
Leading You Me We 02 Positive Refocus(1)

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Session 2
Positive Refocus
• Getting your mind into the habit pattern of doing what leaders do, consciously, can 
be uncomfortable at first. That's ok.
• Exercise: Positive Refocus
1. Look at 3 fears or frustrations you have, and reframe them so you see them from a 
different perspective that will activate your motivation to change it.
2. We do this by asking the question "How can I..." or "How to..."
• Avoid making decisions when we're in a stressed out state if at all possible. This state 
of mind essentially prevents good decision making. When we're in fear, in our lower 
selves, it's very hard to do anything positive and constructive.
• Human are essentially irrational all the time.
• Avoid putting negatives in statements of what you want. "I want to get over the 
block to reading this book..." vs. "How can I enjoy reading this book...?" 
• There are two strategies when doing things in life:
1. Maximizing: When shopping, we have to compare ALL the details, and even after 
the choice we're never totally satisfied because there's always a better choice.
2. Satisficing: When shopping, instead of doing all the comparing, we just look at a 
few choices, make a decision that will satisfy us enough, go with it, and then never 
look back.
• When you have a list of several different steps to get your outcome, ask your “how” 
question around the highest leverage component of the list.
1. You want to move to the Caribbean. You need to get a visa, rent out your old 
house, and find a house in the Caribbean to rent. Out of those 3, renting out your 
old house is the highest leverage... so how can you rent out your house in the next 
7 days?

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