
AV Estudos culturais língua inglesa

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	Tipo de Avaliação: AV
	Nota da Prova: 3,5    Nota de Partic.: 0   Av. Parcial 1,5  Data: 12/06/2017 10:02:04
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201102243164)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	From historical antecedents of the XVIII century, associated to recent theories (taking into consideration man and culture development), discuss the concept of culture, highlighting new challenges.
Resposta: A concepção de cultura se deu através da identidade regional da população.
Gabarito: Individual. Apontar desafios do mundo contemporâneo.
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201102327817)
	Pontos: 0,0  / 1,0
	A youth subculture is a youth-based subculture with distinct styles, behaviors, and interests, which are often regarded as against the norms of society. Research in cultural studies reintroduced the idea that subcultures are ways in which kids live out and understand a complex social structure. Skinheads in the 1970s represent a ´magical´ recovery of traditional working class culture. At the same time, hippies are living out a rebellious middle class culture.
Based on the previous comments, mention examples of up-to-date youth subculture in our country and justify your answer.
Resposta: .
Gabarito: Suggested answer: funk and the student ought to find a proper justification for his choice. A possible one might be to mention that the ones who usually enjoy ´funk music´ may not necessarily ´fit in´in our society.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201102237000)
	Pontos: 0,0  / 1,0
	¿Identity¿ means...
	being able to question who we are as people
	not being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who we are as people
	being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who a group is
	being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who we are not as people
	being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who we are as people
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201102288410)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	The hotels Brazil needs for the World Cup never got built. (THE WASHINGTON POST)
The Gavea Tourist, in Rio de Janeiro, is an empty shell of a hotel, a 14-story modernist monument of disintegrating concrete and decaying beauty that has been abandoned for four decades. It is one of three huge, architecturally ghost hotels in Rio de Janeiro, all of which are vacant in a city facing a shortage of rooms for June´s World Cup soccer tournament.
Rio could use the Gavea Tourist´s 400-odd rooms. Instead, it is an emblem of the obstacles that interfere in Brazil´s World Cup preparations:  bureaucracy, a slow-moving judiciary and a lack of imaginative planning.
´´The bureaucracy is phenomenal. The technical capacity of the Brazilian state to produce infrastructure . . . is very low´´, said Christopher Gaffney, visiting professor in architecture and urbanism at Rio's Federal Fluminense University.
Segundo o texto, que problema o Brasil enfrentará durante a Copa do Mundo?
Por que isto deve ocorrer?
O que dificulta a solução para este tipo de problema no Rio de Janeiro?
	O Rio de Janeiro não terá quartos de hotel em número suficiente para abrigar todos os visitantes.
Porque muitas construções de hotéis não estarão prontas até lá. Há obras inacabadas como o Hotel na Gávea, por exemplo.
A burocracia é fenomenal, a capacidade técnica do governo Brasileiro para produzir infraestrutura é precária/ ineficiente.
	Porque três imensos hotéis deveriam estar prontos e isso não ocorrerá até lá.
Porque a inflação prejudicou o crescimento na área de construções.
A burocracia e a incapacidade administrativa de lidar com a área econômica por parte do governo local inviabilizou as obras.
	Problemas relativos aos movimentos sociais que poderão gerar situações complicadas.
Porque o governo Brasileiro não consegue lidar de maneira eficiente com estes movimentos.
Porque o governo Brasileiro não está preparado não somente pela burocracia, mas pelas leis sobre infraestrutura.
	Porque o Hotel na Gávea de 14 andares, que foi construído para o evento, não tem mais quartos livres.
Porque o Brasil não possui infraestrutura para prever estes problemas.
Porque deveriam ter previsto que, com o número provável de visitantes, a construção de apenas um hotel a mais na cidade não seria suficiente.
	O Rio de Janeiro terá problemas porque um hotel na Gávea não ficou pronto.
Por falta de infraestrutura da firma responsável pela construção.
A burocracia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201102756803)
	Pontos: 0,0  / 1,0
	Choose the only option which does NOT describe culture according to sociological action:
	It´s produced by individual consciousness.
	It´s a dynamic and fluid process
	It´s something that individuals do
	It´s a collective set of meanings
	It´s a process but not a fluid one.
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201102308650)
	Pontos: 0,0  / 1,0
	Why are Giddens concepts criticized? Because
	Giddens addresses the question of who can transform what aspects of social structure and how.
	Giddens praised too much the liberty a special group of people had.
	Giddens ignores the fact that some individuals don¿t have more agency than others in society, since they have less power.
	he exaggerates the degree of choice that individuals have over their own lives, and plays down the fact that often our lives are not of our own choosing.
	He states that structures tend to control people and there is no way out of it.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201102239620)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	According to the Post-Modernity phenomenon, globalization
	may alter time notion, drive out the social system and all the structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers.
	may eliminate time and space notions, drive out the social system and the imposed structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers.
	may alter time notion, eliminate the social system and the imposed structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers
	may alter time and space notions, drive out the social system and the imposed structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers.
	may alter time and space notions, drive out the social system and the imposed structures as well as make impossible the emergence of a pluralization of social centers.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201102287845)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	´´Culture is among the most complicated words in the English language. It refers to the processes by which the symbolic systems (e.g., common sense, "usual way of doing things"; traditions and rituals, frameworks for understanding experience, etc.) characteristically shared by a group of people are maintained and transformed across time.´´ (www.encyclopedia.com)
Which of the following statements about culture is correct:
	Youth Culture is a term always associated with criminality and juvenile delinquency. It is the dominating force in the life of most young people.
	Youth Culture is closely associated with the hip-hop community. It might even have less influence over young people than traditional institutions such as churches, schools, and even families.
	Youth culture refers to those processes and symbolic systems that young people share that are, to some degree, distinctive from those of their parents and the other adults in their community.
	Subculture refers to the way of life of a very small group which includes the ideas or the behavior, ritual practices and material goods of the group.
	Deviant subculture refers to a group that has brokenaway from the wider, dominant culture and has a high migration rate and consequently an unsettled culture. They are not given the opportunity of producing any culture.
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 201102626030)
	Pontos: 0,0  / 0,5
	Choose the alternative that is correct in relation to Post modernism and identity:
	b. Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are not much more fluid and ambivalent than they were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to become who they wish, through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
	Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to behave rigidly, through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
	Romantics such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to become who they wish, through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
	Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are free to become who they wish, through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
	Postmodernists such as Crook suggests that present-day identities are much more fluid and ambivalent than they were under the rigid constraints in class identity in the past. Now individuals are not free to become who they wish, through consumption and the creative adaptation of life-styles.
	 10a Questão (Ref.: 201102812012)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	Teresa is a brazilian feminist but she contends that no woman is free until the conditions that oppress women worldwide are eliminated. When Teresa defends these ideas, she defends--------------
	the Global feminism
	the local feminism
	the women ´s liberation
	the political feminism
	the brazilian feminism

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