
AV 1.1 2016 Aspectos Morfossíntáticos

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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AV1.1 com respostas – aspectos morfossintáticos
	1a Questão (Ref.: 201408214029)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	3. Choose the alternative that completes the sentences: I. The mayor together with his two brothers ___________ going to be indicted for accepting bribes. II. Neither of my two suitcases ____________ adequate for this trip. III. There ____________ a list of committee members on the head-table. IV. Everybody in the class ____________ done the homework well in advance. 
	a) is - are - are - has 
	e) is - is - is - have 
	c) is - is - is - has 
	b) are - is - is - has 
	d) is - are - is - has 
		Gabarito Comentado.
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201408210710)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	Which sentence contains a compound subject?
	Only two dozen children rode the bus that day, but it was still very noisy.
	None of the above
	A small lizard slithered his way under the rock and out of sight.
	Living inside the old barn were a large brown horse and a short white cow.
	The green cicada is an insenct found in yards and parks all over town.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201408227960)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	In which sentences there is a subject complement? 
	c) He seems nice. 
	b) They elected him president. 
	e) They called her a thief. 
	a) We painted the door white. 
	d) That shrimp dish made him sick. 
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201408227952)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	In which alternative the verb is used intransitively? 
	d) Raise your hands 
	b) Lie still. 
	a) Woodmen fell trees. 
	c) Lay the basket there. 
	e) Set the lamp on the table 
		Gabarito Comentado.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201408223892)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	Choose the alternative that completes the sentence: 'He ________ succeed if he works hard.' 
	c) could 
	a) Will 
	e) had better
	d) would rather
	b) Would 
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201408227744)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	What are the auxiliary verbs in the following sentence: 'Language is constantly changing and being adapted to speakers' needs.' ? 
	b) needs - changing 
	c) is - being 
	d) is- adapted 
	a) is - changing 
	e) being - adapted 
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201408067149)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	Mark the sentence which expresses repeated actions:
	She´s studying now.
	I am waiting for you.
	They´re taking their bags to their room.
	She´s always coming and going.
	My son is studying at Estácio.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201408067042)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	Which sentence expresses an universal truth in the present simple?
	They are going to the movies tomorrow.
	They live in Copacabana now.
	Water boils at a 100 degrees.
	They don´t go to church on Sundays.
	They go to school every day.
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 201408227772)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	Read the sentences below.
I. We all wanted to believe her but we suspected she was lying. 
II. Were you walking to work everyday when you lived in Spain?
III. We tried to cook Yorkshire puddings, but we didn't really know what we were doing. 
Which of them are suitable?
	c) numbers II and III. 
	d) none of them 
	b) all of them 
	e) numbers I and III. 
	a) numbers I and II. 
	 10a Questão (Ref.: 201408067154)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0 
	Choose the sequence which completes correctly the following text  :
 Before I _________Australia, an Australian friend in London _________to save enough money to eat. He _________to Australia recently and was surprised with the prices at restaurants. He _________a wonderful steak which was so expensive that _________him feel guilty. 
	made/told/has eaten/visited/has been
	visit/told/has been/has eaten/made
	visited/had told/had been/ate/made
	told/visits/has eaten/has been/made
	has been/told/visited/has eaten/made

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