
prova BRITÂNICA III 2017.2

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 3, do total de 6 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 6, do total de 6 páginas

Prévia do material em texto

 Inscrição Sala 
Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos abaixo. 
Casa de Cultura Britânica 
Semestre III 
Data: 30 de julho de 2017. 
Duração: das 15:00 às 17:00 horas. 
Prezado(a) Candidato(a), 
Para assegurar a tranquilidade no ambiente de prova, bem como a eficiência da 
fiscalização e a segurança no processo de avaliação, lembramos a indispensável 
obediência aos itens do Edital e aos que seguem: 
01. Deixe sobre a carteira APENAS caneta transparente e documento de identidade. 
Os demais pertences devem ser colocados embaixo da carteira em saco entregue 
para tal fim. Os celulares devem ser desligados, antes de guardados. O candidato 
que for apanhado portando celular ou com o celular ligado na sala de prova, será 
automaticamente eliminado do certame. 
02. Anote o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala, na capa deste Caderno de 
03. Antes de iniciar a resolução das 30 (trinta) questões, verifique se o Caderno está 
completo. Qualquer reclamação de defeito no Caderno deverá ser feita nos pr imeiros 
30 (trinta) minutos após o início da prova. 
04. Ao receber a Folha-Resposta, confira os dados do cabeçalho. Havendo necessidade 
de correção de algum dado, chame o fiscal. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-
05. A prova tem duração de 2 (duas) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala de 
prova é de 1 (uma) hora. 
06. É terminantemente proibida a cópia do gabarito. 
07. A Folha-Resposta do candidato será disponibilizada conforme subitem 8.8 do Edital. 
08. Ao terminar a prova, não esqueça de assinar a Ata de Aplicação e a Folha-Resposta 
no campo destinado à assinatura e de entregar o Caderno de Questões e a Folha-
Resposta ao fiscal de sala. 
Atenção! Os dois últimos participantes só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e após a 
assinatura da Ata de Aplicação. 
Boa prova! 
Teste de Nível 2017.2 Semestre I I I Pág. 2 de 6 
 Casa de Cultura Britânica 
 30 questões 
For questions 01 to 07, choose the option that expresses the same idea as the word or sentence in italics. 
01. The chemist’s is in front of the music school. 
A) into 
B) down 
C) opposite 
D) on the right of 
E) on the corner of 
02. We don’t need umbrellas. The sun is shining. 
A) It’s cold 
B) It’s cool 
C) It’s foggy 
D) It’s warm 
E) It’s sunny 
03. I learnt to play the drums before I learnt to sing. 
A) I learnt to play the drums when I learnt to sing. 
B)I learnt to play the drums, but I learnt to sing first. 
C) I learnt to sing, after that, I learnt to play the drums. 
D) First I learnt to play the drums. Then I learnt to sing. 
E)First I learnt to sing and then I learnt to play the drums. 
04. Can you open the door, please? 
A) Do you 
B) Could you 
C) Do you want to 
D) Are you able to 
E) Do you know how to 
05. A: Where’s Hannah on this video? 
B: She’s on Jamie’s left side. 
A) across from Jamie 
B) far from Jamie 
C) next to Jamie 
D) behind Jamie 
E) not on it. 
06. I didn’t have breakfast this morning. 
A) eat 
B) buy 
C) cook 
D) bring 
E) make 
07. I want to see if these trousers look good on me. Where are the changing rooms? 
A) can I buy them 
B) can I find them 
C) can I try them on 
D) can I pay for them 
E) can I exchange them 
Teste de Nível 2017.2 Semestre I I I Pág. 3 de 6 
For questions 08 to 15, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY. 
08. Yesterday I _____ to a concert. It _____ fantastic and the band _____ really well. Colin _____ there too 
and he _____ me his phone number. I _____ him this morning and we have a date tonight! 
A) did go – is – plays – was – gave – calls 
B) wented – was – plaied – is – gived – call 
C) went – were – plaied – is – gived – called 
D) went – was – played – was – gave – called 
E) wented – were – played – was – give – called 
09. The last time I _____ to Italy was incredible! I _____ three weeks visiting some cities with my friends. 
First we _____ to Florence, where I _____ a bicycle to cycle around the city and I _____ a picnic at 
Giardino delle Rose with my friends. Then I _____ a train to Verona and _____ some relatives, there I 
_____ to Castelvecchio and _____ some beautiful pieces of art. My last stop was Milan, where I _____ 
my friends again, I _____ some fashionable clothes there and _____ a ballet presentation at the Teatro 
alla Scala. 
A) traveled – spent – wented – hire – haved – taked – visited – wented – seed – meet – buyed – watched 
B) travelled – spended – went – hired – had – taked – visited – went – saw – met – bought – watchied 
C) traveled – spent – went – hired – haved – took – visitted – went – sawed – met – buyed – watchied 
D) travelled – spended – went – hire – had – took – visitted – went – saw – met – bought – watched 
E) travelled – spent – went – hired – had – took – visited – went – saw – met – bought – watched 
10. A: Marian _____ your mother your secret. You _____ trust her. 
B: What? But I _____ her anything. 
A: Well, then she _____ it and _____ everybody about it. 
A) telled – can’t – didn’t told – invent – told 
B) told – can’t – didn’t tell – invented – is telling 
C) is telling – can’t to – didn’t tell – invented – told 
D) told – can’t to – didn’t tell – is inventing – is telling 
E) is telling – cannot – didn’t told – invented – is telling 
11. Arthur _____ French and, at the moment, he _____ Greek. When he _____ younger, he _____ himself a 
little Greek, but now he _____ to have classes because it’s not an easy language. 
A) speaks – learns – is – teached – need 
B) speaks – is learning – were – taught – needs 
C) speaks – is learning – was – taught – needs 
D) is speaking – is learning – is – teached – needs 
E) is speaking – learns – was – taught – is needing 
12. A: Excuse me. _____ you tell me the way _____ the nearest station? 
B: Absolutely. Go _____ for two blocks. _____ left and go _____ the square . You’ll see a bridge, go 
_____ it. The Blue Star Station is on your _____. 
A) Can – for – straight ahead – Turns – over – over – opposite 
B) Do – to – straight ahead – Turn – past – opposite – right 
C) Can – of – straight on – Go – straight on – under – left 
D) Could – to – straight on – Turn – past – over – right 
E) Could – to – directly – Turns – past – over – left 
Teste de Nível 2017.2 Semestre I I I Pág. 4 de 6 
13. When I lived in the country, my house was bigger. In my bedroom there _____ some books and CDs on 
my desk, there _____ a pillow on my bed, and there _____ a carpet on the floor. My mother hated _____ 
the bathrooms and there _____ five of them. The living room was enormous, there _____ a TV and some 
bookshelves. The kitchen was the best part of the house, always full of food. The garden was beautiful, 
there _____ flowers and birds. 
A) were – was – was – cleaning – were – was – were 
B) were – was – was – cleaned – were – were – were 
C) was – were – were – to clean – was – were – were 
D) were – were –were – cleaning – was – was – were 
E) was – was – was – to cleaning – were – were – were 
14. Joanna’s flat is very small. There _____ only one bedroom. It also has only one bathroom. In the _____, 
there _____ a stove where she _____ cook. There _____ also a fridge in it. In the bedroom there _____ a 
wardrobe where she puts her clothes and there _____ someshelves _____ the walls. 
A) is – kitchen – is – can – is – is – are – on 
B) is – kitchen – is – can’t – is – are – are – in 
C) is – kitchen – are – can – are – is – are – on 
D) are – dining room – is – can’t – is – is – are – on 
E) are – dining room – are – can – is – are – are – in 
15. A: Claire, what _____ you _____? 
B: I _____. I don’t like _____ interrupted. Get out! 
A: I just _____ to ask you if you _____ pizza. 
B: In that case, I don’t mind _____ my studies for some minutes. 
A) do – do – studying – being – came – want – pausing 
B) are – doing – ’m studying – to being – come – want – pausing 
C) do – doing – ’m studyng – to being – came – want – to pausing 
D) do – do – studying – to be – comed – are wanting – to pause 
E) are – doing – ’m studying – being – came – want – pausing 
For questions 16 to 23, choose the INCORRECT option. 
16. A) A: How did you go to university? B: I go by car. 
B) A: What do you do? B: I’m an architect. 
C) A: Where do you work? B: At a nursing home. 
D) A: Which tie do you prefer? B: I prefer the blue tie. 
E) A: Why do you study German? B: I love speaking to people in German. 
17. A) A: Was your ex-girlfriend a musician? B: No, she was a writer. 
B) A: Does this dress fit me? B: Yes, it’s your right size. 
C) A: Where was the lamp? B: It was behind the couch. 
D) A: What sizes do you have? B: Only medium and extra large. 
E) A: Who was the first to arrive? B: I was the first. He was the two. 
18. A) We went to Martha’s Vineyard last summer. 
B) Jerry did his homework yesterday ago. 
C) This book is great! I read it a year ago. 
D) Chelsea saw this film last weekend. 
E) He went to the doctor this morning. 
19. A) They can’t to sleep. Their baby cries a lot. 
B) Jillian can make a delicious carrot cake. 
C) We can smoke in this area. 
D) Can Lauren sing well? 
E) My dog cannot see. 
Teste de Nível 2017.2 Semestre I I I Pág. 5 de 6 
20. A) He arrived home. Then he called me. 
B) Anne was sleepy, but she went to sleep. 
C) Before the film started, they bought popcorn. 
D) When I got up, there was no breakfast ready for me. 
E) Alice took the dog for a walk. After that, she went to the gym. 
21. A) Rachel likes painting. 
B) She last night arrived late. 
C) Evan got up very early yesterday. 
D) My father is living with me. He got divorced and lost his job. 
E) Hugo hardly ever sees his roommates, he is usually at university. 
22. A) This is the eigth book of this series. 
B) Carla was the third to leave the room. 
C) He is playing his twenty-second championship. 
D) That was the forty-fifth time that I watched that film. 
E) After the sixteenth time he called me, I turned off my mobile. 
23. A) His father is a pilot. 
B) She’s my favourite actress. 
C) Sue is a waitress at the diner. 
D) Matt is a poetry. He writes beautiful poems. 
E) My professor went to New Zealand on his holiday. 
Answer questions 24 to 30 according to the instructions . 
24. Choose the option where the linking word is used correctly. 
A) I often fall asleep then I’m reading. 
B) I ate too much, before I feel well now. 
C) Bradley opened the door when he got home. 
D) Don’t forget to close the window later you leave. 
E) She bought the flowers after giving them to her mother. 
25. Choose the option where all of the words are in the same vocabulary group. 
A) balcony – stairs – wall – skirt 
B) cool – sunny – windy – always 
C) between – opposite – over – hall 
D) bath – thirtieth – fourth – eighteenth 
E) scientist – policewoman – sailor – director 
26. Choose the option in which all the verbs are irregular. 
A) cost – put – be – call 
B) sit – send – drive – sleep 
C) build – take – use – work 
D) watch – feel – study – cry 
E) fall – think – stand – need 
27. Choose the option in which all phrases can be used with the verb HAVE. 
A) back to school – home – shopping – by plane 
B) for a walk – lunch – to the airport – up early 
C) an email – a shower – dressed – to bed 
D) a swim – a car – dinner – a good time 
E) a taxi – a sandwich – a drink – afraid 
Teste de Nível 2017.2 Semestre I I I Pág. 6 de 6 
28. Choose the option in which all the underlined vowels have the same vowel sound. 
A) bill – meet – key – big 
B) his – speak – busy – six 
C) eat – film – this – women 
D) niece – people – me – three 
E) police – swim – we – please 
29. Choose the option in which the -ed in all the regular verbs in the simple past is pronounced as / d /, / t / 
and / Id / respectively. 
A) hoped – lived – arrived 
B) invited – robbed – loved 
C) behaved – lied – dropped 
D) walked – watched – needed 
E) worried – shopped – permitted 
30. Choose the option where the sound of -s/-es at the end of the verbs is the same as in ‘accepts’. 
A) talks – likes – admits – kisses 
B) cares – turns – worries – travels 
C) helps – jumps – laughs – paints 
D) relaxes – tries – enjoys – destroys 
E) phones – needs – returns – selects

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