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Peaceful Protests
The most famous peaceful protests around the world
Pacifism is a philosophical movement contrary to the use of force to combat terrorism, which opposes armed conflict and defends understanding among those involved in peaceful ways. 
Pacifism is the result of individual initiatives in the nineteenth century, when, in 1815, people began to organize themselves into associations for peace. Its expansion was stimulated by the incorporation promoted by the doctrines of free trade, gaining support of different ideological segments during the century.
Boston Tea Party
Despite the curious name, the Tea Party of 1773 was not a very entertaining event as the name may assume. In fact, it was a bitter reaction to the new taxes collected by the British. Over three hours on December 16th, more than 100 settlers secretly entered three British ships and poured 45 tonnes of tea into the water. The protest was an essential precursor to the American Revolution.
The Indian Independence Movement
Gandhi's action consisted in disobeying English law without bothering to suffer the consequences of the act, to boycott English products, to make hunger strikes so that Hindus and Muslims would leave aside religious differences and unite in favor of the common cause : independence. 
His figure ended up winning admirers all over the world, including in England and Gandhiism inspires the pacifist movements to this day. Gandhi, who preached the peace and union of Hindus and Muslims, was assassinated in 1948 by a Hindu radical.
March on Washington
Martin Luther King's historic "I Have a Dream!" speech was delivered in August 1963 to promote racial equality in the United States during this march. More than 200,000 demonstrators gathered peacefully at the Lincoln Memorial, located in Washington. This event put pressure on President Kennedy by getting him to draft civil rights laws.
Protest at Tiananmen Square
At least one million people - mostly students struggling for democratic reform - peacefully occupied Tiananmen Square for seven weeks, in 1989, until the Chinese military unexpectedly arrived with tanks to send people out. It is estimated that several hundred demonstrators have been killed in the city, attracting harsh criticism from the international community.
Berlin Wall
The concrete division that separated the eastern side of western Berlin for 28 years was down after two months of public protests that swept across Germany. Pressure to knock down the wall began to grow as never before in 1989 and these demonstrations were the last straw for the East German government, which finally opened its doors on November 9th.
Orange Revolution
At the end of 2004, hundreds of thousands of people flooded the main square of Kiev, capital of Ukraine, to protest against the result of the presidential elections. The movement continued for 12 days even after hail and snow, until the election result was reversed and placed the opposition candidate - whose party is represented by the orange color - in office.
Diretas Já
More than 1.5 million people gathered to declare support for this movement that claimed direct presidential elections in Brazil. The movement that spread to major cities across the country took place between 1983 and 1984.
Collor Impeachment
The movement emerged as a result of the population's revolt over corruption allegations in the government of Fernando Collor de Mello, who resigned his term in December 1992. His deputy Itamar Franco took the place and Collor was ineligible for 8 years (until December 29, 2000).
*What is your opinion about peaceful protests? 
*Do you believe these actions REALLY work?
*Why are they considered by some people as utopian?
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