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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Ambiente Pelágico Profundo
✴ mais de 1 bilhão de km de espaço - praticamente inexplorado
✴ maior espaço do planeta para organismos vivos
✴ maior comunidade animal do planeta (número, biomassa e área)
✴ ~ 1 milhão de espécies novas ???
Características físico-químicas
1000 m superficiais - variabilidade
abaixo dos 1000 m - constância
horizontalmente - condições homogêneas
T˚: 0 - 6˚C
Sal.: 34,6 - 34,8
O2: varia abaixo da camada de mistura; ressurgência 
(2% de saturação)
Características físico-químicas
Durante a noite: apenas bioluminescência
Durante o dia:
99% da luz à 150 m é absorvida ou refletida
apenas comprimentos de onda azul presentes
> prof. - luz torna-se unidirecional
luz difusa; perda das bordas dos objetos; < contraste
importante na estruturação da fauna e comunicação
ilusões visuais comuns entre predadores e presas
neve marinha:
comum e relacionada à produtividade da coluna d’água
qualidade da MO decresce com a profundidade
colonizada por bactérias bioluminescentes (estímulo 
movimentos geram luz 
pode ser uma dos fatores responsáveis pela atividade reduzida dos animais
Características físico-químicas
decresce com a profundidade
variação geográfica
maior em margens continentais e ressurgência
menor nos giros centrais
variação sazonal - aumenta com latitude
decréscimo com a profundidade
decréscimo com o aumento da produtividade
Isaacs Kidd MOCNESS
Migração Vertical
provável estratégia para evitar predação
importante para o fluxo de carbono no 
oceano - fluxo ativo (metabólico)
Respiração Global do Zooplâncton
Prof. (m) Resp. 
% PP
< 200 10,4 13-25
200-1000 2,2 3-5
1000 0,4 0,5-1
Total 17-32
Conseqüências do Fluxo Ativo via 
Migração Vertical 
O valor relativo do fluxo ativo aumenta quanto 
mais oligotrófico é o sistema
Dam et al. 1995
Resumo da Medição do Fluxo Ativo
Steinberg et al. 2000
Média = 14
Os Resultados em contexto
Fluxo anual global de POC = 7 Giga Toneladas (GT)
Fluxo anual ativo (migração) = 0,14 x 7 = ~ 1 GT C
Carbono necessário para balancear a entrada 
antropogênica à atmosfera = 2 GT C (esta quantidade 
também representa a incerteza nos balanços de C em 
modelos do oceano
CONCLUSÃO: Inclusão do fluxo ativo pode reduzir a 
incerteza em 50% !!!
Salpas, apendiculárias, 
cnidários, ctenóforos
~ 1/4 biomassa total
importantes componentes 
Fauna Gelatinosa
Fauna Gelatinosa
“Neve marinha”
> prof. > ingestão de 
“neve marinha”
ativos passivos
caçadores emboscada
Salpas e dolíolos
estruturas de filtração internas
água utilizada também para propulsão
distribuição vertical ampla
Doliolula equus, a new mesopelagic doliolid Bruce H. Robison et al. 657
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (2005)
Figure 1. Line drawing of a trophozooid of Doliolula equus in lateral view. A, anus; AC, atrial cavity; AS, atrial siphon; B,
brain; BS, buccal siphon; E, endostyle; ES, oesophagus; GS, gill slits/branchial septum; HP, hydroid polyp; I, intestine; M
III, third muscle bands; M IV, fourth muscle band; PB, peripharyngeal bands; PC, pharyngeal cavity; S, stomach; SG,
spiral gland; SS, stalk to stolon; T, tunic.
Figure 2. Doliolula equus. (A) A chain of zooids in situ, is looped on itself; (B) interior structures, viewed from below and
left; (C) gut, viewed from the right side, showing well-developed oocytes and testis; (D) dorsal view showing positions of
pigment patches and a hyperiid amphipod to the left of the endostyle. A, anus; Am, amphipod; AS, atrial siphon; CP, cil-
iate protists; E, endostyle; ES, oesophagus; GS, gill slits/branchial septum; HP, hydroid polyp; O, oocyte; PB, peripharyn-
geal bands; PP, pigment patches; S, stomach; Te, testis. Scale bars: A, 5 cm; B!D, 5 mm.
Simbiontes - anfípodes, hidróides
estruturas de filtração externas
menos móveis
distribuição vertical estratificada
Ciclo alimentar de Larvacea
high as 1 sinker per m2 (17). Over the 10-year
span of this study, the average flux of sinkers
to the sea floor was 3.9 mj2 dayj1. We mea-
sured the particulate organic carbon (POC) and
dissolved organic carbon content of 105 sinker
samples, collected over a 2-year period at
depths from 200 m to 2979 m (24). The av-
erage of total organic carbon was 5.4 mg, and
the average C:N ratio was 6.09.
When we calculate nutrient flux by multi-
plying the average organic carbon content of a
sinker by the number reaching the bottom each
year, we get a rate of 7.6 g of C mj2 yearj1
(Fig. 2). Data from sediment traps deployed in
the same region as our dive sites have shown
annual carbon flux rates from 14.4 to 24.0 g of
C mj2 yearj1 at depths around 500 m and
from 7.2 to 14.4 g of C mj2 yearj1 at sea-
floor depths (16, 29–31). Our calculations of
sinker carbon flux are conservative because
(i) we undercounted the number of deep
sinkers, which are more compact, sink faster,
and thus are less likely to be seen; (ii) our
sampling was biased toward smaller speci-
mens, because large sinkers did not fit into
our samplers; and (iii) we did not count sink-
ers that had fragmented naturally. Although
the measured flux of sinker carbon was var-
iable, the changes did not appear to be closely
linked to gross primary production, tempera-
ture, or season (32) (Fig. 2).
The discarded houses of giant larvaceans
thus compose a distinct class of sinking
particles that provide a substantial portion of
the vertical carbon flux in the deep water col-
umn. This is the case off Monterey Bay and
probably elsewhere as well. The balance of
POC supply and demand measured by Smith
and Kaufmann (9) at a deep benthic station
off central California ranged from occasional
surpluses to extended discrepancies of 8 mg
of C mj2 dayj1 or more over 7 years. In
Monterey Canyon, the daily average of carbon
transport by sinking larvacean houses was
more than enough to close this gap. Present-
day models of carbon flux through the deep
water column predict that only È10% of the
POC that sinks below 100 m reaches depths
beyond 1000 m (33). Our results reveal a
pathway through this region that carries subs-
tantially more carbon than has been mea-
sured by conventional methods. Carbon that
reaches the deep sea floor is effectively re-
moved from the atmosphere for geological
time scales (33).
References and Notes
1. A. Agassiz, Three Cruises of the U.S. Coast and
Geodetic Survey Steamer Blake (Houghton Mifflin,
Cambridge, MA, 1888), vol. 1.
2. R. Francois, S. Honjo, M. P. Bacon, Oceanography 14,
65 (2001).
3. J. K. Volkman, E. Tanque, J. Oceanogr. 58, 265
4. A. L. Alldredge, M. W. Silver, Prog. Oceanogr. 20, 41
5. W. M. Berelson, Oceanography 14, 59 (2001).
Fig. 1. In situ video frame grabs of steps in the progression from an actively filtering giant larvacean
house to a descending sinker. (A) An active house occupied by Bathochordaeus; the coarse mesh outer
filter surrounds a fine mesh inner filter, to which the tadpole-shaped animal is attached. (B) An aban-
doned and collapsed house, with most of the outer filter condensed into ropy strands and a small
portion domed over the inner filter. (C) As the sinker rapidly descends, the mass becomes more com-
pacted, and the inner filter is usually the last part to collapse. Scale bars: (A) and (B),10 cm; (C), 1 cm.
Fig. 2. Carbon flux (gray area) to the deep sea floor and the abundance of active (dotted blue line)
and discarded (dotted red line) giant larvacean houses. Data collected in a 10-year ROV-based
time series in Monterey Bay, California, show a consistent supply of carbon over summer (s), fall
(f), and winter (w) seasons. Integrated primary productivity values (green line) and temperatures
(at the surface, solid red line; at 200-m depth, solid blue line) were taken at a permanent mooring
adjacent to the transect site (32). A negative exponential (second-degree polynomial function) was
used to smooth the temperature and integrated carbon data.
10 JUNE 2005 VOL 308 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1610
high as 1 sinker per m2 (17). Over the 10-year
span of this study, the average flux of sinkers
to the sea floor was 3.9 mj2 dayj1. We mea-
sured the particulate organic carbon (POC) and
dissolved organic carbon content of 105 sinker
samples, collected over a 2-year period at
depths from 200 m to 2979 m (24). The av-
erage of total organic carbon was 5.4 mg, and
the average C:N ratio was 6.09.
When we calculate nutrient flux by multi-
plying the average organic carbon content of a
sinker by the number reaching the bottom each
year, we get a rate of 7.6 g of C mj2 yearj1
(Fig. 2). Data from sediment traps deployed in
the same region as our dive sites have shown
annual carbon flux rates from 14.4 to 24.0 g of
C mj2 yearj1 at depths around 500 m and
from 7.2 to 14.4 g of C mj2 yearj1 at sea-
floor depths (16, 29–31). Our calculations of
sinker carbon flux are conservative because
(i) we undercounted the number of deep
sinkers, which are more compact, sink faster,
and thus are less likely to be seen; (ii) our
sampling was biased toward smaller speci-
mens, because large sinkers did not fit into
our samplers; and (iii) we did not count sink-
ers that had fragmented naturally. Although
the measured flux of sinker carbon was var-
iable, the changes did not appear to be closely
linked to gross primary production, tempera-
ture, or season (32) (Fig. 2).
The discarded houses of giant larvaceans
thus compose a distinct class of sinking
particles that provide a substantial portion of
the vertical carbon flux in the deep water col-
umn. This is the case off Monterey Bay and
probably elsewhere as well. The balance of
POC supply and demand measured by Smith
and Kaufmann (9) at a deep benthic station
off central California ranged from occasional
surpluses to extended discrepancies of 8 mg
of C mj2 dayj1 or more over 7 years. In
Monterey Canyon, the daily average of carbon
transport by sinking larvacean houses was
more than enough to close this gap. Present-
day models of carbon flux through the deep
water column predict that only È10% of the
POC that sinks below 100 m reaches depths
beyond 1000 m (33). Our results reveal a
pathway through this region that carries subs-
tantially more carbon than has been mea-
sured by conventional methods. Carbon that
reaches the deep sea floor is effectively re-
moved from the atmosphere for geological
time scales (33).
References and Notes
1. A. Agassiz, Three Cruises of the U.S. Coast and
Geodetic Survey Steamer Blake (Houghton Mifflin,
Cambridge, MA, 1888), vol. 1.
2. R. Francois, S. Honjo, M. P. Bacon, Oceanography 14,
65 (2001).
3. J. K. Volkman, E. Tanque, J. Oceanogr. 58, 265
4. A. L. Alldredge, M. W. Silver, Prog. Oceanogr. 20, 41
5. W. M. Berelson, Oceanography 14, 59 (2001).
Fig. 1. In situ video frame grabs of steps in the progression from an actively filtering giant larvacean
house to a descending sinker. (A) An active house occupied by Bathochordaeus; the coarse mesh outer
filter surrounds a fine mesh inner filter, to which the tadpole-shaped animal is attached. (B) An aban-
doned and collapsed house, with most of the outer filter condensed into ropy strands and a small
portion domed over the inner filter. (C) As the sinker rapidly descends, the mass becomes more com-
pacted, and the inner filter is usually the last part to collapse. Scale bars: (A) and (B), 10 cm; (C), 1 cm.
Fig. 2. Carbon flux (gray area) to the deep sea floor and the abundance of active (dotted blue line)
and discarded (dotted red line) giant larvacean houses. Data collected in a 10-year ROV-based
time series in Monterey Bay, California, show a consistent supply of carbon over summer (s), fall
(f), and winter (w) seasons. Integrated primary productivity values (green line) and temperatures
(at the surface, solid red line; at 200-m depth, solid blue line) were taken at a permanent mooring
adjacent to the transect site (32). A negative exponential (second-degree polynomial function) was
used to smooth the temperature and integrated carbon data.
10 JUNE 2005 VOL 308 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1610
-2 -1Robison et al. 2005
-2 -1
 Larváceos gigantes - até 60 mm de 
 “Casas” - mais de 1 metro de diâmetro!
 Bathochordaeus produz 1 “casa” por dia
 Taxas de afundamento - ~ 800 m/dia
 dissolvem em contato com algo sólido
 média após 10 anos: 3,9 m dia
 50 a 100% do fluxo de C medido por 
métodos convencionais
6. K. L. Smith Jr., R. S. Kaufmann, R. J. Baldwin, Limnol.
Oceanogr. 39, 1101 (1994).
7. R. J. Baldwin, R. C. Glatts, K. L. Smith Jr., Deep-Sea
Res. Part II Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 45, 643 (1998).
8. K. L. Smith Jr., Limnol. Oceanogr. 32, 201 (1987).
9. K. L. Smith Jr., R. S. Kaufmann, Science 284, 1174
10. K. L. Smith Jr., R. J. Baldwin, D. M. Karl, A. Boetius,
Deep-Sea Res. Part I Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 49, 971
11. D. Roemmich, J. A. McGowan, Science 267, 1324
12. D. Roemmich, J. A. McGowan, Science 268, 352 (1995).
13. J. A. McGowan, D. R. Cayan, L. M. Dorman, Science
281, 210 (1998).
14. C. E. Reimers, R. A. Jahnke, D. C. McCorkle, Global
Biogeochem. Cycles 6, 199 (1992).
15. E. M. Druffel, B. H. Robison, Science 284, 1139 (1999).
16. M. W. Silver, S. L. Coale, C. H. Pilskaln, D. R. Steinberg,
Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 498 (1998).
17. W. M. Hamner, B. H. Robison, Deep-Sea Res. 39,
1299 (1992).
18. E. G. Barham, Science 205, 1129 (1979).
19. P. J. Davoll, M. J. Youngbluth, Deep-Sea Res. 37, 285
20. J. C. Hunt, D. J. Lindsay, Plankt. Biol. Ecol. 46, 75
21. C. P. Galt, Fish. Bull. 77, 514 (1979).
22. S. E. Beaulieu, K. L. Smith Jr., Deep-Sea Res. Part II
Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 45, 781 (1998).
23. Small larvacean species are often very abundant in
near-surface waters. Most have bodies less than 10 mm
long, with house diameters commonly twice as large.
Their houses may be produced at a rate of six or more
each day, depending on the density of food particles.
Discarded small houses are important components of
organic aggregate flux in the ocean’s upper layers, but
they rarely reach the deep sea floor (34–36).
24. Materials and methods are available as supporting
material on Science Online.
25. Sediment traps catchwhat they were designed to catch,
namely, small, slowly sinking particles. Although sedi-
ment traps may occasionally collect sinker fragments,
physical contact, particularly with traps that have
interior baffles, is certain to exclude, disrupt, or disperse
this material (16). The easily recognized rectangular
mesh structures of larvacean filters have not been
reported in analyses of sediment trap contents.
26. R. Fenaux, Q. Bone, D. Deibel, in The Biology of Pelagic
Tunicates, Q. Bone, Ed. (Oxford Univ. Press, New York,
1998), chap. 15.
27. Bathochordaeus sp. is found chiefly at depths from
100 to 300 m; Mesochordaeus erythrocephalus
occurs principally between 300 and 500 m (17, 28).
28. R. R. Hopcroft, B. H. Robison, J. Plankton Res. 21,
1923 (1999).
29. J. H. Martin, G. A. Knauer, D. M. Karl, W. W. Broenkow,
Deep-Sea Res. 34, 267 (1987).
30. C.H. Pilskaln, J. B. Paduan, F. P. Chavez, R. Y. Anderson,
W. M. Berelson, J. Mar. Res. 54, 1149 (1996).
31. This value considerably exceeds the amount of flux es-
timated by Silver, Coale, Pilskaln, and Steinberg (16),
for Bathochordaeus in the same region. Although our
measurements of the abundance and turnover of
houses and sinkers agree, our measurements of the
carbon content of sinkers are substantially greater, prin-
cipally because of incomplete sampling in the earlier
32. F. P. Chavez et al., Prog. Oceanogr. 54, 205 (2002).
33. A. B. Burd, G. A. Jackson, R. S. Lampitt, M. Follows,
Eos 83, 573 (2002).
34. A. L. Alldredge, Science 177, 885 (1972).
35. A. L. Alldredge, Limnol. Oceanogr. 21, 14 (1976).
36. D. Deibel, Mar. Biol. 93, 429 (1986).
37. We thank the pilots of the ROVs Ventana and
Tiburon, for their skills and patience in the difficult
task of collecting these specimens, and the officers
and crews of the research vessels Point Lobos and
Western Flyer. Supported by the David and Lucile
Packard Foundation.
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
SOM Text
Figs. S1 to S4
References and Notes
23 December 2004; accepted 15 April 2005
Rapid Acidification of the Ocean
During the Paleocene-Eocene
Thermal Maximum
James C. Zachos,1* Ursula Ro¨hl,2 Stephen A. Schellenberg,3
Appy Sluijs,4 David A. Hodell,6 Daniel C. Kelly,7 Ellen Thomas,8,9
Micah Nicolo,10 Isabella Raffi,11 Lucas J. Lourens,5
Heather McCarren,1 Dick Kroon12
The Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) has been attributed to the
rapid release ofÈ2000! 109 metric tons of carbon in the form of methane. In
theory, oxidation and ocean absorption of this carbon should have lowered
deep-sea pH, thereby triggering a rapid (G10,000-year) shoaling of the calcite
compensation depth (CCD), followed by gradual recovery. Here we present
geochemical data from five new South Atlantic deep-sea sections that
constrain the timing and extent of massive sea-floor carbonate dissolution
coincident with the PETM. The sections, from between 2.7 and 4.8 kilometers
water depth, are marked by a prominent clay layer, the character of which
indicates that the CCD shoaled rapidly (G10,000 years) by more than 2
kilometers and recovered gradually (9100,000 years). These findings indicate
that a large mass of carbon (d2000 ! 109 metric tons of carbon) dissolved in
the ocean at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and that permanent seques-
tration of this carbon occurred through silicate weathering feedback.
During the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maxi-
mum (PETM), sea surface temperature (SST)
rose by 5-C in the tropics and as much as 9-C
at high latitudes (1–3), whereas bottom-water
temperatures increased by 4- to 5-C (4). The
initial SST rise was rapid, on the order ofÈ103
years, although the full extent of warming was
not reached until some È30,000 years (30 ky)
Fig. 3. Comparative plot of active
houses of giant larvaceans (blue
line) and discarded sinkers (red
line) versus depth, in squaremeters
of area swept. The data are derived
from a 10-year time series of
quantitative video transects at
depth intervals between 100 and
1000 m (n 0 679 transects). With
an average sinking rate of 800 m
dayj1, the difference between
the integrated areas beneath the
curves indicates that these ani-
mals produce a new house each
day (24).
www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 308 10 JUNE 2005 1611
“Casas” descartadas
“Casas” ativas
Caçadores ativos
Caçadores ativos
Caçadores ativos
Beroe - alimenta-se de medusas
Caçadores ativos
Caçadores passivos - 
Caçadores passivos - 
ctenóforos lobados
Zooplâncton Gelatinoso
altamente subestimado
elevado número no mesopelagial:
redução das forçantes abaixo da camada de mistura
grandes estruturas de filtração: sucesso alimentar
tecidos com conteúdo orgânico reduzido:
tamanho avantajado
pouco apelo a predadores
maior tamanho não implica em maior gasto 
- mais frágeis
- > % de água nos tecidos
- mais finos
- < proteínas e lipídios em peixes e 
- ossos de peixes menos calcificados
- < taxa respiratória
- < taxa metabólica (menos gelatinosos) 
Possíveis explicações:
T˚ baixa: Antártica - micronécton possui diminuição da 
TM apesar da coluna de água isotérmica
Pouco alimento: não há diferenças metabólicas em locais 
com alta e baixa PP
Pressão: fauna gelatinosa não apresenta mudanças
Oxigênio: taxas metabólicas são menores abaixo da 
Possíveis explicações:
Decréscimo no metabolismo:
LUZ: descréscimo exponencial com a 
profundidade no primeiro km
Após isso metabolismo pára de diminuir
Animais gelatinosos: as exceções
Usam transparência e não locomoção para 
evitar detecção por predadores e presas. 
Também não possuem olhos.
baixa atividade
movimento - estimula bioluminescência
baixo O2 e alimento - “encorajam” inatividade
estratégias alimentares - já discutido
Text90% dos habitantes de 
ambientes pelágicos 
Enypniastes eximia
Vampyroteuthis infernalis
the tip-lights while it sweeps its arms and web over the head and mantle to expose the
suckers and cirri on the inner surface of its arms (Fig. 5). Luminous fluid released
during the sweep envelops the animal in a glowing cloud and illuminates its radically
altered appearance (Robison et al., 2003).
Malacosteid dragonfish, like Aristostomias, produce red light from photophores on
their cheeks that shines along the line of sight of each eye. In the deep sea where nearly all
vision is optimized to receive blue light, this bioluminescence will not be seen except by
the fish itself, which has a unique visual pigment that reacts to the longer red wavelengths
(Widder et al., 1984). Red light reflected from a silvery fish or a red crustacean will be
seen by Aristostomias without the prey being aware that it has been illuminated. This
remarkable adaptation is made possible by pigments in the light-producing organ that
absorb short-wavelength light, then re-emit the energy as red light, which passes through a
final filter before expression.
In situ observations have also revealed how the mesopelagic squid Chiroteuthis
calyx Young uses bioluminescence to catch its prey. The fourth arm on each side is
larger and more robust with a groove running along its length. The squid’s two slender
feeding tentacles slide through the grooves, then out and over the supporting arms to
hang suspended below (Fig. 6). A series of light organs runs along the length of each
tentacle. Chiroteuthis moves the long tentacles up and down while flashing the serial
photophores. Prey that are attracted to the lights are seized by clustered suckers at the
Fig. 5. Vampyroteuthis infernalis in a defensive posture with its arms and web wrapped over the head and mantle.
Suckers and cirri are exposed.
B.H. Robison / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 300 (2004) 253–272 265
Chiroteuthis calyx
end of the tentacle, which is then retracted up the groove where the prey are transferred
to the mouth by the remaining three pairs of arms. Then the tentacle is redeployed
(Hunt, 1996).
6. Chemical ecology
In the absence of sunlight and with only bioluminescence for visual cues, the deep
water column seems a likely habitat for other kinds of sensory communicationto have
evolved. Among the adaptations to depth in some fishes are enhanced chemosensory
capabilities. Compared to their mesopelagic counterparts certain bathypelagic gonosto-
matid species have expanded nasal rosettes and larger olfactory lobes in their brains
(Marshall, 1971), presumably for finding food they cannot see. Likewise, dwarf male
ceratioid anglerfish often have enlarged olfactory organs, which they probably use to
locate a female by tracking a pheromone gradient she creates. In contrast, the females have
regressed olfactory organs, nerves and brain lobes.
The only direct experimental evidence of chemoreception in deep-living pelagic fauna
comes from the hydromedusa Mitrocoma cellularia Agassiz (Tamburri et al., 2000). In this
study specimens were collected by an ROV and transferred to a laboratory ashore, where
they responded to substrate- and solution-borne prey extract, just as they responded to the
taste and smell of actual prey. Naive experimental animals did not respond to controls that
contained no prey extract. To validate the laboratory investigations, the ROV conducted
Fig. 6. Video frame grabs of Chiroteuthis calyx in its fishing posture, with tentacles deployed over the
fourth arms.
B.H. Robison / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 300 (2004) 253–272266
Animais Grandes
Praya - 30 metros
Deepstaria enigmatica
contraída - > 1 m
Distendida - 4 a 5x maior
Animais Grandes
Architeuthis dux - > 18 m
Lulas gigantes
estômagos de cetáceos
animais encalhados
captura comercial
fotos - recente
Populações podem ser maiores que o esperado
Elefantes marinhos: 10% superfície, restante mergulhando
alimentam-se a 200-1000m (lulas gigantes entre itens)
estima-se que consumam mais que toda produção pesqueira
Fauna Bentopelágica
Fauna Bentopelágica
alimentam-se no bentos, mas passam 
maior parte do tempo suspensos na 
coluna d’água

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