
Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino de Língua Inglesa AV

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Tipo de Avaliação: AV
Nota da Prova: 1,5 Nota de Partic.: 1 Data: 02/09/2015 18:35:10
1a Questão (Ref.: 201310332733) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,5
The Grammar Translation Method represented the traditional way Latin and Greek were taught in Europe. Present 
and explain two of its features.
Gabarito: In the 19th Century it began to be used to teach ¿modern¿ languages such French, German, and English, 
and it is still used in many countries today. A typical lesson consists of the presentation of a grammatical rule, a 
study of lists of vocabulary, and a translation exercise. Because the Grammar Translation Method emphasizes 
reading rather than the ability to communicate in a language, there was a reaction to it in the 19th Century (see 
NATURAL APPROACH, DIRECT METHOD), and there was later a great emphasis on the teaching of spoken language.
Fundamentação do(a) Professor(a): Aluno não respondeu à questão.
2a Questão (Ref.: 201310332748) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,5
A method refers to the overall plan for the proper presentation of language material. It is based on three parts: 
Approach, Design e Procedure. Given that the teacher¿s role is to provide meaningful interaction, focusing on 
functions and structures as a means to learning something, describe the method you consider as the most 
adequate in a given context and explain your reasons (arguments).
Gabarito: Subjetiva.
Fundamentação do(a) Professor(a): Aluno não respondeu à questão.
3a Questão (Ref.: 201310342765) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5
People not only travel to places worldwide for business and pleasure, but they leave their homeland and travel to 
another country for study purpose as well. Travel to any country on this earth and you would find English as the 
main medium of teaching, as it is practically impossible for a new person to study in the local language of the 
country, in particular. Hence, education has, by far, increased the importance of English to a great extent. This text 
refers to English importance for: 
Página 1 de 4BDQ Prova
4a Questão (Ref.: 201310342770) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5
Language is seen as a structure for:
Talkative method
Communicative Approach
Written Method
All methods
Grammar translation method
5a Questão (Ref.: 201310344967) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5
The Principal Characteristics of this method are:
1) The goal is to learn a lang. In order to read its literature
2) Grammar rules are studied with details, and memorized.
3) Translating sentences and text is essential.
4) Reading and Writing are the major focus. 
5) Vocabulary are taught through bilingual word list, dictionary study, memorization, and with translation equivalents.
6) The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and lang. practice. Sentences are translated one by one.
7) Grammar is taught deductively--that is, by presentation and study of grammar rules are practiced through 
translation exercises.
These characteristics belong to:
a) Audio-Lingual 
c) The Communicative Approach 
e) the Direct Method 
d) The Grammar-Translation 
b) Total Physical Response 
6a Questão (Ref.: 201310344966) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5
Here are the principles of this method:
1. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language. 
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught. 
3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully traded progression organized around questions-and-answer exchanges 
between teachers and students in small intensive classes. 
4. Grammar was taught inductively 
5. New teaching points were taught through modeling and practice 
6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, pictures; Abstract vocabulary was taught through association 
of ideas. 
7. Both speech and listening comprehension were taught 
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
These principles belong to:
a) Audio-Lingual 
e) The Direct Method 
c) The Communicative Approach 
d) The Grammar-Translation 
b) The Natural Approach 
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7a Questão (Ref.: 201310344965) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5
The Main Characteristics of this method are:
1) L2 learning is a process of habit formation.
2) Memorizing dialogues and performing pattern drills for automatic pruduction of L2. 
3) Speaking is the most important.
4) L2 skills are learned more effectively if they are presented in spoken form before in written form.
5) Analogy (similarity) is better than analysis in L2 learning.
6) Explanations of rules are not given until Ss have practiced a pattern in a variety of contexts (inductive).
7) The meanings of the words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context, and not in isolation.
These characteristics belong to:
c) The Communicative Approach 
d) The Grammar-Translation 
e) The Direct Method 
a) Audio-Lingual 
b) Total Physical Response 
8a Questão (Ref.: 201310344968) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5
This approach stresses the need to teach communicative competence as opposed to linguistic competence; thus, 
functions are emphasized over forms. Students usually work with authentic materials in small groups on 
communicative activities, during which they receive practice in negotiating meaning. These characteristics belong 
c) Total Physical Approach 
a) Audio-Lingual 
d) The Communicative Approach 
e) Silent Way 
b) Community Language Learning 
9a Questão (Ref.: 201310344964) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0
"Typical activities or items: the conversation circle, transcription, the human computer, card games and the 
reflection session are examined in relation to security. In a conversation circle, the form of the circle itself provides 
security. It enhances the sense of community and also facilitates conversation. Learners in the first stage have only 
to listen to and repeat what the counselor says. They are free from their stress about not knowing what to say in 
the target language. This activity allows learners to talk about whatever they want to by saying it first in their own 
language and then repeating after the counselor in the target language. In other words, learners create their own 
materials. Therefore, this activity makes learners feel not only belonging but also responsibility. Thus, anxiety is 
reduced and motivation to speak the target language is stimulated." We are talking about: 
e) Community Language Learning 
d) The Grammar-Translation 
c) The Literary Method 
b) Total Physical Response 
a) Audio-Lingual 
10a Questão (Ref.: 201310388160) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0
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_____________should be seen as an approach not as a product. _________is not a particular kind of language or 
methodology, nor does it consist of a particular type of teaching material. Understood properly, it is an approach to 
language learning, which is based on learner need.(HUTCHINSON & WATERS, 1987, p.19) This quotation refers to: 
Observação: Eu, VERONICA RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA, estou ciente de que ainda existe(m) 2 questão(ões) não respondida(s) 
ou salva(s) no sistema, e que mesmo assim desejo finalizar DEFINITIVAMENTE a avaliação.
Data: 02/09/2015 18:25:53
Período de não visualização da prova: desde 25/08/2015 até 09/09/2015.
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