

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

Side A ------ Side B
plight ------ struggle
poignant ------ emotional
ponder ------ think
potential ------ possible
precipitate ------ bring about
preclude ------ prevent
precocious ------ genius early on
prelude ------ introduction
pesky ------ irritating
omnivorous ------ eating everything
premise ------ basis of argument
premonition ------ foreshadowing
prestigious ------ well-known
pretext ------ disguise
privation ------ inconviences
profligate ------ wasteful
prognosticate ------ predict
prohibition ------ restriction
prolific ------ productive
promulgate ------ advertisement
propitious ------ favorable
pugnacious ------ quarrelsome
puissant ------ powerful
puny ------ weak
quell ------ quiet it
quip ------ joked
rampant ------ widespread
rash ------ reckless
raze ------ destroy
realm ------ area
recant ------ deny it
recoil ------ draw back
recondite ------ hidden
relegate ------ assigned to inferiors
remote ------ isolated
remuneration ------ reward
replete ------ filled with
reprehensible ------ blameworthy
repress ------ end
reprimand ------ disapprove
repudiate ------ reject
repulse ------ defend
resourceful ------ constructive
respite ------ relief
restrictive ------ confining
reticent ------ silent
reverberating ------ reechoes
plethora ------ multitude
placard ------ poster
phlegmatic ------ calm
phenomenon ------ happening
perverse ------ corrupt
peruse ------ examine
pertinent ------ important
perspicacious ------ keen
persevere ------ persist
perpetuate ------ continue
perpetrate ------ commit
pernicious ------ harmful
permeate ------ saturate
perfunctory ------ quick; function
perceive ------ see
peregrination ------ travels
penance ------ reconciliation
pedagogue ------ teacher
pecuniary ------ wide financial powers
paucity ------ lack
parsimonious ------ stingy
paroxysm ------ fit; seizure
paragon ------ model; example
paradox ------ self-contradictory
palliate ------ relieve
overt ------ open
oust ------ get rid of
originate ------ start
ostentatious ------ overdone
opulence ------ value
ominous ------ threatening
octogenarian ------ 80 year old
obviate ------ eliminate
obsolescence ------ expiring
obsess ------ preoccupy
obsequious ------ fawn
nurture ------ nourish
obliterate ------ destroy
nuance ------ picky stuff
nostalgia ------ reminiscence
nominal ------ very little
nomadic ------ travelling
nirvana ------ enlightenment
nebulous ------ murky
neutralize ------ counteract
neurotic ------ nervous
nettle ------ bother
nefarious ------ evil
myriad ------ plethora
murky ------ unclear
mundane ------ worldly
mortality ------ death
monolithic ------ big; imposing
modify ------ change
meticulous ------ precise
metamorphosis ------ transformation
mendacious ------ dishonest
megalomania ------ self-greatness
maudlin ------ depressed
matron ------ older woma
materialism ------ love for worldliness
mastiff ------ big dog
masticate ------ chew
manifold ------ a lot
mandate ------ command
mammoth ------ huge
malnutrition ------ bad nutrition
malignant ------ bad; spreads
malady ------ illness
maladjusted ------ disturbed
lush ------ rich
lurid ------ sensational
lugubrious ------ emotional
longevity ------ duration
loathe ------ despise
loath ------ hesistant
liquidation ------ get rid of
levity ------ light-heartedness
lethal ------ deadly
legion ------ many
lax ------ lazy
laudable ------ worthy of attention
latent ------ lies hidden
landmark ------ historic
laconic ------ short
lackluster ------ dull
laceration ------ cut; wound
labyrinth ------ maze
juxtapose ------ compare; contrast
jurisdiction ------ authority
jostle ------ hard shove
jeopardize ------ endanger
jaunty ------ sportive; clever
itinerant ------ wandering
irrelevant ------ unimportant
revert ------ return
rife ------ widespread
romp ------ lively moving
rudimentary ------ basic
rue ------ curse, reject
sage ------ wise
salient ------ defining
sally ------ rush forward
salvation ------ deliberance
sanctuary ------ refuge; protection
sanguine ------ optimistic
schism ------ divide
scion ------ descendant
scoff ------ make fun of
reviled ------ hated
redolent ------ pungent
repose ------ resting
progeny ------ come after
saturate ------ replete
scrutinize ------ examine closely
scurrilous ------ scandalous; vulgar
scurry ------ run away
sedentary ------ lazy
senile ------ infirm; weak
sinecure ------ easy safe
singular ------ one of a kind
sinister ------ evil
skirmish ------ small battle
solace ------ peace; comfort
solicit ------ ask for
sordid ------ sleezy
spew ------ spit
spontaneous ------ unrehearsed
sporadic ------ random
squeamish ------ sensitive
steeped ------ drenched; soaked
stentorian ------ booming voice
stereotype ------ generalization
stipulate ------ specify
strife ------ tension
stymie ------ hinder; stump
subjugate ------ enslave
subterfuge ------ trick
subterranean ------ underground
succumb ------ give in
sultry ------ humid
sumptuous ------ luxurious
supine ------ flat on your back
supplication ------ pleading
surge ------ move forward
surmise ------ predict
surreptitious ------ secretive
susceptible ------ vunerable
symptomatic ------ showing signs
taboo ------ forbidden
taint ------ corrupt
tangible ------ touchable
technology ------ engineering and science
terminate ------ end
throng ------ mob; crowd
thwart ------ hinder; foil
timorous ------ nervous
tinge ------ hint
tolerate ------ put up with
tortuous ------ winding
tradition ------ custom
tranquil ------ calm
tremulous ------ shaky
trenchant ------ careful
truncated ------ shortened
turbulent ------ agatated
temerity ------ boldness
ubiquitous ------ everywhere
ultimate ------ final
unabated ------ without stopping
underwrite ------ sponsor
universal ------ broad; worldwide
urbane ------ sophisticated
utopia ------ perfect place
valor ------ bravery
veneer ------ surface
venom ------ poison
vexatious ------ annoying
viable ------ possible
vicissitudes ------ troubles
vigilant ------ watchful
virile ------ lively
virulent ------ harmful
voluble ------ talkative
voracious ------ consuming a lot
vulnerable ------ susceptable
wan ------ pale; sickly
wrest ------ take it over
zealous ------ enthusiastic
virtuosity ------ goodness; brilliance

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