
A Taste of Racket _ Math ∩ Programming

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Math ∩ Programming
A Taste of Racket
or, How I Learned to Love Functional Programming
We recognize that not every reader has an appreciation for functional programming. Yet here
on this blog, we’ve done most of our work in languages teeming with functional paradigms.
It’s time for us to take a stand and shout from the digital mountaintops, “I love functional
programming!” In fact, functional programming was part of this author’s inspiration for
Math ∩ Programming.
And so, to help the reader discover the joys of functional programming, we present an
introduction to programming in Racket (h�p://racket-lang.org/), with a focus on why
functional programming is amazing, and a functional solution to a problem on Project Euler
(h�p://projecteuler.net). As usual, the entire source code (h�ps://github.com/j2kun/racket-
tutorial) for the examples in this post is available on this blog’s Github page
A place for elegant solutions
Posted on October 2, 2011 by j2kun
Lists are the datatype of choice for functional programmers. In particular, a list is either the
empty list or a pair of objects:
list = empty
 | (x list)
Here () denotes a pair, the first thing in the pair, “x”, is any object, and the second thing is
another list. In Racket, all lists have this form, and they are constructed with a special function
called “cons”. For instance, the following program outputs the list containing 7 and 8, in that
(cons 7 (cons 8 empty))
The reader will soon get used to the syntax: every function application looks like (function
arguments…), including the arithmetic operators.
This paradigm is familiar; in imperative (“normal”) programming, this is called a linked list,
and is generally perceived as slower than lists based on array structures. We will see why
shortly, but in general this is only true for some uncommon operations.
Of course, Racket has a shorthand for constructing lists, which doesn’t require one to write
“cons” a hundred times:
(list 7 9)
gives us the same list as before, without the nested parentheses. Now, if we wanted to add a
single element to the front of this list, “cons” is still the best tool for the job. If the variable
“my-list” is bound to a list, we would call
(cons 6 my-list)
to add the new element. For lists of things which are just numbers, symbols, or strings , there
is an additional shorthand, using the “quote” macro:
'(1 2 3 4 "hello" my-symbol!)
Note that Racket does not require such lists are homogeneous, and it automatically converts
the proper types for us.
To access the elements of a list, we only need two functions: first and rest. The “first” function
accepts a list and returns the first element in it, while “rest” returns the tail of the list excluding
the first element. This naturally fits with the “cons” structure of a list. For instance, if “my-list”
is a variable containing (cons 8 (cons 9 empty)), then first and rest act as follows:
> (first my-list)
> (rest my-list)
> (first (rest my-list))
In particular, we can access any element of a list with sufficiently many calls to first and rest.
But for most problems this is unnecessary. We are about to discover far more elegant methods
for working with lists. This is where functional programming truly shines.
Double-List, Triple-List, and Sub-List
Suppose we want to take a list of numbers and double each number. If we just have what we
know now about lists, we can write a function to do this. The general function definition looks
To be completely clear, the return value of a Racket function is whatever the body expression
evaluates to, and we are allowed to recursively call the function. Indeed, this is the only way
we will ever loop in Racket (although it has some looping constructs, we frown upon their
And so the definition for doubling a list is naturally:
In words, we have two cases: if my-list is empty, then there is nothing to double, so we return
a new empty list (well, all empty lists are equal, so it’s the same empty list). This is often
referred to as the “base case.” If my-list is nonempty, we construct a new list by doubling the
first element, and then recursively doubling the remaining list. Eventually this algorithm will
hit the end of the list, and ultimately it will return a new list with each element of my-list
(define (function-name arg1 arg2 ...)
(define (double-list my-list)
 (if (empty? my-list) empty
 (cons (* 2 (first my-list))
 (double-list (rest my-list)))))
Of course, the mathematicians will immediately recognize induction at work. If the program
handles the base case and the induction step correctly, then it will correctly operate on a list of
any length!
Indeed, we may test double-list:
> (double-list empty)
> (double-list '(1 2 3 5))
'(2 4 6 10)
And we are confident that it works. Now say we wanted to instead triple the elements of the
list. We could rewrite this function with but a single change:
It’s painfully obvious that coding up two such functions is a waste of time. In fact, at 136
characters, I’m repeating more than 93% of the code (eight characters changing “doub” to
“trip” and one character changing 2 to 3). What a waste! We should instead refactor this code
to accept a new argument: the number we want to multiply by.
This is much be�er, but now instead of multiplying the elements of our list by some fixed
number, we want to subtract 7 from each element (arbitrary, I know, but we’re going
somewhere). Now I have to write a whole new function to subtract things!
Of course, we have the insight to make it generic and accept any subtraction argument, but
this is the problem we tried to avoid by writing multiply-list! We obviously need to step things
up a notch.
(define (triple-list my-list)
 (if (empty? my-list) empty
 (cons (* 3 (first my-list))
 (triple-list (rest my-list)))))
(define (multiply-list my-list n)
 (if (empty? my-list) empty
 (cons (* n (first my-list))
 (multiply-list (rest my-list) n))))
(define (sub-list my-list n)
 (if (empty? my-list) empty
 (cons (- (first my-list) n)
 (sub-list (rest my-list) n))))
In all of this work above, we’ve only been changing one thing: the operation applied to each
element of the list. Let’s create a new function, which accepts as input a list and a
function which operates on each element of the list. This special operation is called map, and it
is only possible to make because Racket treats functions like any other kind of value (they can
be passed as arguments to functions, and returned as values; functions are first class objects).
The implementation of map should look very familiar by now:
In particular, we may now define all of our old functions in terms of map! For instance,
Or, even be�er, we may take advantage of Racket’s anonymous functions, which are also
called “lambda expressions,” to implement the body of double-list in a single line:
Here the λ character has special binding in the Dr. Racket programming environment (Alt-\),
and one can alternatively write the string “lambda” in its place.
With map we have opened quite a large door. Given any function at all, we may extend that
function to operate on a list of values using map. Consider the imperative equivalent:
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++):
 list.set(i, f(list.get(i)))
Every time we want to loop over a list, we have to deal with all of this indexing nonsense (not
to mention the extra code needed to make a new list if we don’t want to mutate the existing
list, and that iterator shortcuts prohibit mutation). And the Rackethaters will have to concede,
the imperative method has just as many parentheses 
(define (map f my-list)
 (if (empty? my-list) empty
 (cons (f (first my-list))
 (map f (rest my-list)))))
(define (double x) (* 2 x))
(define (double-list2 my-list) (map double my-list))
1 (map (λ (x) (* 2 x)) my-list)
Of course, we must note that map always creates a new list. In fact, in languages that are so-
called “purely” functional, it is impossible to change the value of a variable (i.e., there is no
such thing as mutation). The advantages and disadvantages of this approach are beyond the
scope of this post, but we will likely cover them in the future.
Fold and Filter
Of course, map is just one kind of loop we might want. For instance, what if we wanted to
sum up all of the numbers in a list, or pick out the positive ones? This is where fold and filter
come into play.
Fold is a function which reduces a list to a single value. To do this, it accepts a list, an initial
value, and a function which accepts precisely two arguments and outputs a single value. It
then uses this to combine the elements of a list. It’s implementation is not that different from
Here the base case is to simply return “val”, while the induction step is to combine “val” with
the first element of the list using “f”, and then recursively apply fold to the remainder of the
list. Now we may implement our desired summing function as
(define (sum my-list) (fold + 0 my-list))
And similarly, make a multiplying function:
(define (prod my-list) (fold * 1 my-list))
(define (fold f val my-list)
 (if (empty? my-list) val
 (fold f
 (f val (first my-list))
 (rest my-list))))
Notice now that we’ve extracted the essential pieces of the problem: what operation to apply,
and what the base value is. In fact, this is the only relevant information to the summing and
multiplying functions. In other words, we couldn’t possibly make our code any simpler!
Finally, filter is a function which selects specific values from a list. It accepts a selection
function, which accepts one argument and returns true or false, and the list to select from. It’s
implementation is again straightforward induction:
To avoid superfluous calls to “first” and “rest”, we use Racket’s “let” form to bind some
variables. Logically, the base case is again to return an empty list, while the inductive step
depends on the result of applying “select?” to the first element in our list. If the result is true,
we include it in the resulting list, recursively calling filter to look for other elements. If the
result is false, we simply skip it, recursively calling filter to continue our search.
Now, to find the positive numbers in a list, we may simply use filter:
Again, the only relevant pieces of this algorithm are the selection function and the list to
search through.
There is one important variant of fold, in particular, the function we’re using to fold may
depend on the order in which it’s applied to elements of the list. We might require that folding
begin at the end of a list instead of the beginning. Fold functions are usually distinguished as
left- or right-folds. Of course, Racket has map, fold, and filter built in, but the fold functions
are renamed “foldl” and “foldr”. We have implemented foldl, and we leave foldr as an
exercise to the reader.
A Brighter, More Productive World
Any loop we ever want to implement can be done with the appropriate calls to map, fold, and
filter. We will illustrate this by solving a Project Euler (h�p://projecteuler.net/) problem,
specifically problem 67 (h�p://projecteuler.net/problem=67). For those too lazy to click a link,
the problem is to find the maximal sum of paths from the apex to the base of a triangular grid
of numbers. For example, consider the following triangle:
(define (filter select? my-list)
 (if (empty? my-list) empty
 (let ([elt (first my-list)]
 [the-rest (rest my-list)])
 (if (select? elt)
 (cons elt (filter select? the-rest))
 (filter select? the-rest)))))
1 (filter (λ (x) (> x 0)) my-list)
 7 4
 2 4 6
8 5 9 3
Here the maximal path is 3,7,4,9, whose sum is 23. In the problem, we are provided with a file
containing a triangle with 100 rows ( paths!) and are asked to find the maximal path.
First, we recognize a trick. Suppose that by travelling the optimal route in the triangle above,
we arrived in the second to last row at the number 2. Then we would know precisely how to
continue: simply choose the larger of the two next values. We may reduce this triangle to the
 7 4
 10 13 15
where we replace the second-to-last row with the sum of the entries and the larger of the two
possible subsequent steps. Now, performing the reduction again on this reduced triangle, we
20 19
And performing the reduction one last time, we arrive at our final, maximal answer of 23.
All we need to do now is translate this into a sequence of maps, folds, and filters.
First, we need to be able to select the “maximum of pairs” of a given row. To do this, we
convert a row into a list of successive pairs. Considering the intended audience, this is a rather
complicated fold operation, and certainly the hardest part of the whole problem. We will let
the reader investigate the code to understand it.
All we will say is that we need to change the base case so that it is the first pair we want, and
then apply the fold to the remaining elements of the row. This turns a list like ‘(1 2 3 4) into
‘((1 2) (2 3) (3 4)).
Next, we need to be able to determine which of these pairs in a given row are maximal. This is
a simple map, which we extend to work not just with pairs, but with lists of any size:
Next, we combine the two operations into a “reduce” function:
Finally, we have the bulk of the algorithm. We need a helper “zip” function:
and the function which computes the maximal path, which is just a nice fold. The main bit of
logic is highlighted.
In particular, given the previously computed maxima, and a new row, we combine the two
;; row->pairs: list of numbers -> list of successive pairs of numbers
(define (row->pairs row)
 (if (equal? (length row) 1)
 (list row)
 (let ([first-pair (list (list (first row) (second row)))]
 [remaining-row (rest (rest row))]
 [fold-function (λ (so-far next)
 (let ([prev-pair (first so-far)])
 (cons (list (second prev-pair) next) so-far)))])
 (reverse (fold fold-function first-pair remaining-row)))))
;; maxes: list of lists of numbers -> list of maxes of each list
(define (maxes pairs)
 (map (λ (lst) (apply max lst)) pairs))
;; reduce: combine maxes with row->pairs
(define (reduce row) (maxes (row->pairs row)))
;; zip: list of lists -> list
;; turn something like '((1 2 3) (5 6 7)) into '((1 5) (2 6) (3 7))
(define (zip lists)
 (if (empty? (first lists)) empty
 (cons (map first lists)
 (zip (map rest lists)))))
;; max-path: list of rows -> number
;; takes the upside-down triangle and returns the max path
(define (max-path triangle)
 (fold (λ (cumulative-maxes new-row)
 (reduce (map sum (zip (list new-row cumulative-maxes)))))
 (make-list (length (first triangle)) 0)
In particular, given the previously computed maxima, and a new row, we combine the two
rows by adding the two lists together element-wise (mapping sum over a zipped list), and
then we reduce the result. The initial value provided to fold is anappropriately-sized list of
zeros, and the rest falls through.
With an extra bit of code to read in the big input file, we compute the answer to be 7273, and
eat a cookie.
Of course, we split this problem up into much smaller pieces just to show how map and fold
are used. Functions like zip are usually built in to languages (though I haven’t found an
analogue in Racket through the docs), and the maxes function would likely not be separated
from the rest. The point is: the code is short without sacrificing modularity, readability, or
extensibility. In fact, most of the algorithm we came up with translates directly to code! If we
were to try the same thing in an imperative language, we would likely store everything in an
array with pointers floating around, and our heads would spin with index shenanigans. Yet
none of that has anything to do with the actual algorithm!
And that is why functional programming is beautiful.
As usual, the entire source code (h�ps://github.com/j2kun/racket-tutorial) for the examples in
this post is available on this blog’s Github page (h�ps://github.com/j2kun).
Until next time!
Addendum: Consider, if you will, the following solutions from others who solved the same
problem on Project Euler:
#define numlines 100
int main()
 int** lines = new int*[numlines];
 int linelen[numlines];
 for(int i=0; i<numlines; i++) linelen[i] = i+1;
 ifstream in_triangle("triangle.txt");
 // read in the textfile
 for (int i=0;i<numlines;i++)
 lines[i] = new int[i+1];
 linelen[i] = i+1;
 for (int j=0; j<i+1; j++)
J (We admit to have no idea what is going in programs wri�en in J):
 int routes1[numlines];
 int routes2[numlines];
 for (int i=0;i<numlines;i++) routes1[i] = lines[numlines-1][i];
 //find the best way
 for (int i=numlines-2;i>=0;i--)
 for(int j=0;j<i+1;j++)
 if(routes1[j] > routes1[j+1])
 routes2[j] = routes1[j] + lines[i][j];
 } else
 routes2[j] = routes1[j+1] + lines[i][j];
 for (int i=0;i<numlines;i++) routes1[i] = routes2[i];
 cout<<"the sum is: "<<routes1[0]<<endl;
 $cont = file_get_contents("triangle.txt");
 $lines = explode("\n",$cont);
 $bRow = explode(" ",$lines[count($lines)-1]);
 for($i=count($lines)-1; $i>0; $i--)
 $tRow = explode(" ",$lines[$i-1]);
 for($j=0; $j<count($tRow); $j++)
 if($bRow[$j] > $bRow[$j+1])
 $tRow[$j] += $bRow[$j];
 $tRow[$j] += $bRow[$j+1];
 echo $tRow[0];
 $bRow = $tRow;
1 {. (+ 0: ,~ 2: >./\ ])/ m
import sys
l = [[0] + [int(x) for x in line.split()] + [0] for line in sys.stdin]
for i in range(1, len(l)):
 for j in range(1, i+2):
 l[i][j] += max(l[i-1][j-1], l[i-1][j])
print max(l[-1])
Ah, foldr! map! zip! Haskell is clearly functional Now there is a lot more going on here
(currying, function composition, IO monads) that is far beyond the scope of this post, and
admi�edly it could be wri�en more clearly, but the algorithm is essentially the same as what
we have.
This entry was posted in Algorithms, Primers, Programming Languages and tagged
functional programming, racket. Bookmark the permalink.
10 thoughts on “A Taste of Racket”
1. Here is a solution to Euler 67 using LINQ in C# that I hacked together. Pre�y succinct
compared to some of the other languages!
module Main where
import IO
main = do
 triangle <- openFile "triangle.txt" ReadMode
 >>= hGetContents
 print . foldr1 reduce .
 map ((map read) . words) . lines $ triangle
 where reduce a b = zipWith (+) a (zipWith max b (tail b))
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January 3, 2012 at 7:24 am • Reply
private static int Euler67()
return (from line in File.ReadAllLines(“triangle.txt”)
select line.Split(‘ ‘).ConvertAll(s => int.Parse(s)))
.Aggregate((working, next) => next.Zip(working.AdjacentPairs(), (n, p) => n +
public static IEnumerable<Tuple> AdjacentPairs(this IEnumerable source)
return source.Zip(source.Skip(1), (a, b) => Tuple.Create(a, b));
public static IEnumerable ConvertAll(this IEnumerable source, Converter converter)
return Array.ConvertAll(source.ToArray(), converter);
Great job! (and it’s very functional, too)
2. Hello, I just stumbled upon this blog (got linked to it by a friend who’s studying functional
programming using Racket). I’m enjoying the blog so far. ^_^
Just thought I’d mention that while “zip” isn’t completely built-in to Racket, the built-in
map function can perform zip easily enough since it can operate on multiple lists at once.
(map (lambda (a b) (list a b)) (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list ‘a ‘b ‘c ‘d ‘e) ) -> ( (1 ‘a) (2 ‘b) (3 ‘c) (4 ‘d) (5
‘e) )
The function takes n arguments, where n in the number of lists. All lists must be the same
length, because the first element from each list is used as the arguments to f. (Similarly,
foldl can perform the same way, taking a function that takes n+1 arguments for n lists.)
Anyway, I thought I’d toss that out there, just in case it comes in handy. ^_^
You’re very right! Racket’s version of map can do a lot of great things. It turns out that
with a clever use of the apply function, we can implement zip for an arbitrary number
of lists:
(define (zip list . lists)
January 3, 2012 at 10:06 am • Reply
March 18, 2012 at 12:27 am • Reply
March 18, 2012 at 12:55 pm • Reply
(define (zip list . lists)
(apply map (cons (lambda (x . xs) (cons x xs)) (cons list
> (zip '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
'((1 4) (2 5) (3 6))
> (zip '(1 2 3) '(3 4 5) '(4 5 6))
'((1 3 4) (2 4 5) (3 5 6))
The apply function takes as its first argument the apply-function which you want to
apply, and as its second argument it takes a list of arguments to the apply-function.
For instance:
(apply + ‘(1 2 3 4)) is transformed into (+ 1 2 3 4).
The new notation “list . lists” is the way to support variable-length argument lists. Here
we force there to be at least one argument (the “list”) and 0 or more remaining
arguments (the “lists”) which are stored internally to the function as a list.
Then when we apply it to map, we bundle up the mapping function into the list, and
ensure the mapping function can take a variable number of arguments as well.
Pre�y neat, huh?
3. really helpful examples, thanks!
4. j2kun, you could simplify your “zip” definition to simply:
(define (zip . args)
(apply map list args))
-we can just package all arguments into a list, instead of treating the first argument
-apply takes as many arguments as you like – (apply fn a b cs) is equivalent to (apply fn
(cons a (cons b cs)))
Even be�er, we would simply write:
(define zip (curry map list))
-((curry fn arg1 arg2) arg3 arg4) is equivalent to (fn arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4), so (zip a b c) =>
((curry map list) a b c) => (map list a b c), which is exactly what we want!
September 4, 2012 at 5:21 pm • Reply
October 21, 2012 at 9:57 pm • Reply
I love Racket!
Very true! But at least in a tutorial like this, I’d prefer to keep the logic as transparentand simple as possible and not introduce too many new features.
5. Great Info!
Python also has similar filter,reduce,lambda functions that be used for ‘functional
programming’, why not use those to implement a ‘functional solution’?
You certainly could. I was just providing examples of programs others had wri�en for
comparison. From what I understand filter, reduce, and map are considered less
“pythonic” than using list comprehensions (which can be used in place of map and
6. That’s actually C++, not C. Just a correction
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October 21, 2012 at 10:24 pm • Reply
May 16, 2013 at 3:49 pm • Reply
May 16, 2013 at 6:13 pm • Reply
October 6, 2013 at 3:02 am • Reply

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