/ 1111' 
size exceed., lhe ex/Jecled dimel1"ioJ/s v/ IIIe 
modelo AI Ihis Iminl lhe c/ay slloll/d be 
added lo lhe basic s/w/JI! oi lhe core as c/osely 
and as lighll)"/Jilc/,r.:d as /Jossible lo auoid lhe 
elay /osing ils //I)/d /1'/1 01 lhe wOl'k com· 
mences. ,')lIcll OCC/llw/ces l('i// make lhe creli, 
lion 01 lhe sl·"face dillimll. 
(The foo/ used here is fhe Rake 5 O) 
o TIIe rollgl! s/U/l'Íng is needed lo errale lhe 
basic shape I!( 111(' ji(lm"l'/ fmd 11011zol/Ial 
T"e impor/(ml l){Iinl in l/li" jmJcess is lo gel 
a (om/orlob/e /ilólil!l/ ill Ic"idl lhe shauil1g 
CO II been wrrietf 001 freei" b,\' II1l1viJlg eillu:r 
YO/lJ,âl OI' I"e c/o.\' IIwtfel. 
"~~(])J:"5I'::;P:hiHit.J\=§;< <l5QC~ (1ll~iHi) Id:. 
~q~fflL'iHi(]):;P:rriHi~6i~GtJ.t.J' 0 ~IJ QJ:"5 
" Dun'l/g lhe process of making a clay 
model wlzich has many parallel surfaces 
(flank faces) SUeli as a railway lrain, i l is 
advisable lo check lhe surfaces occasionally 
wilh a neler. The mosl imporlanl process here 
is lhe creation of lhe shape, Iherefore slrong 
atlenlion should be paid lo Ihese surfaces. 
~~~~Y~~~~. ~-7~D-'~~Y~ 
l--~tJ.c:~.*cG. )\~':,I I--T~75~Y~ 
* <l5*~~~~~GC~0~ (7DYI--~U~ 
~~) j!j1bZ:L\Qc. -15(ô]I':~ )I.-VW"'SJ 
Qo ~q~iJQOOiPJT~~x.QctiàL\o *t.:~q'f­
5 . Crealing lhe shape of lhe fronl area. 
~ Using lhe design skelch. lhe lape drawing 
and lhe layoul plan as a basis, give occasional 
10t/ch·ups wi/h lhe paletle knife and shave lo 
/1 is advisable nol lo spend 100 much lime 
shaving lhe same area (fronl and sides) as 
Ihere is lhe possibilily Ihal Ihis will result in 
a parlial image. A n occasional posilion shifl 
is recommended. /1 is also importanl lo lake 
regular breaks {/nd uiew lhe work frorn a 
sllOrl dislance. 
0~q. )\~':,I I--T~7~~mGZ:~*lY>JtJ.:9I­
~!ãl~1J:t.J\0j!jiJ? Z:L \ < o 
* ~(])~~L'~m~J:~~)I.-V~~W~~Q 
4D~iJQ c)\~ ':,I I--T~ 7(])?~ yt.J\;~ x.Q(])L', 
~q~ff~)\5 Y~~5?Qt.:~(':, 1I'1~) \~':,I I-­
T~ 7L'5~ Y~!ãl~®G Z: 1d:~~~" '~~~G 
4 . Image Crealion 
o Wilh lhe occmional use of a paletle kl/lfe. 
draw in lhe complele sluface irnage and Otlf. 
fin e shape for shaving. 
AI Ihis slage lhe priorily should be given lo 
lhe image crealion ralher tlum accur(Uy. 
4D The lines cralled by lhe paletle knife tvill 
be erased during lhe shaving processo so lhe 
job of reapPlying Ihese lines should be 
repealed each lime in orde,' lo rnainlain lhe 
ove rall balance of lhe model. 
&/\V'Y r- 1""1' 7c:'1' x - :JU.:51' :; ~À:tL. 
7'+1'1' :; 7, 7 'Y TT-:1 ~ D- 1J:c:'C'liL \1.:1' 
x-:J~~v . ~~~~~~c:'~. 1'x-:J~ 
~1J:.Qc~~~9'.Qo)c'j\ V 'Y r- 1""1' 7 C'liL \ 
k51':;~~W~r.Qc • • ~1J:51' :; ~li < 
& Use lhe paliei kl1lJ<· lo d1'aw in Ih image 
lines. T lze image 01 lhe design skelch wiU 
come in lar a 1e1(, amel1dmenls whilsl one is 
1V0rking 011 lhe Ihree·d imensional processo 
The /ines draU'll in wi/h lhe palelle knile wiU 
Ilterelore helP I.vhen il comes lo adding deli · 
cale lines. 
__ - - ~-- - . -r-r" Ti' ---, --,o' - ~ - - ,- _. 
~*~51':;~~~~~~aO)..t~ 7, ~?1J:~ 
c:'~1' ~ 51':;~li < ~$~~T-:1~ D-. 
v1' ?~ r-~~~:?gcr.Qo 
~ Wilh regard lo lhe horizon lal lines, use a 
score·like lool lo draw in lhe side lin('" 017 a 
plane base such (L, a m odelling board. Th e 
lape dmwillg (/1l(1 layoul piem s/lOuld be reler· 
ed lo l ar lhe sizes. 
4J)~1' ~ ~. )["-7~~;j{jB:I;:: J!jIJOiM\)c:'fil < 
;:. C I;::J: O. t:tLi:':tL0)~ff~/\5:; 7,~úi~r 
4J) Check eac/i il'lodefling balance by s/wving 
lhe sides and rool allerl1alil1efy. 
~*~~~~.~.~1' ~~~~ owro ;:'O) 
~~C'~*~~c~1' ~~~~~O)~owvn 
~C1J:O. v1'? (v1'?50) 0)11J~t,~-'lÕ")1;:: 
7,51' ~~tr1J:1:J' 6J!jUO~i'J::>cL\ <0 
~ Al ieI' lhe horizonlaf slllIacc check lias been 
made. slar! lo res/uwe I/Ie ·sides. AI Ihis slage 
bolh lhe /lOrizonla f slfifoces and lhe sides 01 
lhe m odel shollfd be s//{{ved lo shape. Scrape 
lhe rake (Rakc 50) dia!?OUllfly agoinsl lhe 
0~.Q c1' x - :J51':;~~~c v *5~;:.:tL 
~~O~V . ~~v1J:~6~~c v cO)~~. 
~ ..tl ::f'cfil < o 
* 1J:~~~c1J:.Q v 1'?~r-~1J:~O)~~~fi 
5 ;:.c o 
o The image /ines /l·ilf be ero,wd by lhe 
shaving processo blll lhe repeliliol1 01 l/tis 
process and reconlirmalioll ol lhese tines will 
hring lhe mode f lo compleliOlz. 
The .b(L,ic layoul j}lans s!Lollfd also be recon· 
- - - • 
4I>~1' t' ~O)J!jUOWv~fi::>cL\.Qo )[..-7c 
~1'~~~~~c v c~~1J:~~tt~~.Qo)C' 
T?t;Ul:~~',;vtJ:1:J\ 6~1j.Q;:'c o 
* ~1' ~ . )[..-7~'561:J' r;-i~1j0)~1:J,;&n::>c 
L \.Qc. ~O)~b.Q1l!1íjifi1)';&~nJo 
41> T /tis is lhe side' s//Opii/g processo T/le rool 
and lhe sides //aue ([ ver)' úi1jJorlanl re/alioll ' 
ship lo l/ie mvdd Sli a greol dcal 01 care ai/c! 
ocmsionol checks are needed during Ihis 
1I lhe sides OI' l/te moi IlIIdll lale, l/te areo 
w/tere lhe sides Iileel lcill af~o /Indu/ale. 
~~1'~~, L~~~~~~9~C~~C~~ 
~td:RL'l14JJ.t~nL"L \-Qo 
~ A check 01 Ilte sides and lhe upper surface 
wiU reveal Ihal bolh sides have been made up
01 a line 'R ' shape. 
~M*~~~~~~& .g~.~~~~~~ 
~ Cul lhe rear pari 01 lhe model ai an angle 
01 90' having checked lhe basic model lo 
reueal lhe surface. 
4DJ'[";'Y ~T1'7~~m~L"1f~tt\~~c1':/-­
4D Use a palelle Im ije lo check lhe shape and 
creale lhe image. 
~~J,[,,;'Y ~T1'7L'lIiiL\L"L\-Qo 
~ The pholograph shows lhe process 01 ereal­
ing lhe image around lhe headlights wilh lhe 
use 01 a palelle knije. 
-"= , 
r' _­________~_-__ 
fl7D:; ~.À*1' 5-~*J\IJ lllI~o 
ft< 71' ='Y:;i"'-I;:L"j1jU~IllI-Qo 
fi The Ironl ;;poiler lerminal linish. Shave 
lighlly wilh lh e linisher. 
If)) Shaping lhe sides. 
)'"/7­M OI./c Ih(' bladL' dirf)4(}Jl((/(r lo shapc. 
1 ·7D/I--.:;z*15-~*9J.HI1;t0-::>C:::l.\~~ 
tJ'IMs.l.\t=./!/), ::1v-1-- (.:;z7-J!J.:;zI)--7) 
~Yifti*&IlI:ft <~c::: , R7./<lJZt±l u1;tí'J-::> C:::l. \~o 
., Tlie lerminal process is added lo lhe fron l 
spoiler. Being small, a plale is lightly added 
lo Ille lerminal seclion in order lo produce lhe 
Ilon·zolllal 'R ' shape. 
~7D/ 1--51 1--1'imil~ :t*t±lu1;tí'J-::>C:::l.\~ 0 
l'1:J' b_U::sl <c & l. \0 
~ This islhe process of slwPing lhe lower 
seclion of lhe frolll liglil. The besl results [(In 
be achieved (f olle 1V0rlzs from lhe bailam IIP. 
@)7D/I--:;o11--1'imYil\i*t±lU. 'Y-J!J1;t..t..... 
1'1:~.!l6f)1: uc::: H <~Ib c::: l. \~o 
@) T he lerminal process of lhe lower surface 
of lhe fronl lighl. Shave lightly by moving lhe 
lool up and dOllm. 
~1~-V.:;z7~~. v1 ?~I--~1;tM*~~ 
1 t-: ~1/ t-: 5 1/1;tO .5mmT- ::1z.'~iS fJ 11 It 
* ~s. V1?~I--~1;t~*C9~t,(7)<7). ;: 
t-:~-{ / t-:(7)m:i.i't,~6f)~c&l. \0 
~ Using lhe image skelch and lhe layoul 
plan as a basic reference. make lhe side 
window line by slicking on a O.5mm side 
AI lhis slage il is also advisable lo fix lhe 
posilion of lhe side windows by looking ai lhe 
whole balance of lhe design eoen lhough you 
sliU have lo rely 011 lhe layoul plan as a basis. 
~T-::1(7)~iSfJ 11It7J 1;t Hcl:;J'\9o ;:(7)~f;1íjIIcI:.:;z I-- 5 1 ::11Jij1: t,Jjê\mz.'ê:~ o 
tD Slick lhe lape in place by following 
following diagram o Tltis melllOd can 
applied dl lring Ilze Slripe processo 
@~ S/might lil/e. 
0;\~ 'y j--T-{:n:z:. 70:;j--.,-{:;1'. 7 
O:; j--iK:;;jt. 'y j--tJ:cüLlii5-{ :;~lãl~. ;'\5 
o Use lhe palelle kmfe lo draw lhe posilion 
/ines on lhe Iron/ window and bonnel lo 
check lhe balance. 
1 ~~7-~-j--~M~rn~. ~-{I'''-{:;I' -{ 
,;>(-V~t±l9 o ~ Once lhe posilioning 01 lhe lape has been 
decided upon, press in inlo place wilh lhe ~ Creale lhe side window irnage by slicking jingers. a colar sheel in place. 
fjjv~ff~úi.~9QC:J: ~ IJ}' )[,tJ:-{ ';>(-VfJ~ 
8A 1/30 sca/e model 01 a Irain earriage. A 
more realislie image con be produeed il lhe 
3-dimensional model is checked nol only when 
drowing lhe line plan, bul olso during lhe oelltol 
conslruelion 01 lhe clay model. 
@D 2iIDJli\ilfJ!l/30À'T-)[,tT)['~;'f-9o 
~f'FI1JlF~ 4 Elr.ll 
fi) The p/ell/re shows a 1/30 seale modelai o 
Iwo-carriage train. 
This model wos 10llr days in produclion. 
8Starl wilh lhe model core processo The wings ()Altach Ih~ basic covering, Nole Ihal lhe clay 
require sPecial attenlion, The core needs lo be should be sPread evenly lo rnaintain a cerlain 
well slrenglhened as 
weighl 0/ lhe c!ay. 
il musl also supporl lhe flow when working around lhe wings, 
-:li:;7JIêJL'1J'-:J "t-J 
i&L'Id: ' ft i!tt{J 
Th~ ela)' should be 
spread in a cerlain 
direclion and lhe 
wing seclions con­
be done using lhe sameGThe back should 
melhod as lhe /ron l. 
fRf-IlJJlli7. 7-/v7v~TT/V
A sca/e clay model of a ;et plane 
OIi!R~[;j~CP-1-(~TJ[;:::J y) "H'F':)-.t11-@o 
2fflI':) 1à:C:'/J\~ <f'F-@$ã:t.:, lU::: ~t.:-@f'H~ 
t.:óI)9-1-:jjÇI!ilC'i\lJUtt~~IYJ-@;: ~ o 
OCreale lhe model core once lhe reduced scale 
IIOS been /ixed. Ensure Ihal lhe size 0/ lhe core is 
Iwo sizes smaller lhan lhe aclual model. The 
joinl seclions 0/ lhe wings can be connecled lo 
lhe bOdy 0/ lhe Plane or inserled wilh lhe use 0/ 
iron rods, 
Owing lo lhe relalive Ihiness 0/ lhe wings, Ihey 
should be properly slrenglhened ai lhe slage 0/ 
TlUIking lhe model core. 
o x 
8~~[;CP-1-roI~À-@~, M~••~~~~ 
~~T-@o ã:1::~~66Ic1:.1l!IJt.? L--1'1JOIT-@ 
0C'+~td:cp-1-ff~:jjÇI:::T -@;: ~o 
omma,:)~fi5~~~~~~, ••~~ill~ 
--:::>0;mn~tJj ~ ~51ê:j$lt~~,:)MI:t~fi5 
i ,(?J\?td:7J/ÕJ L' 
'? ' It{JcI)7- 1J1 
A dis·uni/y 01 lhe 
diree·lion flow witt 
eO>llribule lo allaw· 
ing air lo enler llu! 
model and 
decrease overall 
x o 
0mli0, ~1cl:0~ffll5tO)lM0f'lltl;:~ 1.! 1'Ílt 
.Q o N C)L IZ:Icl:~~~t>Gt.N30)? f..... l' 1.! ­
MI;: ~O~tt, -~ I ;: j$lcn..llM01'Ílt.Qc-;m 
ttt.J'lI L."nOIOO? 5 ';J? tJ.ctJ' À 01;: <L lo 
0Rol/gh covering. Once again allenlion should 
be given lo lhe wing joinl seclion.s. S esi resulls 
call' be allained by adding ÚJrge pieces of elay 
each lime and l!zen spreading i l quickly which 
improves a con linllous smoolhness and prevenls 
lhe appearenc of cracks. 
10 The piClure shows lhe cÚJy covering compleled. 
, .......~I,-.- - .~ r--"" 
_"• .1, _,,-,'0 __ -'1. 
~IY-~?~1.!~1'~-~~.Qo ~ffllO)OOW 
IIcl:~1'~-O)}Jrml;:!fflnOI1.!ljL 1~1' ~-I;: 
ID Use lhe wire lo dig an aird"c/. Then apply a 
special process lo lhe blade face of lhe wire lo 
Ireal lhe concave /)arl. The wire should be used 
lo shave and complete. 
(f)hUdl~.À? 1)-:;=;lZ7tfflllcl: 'Y-)(;1.!J!~ tJÇl;: 
-t '? Z:~4~~1J 0 1.! ff5 z: Co 
ff)For lhe pilol seal so-een, move lhe 1001 diago· 
naUy along lhe shape of il lo shave. 
4D~Folj;i$:1JjIJrm=;lZ)[;ffll5tO)~U 01cl:, 'Y-)(;1.!~4~ 
(;:51 < 11~1.!~f,jlL.". 1±..tlin1< c~L l o 
• Various slyles of bringillg the 1001 lo lhe 
diagonal lilles is advised in order lo give lhe side 
paris of lhe body a 3·dimensiona l appearence, 
f)~ROO~OIIlij*9'. I) >:7':7-{-p-'y - )I;C' 
1J0I"9~~G l \O);~~* C'tIlE IJ i6t;o 
O Use a ring wire 1001 lo allain lhe reversed R 
shape. Do nol be alraid lo dig in as lar as is 
Il ecessary. 
fJ)Move lhe special/y processed linisher blade 
diagonal/y lo shave. 
0ft~$0)~U IJ 0)", -{ '..I t---1(Uto)Jl~:j;I;: I;:: élpt!. 
0The edge 01 lhe wings should be smoolhly 
-- ~~-I-~--- - ­
____ ._---L~... 
.The edge pari 01 lhe wings should be shaved 
around in /lowing movemenls. 
11) The back surface should also be shaved in 
paral/el wilh lhe upper surlace work. Accurale 
work given lo bolh S/lrlaces LUill bring oul lhe 
besl resulls in lhe edge su rfaông work. 
G~7 ~ = ·y~~-C'ft < J!jUIJ1±~I:f~o 
., When lhe wings and bolh sides 01 lhe Iront 
and back are com/Jleled. use lhe linislzer lo Ireal 
lhe R shaped edge surface by shaving lighlly lo 
4DJjIiJt~= ;~:n;g{mUJIGYffil~il!o)~lf~tt..t1J\ IJ 
eThe piclure shows lhe comPlelioll 01 lhe 3 · 
dimensional pilol seal and lhe lip area 01 lhe 
,nadei airplane. 
4D The piclllre sho/.('s lhe fine linish 01 lhe upper 
airducl area. 
~~ l.t1' 'ET)vfJJl'IJlrm~~~ll'áC'rcl:. ~imo)ib1± 
"In lhe early developmenl slages 01 clay model· 
liug. il is more elleclive lo complele one side lirsl 
lo check lhe lorma/ive shape. 
A scale clay model of a building 
07'1'7'17'A 7 'Y TC [",,1' 7'9 !--f@1d:=5c I~ 
iJR[.."I\Jl11d:iJc<Y.l, ? [",,1' =t7'JV7tPX~i>;1J!'l" 
$1~~fJ, "Pr'l"$ (2~fJl;tIJ\<!<) 1d:iJc<Y.l 
o The levei of scale reduclion should be jixed 
Ihrough reference lo lhe idea skelch and layoul 
plans. The size of lhe core should Ihen be decido 
ed and cul oul while working f rom lhe conce· 
Plional drawing of lhe cla)' (Iwo sizes srnaller). 
8kolllR~a;ji~"Pr (=tTJl1::J7') 1d:~ < O..tl:f 
~o 2 ~O~IJ\<!< ~< ~;::co 
fjThe co re should be compleled aflu lhe scale 
redltelion has been confirmed. fi needs lo be Iwo 
sius smaLier. 
O)? [""1'C'rr5cf1~t:H~.L \0 
e Work on lhe basic c1ay covering. Soflislz c1ay 
should be ehosen for lhe basic eovering as it will 
adhere lO lhe core easily. 
I~"Pr7tPX~ml, ~lHlr~A7D-Jl1O)t~n7JI;tIlll ,OIl*<;::Co 
() The piclltre shvws lhe complelion of lhe core. 
8rush lhe slyrene 
saw-dusl from lhe s/.Irface. 
0j'jHi°1d:rr50 mliO O)::J'.:J l;t? [",,1' 1d:51~ 
f$I;fL.,liOf1It~c.I7'-tJ'.À°r~ < L \0 
o Work 011 lhe rough covering. The secret vf 
rough coven'ng is lo ,1Jread lhe c/ay in sueh a 
manner as lo preveniair from clllen·ng. 
- - - -
L\;:O)i3t~U ~f'F~t:tcJ:Qo 
f) The piclure shows lhe cornplelion 01 lhe rough 
covering. The rnodel is one size larger l/um lhe 
basic exlernal shape. Shaving will lollow. 
- - - ---=-- ----- -­
.~(1gM~~~ [,.,1 f±...tfJ\IJ~~~jf,931~® 
fi The piclll/'e s/wws a comPleled clay rnodel 01 
all illdool' ,porls arelllJ. The round shape 01 lhe 
surlace is well expressed by lhe clay. 
~I) :PJvJl.,-7$~f;:::>L \'Lld:. ~ [,.,1®1;:~ 
;/!:j~§1HH.'f±...tfj1:::fJ\ ~ [,.,1®~m~~~~ 
fi The real' 1'001 has been Irea led by applying a 
coai 01 black matl painl, bul lhe surface is good 
enough lo lake a direct coai. 
(\)jjJ(i§jml!JUIJ~C'I<I:. jjJ(i§jI;: t"? L;mn~J:"5 
~~~~~o *~~~~~~J:~.~~<~~. 
oWilh lhe use 01 a rake 50, Ihoroughly shave 
along lhe curved lines 01 lhe spherical surface in 
lhe slage 01 rough shaving lo creale a basic 
spherical surface. 
0mi!l~ ~C't. Ld ~50c'~~0)J: "5td:~i§jti\. 
*C'f±_tJf~o ~O)i~71 =',:;Y.,.,-~1JOI]] 
41) Wilh lhe use 01 a rake 50, give rough shaving 
10l/ches lo lhe surface unlil il resembles lhe one 
shown in lhe pholograph. Then go anlo lhe nexl 
process 01 surlacing wilh lhe use 01 lhe specially 
processed linisher blade. 
~71=~y.,.,-~WI]]C'~i§j~l.J~~. ~ 
bI'(5C'~iID~td:G l.J1JDI l.Ji§jf±..t11~T~ o 
4D)Aller lhe surlacing wilh lhe specially processed 
linisher bla'de is over, Ireal lhe surface wilh a 
rubber spalula lo complele. 
G)lii~ (;:~. m~~L\J:~l-:.t.tl;:iID~~T (1\ 
~~ff~ C'I<l:ffllN!C'®~tJ'/J \~~ff~~C'I<I:~O)f'F 
~(<l:J: < ij'"5~$C'®~) o 
(J)Last/y, use lhe hands and lingers lo improve 
lhe surlace (such a melhod is nol suilable lor 
large models, bul is used ollen 011 small models). 
7-)~~ ~~ C't-5T~ff;Wt~;glctC'~~o 
Q) The 10mUllion 01 lhe overall building can 
easily be conlimzed wilh lhe 3-dimensional c/ay 
scale model. 
Examp/e of clay mode/s 
M'lIkJIIIIYJ ~IIA.u.~ '7".h1 A~~~IIAíIl1.-R!I:,,/ .."/V ;/ -/ A "/"" -/ ~~ /V The full-size sharp-penci/. 
7 )[.,-ij"-í :;('E7")[.,{t~l1llr.,IJL'":J< QC~, ? '-' 
-í'E7")["Id:flttL:L\Qo ~i:Hln!UIJId:~~ 1 BL' 
'E7")[.,tJ\~px lA::o 
The fronl area and lhe rear area. 
Clay modelling is an excellenl m edium for 
making full·size models in a lim iled lime Period. 
The lime required in lhe crealion 
of Ihis model was one day. 
1 7D/r-.~1J 
A full-size model of a hondy comera. 
=.F1;:: };j-:J L;l..1 ':;T~O)fl!lArm I"'1'lri~tJ: C:~ 
ff~l-:,( 9j. C''t, -t-51YJJ~e<.JC'il5 -:J t.: o 
~1'F1lJlr.ll 3 arell 
This is an effeclive model as nol only lhe forma· 
tion can be experienced, blll also lhe shuller 
swilch and olher areas lhal require hllman indus· 
Ir)' can be fully checked !Jy holding il in lhe 
This model for Ihree days in prodllclion. 
The rear view. 
Tlze enlire weight can be adjllsled in lhe core 
making slage. 
1.;•.:;:....4. .J~ 
'- ., ", /J~ .." A video comera. 
? L-1' 'ET!Ld;:C:-t,*IIIt:J\tJ:If'Ffj:L'~.Q o *t=. 
';J V, t: ::'/fElo)~I!tE1JDI t, C·~.Qo 
~f'FJtIlF~ 1~r.Il 
Delails can be added lo Ihis clay model The 
reproduclion 01 lhe edges and lhe l ocu.s angle are 
also processible. 
The produclion period l or Ihis model was one 
1/5~-7-/b'E-r/b A 7/ 5 scale model. 
L jJl~&:im? 1/1' T7'JlI, iJ"7 I - ::z.tI\7' o{ O)t.:: 
66ê~5-I;:j:jj5::z.p;jjJl~I;:~ '':; r--~nL:l- \-Q o 
Halj 0/ lhe L shape is a clay modelo Due lo lhe 
body sur/ace, each pillar is sei wilhin glass. 
1II!17atz;{11)-1/1 Pari of the development processo 
~D \~ ,, ~;m (5 . 000/$!'~~)IJ D'~ "~j[i (500/1F)
SmallIot produdion. 500 )'8Gr Mid lo' produdion. Wi,hin 5000 /yeor. 
{t@j{tiii {t00i1 Preporolion. Preparalian . Prepara,ion. 
ll l 
 (t00i ~t11Hi {t00i~~ mijJ~~2 2 2Preparo/ion evo/uo,jon. Preporolion evoluo/ion. Preporofion invesligo'ion. MorJcel ;nv.sl;go';on. 
ll l 
(timiâff[ffiT'-tf l' /T-tf1'/ 33 3Design. Design. Preparol;on evoluolion. Ld Y') f-.. WiJ 
l Loroul materiais .l l 
T "ij' l' /~ff[ffiT-tf l' /~ff[ffi 7''-1' /~ /~4 4 4Design evoluo';on.Designevoluolion. Oesign compefi';on. 
l l l~v1'~T' )'" '7-7t' 0 ­
(*~I=~ VC::Jt1RljO) J;.~ v l' ~T')"'jffij1~lj 5 7''-1' / fiffiHi5 íi 5 ) 5 80th sides 01 lhe c/oy mode/. Oesign evo/ual;on. Cne side of lhe doy model. Tope drowing 
 (only for largo ob;e"'I. 
 Tope drowing.l 
I 1­
'-' -17' ') t-- @
11 ~ v1'~T' )'" tJll11!~~ Loyoul p/on.6 ~V1'~T' )'" I I 
6 6I 11 Line plon. :i!-~ C/oy mode'~ __I I~t11Hi '-_.J T IUU evo'uo,ion. 
C/ay mode' evoluolion. l l l ~@j'F 
Une -plonFRP[!!]~ 1/5~T')V~ v1'~,i Cfeolion .7 7 7 C/oy reverso'. 1( 5 s,o/. 
fRP concove shope. 
l l l 
I 1­ 1/5~T:)V11FRP8~®1~lE I I 11 11a I a aFRP convex shope. I 11 
'- _-' I 
 ~ffiHi '-'-1Y ')f-.. @ 
'-_..J Loyoul p1on.l l l~IJ'jjO)~fjfd: 
1It'!/C9 -@FRP!!:!]9 P/on inuonce ;$ Line drowing.9 9 ~ fRP concove. kepf to o m;nimum. 
l Ig]l ~ l ~86~ 
Reference Produ,' plan. 
FRP7-tf l' /drowingFRPT'f1 /V À 9­10 10 *~Design mos'e,. 10 1'FfiX +­'?À~-
I Croolion ? '-' l'fRP design mos'er .l l +of woodon 7 0 ';I ~. 
model C/oy blol.Tenlo/i ..,e ~.lttfrET) It drowing..~~.~GO D1iit1'F11 11 11
MOJS-production go-oheod. DI 'riol 
monulocture.! model of lhe ocfuol cor. íi=1iX Creo,ion of lhe l 
IjlO ';I L'fa::@oo (~If)~rrr<t Ijl C 
~ . T "Y-1 '.f'Y 7./y -tJlf,! Ctcl:.Qo ~*~it1'F~T')'" D2iit1'F 4-----'l---~12 12 02 'riolIn smoll lo' produclion fllere is no published 
monuloclure.ãff[ffi Evoluolion ofdrowing, so lhe desig" maste, is mode on 
lhe basis 01 lhe doy model. l lhe ocluol cor mode/. .i!C@ l 
chor'. +­ D3~1'F.---+----t---'13 13:I:~~GO 03 froil monuloclure. 
Deve/opmen' period required 
 Go-oheod (or '-''-( Y ,)~moss-produclion.
= 4 lo 6 months. l lASSY@ 
fFfJt ,.. eu §!;l're 14 Creole ASSY 14.~~*~~Approvol of 'h••ly/e of foyoul plon. ~~GO M*4 jfl#~~I:/..uonc. of 
moss-produclion. Go·oheod fo< melai mode/. moss·produc/ion ! cherl.l 
wooden model.tt~jJ~~ produdion.15 ~~*~15 ApprovoJ of moss-orljcles on on e:xper;menlol oosis Melo' mode' produdion. 
l l 
:I:~GO .1i:~ T')V*~16 16Mou-production go-oheod. Approvol of Ir iol moss-production. 
l ml!f 1 - 2iJ' ruJO) lll~G.vl< ~§ti1!l/ll 6 tJFl - liJ' Oevelopmenl period required 
Development period required 1 2 lo 24 monl" •. 
=- 6 lo 12 monl"'. 17 
Go--oheod of moss-production. 
Creolion of lhe fRP 
concove shope(included). 
How lo measure lhe lenglh of a semicircumference. 
How lo measure lhe lenglh of a circumference. 21Cr - 2­
B O 
i§!ê0)3ffl 	 $ê0)3ffl 
3 limes lhe diomeler 	 3 limes lhe semi·circumlerence 
0-1 f1:lWO)fi:~1&t,ClY.>.Q 	 Of1:lW...U::: i§!~0)fi:~ 1& t, clY.>.Q 0~m:· illo)fi:~1&t,clY.>.Q 
How lo measure lhe lenglh of a circular are. 	 How lo measure lhe lenglh of a Calculaling an angle and lenglh 
slraighl tine on a circular are. of a side. 
A c BA 	 c B A 
lo be quadrisecled 
lo be quodrisecled ~ - -
- ~L=CD AB=BD .:::: ~ tt trigonomelric ranos 
Sin8=~ COS8=~ tan8=~ 
.::::IfI7Jo)5Ell alhearem 01 Ihree squores 
0-2 f1:lWO)fi:~~t,ClY.>.Q 
 C2 =A '+B' c=r~How lo measure lhe lenglh of a circular are. 
0f1:lWO)$ê·~m:~6f1:lWO)~1&t,C::IY.>.Q Of1:lWO)~·~~tJ'S$ê1&t,clY.>.Q 
Oblaining lhe cil'cular are 's ividlh from lhe Obtaining lhe radius from lhe heighl 
angle and radius of a circular are. and widlh of a circular are. 
A o 	 L 
_L'+4H'o r - """"8H 
1CrB L=~ 
How to draw an exploded drawing. 
1. :;P:f'J~$. (:;p:rr~~.Ef.ll \LW~1ã:'Õc::õI)-@) 
ParalleUine method. (To obtain an actual length using a parallel·line method.) 
2.~!}1~$.Uj~!}1~~.Ef.ll \LW~~'Õc::õI)-@) 
Radial-line method. (To obtain an aclual 
lenglh using a radial-tine method.) 
3. =~Jf~$.(=~ln:?t~UG LW~~'Õc::õI)-@) 
Triangle melhod. (To oblain an aclual lenglh /)y diving inlo lriangles.) 
7"05' '7 t- T-tf -1 / f' lif Á., -Ct \ ~ lif~, ~JfÁ 7"0 T"-tf' -1 -t -, Y 
-tf-1 /~!z1PJt:l~/)'G , ~t*~'ft1;}Y-tf-1 /"f:YJv1R;% f', "f:TJv;fJIJ 
1'1' /, 5' - r i?)~ ,?;j)' GJthX. i~ ~ ~ oi -C(7) 7'0 -t: /, f', -c ~ ~ t.:1 Hm 
I)' <, t~r~áJi~-7]-I)' I') '\"'-t <Wf.~Jt L t:tt;%~h'll L \', c: t \ -:) t:-* 
~lih ' h-Ch'G ~ < &)-:)t.:: o 
"é ~ -C, ~ tL Grl-l1Ji~;{í i?) -* ~ ~ -C' ~ MEU) BZ.1l9z:::- -kt, oi c: li) t: (7) 
h'*~-C' &)I'), t::,IJ..'hi~~-\'-7"-C:;;t;<, t- 1)1JJvIJ..'€jf:'~lJ.H~ 
~ c: -t ~ ' J ,~* I\li""-J \- "f: YJv T '7 ~ ''/ ? f', -&-9'--1 5' I) "7-C­
T-tf -1 / i';5~ L t: *4:,~h' ,~, ft1;f. Y-tf -1 / li "é (7) oi oi ft1;f. -CJRr1fl . 
~t~-t~h ' ''f:''/ t--(7)T~f-tf-1-t-83JtjjíL~,l\li/'5'T'1"f:YJv 
T'7~''/ '7 f', 1J-Y-tf-1-t--C' B*i~H1~'7v-1"f:T'I) /'7-(7) 
~-Á;{í c:tf1i!!i:::-tL -C \ \ ~;fL~83~;x.l\li '7 v -1 "f:TJvT? ~ ''/ '7 f' 
"é tL"étL%- 7"0 -t: /, b! t \ IJ..'h' G*1J1i' L -C t \ ~ h', "é (7) ,-f ') :::L - L.. , 
tt;%M~'&Jj((7)~:::-, tt;~ 1 \' I),:L- ~ 3 /(7)'1!1," :::-~i~ht \ -C 1ei~ 
~~ f' JtiJ:t \0 
~: h, l}{jtfAfl)' G (7)-* ~ t &)1') , P8~1t IJ..' T '-tf -1 / ":J / -t: 7" r /''7 ''/ 
1-T '7 ~ ''/ '7 JjiX.f1'>!7IJ f' {iJ][J L, .i( (7)-M(7) T'-tf -1 /' f' ~i ~ L -c "f:':1" 
Jv;<,-;\-/'7i~ I) / '7 :::--ktt.:: o 
lÜ:1!H~, *~ hi!ttiSr~' -:d.::,~;l.~~(7)..Lffi1t.% 1\, 1J ;<' '7 '7 / (7) ~ 
iiiiL~ 1\, 7 ''/ '7 Y -tf -1 / U!! ~ L -c t \ t.::t..:: t \ t.:: *1t1$-i!i 1\ c: ;7,,5' 
''/ 7 (7) ~ :::- Á." ffl.!'!.' ffl lt f' ~~f~ L -c t \ t.::t..::t \ t.::(~t \-?h '\"'t~ ~ (7) 
~ H~' I') -c ,C I)' Gh:fL Ej3 L ...tI 1 oi -to 
AFTERWORD There has been much demand from product design students, 
new professional designers and teachers in the design field for 
some time now for the creation of a technical book which covers 
full details on the process of various cubic design models from 
start to completion with full explanations on an easy step-by­
step basis. 
The book has been compiled to meet the strongest demands 
of these people. Within its pages are paper modelling techniques 
introduced by Mr.J:akashi Kojima, the designer of home elec­
tronic appliances and an expert in the creation of geometrical 
models, study models techniques by Mr.Masazo Tano, the 
industrial designer whose motto it is to develop and confirm 
cubic designs with cubes and who gained much experience in 
Jtaly. The clay model techniques of Mr.Shinji Matsuda, a car 
designer who is now one of leading modellers in Japan. There 
are no other books to' complete with the volume, quality of 
explanations and wealthiness of technical variation contained 
within these covers. 
We have added a few examples of simple design sketch 
tech n iq ues by popu Iar demand, and I in ked part of these designe 
into the actual model making. 
Lastly, J would like to take this opportunity to express my 
gratitude to Mr.Nobuhiko Yamada, the editor, Mr.Masashi 
Kudo, the cameraman, Mr.Shinju Onuki and his assistants, plus 
Jzumiya CO.,who kindly provided me with ali necessary sup­
Yoshiharu Shimizu 
October 1991 
1934 fFN~~ *tlo1959 fF*R~lif'ÍI~*""'I~7'-+f 
-íA'l'$ 1&. ~±iID1i+-5)'-' O 1z :';$' -~ {!*Ic::. 
Suludio Nurmesniemi. 71' :'; -5 :'; ·ê!l .Iz:~iljíjIR*~ 
OO~o I~tl. IJI:1)B ;$;{llHJ«7'-+f-í:.;1z:';$'-. ii5Fflóf, 
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-'J-?À in y t> /'\:.; J (til ) 7571' 'Y?:fítJCo 1959 fF 
mBI ..... 7'-+f-í:.;::J >''\À7Ii:.;-tj-~ (7),-,-7), 1987 
:q:1?jgq:ff~BJ3t.6h~"ªltJ: . 1988 :ífCPM ál[Ex1:91- ' ~M~ 
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íípJí== T' 350-12 lãj:E~B~ 1ttifl.1é:t 5-29-12 
TeL0429(82) 1914 
1962 fF'5=F~lL@ l1i'iJI ~m'$~1&. $li)1i+5)'-'Àtí~ 
-'T L-I:::':~§lm* ~óf,0)7'+f-í :';{!HE39 ~o 1983:q:~ 
1~7é~a;J: fJl'\-/\-~7')'-'O)ifilj i'Filn§' {!~lt~o 1985 
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7. W;'l8jj0T+j~ /mJ~1ci~Wljbo 1978 ~(fj)EE!}T~ 
~ /)[;-b~.:rro ;3fi!ífflõâ. ;~ffiiif'l~~= 'y ~. ~M, 
1\:;11) 'y~ ~~ l.-;, ~5j~. CAR fflõâ, 'I~Wmt~ , 'J­
=\'->'j~ I 7W:Lt'Jit\c C 1:, 1::~jNJl=:350m1ci*<'bT":f 
~ /~~1cii1t<'bn 'bo1988 :tjõ7~~ ;;<.=t:t' 51) - c'i~ 
~o *1i~~ê5~f;1lji%'i:&T-1J~ /Wl:Stf-.j~lijgj1io 7D~~ ~ 
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iífi!í= T 350-03 il5íI~ t~Ú:~3~WHlJ~'T.fr 4-6-7 
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it · ~:.:E · ~f;1~I':ll 1ci jª§o 1977 i:jõ:<$:EEJH il I ~J:Effl 
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~mli, !H~~IriHHj\j~ IlJj;'ET) [;&Mgmo (tlJ8~~ /9';;<. 
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e;~7.l<ã ;í:l rr~T-tj'1' :/~~%4~·T+f~:/}Y$·A"" 'Y TJ B:$:CfjJt&-t:T -e::.:;z 1982:íf 
eJ\~~":J' (~1~) CAR STYLlNG DESIGN :75 :/ 7 1)CfjJt& 1982:íf 
e;~7.l<ã ;í:l r-y'-tl-· T') ='Y ') J :7'57 -( 'Y')ti 199D:íf 
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1991Sf 12)1 25 B 
1992if 7 )1 25 B 
1993if 5 )1 5 B 
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m*ã~s IJ'.~ ~ ffi!!ff!t -= :f~ffi~iX© 
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t'A::Âitf±?"7 71 '/?f± 
T 102 ~IV?-:~BTitEE~M~~t 1 - 9 -12 
TeI03(3263)4318 1~'M":lIL~ 3 -1 14 345 
ISBN4-7661-0617 - 2 C3052 
;iT' liLT*(~ n~~) M .;CíH . .J: 9" o 

Outros materiais