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Aluno: 201509618937 - SIMONE DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS
Turma: 9004/AD
Nota da Prova: 7,0 Nota de Partic.: 0 Av. Parcial 2 Data: 24/11/2017 11:36:01
 1a Questão (Ref.: 201510546876) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0
This is the one of the works of Beatriz Milhazes, a Brazilian artist known for her work juxtaposing Brazilian
cultural imagery and references to western Modernist painting. The painting is called Succulent Eggplant
Would this piece of work be considered as low or high culture? Justify your answer.
Resposta: --
This work would be considered as an example of high culture. High culture products are intellectual,
artistic, difficult to understand, expensive, and aimed at those with an exclusive taste not shared by
ordinary people
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201509951059) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0
A youth subculture is a youth-based subculture with distinct styles, behaviors, and interests, which are often
regarded as against the norms of society. Research in cultural studies reintroduced the idea that subcultures are
ways in which kids live out and understand a complex social structure. Skinheads in the 1970s represent a
´magical´ recovery of traditional working class culture. At the same time, hippies are living out a rebellious
middle class culture.
Based on the previous comments, mention examples of up-to-date youth subculture in our country and justify
your answer.
Resposta: Funk and the students ought to find a proper justification for his choice. A possible one might be to
mention that the ones who usually enjoy "funk music" may not necessarily 'fit in' in our society.
Gabarito: Suggested answer: funk and the student ought to find a proper justification for his choice. A possible
one might be to mention that the ones who usually enjoy ´funk music´ may not necessarily ´fit in´in our
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201509862780) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0
Man needs to transmit culture. What for?
Because if we do not transmit culture, we run the risk of being dominated.
 Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was not transmitted generation by generation,
everybody would die soon.
Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was transmitted generation by generation,
everything would be fine, eliminating all the problems.
 Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was not transmitted generation by generation,
everything would be missed, which would block evolution process.
Because it is our inevitable destiny.
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201509845867) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0
Which one of the following is seen as the bedrock of any corporate culture?
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201509845901) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0
What is meant by multiculturalism?
 Culture drawing on many influences but still within the patriarchal framework
Eating a big Mac in India
None of the above
Listening to world music
Culture drawing on multiple influences undermining patriarchal culture
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201509931892) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0
Why are Giddens concepts criticized? Because
He states that structures tend to control people and there is no way out of it.
 he exaggerates the degree of choice that individuals have over their own lives, and plays down the fact
that often our lives are not of our own choosing.
Giddens addresses the question of who can transform what aspects of social structure and how.
Giddens ignores the fact that some individuals don¿t have more agency than others in society, since they
have less power.
Giddens praised too much the liberty a special group of people had.
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201509862858) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0
Post modernity is a sociocultural and esthetics condition that prevails upon common concepts of a modern era.
It has as its main principles:
a consequential appreciation of ideological concepts from the post-modern era, the ideology crisis from
the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the Medieval era, the ideology crisis from the
XIX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the post-modern era, the ideology crisis from
the XX century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
 a consequential depreciation of ideological concepts from the modern era, the ideology crisis from the XX
century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
a consequential appreciation of ideological concepts from the modern era, the ideology crisis from the XX
century and the occasional downfall of the Berlin Wall.
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201509872316) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0
Which alternative represents the right definition of deviant subculture:
Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values of
the dominant culture, other groups seek to reject these norms and values and are therefore considered
as mainstream.
Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values of
any subculture, other groups seek to reject these norms and values and are therefore considered as a
Deviant subculture: some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values of the
dominant culture and join other groups to reject these norms and values and are therefore considered as
a deviant⊂ct̲ure¿.
Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values of
the dominant culture, other groups seek reinforce these norms and values and are therefore considered
as a deviant⊂ct̲ure¿.
 Deviant subculture: While some subcultures conform for most of part to the broader norms and values of
the dominant culture, other groups seek to reject these norms and values and are therefore considered
as a deviant⊂ct̲ure¿.
 9a Questão (Ref.: 201510435158) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5
For Peirce, social indexicality in the human realm has been regarded as including any sign (clothing, speech
variety, table manners) that points to, and helps create, ----------------
local options
foreign structures
a new language
 social identity
 10a Questão (Ref.: 201509862844) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5
Reflexive Modernity is an expression used by authors as Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Scott Lash in order
to characterize a contemporary or post-modern society. According to this thought, reflection represents:
a possibility of the existence of one way of modernity, denying multiple possibilities of modernities.
a possibility of modernity invention, closing the doors to a multiple possibilities of modernities.
 a possibility of modernity reinvention, opening the doors to multiple possibilities of modernities.
a possibility of the existence of a single way of modernity, denying multiple impossibilities of modernities.
a impossibility of modernity reinvention, closing the doors to multiple possibilities of modernities.
Período de não visualização da prova: desde 16/11/2017 até 28/11/2017.

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