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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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1a Questão (Ref.: 201603473657)
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	England adopted the Protestant religion during the reign of King Henry VIII , approximately around 1530s. Prior to this, England had followed the Roman Catholic Church. How did England become protestant?
	King Henry VIII was influenced by Martin Luther's idea that the Catholic Church was a fake.
	Most of the Englishmen rebelled against The Catholic Church when Rome asked them to pay higher taxes to the Church.
	As Henry VIII did not like the amount of money which was spent in the monasteries, he decided that the banks should take care of the Church money which caused a rupture with the Catholic Church.
	When the Pope refused to give Henry permission to divorce his first wife, Catherine, of the ruling house of Spain, in order to marry Anne Boleyn, Henry put through Parliament a number of bills that severed relation with The Catholic Church and set him up as the head of the Anglican Church of England.
	As religion was one of the issues that threatened to put an end to domestic peace, King Henry, under strong pressure of his subjects, founded the Anglican Church.
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201603473655)
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	How was Queen Elizabeth regarded by the ordinary people in England?
	As people opened their minds to the expanding world of arts, they did not care about who the ruler of the country was.
	As a consequence of the dazzling richness of the Modern World, Elizabeth was beloved by her subjects.
	She was regarded as a witch.
	She was seen a weak women who was not fit to be the Queen of England.
	She was supported by her subjects as the living embodiment of the English spirit which turned the entire age into one madly in love with life in all its aspects.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201603473197)
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	One of the questions that has occupied those interested in King Arthur is whether or not he is a historical figure but what we can state about the legendary figure of King Arthur is that
	he was famous for his oral speeches
	he was a cruel man
	he was born as a symbol of hope to the British people
	he was recognized as a great poet
	he gave power to women
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201603581483)
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	Which characteristic presented below cannot describe the Englishmen in the 16th century:
	did not respect authority
	conscious of the social status
	had the right to ascend in a social mobility scale
	 Gabarito Comentado
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201603473645)
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	Think about the characters and elements belonging to the stories of King Arthur. Then, match the names innumbered colum to the observation preceed by letters: 1- Lancelot ( ) the name of the legendary headquarter of Arthur's government 2- The Graal ( ) King Arthur's famous sword. 3- Caladfwick ( ) the most famous knight from the Round Table. 4- Camelot ( ) a magical pot whose theme dates from the Celtic legends.
	4 - 3- 1 - 2
	3 - 4- 2- 1
	2- 1 - 3 - 4
	1 - 2- 3- 4
	4- 3- 2- 1
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201603573824)
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	Which of the characteristics below DOES NOT belong to the 16th century English men?
	Englishmen in the 16th century were as devoutly religious as their medieval ancestors, but also threw themselves passionately into the worldliest of projects and pastimes.
	Despite of being rather conscious of the social status, determined by birth, Englishmen in the 16th century proclaimed their human right as men to ascend in a social mobility scale.
	Englishmen in the 16th century were great respecters of authority yet violently critical of their medieval ancestors for accepting it.
	Englishmen in the 16th century had a strong intellectual formation, traveling the world was a routine to them and they were essentially consumerist beings.
	Englishmen in the 16th century were still superstitious enough to believe in witches and all kinds of sorcery.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201603473653)
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	Why is the Elizabethan Age one of the most remarkable periods in British history?
	Because t was a time deeply marked by cultural, social, political and economic changes which came to a climax during the Elizabethan Age.
	Because as England was not an agricultural country any more, life emerged led by an industrial and commercial development.
	Because it was a period in which England won four different wars.
	Because out of the exciting turmoil of English life there emerged the medieval barons who dominated the society.
	Because of the song writers and dramatists who turned England into a democracy.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201603473659)
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	It can be said about the Renaissance that ...
	The Humanists, who adopted the God-centered point of view, were university experts in Greek and Latin.
	A variety of religious beliefs was the measure of all things.
	The basic message that the Greeks and Romans left the Elizabethans was that life as not, as Middle-Aged people thought, a `journey through a vale of tears' to a better world after death, but rather a beautiful and exciting experience, that the world was a place where man could display his amazing creative faculties.
	Greek and Latin manuscripts, which were reproduced by the newly invented printing press, set off a wave of disappointment for classical ideas.
	Stimulated by the excitement of the Egyptian manuscripts, recently discovered by archeologists, the Elizabethan world came alive with several plays based on the values of the old Egyptian world.

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