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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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	1a Questão (Ref.: 201607206949)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the alternative that is CORRECT in relation to Morphology:
	The branch of linguistics (and one of the major components of grammar) that studies word structures, especially in terms of morphemes.
	2a Questão (Ref.: 201607267677)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Consider the following pairs of morphemes (capitalized): a) workED and catS; b) walkING and speakS; c) John'S and fastER; d) slowEST and prettiER; e) OVERexcited and DIShonest. It IS correct to affirm that:
	In pair E is there are only derivational morphemes
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607272563)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Class 1 has a link to a video interview with renowned Professor David Crystal where he discusses whether English should be taught as a Global Language or not. According to him, the main impact of Global English happens in the:
	Teaching Comprehension
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607643436)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Complete the sentence by choosing the correct alternative It is known that a set of words that display the same formal properties, especially their inflections " a process of word formation in which items is added to the base form of a word - and distribution belong to the ______________. "
	same word class
	5a Questão (Ref.: 201607277449)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	The word in letter ________ is an example of a bound morpheme.
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607263806)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	The evidence from around the world shows us that the most important factor in determining the effectiveness of a school system is:
	the quality of its teachers
	7a Questão (Ref.: 201607748484)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	You can have the best curriculum, the best infrastructure, and the best policies, but if you don¿t have good teachers then everything is lost¿We provide our teachers with 100 hours of professional development each year¿If you do not have inspired teachers, how can you have inspired students?
(Singapore Education Official, quoted in Barber and Mourshed)
Tal citação refere-se a(o):
	Papel do professor de Inglês
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607716334)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	Complete the sentence: ______________ is the general world for helping a person or group of people to learn something.
	1a Questão (Ref.: 201607267677)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Consider the following pairs of morphemes (capitalized): a) workED and catS; b) walkING and speakS; c) John'S and fastER; d) slowEST and prettiER; e) OVERexcited and DIShonest. It IS correct to affirm that:
	In pair E is there are only derivational morphemes
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607273146)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Which word below DOES NOT serve as an example of a derivational morpheme?
	3a Questão (Ref.: 201607587717)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Which one oft the statements below can be considred a contradiction in relation to the definition of Morphlogy:
	Morphology can be understood as the identification, analysis and description of the structure of morphemes appearing in different idioms.
	4a Questão (Ref.: 201607581691)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Morphology refers to
	the study about the grammar of words and parts of words.
	5a Questão (Ref.: 201607716336)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	The term _______________ is applied to define the grammatical categories we may use to sort words.
	Parts of speech
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607267661)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	From a political point of view, what main purpose can English as a global language serve?
	facilitate agreements
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607748484)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	You can have the best curriculum, the best infrastructure, and the best policies, but if you don¿t have good teachers then everything is lost¿We provide our teachers with 100 hours of professional development each year¿If you do not have inspired teachers, how can you have inspired students?
(Singapore Education Official, quoted in Barber and Mourshed)
Tal citação refere-se a(o):
	Papel do professor de Inglês
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607587727)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	Which one of the alternatives correctly describes the teacher's role in society?
	Teachers help people to move towards their improvement and their intellectuality turns out. Teachers and students, working together, are the real alchemist that can change crude material into gold valuable goods: ignorance X knowledge.
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607244512)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Morphemes that cannot occur on their own are known as:
	Bound morphemes
	2a Questão (Ref.: 201607033585)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence which has two objects:
	The boy gave his mother a flower.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607587735)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the following paragraph and choose the alternative that correctly fills the blanks: A ______ is a group of words. It might have a noun or a verb or be an adjective phrase, but it doesn't have a noun and a verb. A group of words with a noun and a verb is a______. The______ is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea and that includes a subject and a verb.
	phrase - clause - sentence
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607711836)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The concept: the minimal unit of form and meaning referes to:
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607267674)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The capitalized morphemes in the following list are all core morphemes BUT one:
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607243737)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Prepositions commonly convey the following relationships, but:
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607243729)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the definition below and choose the alternative that correctly completes it: ________ is a word (one of the parts of speech and a member of a closed word class) that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607219001)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Regarding to the use of Prefixes and Suffixes, choose the option in which all the words can be used by the following order: un + _______ + ly
	friend / common / fortunate
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607219001)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Regarding to the use of Prefixes and Suffixes, choose the option in which all the words can be used by the following order: un + _______ + ly
	friend / common / fortunate
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607035656)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Identify the predicate adjective in the sentence: "In English, the order of words is essential".
	3a Questão (Ref.: 201607033585)
	 Fórumde Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence which has two objects:
	The boy gave his mother a flower.
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607244534)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	When a verb is considered transitive it means that...
	It requires both a direct subject and one or more objects.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607033590)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence in which the predicate is linked to the subject by a linking verb:
	My brother looked happy.
	6a Questão (Ref.: 201607033889)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which sentence is correctly built in relation to the correct placement of the elements that form it?
	I watch TV in the evening.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607267670)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The capitalized morphemes in the following list are all core morphemes BUT one:
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607035651)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Identify the subject in the following sentence:
The woman with long sleeves is selling him the car today.
	The woman with long sleeves
	1a Questão (Ref.: 201607717285)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	"The study of how utterances are used in communicative acts, and the role played by context and nonlinguistic knowledge in the transmission of meaning". The previous definition refers to which area of linguistics?
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607748490)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	__________concerns itself with describing and explaining the nature of human language. Fundamental questions include what is universal to language, how language can vary, and how human beings come to know languages.
Choose the best option to complete the blank:
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607748488)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	According to an evolutionary movement ______________has turned out to be the scientific study of human language.  
Choose the best option in order to fulfill the blank:
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607748485)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Before the 20th century, the term ____________was commonly used to refer to the science of language, which was then predominant. Linguistics was lately designated to name the study of language, sometimes called the science of language.
Choose the best option in order do fulfill the blank:
	5a Questão (Ref.: 201607717283)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which scholar from the 20th century defined language as "a system", "the sum of imprints deposited in each brain"?
	Ferdinand de Saussure
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607711862)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	________________ can be broadly broken into three categories or subfields of study: language form, language meaning, and language in context.
	7a Questão (Ref.: 201607711864)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	______________is the study of how words combine to form meaningful phrases and sentences.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607245037)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	In the sentence ''You can find the answer in your English book'', the syntagma ''in your English book'' is an example of:
	A prepositional phrase
	1a Questão (Ref.: 201607748485)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Before the 20th century, the term ____________was commonly used to refer to the science of language, which was then predominant. Linguistics was lately designated to name the study of language, sometimes called the science of language.
Choose the best option in order do fulfill the blank:
	2a Questão (Ref.: 201607748488)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	According to an evolutionary movement ______________has turned out to be the scientific study of human language.  
Choose the best option in order to fulfill the blank:
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607717285)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	"The study of how utterances are used in communicative acts, and the role played by context and nonlinguistic knowledge in the transmission of meaning". The previous definition refers to which area of linguistics?
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607717283)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which scholar from the 20th century defined language as "a system", "the sum of imprints deposited in each brain"?
	Ferdinand de Saussure
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607748490)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	__________concerns itself with describing and explaining the nature of human language. Fundamental questions include what is universal to language, how language can vary, and how human beings come to know languages.
Choose the best option to complete the blank:
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607243743)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Complete the sentence by choosing the alternative that correctly fills the empty space: A _______ is a group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers.
	prepositional phrase
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607033696)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the right prepositions that completes the sentence below:
 ______the morning, all guests go to the bride´s house _________10 o´clock to give her gifts.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607711859)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Before the 20th century, the term ______________was commonly used to refer to the science of language, which was then predominant.
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607717324)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which of the following ARE NOT MODAL VERBS?
	BE and HAVE
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607033709)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the only verb that can complete the sentence: In 1971 the Robertsons -____________to sail around the world.
	3a Questão (Ref.: 201607717302)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which element in the following sentence represents a LEXICAL VERB?
My students should have been studying hard since the begining of the semestre.
	4a Questão (Ref.: 201607917820)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the alternative which question is grammatically correct:
	Did she take the bus to school yesterday?
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607717299)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	What is the VERB PHRASE of the following sentence?
Mr. Wilcox might have gotten lost in his way to his new job this morning.
	might have gotten lost
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607716340)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The phrasal verb CALL OFF means.....
	To cancel something that has been scheduled
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607035598)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which statement shows an example of a highlighted lexical verb?
	I've had this computer for three years.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607218933)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the option which best characterizesthe use of the Simple Present Tense.
	It is used for things in general or things that happen repeatedly.
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607219023)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	According the use of Simple Present Tense, choose the correct option to complete the following sentence:
"Paul is very good at languages. He _________ four languages very well."
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607917815)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the alternative which is grammatically correct:
	Where does Yara live?
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607717323)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which sentence has an example of an AUXILIARY VERB?
	I have been to the USA twice.
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607033698)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the right auxiliary to complete the sentence below: The secretary _________go home early. She has a very demanding boss.
	5a Questão (Ref.: 201607217847)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which statement shows na example of a  highlighted lexical verbs?
	I've  had this computer for three years
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607033697)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the right auxiliary verb to complete the sentence below:
The teacher ---------------want to give the tests yesterday.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607033712)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the verb which completes the sentence: The driver_______________the lorry in front of the factory tomorrow.
	will park
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607587897)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the following clause and choose the alternative that contains the verb phrase - Has Joan written her report yet?
	Has written
		In ´Jimmy and his family moved to Washington.´, what is the function of ´Jimmy and his family´?
		In the sentence:
My three sons are beautiful.
The phrase "my three sons" is a(n):
	noun phrase
		Choose the option that has a noun phrase:
	two beautiful girls
		Choose the correct option to complete the sentences bellow: "Annete is very busy these days. She has _______free time." "Most of the town is modern. There are _______ old buildings."
	little, few
		- Choose the correct option to complete the sentence bellow: "Peter was lonely and desperate; he had _______ friends and _______money."
	few , little
		Choose the option that contains a noun phrase:
	the red carpet
		Read the following clause and choose the alternative that contains the verb phrase - Jim has been working on his science project.
	Has been working
		''Although it was raining cats and dogs, Anna decided to go to the beach anyway''. The previous example contains:
	A dependent clause and an independent clause
		Fill in the blanks regarding to the use of indefinite article:
 (a/an). ___ car race is ___ exciting programme for ____ unforgettable day.
Mark the correct answer:
	A - an - an
		Choose the option that presents the correct classification, according to the syntactic function in the following sentence: "Sarah bought a new dress yesterday."
	Sarah - subject / a new dress - object
		Assinale a alternativa que contém um pronome substituindo o sintagma nominal presente na frase a seguir:
The red car is about to be sold.
	It is about to be sold.
		Did Elizabeth teach herself the name of every constellation visible in the Northern Hemisphere?In the previous sentence, the word HERSELF can be classified as
		In: The front door is open, the underlined words are an example of
	A noun phrase.
		Choose the sentence which is correct according to the use of singular noun and plural verb.
	The staff at the school are the most qualified that I had ever seen.
		In the sentence:
The two Brothers are happy today.
The phrase "the two Brothers" is a(n):
	noun phrase
		Read the following sentence:
The girl had a cat and two dogs.
The phrase "a cat and two dogs" is a(n):
	noun phrase
		There is only one uncountable noun in the list below. That is the one in letter...
		Choose the correct alternative in relation to the sentence below: Exercising is an important part of Lila's daily routine.
	The sentence contains a gerund.
		Which of the following sentences contains an INCORRECT idea?
	anger is an uncountable quality
		Change this sentence to the plural form:                    
That very sad young child has hurt her tooth.
	   Those very sad young children have hurt their teeth.
		Choose the option which best completes the following sentence: "I went to sleep at 2 o'clock this morning and woke up three hours later. After that I couldn't sleep. So last night I only had _______________."
	three hours' sleep.
		Choose the correct sentence according to the use of Genitive Case.
	This isn't my book. It's my brother's.
		According to the genitive case rules, mark the correct alternative:
	For plural nouns ending in "s," add only an apostrophe: E.g.: the girls' dresses.
		Analysing the sentence "These are John's and Peter's bikes", we may infer that:
	Each one of them has their own bike.
		Choose the best alternative to fill in the blank: "These _____ shoes."
	are Liz¿s
		- Concerning to the use of genitive case, mark the correct option.
	My parents¿ car broke down last night.
		Choose the best alternative to fill in the blank: "Write your name at _______."
	the top of the page
		Read the following quotation and choose the correct alternative: Nouns can be grouped into a small number of classes which differ in meaning and grammatical behavior. There is a first distinction between common and proper nouns. Common nouns can be either countable or uncountable.(¿)(BIBER< CONRAD and LEECH, 2011, p. 58).
	It is correct since there is a distinction between common and proper nouns, countable and uncountable nouns
		Nouns in English can be divided into two categories: countable and uncountable. You can make most uncountablenoun countable by putting a countable expression in front of the noun.
Mark the expression below that is equivalent to the structure lump of sugar:
	cups of tea
		Mark the uncountable noun which can complete the sentence. The boys like __________and eggs.
		Choose the best alternative to fill in the blank: "I need ____."
	new jeans
		A noun can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted; they have a singular and plural form.
Which of the following groups of nouns present just uncountable nouns?
	money - water - politics - advice
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607748505)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the sentence that contains a copular verb:
	She became na excellent actress!
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607245139)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the sentence in which the function of the noun is correctly stated:
	Tomorrow, we will get up early. - the noun has an adverbial function
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607215465)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	How can we classify, according to syntax, the words in capital letters? I gave MY FATHER a watch.
	indirect object
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607215463)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the sentence bellow. There is a word in CAPITAL LETTERS. According to the study of Syntatics, what function does this world perform in the sentence syntactic structure? This WORLD is a mighty big place.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607218939)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the sentences bellow and choose the option which has the noun phrases from each sentence. All packages have been brought in. A flock of birds was circling the field. The table tennis is old, but it is perfect.
	all packages, a flock, the table tennis
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607748503)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	What is the function of THE BLUE BOOK in the following sentece?
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607581580)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Give the function of the underlined noun phrase.
My father gave me a car when I was eighteen.
	Indirect object.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607581587)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Give the function of the underlined noun phrase.
Some members of the club are friends of mine.
	Predicate nominative.
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607748506)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	What´s the function of THE CAKE in the sentence MARY HAS EATEN THE CAKE?
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607748504)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	What is the function of the phrase THE CAPITAL OF ARGENTINA in the following sentence?
	predicate nominative
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607587922)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the following clause and choose the alternative that is the NOUN phrase - The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off
	The best defense against the atom bomb
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607035634)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The option which is considered grammatically correct is:
	Violence is a great problem in Rio. Constantly, we have few policemen on the streets
	5a Questão (Ref.: 201607748503)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	What is the function of THE BLUE BOOK in the following sentece?
	6a Questão (Ref.: 201607581580)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Give the function of the underlined noun phrase.
My father gave me a car when I was eighteen.
	Indirect object.
	7a Questão (Ref.: 201607581587)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Give the function of the underlined noun phrase.
Some members of the club are friends of mine.
	Predicate nominative.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607218939)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the sentences bellow and choose the option which has the noun phrases from each sentence. All packages have been brought in. A flock of birds was circling the field. The table tennis is old, but it is perfect.
	all packages, a flock, the table tennis
		In the sentence that follows - JULIAN IS A NAUGHTY child - the adjective can be classified as:
		Which sentence shows the correct order of adjectives?
	a new steel carving knife
		Select the adjective in the sentence. Tanya is a graceful dancer.
		Select the adjective in the sentence. Juan handled the breakable glasses very carefully.
		It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. (Jane Austen¿s Pride and Prejudice, chapter one)
In this sentence, we can find adjectives. Two of them are ¿
	    Single, good
		Which is the correct adjective order?
	a big blue plastic hat
		Which alternative presents the alternative in the correct order?
	a beautiful blue racing car
		Which adjective phrase is correctly written (order)?
	a dirty old cotton tie
		Mark the alternative which completes the sentence:
 My neighbor has a________/_______/______ given by his friends at work.
		What is the option that is CORRECT in relation to adjective order: She was given a ______ box.
	small square metal jewelry
		Which of the following sentences is correct according to the adjective word order.
	Yesterday I watched an interesting French movie on tv.
		Read the following clause and choose the alternative that is the ADJECTIVE phrase - My grandfather was a man of great wealth.
	A man of great wealth
		Pensando na relação entre adjetivos e substantivos e a ordem da colocação dos adjetivos em inglês, assinale a alternativa adjetivos e substantivos aparecem na ordem correta: My neighbor has a________/_______/______ given by his friends at work.
		Assinale a alternativa que completa a sentença My neighbor has a________/_______/______ given by his friends at work.
		Think about adjective order specifications and decide which alternative is wrong:
	An interesting american old book.
		Which of the following sentences is correct according to the adjective word order.
	My brother lives in a nice large black and white wooden house.AULA 09
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607023744)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue using the correct adverbs:
A. Hasn't police officer caught the thief _____?
B. No, he has't been caught _____.
 A. He will be caught _____.
 Mark the correct alternative:
	yet - yet - soon
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607581571)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Which of the following ideas ARE NOT applicable to adjectives?
	Adjectives can be countable and uncountable.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607279954)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the sentence in which the proper form of the adjective is used?
	Joe was delighted with the painting.
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607748510)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Which is the adjective of the following sentence: The awesome student has beaten his classmate.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607023701)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1 de 1)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the adjective that matches the given definition
 _____ = prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules; not allowed by law
	b. illegal
	6a Questão (Ref.: 201607581568)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	In which of the following sentences is the adjective improperly used?
	My mother is an aged woman.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607022957)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence in wich the adverbs are used correctly:
	Jimmy always drives his car carefully.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607020569)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the correct option, considering the position of adverbs in the sentence:.
	Paul and Helen rarely go to the cinema on Tuesdays.
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607748508)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Which word is na adjective in the sentence: The show is amazing!
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607020559)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	The alternative which contains an adjective that modifies the bolded word is:
	The telephone in the main office rings constantly.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607748514)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Which is the adjective in the sentence: The two teachers has become frightened?
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607748518)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	In the sentence: He´s quite bored. The word QUITE is a(n):
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607743412)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose a sentence that contais a Peripheral Adjective:
	Bruce is afraid of the dark.
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607587930)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the following clause and choose the alternative that is the ADJECTIVE phrase - It was an elephant with a white skin.
	With a white skin
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607020569)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Choose the correct option, considering the position of adverbs in the sentence:.
	Paul and Helen rarely go to the cinema on Tuesdays.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607022957)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (1)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence in wich the adverbs are used correctly:
	Jimmy always drives his car carefully.
	1a Questão (Ref.: 201607035615)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence which shows an example of an attributive adjective:
	They were talking to a very tall girl.
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607035618)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence that shows  an example of predicative adjective:
	This stretch of water is dangerous.
	3a Questão (Ref.: 201607217121)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Listen to the sentence and choose the correct answer:
The smiling clown, RoboClown, made balloon animals at the party.
	RoboClown is an appositive
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607748574)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which is the adjective phrase in the sentece: The cake is totally burned?
	totally burned
	the cake
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607748526)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read this sentence:
The very fat dog chased a girl.
Which is the adjective phrase?
	very fat
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607245217)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	In which of the following sentences the adjective has a predicative use?
	Peter says that cheering for a soccer team can be nerve-wrecking.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201607243756)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Complete the sentence by choosing the alternative that correctly fiils the empty spaces: Adjective phrases modify nouns. They may be _______ (appearing before the noun) or _______ (appearing after a linking verb), but not all adjectives can be used in both positions.
	attributive , predicative
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607219015)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the sentence bellow and choose the right option according to the attributive and predicative adjective classification to the words in parenthesis. a) Erick was quite generous. (generous) b) She received an anonymous letter (anonymous) c) My blue jacket is old, but I like it very much. (blue)
	predicative / attributive / attributive
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 201607748590)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which is the adjective phrase in the sentence: The very tall man has arrived late.
	very tall
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201607219007)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the sentence bellow and choose the right option according to the attributive and predicative adjective classification for the words in parenthesis. a) This stretch of water is dangerous. (dangerous) b) A larger than normal pay increase was awarded to the nurses. (larger) c) The green door opened slowly. (green)
	predicative / attributive / attributive
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201607219015)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read the sentence bellow and choose the right option according to the attributive and predicative adjective classification to the words in parenthesis. a) Erick was quite generous. (generous) b) She received an anonymous letter (anonymous) c) My blue jacket is old, but I like it very much. (blue)
	predicative / attributive / attributive
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201607035618)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Mark the sentence that shows  an example of predicative adjective:
	This stretch of water is dangerous.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201607217121)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Listen to the sentence and choose the correct answer:
The smiling clown, RoboClown, made balloon animals at the party.
	RoboClown is an appositive
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201607748574)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which is the adjective phrase in the sentece: The cake is totally burned?
	totally burned
	7a Questão (Ref.: 201607748526)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Read this sentence:
The very fat dog chased a girl.
Which is the adjective phrase?
	very fat
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201607245217)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas(0)       Saiba  (0)
	In which of the following sentences the adjective has a predicative use?
	Peter says that cheering for a soccer team can be nerve-wrecking.

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