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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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The teacher’s concerns nowadays isn’t so much about which books to ask their students to read, or how to share their attention between fictional and non fictional books.
It’s not that teenagers don’t read, they actually do and all the time but their generation is used to a different and much faster speed for everything.
Our young population read texts in the social networks, share comments and their opinions about them and all in a very fast and practical way.
Even being  young myself as well, I, on the contrary, appreciate the chance I have to stop the frenetic rhythm I live in and open an old book and be transported to a time when we had time to let ourselves be fascinated by a story.
The same sentiment comes to me when watching an old film.
I believe the solution to our task of introducing literature to young students, is to ally it as much as possible with the technology that is so dear to them.
Class 2
O que é mimese?
O conceito de mimese vem sido largamente utilizado não só pelos filósofos, mas também por seus seguidores. A origem do termo decorre desde o século IV a.c., e correspondia à “imitação”, “representação”, “indicação”, “sugestão”, “expressão”, sempre referente à ideia de fazer ou criar algo que se assemelhe a outra coisa.
O termo surgiu com Platão que tentou definir o vocábulo em seus diálogos, em “a mais completa discussão acerca da natureza da arte que recebemos do mundo antigo” porém não consegue um sentido fixo para a palavra. Aristóteles em “ A Arte Poética” irá tratar como temática principal de sua obra, e atribui a mimese dois significados: o da imitação e o da emulação. Em seu tratado sobre poesia, Aristóteles, faz uso da mimese para diferenciar a natureza das espécies da poesia e atribuir características a cada uma, e ainda trata das artes em geral, e é por isso que sua obra é considerada um tratado para os estudiosos da Arte em geral. Em “Arte Poética” o filósofo irá tratar sobre a poesia que refere-se à: Comédia e à tragédia, à pintura, à escultura, à música e à dança. A partir daí o termo passa a ser utilizado como imitação. Assim, os imitadores imitam os homens que praticam ação, imitam caracteres, sentimentos e ações. O poeta é um imitador, assim como o pintor ou qualquer outro artista que utiliza a imaginação para expressar arte. Para Aristóteles a mimese é, primeiramente, a imitação da natureza, todavia natureza é entendida como o oculto princípio da geração e da corrupção dos seres naturais, e representa a própria realidade quando se realiza. No entanto, para ele a mimese é também a própria realidade quando se torna real, ou seja, a mimese refaz o caminho da natureza para apresentar uma obra através da arte. A imitação do ser humano mostra a sua natureza intrínseca, isto é, seu caráter, suas paixões e seu comportamento (MOISÉS, 2004, p.292-294).
Desde então o termo passou a ser utilizado com um entendimento de que se a literatura imita a realidade criando um mundo paralelo, um mundo autônomo em comparação ao contexto em que a obra é concebida e/ou recebida. No entanto, o conceito de mimese foi esquecido durante o Romantismo, quando se buscava um conceito libertário de Arte e de criação estética. Foi graças aos “novos críticos” que o termo retornou ao vocabulário e continua sendo estudado pelos novos especialistas na atualidade. 
Plato: Art and Imitation (Mimesis)
Unit 1: Aristotle - Intro-Mimesis(Final).avi
The Uncanny Project
The Memory of Place — 2012
A Phenomenology of the Uncanny
Comment:the element of uncanny can be found not only in real life, but also in literature. Uncanny circumstances deal with a sense of strangeness, eeriness, and mystery. In the literature of the uncanny, the personalities of characters are invites psychological interpretation since it cannot easily be explicated without a concerted effort to see things from the position of the madman.
 A mimese na ficção se configura por sua sujeição a tematização do imaginário.Por estar submetida a instância imaginária, a mimese escapa ou recusa o domínio da atividade perceptual, que regula as relações entre o sujeito e o modelo real.Na literatura a mimese não pode mais constituir-se como uma imitação fiel do modelo, pois resgata na aparente semelhança, a diferença latente.
Class 3
 The role of culture in literature and literacies ,as understood and taught in Canada and Brazil
What is Culture?
Comments:Language is a medium of communication, mirrors one’s identity and is an integral part of culture.It´s the soul of a culture. Language is a means of expression and allows a person to participate in community activities. It´s valuable collective human accomplishments and on-going manifestations of human creativity and originality.
                     Culture is what allow us to see life
Could you develope the folowing idea a little bit more: Culture is what allow us to see life? Please?
Culture affects every aspect of daily life - how we think and feel, how we learn and teach, or what we consider to be beautiful or ugly. Culture allow us to see the world in new and different ways.Culture is an expression of art where you can notice not only what is around you but also what is inside you.
Besides being an area of study, Literature is an Art. It´s not only the art of writing well, but that´s the author´s chance to show its feelings to a number of readers, to describe a time, to question social matters. Depending on the work it can go through centuries as well as cross the borders. It´s a way to inform, to bring new ideas, to instigate people’s creativity and criticism.
No wonder why, during the Inquisition many Literary and Non-Literary works were burned. Many others were prohibited. The Catholic Church saw many books as a threaten to their beliefs. Because Literature truly has this power to make people think.
Besides that, people who read a lot develop other abilities, such as: writing better, making less mistakes, increasing vocabulary, improving the grammar, etc.
I guess it must be a very difficult subject to be taught because many people don’t enjoy reading. But we have to admit that it´s essential. Just reminding that ignorance is one of the reasons for so many people all over the world is submitted to others. Reading is a great way to travel without leaving home!
Good evening teacher,
Non-literary texts  are independent partsof a publication, such as informational writing: factual material, newspaper articles, textbooks, journals, Informative magazines... They  use facts and figures to proof a point. written objectively.
Literary texts are fictional work based the artist’s imaginations, therefore subjective. Poetry, novels, short stories and dramas are examples.They create feelings and ideas to entertain their audiences. 
  Nowadays people are not used to read anymore, at least not as a hobby. We, as teachers, should encourage our students to get this habit, showing them the bright side of it and that it is so much better than just  watch the movie for example. Students and people in general only read what they are supposed to, and it should not be this way. When reading we get to see a new word. As was said in lesson 1 " a text is composed of the relationship between reality or experience and the way the author acts upon it".  Besides that, it also enriches our perception of the world imporving our understanding of it. 
  Lesson 2 was about literature and the first key element of it, that is fiction. By saying that the literary text is fictional, we mean that it arises from a representation of life (mimesis), invented by a writer.
Fórum B
My contribution to class 4
 What is language?
http://languagedevelopment.tripod.com/id2.htmlAli G interviews Noam Chomsky - What is language?
Language Features in songs.wmv
Human language and animal communication
My opinion: Language is a set of symbols being used mainly for communication. The symbols may be spoken or written. Language is an aspect of human behavior. In written form it is a long-term record of knowledge from one generation to the next while in spoken form it is a means of communication. Language is the key aspect of human intelligence.
My contribution to clas 5
Emily Dickison poems
The poems of Emily Dickinson cover a wide range of topics. In fact her work does not fit conveniently into any one genre. She is now regarded as an innovative, pre-modernist poet. Fewer than a dozen of her nearly eighteen hundred poems were published during her lifetime. Dickinson's poems are unique for the era in which she wrote; they contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often use slant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation. Many of her poems deal with themes of death and immortality, two recurring topics in letters to her friends.
Major Characteristics of Dickinson's Poetry
Theme and Tone: she used images from nature, religion, law, music, commerce, medicine, fashion, and domestic activities to probe universal themes: the wonders of nature, the identity of the self, death and immortality, and love
Form and Style: Dickinson’s poems are lyrics, generally defined as short poems with a single speaker (not necessarily the poet) who expresses thought and feeling. 
Meter and Rhyme: The meter, or the rhythm of the poem, is usually determined not just by the number of syllables in a line but by how the syllables are accented.
Punctuation and Syntax: Dickinson most often punctuated her poems with dashes, rather than the more expected array of periods, commas, and other punctuation marks. She also capitalized interior words, not just words at the beginning of a line. Her reasons are not entirely clear.
Diction: Dickinson’s editing process often focused on word choice rather than on experiments with form or structure
Before I got My eye put out-The poetry of Emily Dickinson
I´m nobody who are you? By Emily Dickinson
Poetry analysis 11:I am nobody, who are you?
Emily Dickinson, regarded as one of America’s greatest poets, is also well known for her unusual life of self imposed social seclusion. Living a life of simplicity and seclusion, she yet wrote poetry of great power; questioning the nature of immortality and death, with at times an almost mantric quality. Her different lifestyle created an aura; often romanticised, and frequently a source of interest and speculation. But ultimately Emily Dickinson is remembered for her unique poetry. Within short, compact phrases she expressed far-reaching ideas; amidst paradox and uncertainty her poetry has an undeniable capacity to move and provoke.
Language is a human feature that has certain characteristics that cannot be found in the communication system of other animals, distinguishing us from them.
Saussure describes language as a system of signs which encode information, relating sounds patterns or hand gestures with meaning.
We live in a world of language, describing our humanity through the understanding of its nature. Language enables us to express ourselves in creative and flexible manner, being present in our daily lives as the way we conceive the world.
We use language for a variety of formal and informal purposes. It can be informative, expressive or directive texts, using a written or oral language. People produce texts in these different purposes, to communicate with each other, enacting a discourse to express the meaning they intend to pass.
 Hello teacher Claudia and classmates, after overviewing lesson 04 I could identify the basics concepts of the language and recognize the difference between human and animal communication.
We live in a world of language, we talk to our family and friends all of the time, language certainly figures our lives. Human language has certain characteristics that cannot be found in the communication systems of other animals. One of these characteristics is creativity we also have the capacity to produce and understand an infinite number of sentences. Linguists currently agree that language is exclusively a human feature. However, the idea that animals also have language is very common and old among different human societies. In my opinion they can.
On lesson 05 we had a review of all the content we had studied, I´d really like overview lesson three where we discussed the close relationship between literature, language and culture, and learned that literature written in a specific language enable readers to understand the culture in which that language is spoken more deeply. Besides, literature enables readers to understand the social patterns that were/are considered important to a society and highlights those factors which are essential for that society. Literature, as a subjective human expression, enables readers to understand not only themselves, but also their culture and their people, as well as other cultures and other people more deeply.
Your observations about human and animal language couldn't be more accurate. You have certainly developed a quite productive dialogue with the subject studied in lesson 4. Congrats.
One observation...animals have some langauge. It has nothing to do with conscience and domain, though. Each sound they make has to do with na extternal stimulus.
I totally agree with you when you say that literature enables readers to understand the social patterns that were/are considered important to a society and highlights those factors which are essential for that society. Literature, as a subjective human expression, enables readers to understand not only themselves, but also their culture and their people, as well as other cultures and other people more deeply.

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