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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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1a Questão (Ref.: 201304262202)
What is the official language of 20 percent of the world's people?
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201304288631)
Which alternative represents the right definition of subculture:
 Subculture: This usually refers to a group that has joined a wider, dominant culture: a culture within a
culture that has its own specialist norms and values ¿ its own of life, shared by a smaller proportion of a
Subculture: This usually refers to an individual that has broken away from the wider, dominant culture: a
culture within a culture that has its own specialist norms and values ¿ its own of life, shared by a smaller
proportion of a population.
Subculture: This usually refers to a group that has broken away from the wider, dominant culture: a
culture outside a culture that does not have its own specialist norms and values ¿ its own of life, shared
by a smaller proportion of a population.
Subculture: This never refers to a group that has broken away from the wider, dominant culture: a
culture within a culture that has its own specialist norms and values ¿ its own of life, shared by a smaller
proportion of a population.
 Subculture: This usually refers to a group that has broken away from the wider, dominant culture: a
culture within a culture that has its own specialist norms and values ¿ its own of life, shared by a smaller
proportion of a population.
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201304327404)
´´Culture is among the most complicated words in the English language. It refers to the processes by which the
symbolic systems (e.g., common sense, "usual way of doing things"; traditions and rituals, frameworks for
understanding experience, etc.) characteristically shared by a group of people are maintained and transformed
across time.´´ (www.encyclopedia.com)
Which of the following statements about culture is correct:
Youth Culture is closely associated with the hip-hop community. It might even have less influence over
young people than traditional institutions such as churches, schools, and even families.
 Youth culture refers to those processes and symbolic systems that young people share that are, to some
degree, distinctive from those of their parents and the other adults in their community.
Subculture refers to the way of life of a very small group which includes the ideas or the behavior, ritual
practices and material goods of the group.
 Deviant subculture refers to a group that has broken away from the wider, dominant culture and has a
high migration rate and consequently an unsettled culture. They are not given the opportunity of
producing any culture.
Youth Culture is a term always associated with criminality and juvenile delinquency. It is the dominating
force in the life of most young people.
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201304288633)
O que é a língua oficial de 20 por cento das pessoas do mundo?
Comentário do texto
Qual alternativa representa a definição direita da subcultura:nullnullresposta: Subcultura: trata-se geralmente a um grupo que rompeu com a cultura mais ampla, dominante:nullcultura dentro de uma cultura que tem suas próprias normas e valores especializadas ¿sua própria da vida, compartilhada por um menornullproporção de uma população.nullnull
Comentário do texto
A cultura é entre as palavras mais complicadas no idioma Inglês. Ele refere-se aos processos através dos quais onullsistemas simbólicos (por exemplo, o senso comum, "forma habitual de fazer as coisas"; tradições e rituais, estruturas paranullexperiência compreensão, etc) caracteristicamente compartilhado por um grupo de pessoas são mantidas e transformadonullatravés time.'' (www.encyclopedia.com)nullQual das seguintes afirmações sobre a cultura é correta:nullnullcultura juvenil refere-se aos processos e sistemas simbólicos que os jovens de acções que são, até certonullgrau, distinta das dos seus pais e outros adultos em sua comunidade.null
Which alternative represents the right definition of deviant subculture:
 Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values
of the dominant culture, other groups seek to reject these norms and values and are therefore
considered as a deviant⊂ctu̲re¿.
 Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values
of any subculture, other groups seek to reject these norms and values and are therefore considered as
a deviant⊂ctu̲re¿.
Deviant subculture: some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values of the
dominant culture and join other groups to reject these norms and values and are therefore considered
as a deviant⊂ctu̲re¿.
Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values
of the dominant culture, other groups seek to reject these norms and values and are therefore
considered as mainstream.
Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values
of the dominant culture, other groups seek reinforce these norms and values and are therefore
considered as a deviant⊂ctu̲re¿.
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201304279194)
Following theoretical assumptions by researchers in general, a coherent reflection about culture concept would
 A collection of rules , transmitted generation by generation.
 A collection of devoted behavior, transmitted generation by generation.
A collection of true information, , transmitted generation by generation.
Everything that helps us to respect people, generation by generation.
To have good manners, respect people.
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201304288625)
Many contemporary sociologists, especially postmodernists, are interested in the role played by popular culture
in the creation of identity.They define it as
Popular culture ¿ or sometimes mass culture ¿ is usually defined as media and other cultural products
that are hardly available, often expensive to consume and have popular or mass appeal. Popular culture
¿ especially fashion and music ¿ is also seen to be major feature of senior subcultures.
Popular culture ¿ or sometimes mass culture ¿ is never defined as media and other cultural products that
are readily available, often cheap to consume and have popular or mass appeal. Popular culture ¿
especially fashion and music ¿ is also seen to be major feature of youth subcultures.
 Popular culture ¿ or sometimes scholar culture ¿ is usually defined as upper classes and other cultural
products that are readily available, often cheap to consume and have popular or mass appeal. Popular
culture ¿ especially fashion and music ¿ is also seen to be major feature of youth subcultures.
 Popular culture ¿ or sometimes mass culture ¿ is usually defined as media and other cultural products
that are readily available, often cheap to consume and have popular or mass appeal. Popular culture ¿
especially fashion and music ¿ is also seen to be major feature of youth subcultures.
Popular culture ¿ or sometimes elite culture ¿ is usually defined as media and other cultural products that
are readily available, often cheap to consume and have popular or mass appeal. Popular culture ¿
especially fashion and music ¿ is also seen to be major feature of youth subcultures.
Comentário do texto
Qual alternativa representa a definição direita da subcultura desviante:nullnullsubcultura desviante: Enquanto algumas subculturas conformar para a maioria de parte, às normas e valores mais amplosnullda cultura dominante, outros grupos procuram rejeitar essas normas e valores e, portanto,nullconsiderado como um desviante.null
Comentário do texto
Seguindo pressupostos teóricos por pesquisadores em geral, uma reflexão coerente sobre o conceito de cultura poderia ser?nullnullUma coleção de comportamento dedicado, transmitida de geração em geração.
Comentáriodo texto
Muitos sociólogos contemporâneos, especialmente os pós-modernistas, está interessado no papel desempenhado pela cultura popularnullna criação de identity.They definem comonullnullresposta:

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