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	Exercício: CEL0559_EX_A1_201510747699_V1 
	09/02/2018 08:55:34 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD 
	Ref.: 201511007719
	 1a Questão 
	   How do Marxists see culture?
	as a mechanism by which some groups are more creative than others
	as a mechanism by which some groups are socially bonded together
	as a mechanism to prevent integration
	 as a mechanism to protect minorities
	as a mechanism by which some groups maintain power over other groups
	Ref.: 201511575252
	 2a Questão 
	Mills suggests that the task  and the purpose of sociology is to study the way in which individuals fit into cultures that produce them, and that they themselves ----------------------- over time. 
	write about and calculate
	destroy and forget
	vary and explore
	mantain and recreate
	start and put an end
	Ref.: 201511004418
	 3a Questão 
	Man needs to transmit culture. What for?
	Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was not transmitted generation by generation, everything would be missed, which would block evolution process.
	Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was not transmitted generation by generation, everybody would die soon.
	Because it is our inevitable destiny.
	Because if we do not transmit culture, we run the risk of being dominated.
	Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was transmitted generation by generation, everything would be fine, eliminating all the problems.
	Ref.: 201511575263
	 4a Questão 
	The learning of a culture - the process whereby the traditions of a community are passed down the generations - is known as ----------. This is usually seen as involving the transmission of the norms and values of a given culture.
	Ref.: 201511007740
	 5a Questão 
	According to Dahl¿s (2001) culture is a collectively held set of
      attributes, which is 
	fixed and static
	dynamic and changing over time
	useful for some groups
	tolerated by some groups
	Ref.: 201510987499
	 6a Questão 
	Read the following paragraph and and choose the alternative the best reflects the relation between anthropologists and culture. All anthropologists share a reliance upon the culture concept, which they take as a starting point for understanding human experience regardless of subdiscipline, specialization, or theoretical orientation. Being so, 
	anthropologists define culture weirdly from common usage and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm. 
	a. anthropologists define culture differently from common usage and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm. 
	anthropologists define culture differently from animal behaviour and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm. 
	physicians, instead of anthropologists, define culture differently from common usage and have extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm. 
	anthropologists do not define culture and have not extended its meaning and applicability beyond a simple term to a comprehensive theoretical paradigm. 
	Ref.: 201511521655
	 7a Questão 
	Choose the word which best completes the following statement: Norbert Elias´ s central thesis is that as time goes by society becomes increasingly more --------------
	Ref.: 201511051474
	 8a Questão 
	Sociology is a science which has a rich and varied history. Whether it be the social systems approach or the social exchange tradition, it is deeply committed to the development of sociological theory in the service of addressing fundamental sociological questions about the empirical world. What has sociology been concerned with, since its beginning?
	To the best of our knowledge, it has been worried with human beings and their relationship with God. It addresses humans as created in the image of God, with a special qualitative relation to God compared to other species.
	Due to its relevance in our lives, it is concerned with the biological features that make us human (such as physiology, genetic makeup, nutritional history and evolution).
	Given its importance in every aspect of our social life, the concept of sociology is concerned with the history of human past through its material remains.
	It has been concerned with the relationship between the individual and society, the role of culture in social life and how identity develops in a social context.
	With the various branches of feminism and women's roles and obligations at home and in society, relating the household tasks to women's responsibilities, so that society must keep a sense of balance.
1a aula
	Exercício: CEL0559_EX_A1_201510747699_V2 
	09/02/2018 09:49:46 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD 
	Ref.: 201511575261
	 1a Questão 
	For Marcuse and other members of the Frankfurt School, civilization had resulted in capitalist exploitation of the ------- and their alienation.
	rich people
	white people
	Ref.: 201510987500
	 2a Questão 
	Choose the correct alternative: 
	Anthropology began as a specialized discipline in the 19th century within a theoretical school called marxism. This approach was related to the dominant Darwinist and, more importantly, social Darwinist paradigms of the period. 
	Anthropology began as a specialized discipline in the 19th century within a theoretical school called evolutionism. This approach was related to the dominant Darwinist and, more importantly, social Darwinist paradigms of the period. 
	Anthropology never began as a specialized discipline in the 19th century within a theoretical school called evolutionism. This approach was related to the dominant Darwinist and, more importantly, social Darwinist paradigms of the period.
	Physicians began as a specialized discipline in the 19th century within a theoretical school called evolutionism. This approach was related to the dominant Darwinist and, more importantly, social Darwinist paradigms of the period. 
	Anthropology began as a specialized discipline in the 12th century within a theoretical school called evolutionism. This approach was related to the dominant Darwinist and, more importantly, social Darwinist paradigms of the period. 
	Ref.: 201511521652
	 3a Questão 
	Mark the only option which does NOT apply to the concept of culture:
	All cultures are the same; they have the same characteristics.
	Culturedescribes people ´s patterns of social organization
	Culture shows normal ways in which people are expected to behave in society.
	Culture means the way of life of a group of people.
	Culture describes how people live their lives.
	Ref.: 201511521654
	 4a Questão 
	Choose the option which best completes the following sentence: The sociological imagination enables us to grasp ---------------------------- and the relations between the two within society. That is a task and its promise.
	history and biography
	tradition and classical elements
	modern and contemporaneous elements
	objective and subjective concepts
	explicit and implicit contexts
	Ref.: 201511575259
	 5a Questão 
	For Marcuse, the so-called civilized culture of the modern age had simply resulted in ever more technologically enhanced means by which humans could -------------------with ever increasing efficiency. 
	create new tools
	Ref.: 201511521653
	 6a Questão 
	Mark the only option which does NOT describe the concept of identity:
	The word identity relates to how we think about other people around us.
	The word identity means being able to fix or figure out who we are as people.
	The word identity relates to what we think others think of us.
	Identity represents the macro pattern - the big picture.
	The word identity relates to how we think about ourselves as people.
	Ref.: 201511001880
	 7a Questão 
	¿Identity¿ means... 
	being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who a group is 
	being able to question who we are as people 
	not being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who we are as people 
	being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who we are as people 
	being able to ¿fix¿ or ¿figure out¿ who we are not as people
	Ref.: 201511575257
	 8a Questão 
	Herbert  Marcuse was one of the members of -------------------, established in 1923 in Germany
	the Frankfurt School
	the Beat generation
	the European ancient writers
	the Boston writers
	the postmodern writers
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1a aula
	Exercício: CEL0559_EX_A1_201510747699_V3 
	09/02/2018 10:23:10 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD 
	Ref.: 201511521678
	 1a Questão 
	According to Freud In Civilization and its Discontents (1930), the rules of supposedly civilized societies are in fact---------------------------that lead to unhappiness - or discontents- since they prevent people from acting in truly human ways.
	specific data 
	massive social constraints
	subjective issues
	unique ideas 
	individual psychological constraints
	Ref.: 201511007705
	 2a Questão 
	   According to the following statement, choose the option which can best complete it. ¿ Because the self emerges in social interaction within the context of a complex, organized, differentiated society, it has been argued that the self must be complex, organized and differentiated as well¿.  (Stryker, 1980). 
	So the self reflects social deviances
	So the self reflects society
	So the self reflects our instincts
	So the self reflects our desires
	So the self reflects nationalities
	Ref.: 201511007725
	 3a Questão 
	    The political and moral problems in valuing some cultures above others has led many sociologists to adopt a more relativistic position when thinking about and comparing cultures. In this view, 
	Different cultures should not be tolerated because they are inferior 
	Cultures must be judged by moral standards determined by superior cultures
	Some cultures are good, others are not.
	 No one culture is "correct"- rather, different cultures are simply different and should be tolerated as such. 
	There are no differences between cultures
	Ref.: 201511004413
	 4a Questão 
	Culture is an exclusive human production. Thus, the eldest need to transmit culture to the young. How does this transmission occur?
	The transmission occurs by education.
	This transmission never happens.
	This transmission occurs only when we go to school.
	This transmission occurs when we travel to different places.
	the transmission rarely happens.
	Ref.: 201511007719
	 5a Questão 
	   How do Marxists see culture?
	as a mechanism by which some groups maintain power over other groups
	 as a mechanism to protect minorities
	as a mechanism to prevent integration
	as a mechanism by which some groups are more creative than others
	as a mechanism by which some groups are socially bonded together
	Ref.: 201511004418
	 6a Questão 
	Man needs to transmit culture. What for?
	Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was not transmitted generation by generation, everybody would die soon.
	Because if we do not transmit culture, we run the risk of being dominated.
	Because it is our inevitable destiny.
	Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was not transmitted generation by generation, everything would be missed, which would block evolution process.
	Because if the knowledge constructed by his people was transmitted generation by generation, everything would be fine, eliminating all the problems.
	Ref.: 201511575263
	 7a Questão 
	The learning of a culture - the process whereby the traditions of a community are passed down the generations - is known as ----------. This is usually seen as involving the transmission of the norms and values of a given culture.
	Ref.: 201511575252
	 8a Questão 
	Mills suggests that the task  and the purpose of sociology is to study the way in which individuals fit into cultures that produce them, and that they themselves ----------------------- over time. 
	vary and explore
	write about and calculate
	mantain and recreate
	start and put an end
	destroy and forget
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