
estudos culturais em lingua inglesa. aula 05

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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1a Questão (Ref.: 201703367623)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Since the 80's a process of construction of a global scale culture had been developed, considering not only the already consolidated mass culture, but also a true cultural world system that followed the economical political system resulted from globalization. The Post-Modernity phenomenon arises from this context as
	a set of values that control the future cultural production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have minor roles while diffusing values and ideas of the old system.
	a set of values that control the future social production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have no roles diffusing values and ideas of the old system.
	a set of values that control the subsequent cultural production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have important roles while diffusing values and ideas of the new system.
	a set of rules that control the subsequent social production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have important roles while diffusing values and ideas of the new system.
	a set of rules to control the subsequent cultural production, where communication and the Cultural Industry have no chances while diffusing values and ideas of the new system.
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 201703367621)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Post modernity is a sociocultural and esthetics condition that prevails upon common concepts of a modern era. It has as its main principles:
	a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the Medieval era, the ideology crisis from the XIX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
	a consequential appreciation of ideological concepts from the modern era, the ideology crisis from the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
	a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the post-modern era, the ideology crisis from the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
	a consequential appreciation of ideological concepts from the post-modern era, the ideology crisis from the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
	a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the modern era, the ideology crisis from the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
	 Gabarito Comentado
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 201703884836)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The consumption of cultural products commodities- under a capitalist economy creates -------------------which in turn safeguards the dominance of the ruling group. In this respect consumerism is ideological.
	 Gabarito Comentado
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 201703884834)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	The highly conservative view of the popular/mass culture of the working classes which need the high culture to become better educated, provides intellectual justification for the continuation of the -----------------in society.
	development of good products
	growth of artistic expressions
	increase of good actors
	division of labor
	class system
	 Gabarito Comentado
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 201703367625)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	According to the Post-Modernity phenomenon, globalization
	may alter time notion, eliminate the social system and the imposed structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers
	may alter time and space notions, drive out the social system and the imposed structures as well as make impossible the emergence of a pluralization of social centers.
	may alter time and space notions, drive out the social system and the imposed structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers.
	may alter time notion, drive out the social system and all the structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers.
	may eliminate time and space notions, drive out the social system and the imposed structures as well as make possible the emergence of a pluralization of social power centers.
	 Gabarito Comentado
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 201703415834)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	What does agency refer to?
	It is the cognitive belief structure one has of acquiring languages.
	It refers to the freedom individuals have to act on their own choices. Commonly, it is referred to as free will.
	It is the power certain people have to inhibit social development.
	It is a set of norms that may exist in certain societies by means of which just the wealthy people have power.
	It refers to a number of factors (such as social class, religion, customs, etc.) that determine our future in life.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 201703350683)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	Which one is seen as a product of human action, has an aim and has a physical presence?
	Corporate identity
	None of the above
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 201703417180)
	 Fórum de Dúvidas (0)       Saiba  (0)
	What ´s the  ´ mass society thesis ´?
	It is an idea which is based on Adorno´s proccess of creating false needs by making people purchase objects/products they really need in order to provide capitalists with profits.
	It is a positive view about mass/popular culture. It allows masses of people to think for themselves and dominate the rulers of a state or country.
	It is a thesis which defends the consumption of cultural products as a means of improving people´s view of culture of their own country.
	It is a kind of society whose arguments owe a great deal to the ideas of traditional Marxism. It is a positive critique to popular culture, giving value to the art which has its origin at the birth of each country.
	It is a pessimistic critique of mass/popular culture, based on sociological theories such as Marxism. It suggests that popular culture prevents critical and revolutionary thought. It leads to a society where individuals lose their sense of community, their individuality and come to rely on strong authority from above.

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