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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Presence of crosswalks : 18.75% of the crosswalks are presente in all four legs, 12.5% of the crosswalks are present in only two legs, and in 68.75% of the cases there are none crosswalks at all. Sometimes there’s no need of crosswalks, but many times pedestrians end up crossing in the middle of the segment.
Number of traffic lanes to cross : In 12.5% of the cases there is only one lane per direction and in 87.5% there are 2 lanes per direction. Which helps to reduce traffic, making the street more wide.
Intersection Pavement Treatments: In 12.5% we can observe raised interctions with crosswalks, in 25% the intersection treatment is not raised, and in the other 62.5% don’t have any treatments. So, in the majority of the cases, there aren’t any treatments in the intersections, making it harder to identify the intersections, and making the traffic less slower.
Compliance to ADA standards – In 100% of the cases there are All direction slopes, which means that all streets have accessibility, providing good conditions to everyone.
Presence of Left turn Bike lane and Pavement markings for byciclists– In 6.25% of the cases the left turn lane was present,as well as the pavement markings but in the other 93.75% it was only through, and there wasn’t any pavement markings for byciclists . Which means that we almost don’t give any preferences to bicyclists in the streets.
Buffer zone – In 9.5% of the cases there wasn’t any buffer zone but in 90.4% the buffer zone was present. Most of time time, we can see the landscaping in almost every segments, which helps the visibility and improves the safety, and can also make a better design.
Parking Restrictions near Crosswalk – In 4.76% of the cases are parking restrictions near crosswalks and in the other 95.2% there aren’t any parking restrictions. The presence or absence of these restrictions depends on the design of each segment.
Condition of Sidewalk – In 42.8% the condition of the sidewalk is 50-75% good, In 4.76% the condition is 25-50% good, and in the other 53.2% the condition is <75% good. That means that in most of the time, the pedestrians can walk on the sidewalk without further problems.
Bike lane continous along segment – In 100% of the segments the bike lane continue since in all our segments the bike lane was shared.
Presence of commercial land – In this partícula case, we have 71% of the segments without a commercial land in at least one of the direction. And the 28.5% don’t have it all. Since we got a lot of streets that doesn’t have much volume, we can’t see a lot of commercial lands.
Connectivity to Activities Center – In 14.2% of the cases all major and minor arterials connect to most activities, and in 85.7% minor arterials connect to some activities. The conclusion would be the same, since the streets we got we’re mostly residencial.
Traffic Signals – In 19.04% we can see crosswalk markings, in 14.28% of the cases there are In pavement flashing light and/or walk sign with flashing beacon, especially in the segments around schools.In 47.6% there are warning signs on pavement, and in the other 19.06% we don’t have traffic signals at all. The traffic signals are very important but should’nt be used without need otherwise people would’nt respect it anymore, that’s why we can see certain irregularity in the results.
Median type : In all the 21 segments we got, there wasn’t any medians.

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