
Resumo de Inglês 2º TP

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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3024 – Yago Carvalho
File 5A – Are you a Party Animal?
a) Grammar: uses of the infinitive (with to)
- Utiliza-se “to + the infinitive” depois de:
1) Alguns *verbos*, como por exemplo: want, need, would like, etc.
Ex: I want to go to the party
 I need to buy some new clothes
*** Cuidado, pois existe um lista de verbos que deve-se usar “infinitive with to” e “–ing.” 
Infelizmente a solução é decorar, mas com o tempo e exercícios os mesmos serão fixados.
 **** Verbs + to:
Decide to: we decided to go to France.
Forget to: Don’t forget to clean your room.
Help to: I help my dad to fix the car.
Hope to: We hope to see you again.
Learn to: I’m learning to play the piano.
Need to: I need to drink some water.
Offer to: They offered to take me to the school.
Plan to: They’re planning to travel next weekend.
Pretend: She pretended to be ill, but she wasn’t really.
Remember to: Remember to bring your books tomorrow.
Start: She started to cry in front of me.
Try to: I’m trying to get a jog, but it’s very hard.
Want to: I want to visit my family.
Would like to: I’d like to live in England.
2) Adjetivos (**sempre**)
Ex: It isn’t easy to find a job.
 Nice to meet.
 It’s important not to be late. ** The negative infinitive is “not to + verb”
3) Para mostrar o motive pelo qual alguma coisa acontece. (**To say why**):
Ex: I came to this school to learn English. NOT for learn English.
 I went to the party to meet new people.
File 5B – What makes you feel good?
a) Grammar: verb + -ing
1) Depois de alguns *verbos*, que segeum descritos na lista abaixo:
 **** Verbs + -ing:
Enjoy: I enjoy listening to the radio.
Finish: Have you finished getting dressed?
Go on (=continue): I have to go on working until 9 o’clock.
Hate: I hate waking up early.
Like: I like singing at the shower.
Love: I love walking on the beach at the morning.
(Don’t Mind) = (não ligar, não se incomodar): I don’t mind cooking, It’s ok.
Spend (time): She spends hours talking with her boyfriend.
Stop: Please stop talking.
3024 – Yago Carvalho
2) Depois de preposições (sempre):
Ex: He left without saying goodbye.
3) Quando funcionar como sujeito:
Ex: Smoking is bad for your health
 Talking to intelligent people makes me feel good.
Ex: I stopped smoking (significa que eu parei de fumar) Usando o “ing” você para de fazer algo.
 I stopped to smoke ( significa que parei para fumar) Usando o “to” você para pra fazer 
Ex: I remerber talking to that girl before (significa que você tem a memória de ter falado com a 
menina, ou seja se lembra de algo que já aconteceu) Ideia de passado.
 Remember to bring your book next week (significa que você deve lembrar-se de trazer o 
livro na próxima semana, ou seja ideia de algo futuro, que ainda não aconteceu, mas deve se 
lembrar de ainda fazer) Ideia de um futuro próximo.
Ex: He tried to open the door (significa que ele tentou abrir a porta, mas é com ideia de fazer 
esforço pra que algo aconteça)
 Let’s try drinking something different this time (significa que devemos experimentar beber 
algo diferente dessa vez) Geralmente está atrelado à uma oferta, ou sugestão.
OBS 4: START – pode ser usado com ambas as formas: -ing or “to + infinitive”
Ex: It started raining.
 It started to rain.
File 5C - How much can you learn in a month?
a) Vocabulary: modifiers
Em ordem de intensidade: not very -> a bit -> quite -> very -> really -> incredibly
Ex: I’m very good at learning languages.
 English pronunciation is a bit difficult
 English is incredibly useful for may work
 I’m really worried about my mom.
 English grammar is not very difficult.
b) Grammar: have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t
1) have to / don’t have to:
● Utiliza-se have to + infinitive para falar sobre regras, obrigações ou dizer que algo é necessário.
● Utiliza-se don’t have to + infinitive para dizer que não existe obrigação ou que algo não é 
● Utilize do/does para perguntas:
Do I have to go? NOT Have I to go? *** Também NÃO se usa I’ve to go >> I have to go.
3024 – Yago Carvalho
(+) She has to get up 6:00 every day.
 They have to study hard for the exams.
(-) We don’t have to wear uniform at this school.
 He doesn’t have to work on Sundays.
(?) Does she have to buy a grammar book?
 Do you have to study tonight?
2) must/mustn’t:
● Utiliza-se must + infinitive para sobre regras e obrigações:
Ex: You must turn it off your mobile phone when you are at the cinema.
 You must obey your parentes.
● Utiliza-se mustn’t + infinitive para dizer que algo é proibido.
Ex: You mustn’t run in the room.
 You mustn’t park your car here.
● Pode-se utilizar mustn’t ou can’t para falar sobre regras (negativas) >> proibições.
Ex: You mustn’t eat before everyone arrives. 
 You can’t eat before everyone arrives.
OBS: mustn’t e don’t have to têm significados completamente diferentes:
You mustn’t go = You can’t go. It is prohibited.
You don’t have to go = You can go if you want, but you it is not obligatory/necessary.
File 5D – The name of the game
a) Expressing movements:
The man went up the steps and into the church = O homem subiu os degraus e entrou na 
I ran over the bridge and across the park = Eu corri em cima da ponte e através do parquet.
He drove out the garage and along the street = Eu dirigi pra for a da garage e ao longo da 
● Para expressar movimentos utiliza-se um verbo de movimento (go, come, walk, run, throw, hit, 
etc) e uma preposição de movimento (up, down, etc).
Ex: You play this sport outside with two teams. You have to throw the ball to other players and 
take the ball over the other team’s line. You can also get points by kicking the ball through 
two very high posts.
● CUIDADO com in / into e out / out of. 
Usa-se into / out of + substantivo, caso se não tiver um substantivo (noun) usa-se apenas in / out.
Ex: Come into the living room. Come in.
 He went out of the house. He went out.
3024 – Yago Carvalho
b) Vocabulary: Sports, prepositions of movement:
3024 – Yago Carvalho
▪ a) Complete the sentenses:
1 Adam wants ____________ (go) to Africa next year.
2 I went to Australia ____________ (work) in a bar.
3 Try ____________ (take) another holiday this year.
4 Would you like ____________ (come) round later?
5 It's nice _____________ (not work) on Saturdays.
6 I decided _____________ (tell) him the truth.
7 _____________ (walk) is a good exercise.
8 What do you want __________ (do) tomorrow?
9 I like ___________ (study) languages.
10 I'd like ____________ (meet) your new girlfriend.
11 I don't leave home without ___________ (eat) breakfast.
12 Do you need ____________ (go) to the supermarket.
▪ b) Complete with the correct answer. Use contractions where possible.
1 I'm thinking of __________ (get) a new job.
2 __________ (drink) too much coffee is bad for you.
3 It's nice __________ (walk) in the countryside.
4 I went home ___________ (have) a rest.
5 I ____________ (not like) Monday mornings.
6 Don't leave without ___________ (finish) your drink.
▪ c) Rewrite the words in the correct order.
1 They week. have to to don't go school next 
2 have we exercise Do to do 1? 
3 The play the near road. mustn't children 
4 to have Does uniform? James wear a 
5 must You smart wear clothes. 
_____________________________________________________________________________________6 smoke cinema. We mustn't the in 
3024 – Yago Carvalho
▪ d) Circle the correct answer.
1 He opened the door and went ( out / out of )
2 She ran ( over / up ) the stairs.
3 They went ( towards / under ) the old building.
4 He jumped ( onto / into ) the bath with a splash * splash = esguicho *
5 We drove ( along / through ) the motorway for an hour.
6 She walked ( past / on ) John and sat down.
▪ e) Complete the sentences with the words given, three of them are not used.
1 They didn't go __________ last night because they were tired.
2 The helicopter flew __________ the city.
3 She jumped __________ her car and ran down the street.
4 The train went __________ the tunnel.
5 The athletes ran __________ the track twice.
6 This bus goes __________ the city center. 
Answers key:
a) 1 – to go
2 – to work
3 – taking
4 – to come
5 – not to work
6 – to tell
7 – walking
8 – to do
9 – studying
10 – to meet
11 – eating
12 – to go
b) 1 – getting
2 – drinking
3 – to walk
4 – to have
5 – don’t like
6 – finishing
c) 1 - They don't have to go to school next 
2 - Do we have to do exercise 1?
3 - The children mustn't play near the road.
4 - Does James have to wear a uniform?
5 - You must wear smart clothes.
6 - We mustn't smoke in the cinema.
d) 1 – out
2 – up
3 – towards
4 – into
5 – along
6 – past
e) 1 - out / 2 - over / 3 - out of / 
4 - through / 5 - round / 6 – to .
through – to – out – round – out of – over – up – down – past

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