
WH questions and yes e no questions

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WH-questions and Yes/No questions Parte A e B
Há dois tipos de perguntas: yes no question e as chamadas WH questions ou information questions.
Veja a definição de pergunta de Leech & Startvik (2003, p.110):
“Questions are typically sentences by which someone asks his hearer to give information”.
Yes/no questions
São perguntas cuja resposta será “sim” ou “não”, por isso Yes/no question.
Vejamos alguns exemplos:
Are you hungry?
Yes, I am ou   No, I am not.
Is she your friend?
Yes, she is / No, she isn’t.
Am I your friend?
 Yes, you are / No, you aren’t.
Are there many restaurants near here?
Yes, there are / No, there aren’t.
Neste caso a resposta será diferente de “sim” ou “não”. Os pronomes utilizados para se formular esse tipo de pergunta são chamados WH question, question words ou wh words, pois a maioria dos pronomes começa com as letras “wh”.
Vamos ver os pronomes:
What:  O quê
Who:   Quem
When:  Quando
Where:  Onde
Why:    Por que
Whose:  De quem
Which:  Qual
How:    Como
How far:  Quão longe
How long: quanto tempo
How old: quantos anos
How many: quantos (contáveis)
How much: quantos (incontáveis)
Vejamos alguns exemplos:
	What’s your name?
	How old are your?
	I’m 25 years old.
	Where is the book I was reading?
	It’s on the shelf
	What’s your favorite color?
	Which color do you prefer red or White?
	Who are you waiting for?
	My brother, he is picking me up.
	When are you visiting Silvia?
	Tomorrow morning.
	Why are you so sad?
	Because I broke up with my boyfriend.
	Whose blouse is this?
	It’s mine, thanks.
	How far is São Paulo from Santos?
	I don’t know exactly, but it’s not far.
	How many cars are there?
	There are 20 cars.
	How much is it?
	It’s R$20,00.
	How are you?
	Fine, thanks.
Agora vamos aos exercícios!!

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