
Módulo II

Esta é uma pré-visualização de arquivo. Entre para ver o arquivo original

It's used for actions completed in the past at a definite time. It's therefore used:
1)  For a past action when the time is given:
I met him yesterday. (Eu o encontrei ontem)
2)  When the time is asked about:
When did you meet him? (Quando você o encontrou?)
3)  When the action clearly took place at a definite time even though this time is not mentioned:
The train was ten minutes late. (O trem estava dez minutes atrasado)
Note: There are REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs in English.
The REGULAR verbs have their past forms ending in:  -ED
to like = liked / liked
to invite = invited / invited
to want = wanted / wanted
The IRREGULAR verbs have no rules concerning their past forms. They vary from one another:
to buy = bought / bought
to speak = spoke / spoken
to take = took / taken
Basta flexionar o verbo no passado simples, observando se ele é um verbo regular (-ed) ou irregular (terminações variadas).
Exemplos com verbos regulares:
1)  He needed to leave earlier today. (past of “need”)
2)  She danced the salsa very well last night. (past of “dance”)
3)  They wanted to get in touch. (past of “want”)
4)  It started 10 minutes ago. (past of “start”)
Exemplos com verbos irregulares:
5)  She gave me a box of chocolates. (past of “give”)
6)  He flew to Moscow last night. (past of “fly”)
7)  They understood the lesson. (past of “understand”)
8)  We chose a better room. (past of “choose”)
Para negar um verbo no Simple Past é necessário utilizar um verbo auxiliar, no caso, “didn’t”. E quando usamos o verbo auxiliar, o verbo principal da oração volta à sua forma do infinitivo sem a partícula “to”.
1)   They didn’t understand anything.
2)   We didn’t come so early last night.
3)   She didn’t go to the restaurant with them last Sunday.
4)   I didn’t cook any food for today.
É importante notar também que quando estamos falando de Simple Past, existe apenas um único verbo auxiliar para todos os pronomes. Ou seja, não há mais nenhuma diferença entre as terceiras pessoas do singular, como vimos no Simple Present. É “did” e “didn’t” para todos!
Quando fazemos perguntas no Simple Past, usamos o verbo auxiliar “did” (para perguntas afirmativas) e “didn’t” (para perguntas negativas).
1)         Did they understand the German lesson?
2)         Didn’t she come to study together? 
Short answers:
Da mesma maneira que utilizamos os verbos auxiliares no Simple Present para as nossas respostas curtas, usamos também o “did” ou “didn’t” para responder as perguntas sobre o passado simples.
1)         Did they understand the German lesson?
R: Yes, they did.
R: No, they didn’t.
2)         Didn’t she come to study together?
R: Yes, she did. 
R: No, she didn’t.
Para memorizar a terminação dos verbos irregulares em inglês, recomenda-se ler a tabela dos verbos abaixo e, aos poucos, tê-la em mente para que não seja preciso pensar mais para formular uma sentença ou recorrer a ela toda vez que tiver que se referir ao passado.
Então, para auxiliá-lo em seus estudos, segue a lista dos verbos irregulares mais comuns na língua inglesa:
	             to arise  (levantar-se)
	         arose
	         arisen
	             to awake (acordar)
	         awoke
	         awaken
	             to be (ser, estar)
	         was/were
	         been
	             to befall (acontecer)
	         befell
	         befallen
	             to bear (suportar)
	         bore
	         born
	             to beat (bater)
	         bet
	         beaten
	             to become (tornar)
	         became
	         become
	             to behold (contemplar)
	         beheld
	         beheld
	             to beget (procriar)
	         begot
	         begotten
	             to begin (começar)
	         began
	         begun
	             to bend (curvar)
	         bent
	         bent
	             to bind (unir)
	         bound
	         bound
	             to bite (morder)      
	         bit
	         bitten
	             to bleed (sangrar)
	         bled
	         bled
	             to blow (soprar)
	         blew
	         blown
	             to break (quebrar)
	         broke
	         broken
	             to breed (reproduzir)
	         bred
	         bred
	             to bring (trazer)
	         brought
	         brought
	             to broadcast (transmitir por radio, TV)
	         broadcast
	         broadcast
	             to build (construir)
	         built
	         built
	             to burn (queimar)
	         burnt
	         burnt
	             to buy (comprar)
	         bought
	         bought
	             to cast (lancer, arremessar)
	         cast
	         cast
	             to catch (apanhar)
	         caught
	         caught
	             to choose (escolher)
	         chose
	         chosen
	             to cling (aderir)
	         clung
	         clung
	             to come (vir)
	         came
	         come
	             to cost (custar)
	         cost
	         cost
	             to creep (rastejar)
	         crept
	         crept
	             to cut (cortar)
	         cut
	         cut
	             to dig (cavar)
	         dug
	         dug
	             to deal (lidar, negociar)
	         dealt
	         dealt
	             to do (fazer)
	         did
	         done
	             to draw (desenhar)
	         drew
	         drawn
	             to dream (sonhar)
	         dreamt
	         dreamt
	             to drink (beber)
	         drank
	         drunk
	             to drive (dirigir)
	         drove
	         driven
	             to eat (comer)
	         ate
	         eaten
	             to fall (cair)
	         fell
	         fallen
	             to feed (alimentar)
	         fed
	         fed
	             to feel (sentir)
	         felt
	         felt
	             to fight (lutar)
	         fought
	         fought
	             to find (encontrar)
	         found
	         found
	             to flee (escaper, fugir)
	         fled
	         fled
	             to fling (arremessar)
	         flung
	         flung
	             to fly (voar)
	         flew
	         flown
	             to forbid (proibir)
	         forbade
	         forbidden
	             to foresee (prever)
	         forsaw
	         foreseen
	             to forgive (perdoar)
	         forgave
	         forgiven
	             to forsake (abandonar)
	         forsook
	         forsaken
	             to freeze (congelar)
	         froze
	         frozen
	             to get (conseguir)
	         got
	         gotten
	             to get up (levantar-se)
	         got up
	         gotten up
	             to give (dar)
	         gave
	         given
	             to go (ir)
	         went
	         gone
	             to grind (moer)
	         ground
	         ground
	             to grow (crescer)
	         grew
	         grown
	             to hang (pendurar)
	         hung
	         hung
	             to have (ter)
	         had
	         had
	             to hear (escutar)
	         heard
	         heard
	             to hide (esconder)
	         hid
	         hidden
	             to hit (bater)
	         hit
	         hit
	             to hold (segurar)
	         held
	         held
	             to hurt (machucar)
	         hurt
	             to keep (manter)
	         kept
	         kept
	             to know (saber)
	         knew
	         known
	             to lay (colocar)
	         laid
	         laid
	             to lead (conduzir)
	         led
	         led
	             to lean (apoiar-se)
	         leant
	         leant
	             to leave (partir, deixar)
	         left
	         left
	             to lend (emprestar)
	         lent
	         lent
	             to let (deixar)
	         let
	         let
	             to lie (deitar)
	         lay
	         lain
	             to lose (perder)
	         lost
	         lost
	             to make (fazer)
	         made
	         made
	             to mean (querer dizer)
	         meant
	         meant
	             to meet (encontrar)
	         met
	         met
	             to overcome (supercar)
	         overcame
	         overcome
	             to overtake (surpreender)
	         overtook
	         overtaken
	             to pay (pagar)
	         paid
	         paid
	             to put (pôr)
	         put
	         put
	             to quit (desistir)
	         quit
	         quit
	             to read (ler)
	         read
	         read
	             to ride (cavalgar)
	         rode
	         ridden
	             to rise (elevar-se)
	         rose
	         risen
	             to run (corer)
	         ran
	         run
	             to saw (serrar)
	         sawed
	         sawn
	             to say (dizer)
	         said
	         said
	             to see (ver)
	         saw
	         seen
	             to seek (procurar)
	         sought
	         sought
	             to sell (vender)
	         sold
	         sold
	             to send (enviar)
	         sent
	         sent
	             to set (estabelecer)
	         set
	         set
	             to shake (sacudir)
	         shook
	         shaken
	             to shed (deixar cair, derramar)
	         shed
	         shed
	             to shine (brilhar)
	         shone
	         shone
	             to shoot (atirar, alvejar)
	         shot
	         shot
	             to show (mostrar)
	         showed
	         shown
	             to shut (fechar)
	         shut
	         shut
	             to sing (cantar)
	         sang
	         sung
	             to sit (sentar)
	         sat
	         sat
	             to slay (assassinar)
	         slew
	         slain
	             to sling (arremessar)
	         slung
	         slung
	             to sleep (dormir)
	         slept
	         slept
	             to smell (cheirar)
	         smelt
	         smelt
	             to slide (escorregar)
	         slid
	         slid
	             to spend (gastar, passar)
	         spent
	         spent
	             to speak (falar)
	         spoke
	         spoken
	             to spill (derramar)
	         spilt
	         spilt
	             to spin (girar)
	         spun
	         spun
	             to spit (cuspir)
	         spat
	         spat
	             to split (dividir ao meio)
	         split
	         split
	             to spoil (estragar)
	         spoiled / spoilt
	         spoiled / spoilt
	             to spread (espalhar)
	         spread
	         spread
	             to spring (saltar)
	         sprang
	         sprung
	             to stand (ficar de pé)
	         stood
	         stood
	             to steal (roubar)
	         stole
	         stolen
	             to stick (fincar)
	         stuck
	         stuck
	             to sting (picar)
	         stung
	         stung
	             to stink (feder)
	         stunk
	         stunk
	             to strike (golpear)
	         struck
	         struck
	             to string (amarrar)
	         strung
	         strung
	             to strive (esforçar-se)
	         strove
	         striven
	             to swear (jurar)
	         swore
	         sworn
	             to sweat (suar)
	         sweat
	         sweat
	             to sweep (varrer)
	         swept
	         swept
	             to swim (nadar)
	         swam
	         swum
	             to swing (balançar)
	         swung
	         swung
	             to take (levar)
	         took
	         taken
	             to teach (ensinar)
	         taught
	         taught
	             to tear (rasgar)
	         tore
	         torn
	             to tell (contar)
	         told
	         told
	             to think (pensar)
	         thought
	         thought
	             to throw (lançar, arremessar)
	         threw
	         thrown
	             to tread (pisar, amassar com o pé)
	         trod
	         trodden
	             to undergo (submeter-se)
	         underwent
	         undergone
	             to understand (entender)
	         understood
	         understood
	             to undo (desfazer)
	         undid
	         undone
	             to uphold (apoiar)
	         upheld
	         upheld
	             to wear (usar, vestir)
	         wore
	         worn
	             to weave (tecer)
	         wove
	         woven
	             to weep (chorar)
	         wept
	         wept
	             to win (vencer)
	         won
	         won
	             to wind (dar corda no relógio)
	         wound
	         wound
	             to write (escrever)
	         wrote
	         written
Question: Read the sentence below and complete the gap with the most suitable verb tense:
Tom _________ his keys last night.
Mark the right alternative:
a. lost
b. loses
c. lose
d. losed
e. has lost
Resposta: alternativa "a"
Comment: *Tom perdeu suas chaves a noite passada. Portanto, temos um marcador de tempo (last night). Sendo assim, temos que usar o Simple Past do verbo "lose" (lost), que está na alternativa "a".
Question: Mark the alternative that brings an example of an irregular verb: 
a. brought
b. wanted
c. needed
d. started
e. whistled
Resposta: alternativa "a"
Comment: As we know, irregular verbs don't end in -ed. So the only verb that is considered irregular among the options above is "brought" (Simple Past of verb "bring").
São pronomes interrogativos que começam com as letras "Wh", com exceção do "How", que também faz parte deles, mas não inicia com "Wh". Quando utilizamos os pronomes interrogativos, buscamos uma informação específica na resposta (o que, onde, quando, quem, de quem, por que, como, etc)
1) What   (o que, qual, quais)
What do you eat for breakfast?
2) Which (qual, quais – quando se tem opção de escolha)
Which one do you prefer?
3) When (quando)
When do you celebrate your birthday?
4) Where (onde)
Where do you live?
5) Who (quem)
Who do you live with?
6) Whose (de quem)
Whose is that umbrella?
7) Why (por que)
Why don't you come with us?
8) How (como)
How do they come to school?
É bom lembrar que o “how” é usado também junto de vários  adjetivos.
How old...? (Quantos anos?) *quando se quer saber a idade
How tall...? (Qual é altura?)
How big...? (Qual é o tamanho?)
How far...? (Qual é a distância?)
How often...? (Com que frequência?)
How rich, poor, interesting, beautiful, etc…?
Os pronomes demonstrativos, como o próprio nome diz, demonstram algo.  Algo que está perto ou longe de nós.
This = este, esta, isto (perto
/ singular)
1)  This is mine. (Isto é meu)
2)  I told you this is wrong. (Eu te disse que isto está errado)
3)  This blouse is very expensive. (Esta blusa é muito cara)  
These = estes, estas (perto / plural)
1)  These pairs of shoes are mine. (Estes pares de sapatos são meus)
2)  These toys are to be kept in the attic. (Estes brinquedos são para ser colocados no sótão)
3)   He said these letters are for me. (Ele disse que estas cartas são pra mim)
That = aquele, aquela, aquilo (longe / singular)
1)   That car parked across the street is being stolen. (Aquele carro estacionado do outro lado da rua está sendo roubado)
2)   That research shows that teachers are not very well paid. (Aquela pesquisa mostra que professores não são muito bem pagos)
3)  I saw that man stealing the purse of that poor old lady. (Eu vi aquele homem roubando a bolsa daquela pobre senhora)
Those = aqueles, aquelas (longe / plural)
1)  Those boxes are beautifully wrapped. (Aquelas caixas estão lindamente embrulhadas)
2)  I saw those boys throwing the stone at the window.(Eu vi aqueles garotos arremessando a pedra na janela)
3)  He called those men to say they couldn’t park their cars there. (Ele chamou aqueles homens para dizer que eles não podiam estacionar seus carros lá)

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