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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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17/11/2017 EPS: Alunos
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V ídeo
Exercício: CEL0573_EX_A5_201403266778_V1 Matrícula: 201403266778
Aluno(a): LANUSSA OLIVEIRA DA SILVA EVANGELISTA Data: 30/09/2017 11:14:25 (Finalizada)
 1a Questão (Ref.: 201404007298) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
Moby Dick is considered to be an ambitious novel for the time. That was a documentary of life at sea and a
unique metaphor of ---------------in general.
 Gabarito Comentado
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201403489598) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
____________ has been called a ¿natural epic¿ ¿ a magnificent dramatization of the human spirit set in primitive
nature ¿ because of its hunter myth, its initiation theme, its Edenic island symbolism, its positive treatment of
pre-technological peoples, and its quest for rebirth.
Uncle Tom¿s Cabin
 The Last of the Mohicans
The Woman¿s Bible
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201403489153) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
There was a dark underside to American Romanticism. It took a variety of forms, including a fascination with
disease, madness, death, evil, the supernatural, and the destructive aspects of nature. It was a characteristic
The power of clearness
The power of exactness
 The danger of darkness
 The power of darkness
The power of lightness
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201404119933) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
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Choose the option which best completes the following sentence: In Moby Dick, Melville satirizes
 religious values
 historical values
sea stories
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201404119947) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
When we read Nathaniel Hawthorne's books , we can clearly identify him as a:
 Dark Romantic
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201403489578) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
The American Revolution, from a psychohistorical viewpoint, parallels an adolescent rebellion away from the
parent-figure of England and the larger family of the British Empire. Puritanism and its Protestant offshoots may
have further weakened the family by preaching that the individual¿s first responsibility was to save his or her
own soul. These characteristics can be seen in the masterpieces of:
Emily Dickinson
 James Lowell Henry Longfellow Stephen Crane Nathaniel Hawthorne Emily Dickinson
 Nathaniel Hawthorne
James Lowell
Henry Longfellow
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201403489595) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
- Despite his patrician upbringing, proud family traditions, and hard work, _____________ found himself in
poverty with no college education. At 19 he went to sea. His interest in sailors¿ lives grew naturally out of his
own experiences, and most of his early novels grew out of his voyages. In these we see the young wide,
democratic experience and hatred of tyranny and injustice of:
Edgar Allan Poe
Emily Dickinson
 Henry Longfellow
 Herman Melville
Nathaniel Hawthorne
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201404119944) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
Choose the option which best completes the following sentence:The majority of Hawthorne's work focuses on
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New England, based on moral values with
strange locations
a logical planning
 french ideals
modern themes
 a puritan inspiration

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