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마스터 제목 스타일 편집
마스터 부제목 스타일 편집
Unit 1: 
Present Tense
Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Subject & Object Pronouns
(I, you, it, he, she, they) vs. (me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
Possessive Adjectives
(my, yours, his, her, its, our, their)
Time Expressions
Vocabulary: Agent Nouns
By adding ‘er’ to a verb, we create Agent Nouns
Agent Nouns are typically jobs
Note: Some Agent Nouns are irregular!
Present Continuous Tense &
Subject Pronouns
Subject Pronouns: I, he, she, it, we, 				you, they
Remember to abbreviate the forms of the pronouns (am = ‘m		 is = ‘s	 are = ‘re)
To make the Present Continuous, we’ll use:
1. Yes/No + Subject Pronoun + am.
2. Subject Pronouns + am + verb + ‘ing’
*Note: When answering questions, don’t just use Yes/No
In the negative, ‘do’ changes to:
		 ‘do not’ = don’t
Now, we’re using the Present Continuous along with the Simple Present Tense
Remember, when using ‘does’ (he, she, it), we must also add an ‘s’ to the verb
Do you like…?
Now, let’s add ‘er’ (but not always!) to make agent nouns
How Often?: Time Expressions
We use Possessive Adjectives (my, yours, his, her, its, our, their) to change the meaning of a noun
Example: Grandchildren are people (nouns), and by adding ‘their,’ we’re making a more accurate sentence
 We use Object Pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) when the object has already been identified
Example: We already know the object is ‘Grandchildren,’ so now we can just use the OBJECT PRONOUN to shorten the sentence.

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