
multiple intelligence liliane

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1st. Fear: of speaking in public
Primer miedo: de hablar en público
2nd. Fear: of death
Segundo miedo: de la muerte
How to learn a language:
Abstraction: reading
Socializing: no fear of being ridicularized; laugh at yourself (my jokes)
Como aprender una lengua extranjera: 
Abstracción: lectura
Socialización: no tengas miedo de que los otros se burlen de ti ; reír de si mismo
Multiple Intelligences
A theory by Howard Gardner of Harvard University
How many of you think you are smart?
The answer is that ALL of you are smart. 
Theories of Intelligence:
-Smart or Not Smart
-Hard work will equal smarts (trabajar mucho es lo mismo que ser inteligente)
-Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Intelligence
Word Smart
Ability to write or read
Ability to rhyme 
Good speakers
How many of you can speak or write?
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
Number smart
Ability to do math
Ability to balance a checkbook
How many of you can count your money?
How many of you have done a science experiment?
Spatial Intelligence
Picture Smart
Who can draw pictures? 
How many people can see pics in their heads when they close their eyes? 
How many of you like movies, tv, or video games? 
Kinesthetic Intelligence
Body, sports or hand smart		
Who can dance, play sports, build models? 
Musical Intelligence
Music Smart
Who likes music?
Who can play an instrument? 
Interpersonal Intelligence
People Smart
Who has at least one friend or associate?
Who likes group work? 
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Self Smart
Who has ever talked to themselves? 
Who likes to work on their own? 
Who takes care of themselves after school? 
On your plate, make a pizza with 8 slices. In each slice, write the names of famous people you know with each type of intelligence. 
Movie differences between men and women
Estrogen, testosterone and culture also play an important part in the intelligences
How to cool off – cómo relajar 
Chat with strangers
Speak ice breakers
Analyze your God- given talents
Risk yourself with security: parachuting, go to restaurant alone
Never feel sorry for yourself
Physical exercises, always innovating 
Chatee con desconocidos
Hable rompiendo hielos
Analize sus talentos que le fueron dados por Dios
Asuma riesgos con securidad: practique paracaidismo, vaya solito en un restaurante
Jamás tengas lástima de si mismo
Haga ejercicios físicos, innove siempre
Poop in the morning? ……… / …………
Travel very often? ……./ ………./……...
Surf on the net every day? ……/ ………
Take a shower when you get up? …../….
Have breakfast, lunch and dinner? …../…
Get angry easily? ……../……../………
Burp when you drink coke? ……../……..
Even sanguine, social, loud, extrovert people feel depressed and lonely (Ex:Robin Williams)
Hasta mismo personas extrovertidas, sanguineas, ruidosas se sienten solitas e deprimidas
Human Hunt: 
Multiple Intelligence Checklist
Whistle or sing at least 5 seconds from a song
Complete this numerical sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, ___, ___ and explain the logic behind it
Draw a picture of a car, wolf, or pair of shoes
Do the Macarena, merengue, flamenco, or any other dance
Share a dream you’ve had in the past week
Can you honestly say you are comfortable talking to everyone in this activity?
Recite the lyrics to any poem, rap, song, or quote
Take a sheet of paper out and write these activities down:
Human Hunt
Your job now is to walk around the room and find people who can exhibit one of these intelligences. Get them to initial your piece of paper. You can only get one person’s initials once. You cannot sign your own sheet. 
Have fun with this and try to meet some new people. 
Your first Blast
On a sheet of paper, you will write at least 3 paragraphs.
Write on what intelligences you think you are better at
what you aren’t so good at
what you think you can do better in. 
Also, give examples of how you are good at these things. 
Talk about friends you know who are good at each of the intelligences, or famous people who are like you in their abilities. 
Wrap Up
There is a belief that you can be good at all of them, but inevitably we favor certain intelligences. It is important to know how you are intelligent so you can do your best to adjust and adapt to what you have to learn.
If you are musically smart, memorize facts in songs. If you dance well, create a dance about certain stories, or act out a short skit, etc
Zumba/ step classes: using language
Following directions: use a colored mark to remind you
Follow a map: turn it; count blocks
Shut up completely when speaking to someone you don’t feel comfortable with
Can’t dance because you were ridicularized by a teacher: forgive
“Não significa que você é falso quando é legal com alguém que você não gosta. Significa que você é maduro o suficiente para ser educado.
Na verdade, ‘falso’ é quando você mente. Se não gosta da pessoa e diz: “te adoro, amigo”, isso é falsidade. 
Educação não, educação é uma dádiva que certamente lhe dá dignidade diante de qualquer desafeto.(Jô Soares)
Song: Hall of Fame, by The Script
Joke: Hawaii
Tenham uma mesma atitude uns para com os outros. Não sejam orgulhosos, mas estejam dispostos a associar-se a pessoas de posição inferior. Não sejam sábios aos seus próprios olhos.
Não retribuam a ninguém mal por mal. Procurem fazer o que é correto aos olhos de todos.
Façam todo o possível para viver em paz com todos.
Nunca procurem vingar-se, mas deixem com Deus a ira, pois está escrito: "Minha é a vingança; eu retribuirei", diz o Senhor.
Pelo contrário: "Se o seu inimigo tiver fome, dê-lhe de comer; se tiver sede, dê-lhe de beber. Fazendo isso, você amontoará brasas vivas sobre a cabeça dele".
Não se deixem vencer pelo mal, mas vençam o mal com o bem. Romanos 12:16-21

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