
Exerc. sobre There is and there are

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Curso: ______________________ semestre: __________
Professora: Raquel Queiroz – Língua Portuguesa
There is and There are
There is e there are representam o nosso há ou existe(m). A diferença é que usamos there is para uma só coisa, pessoa ou situação. Quando dizemos que há mais de uma coisa ou pessoa, usa-se a forma plural there are. Veja os exemplos:
	there is
há, existe
	There is
a man in the car.
a fly in your soup.
There is
a new store here.
	Há um homem no carro.
Há uma mosca na sua sopa.
Há uma loja nova aqui.
	there are
há, existe
	There are
40 students in my class.
There are
two dogs in the house.
There are
10 people in the family.
	Há 40 alunos na minha classe.
Há dois cães na casa.
Há 10 pessoas na família.
 - Veja que em português falamos na conversa de todo dia “Tem um homem no carro” ou “Tem 40 alunos na minha classe” ao invés de usar há. No inglês, não se usa o verbo have (ter) para isso.
There is a man in the car. e não Has a man in the car.
There are 40 students in my class. e não Have 40 students in my class.
Veja como fica a negativa de there is e there are:
	There is
	There is not
	There’s not
	There isn’t
	There are
	There are not
	There aren’t
Alguns exemplos:
	There is
a man in the car.
	There is not
a man in the car.
[Não há um homem no carro.]
a fly in your soup.
	There’s not
a fly in your soup.
[Não há uma mosca na sua sopa.]
	There is
a new store here.
	There isn’t
a new store here.
[Não há uma loja nova aqui.]
	There are
40 students in my class.
	There are not
40 students in my class.
[Não há 40 alunos na minha classe.]
	There are
two dogs in the house
	There aren’t
two dogs in the house.
[Não há dois cachorros na casa.]
	There are
10 people in the family.
	There aren’t
10 people in the family.
[Não há 10 pessoas na família.]
Usa-se there isn’t any ou there aren’t any para se dizer não há ‘nenhum’. Veja os exemplos:
There isn’t any milk in the refrigerator [Não há (nenhum) leite na geladeira]
There aren’t any apples in the basket [Não há nenhuma maçã no cesto]
Change the sentences into negative form:
a. There is a nice car in the garage.
b. There are great people here.
There is homework for tomorrow
There is a lemon in the refrigerator.
There are many mistakes in her exercise.
2. Change the sentences into interrogative forms:
a. There is a better place for you.
b. There are animals in the park.
c. There are science books in ours class
d. There is a problem with your car.
e. There are clouds in the sky.
Complete the sentences with there is, there are, there isn’t and there aren’t: (1,0 point)
 ___________ some pears.
___________ any milk.
___________ any water.
___________ any oranges.
__________ some cookies.
__________ some bread.
Write complete sentences with TRERE IS or THERE ARE:
5- Are these sentences about the picture TRUE or FALSE? Look at the picture below and mark (X) the correct answer. 
								 T F
There isn’t a beach.				( )	 ( )
There are two churches. 			( )	 ( )
There is hotel. 					( )	 ( )
There aren’t any factories. 			( )	 ( )
There are some shops. 				( )	 ( )
There isn’t a bus station. 			( )	 ( )
There aren’t any apartment buildings.		( )	 ( )
There are two schools. 				( )	 ( )
There isn’t a train station. 			( )	 ( )
There is a park. 					( )	 ( )
6- Look at the picture in question 5 and complete the sentences with: 
There is a / an – There isn’t a / an – There are two / three – 
 There aren’t any
__________________________________ park
__________________________________ cafés.
__________________________________ schools.
__________________________________ beaches.
__________________________________ supermarkets.
7- Complete the questions with Is there or Are there. 
____________________ any houses?
____________________ a train station?
____________________ any supermarket?
____________________ a movie theater?
____________________ any beaches?
8- Read and answer the questions about to the text. 
Read about Bernardo’s hometown. 
“I love my hometown. It is perfect! There are two museums, there is one big shopping mall and there is a nice stadium. There are some shops and supermarkets. The houses are nice. The architecture is beautiful. There is a beautiful park. There aren’t any beaches, but it is OK because there is a very good club with a great sports center, there are three swimming pools and a nice green area. There is also an airport and a bus station. There are also very good schools. It is not a very big town, but I love it”. 
								 T F
a. 	There aren’t any museums. 			( )	 ( )
b. 	There is a big mall. 				( ) ( )
c.	There isn’t any swimming pool at the club. 	( ) ( )
d. 	There are nice beaches. 				( ) ( )
e. 	It is a very big town. 				( ) ( )
9- Circle the correct form. 
a. There is / are an airport in Cabo Frio. 
 b. There isn’t / aren’t a movie theatre where I live. 
 c. There is / are two museums in São Paulo.
 d. There isn’t / aren’t any beaches in Minas Gerais.
 e. There isn’t / aren’t an ice rink in Maceió. 
10- Write sentences about FRUITS and COLORS:
Have a nice week!
Teacher Raquel

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