
3 unit 01 audiovisual

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Magic eyes: Good morning Laura! How are you?
Laura: Fine Thanks. And you?
Magic eyes: Fine.
Magic eyes: Excuse-me, may I come in?
Teacher: Sure, come on in.
Teacher: Please sit down
Teacher: Laura asks Eddie a question.
Laura: Ok. How do I say this in English?
Teacher: Now Eddie, please answer.
Eddie: You say pencil.
Laura: Excuse-me?
Eddie: Pencil.
Eddie: Ops, thank you.
Magic Eyes: You’re welcome
Teacher: Now Maria please read. 
Maria: I don’t understand. What is the meaning of read?
Teacher:Now class, Listen and write.
Magic eyes: Good bye
Welcome Beginners
Magic eyes: Good morning Laura! How are you?
Laura: Fine Thanks. And you?
Magic Eyes: Fine.
Magic eyes: Excuse-me, may I come in?
Teacher: Sure, come on in.
Teacher: Please sit down.
Teacher: Laura asks Eddie a question.
Laura: Ok. How do I say this in English?
Teacher: Now Eddie, please answer.
Eddie: You say pencil.
Laura: Excuse-me?
Eddie: Pencil.
Eddie: Ops, thank you.
Magic Eyes: You’re welcome.
Teacher: Now Maria please read. 
Maria: I don’t understand. What is the meaning of read?
Teacher:Now class Listen and write.
Magic eyes: Good bye.

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