
Módulo VIII

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Ler diálogos situacionais em língua inglesa é uma das atividades que ajudam a melhorar (e muito) o aprendizado do segundo idioma, pois aprendemos expressões e palavras novas que nos auxiliam a deixar nosso inglês mais “natural”. Temos a oportunidade de ficar em contato com os coloquialismos e gírias, desprendendo-nos um pouco de regras gramaticais. É sempre bom lembrar que, dependendo do ambiente e situação, temos uma maneira peculiar de nos expressar. A formalidade ou informalidade da língua deve se adequar ao ambiente e momento.
Veja abaixo um diálogo que se passa numa loja de frios. Após lê-lo, vamos fazer a atividade relacionada ao entendimento das informações contidas nele.
A DELI SANDWICH                
Nancy Lee:     Hi, I’d like a corned beef sandwich, please.
Counter help:  Will that be on white, rye or whole wheat bread?
Nancy Lee:     On whole wheat bread.
Counter help: Would you like ketchup, mayonnaise, or  mustard?
Nancy Lee:       I’d like mustard, please!
Counter help:    Will that be hot or regular?
Nancy Lee:       Regular, please.
Counter help:    Would you like lettuce or tomato on that?
Nancy Lee:       Lettuce.
Counter help:   We have romaine, endive, radicchio or ordinary lettuce.
Nancy Lee:       I’d like romaine.
Counter help:    All right, coming right up.
Nancy Lee:       Thank you.
Counter help:   Would you like anything else with that?
Nancy Lee:      Ah, I’d like some coleslaw and a bag of potato chips.
Counter help:  Do you want regular potato chips, chili flavor, blue cheese flavor …?
Nancy Lee:       Regular. And could I have a dill pickle?
Counter help:    Sure, here you are.
Nancy Lee:       Thanks.
Counter help:    That’ll be $3.95 altogether.
Nancy Lee:       There you go.
Counter help:    Out of five. Thank you very much.
Nancy Lee:       Thanks, oh I forgot. I want a coffee too.
Counter help:  Ok.  We have regular coffee, Brazilian, espresso, cappuccino or decaffeinated…we have five sizes. Medium, large, extra large…
Curtin, John; Viney, Peter. Survival English
According to the text we can say that:
I.     Nancy chose her sandwich on a whole wheat bread.
II.    Nancy didn’t chose lettuce to go along with her corned beef sandwich.
III.  When the counter help asked Nancy if she’d like something else to eat she said she wouldn’t.
IV.  Nancy didn’t order a dill pickle either.
V.   After paying for her meal she ordered a coffee to drink and we don’t know which type she asked for.
Mark the right alternative:
a.    Only I, II and V are right
b.    Only I and V are right
c.    Only III and IV are right
d.    Only IV and V are right
e.    Only III, IV and V are right
Resposta: alternativa “b”
Comentário: A alternativa “a” está incorreta porque Nancy escolheu alface no seu sanduíche e a afirmação II diz que ela não escolheu. A alternativa “c” está incorreta porque Nancy disse ao balconista que queria comer algo mais, e a afirmação III diz que ela não queria, bem como diz, na afirmação IV, que ela não havia pedido pepinos em conserva, e no diálogo isso está explícito quando Nancy diz: And could I have a dill pickle? A alternativa “d” está incorreta, pois já sabemos que a afirmação IV é falsa. A alternativa “e” está incorreta, pois já sabemos que as afirmações III e IV são falsas. Portanto, a única alternativa que tem afirmações verdadeiras sobre o diálogo é a alternativa “b”, quando diz que Nancy pediu seu sanduíche no pão integral (I) e que após pagar pela refeição, Nancy pediu um café e nós não sabemos que tipo foi (V).
Question: Read the letter below, the statements related to it and answer what is being asked:
Letter of Recommendation
I have known Mr. Frank Barrington for several years and as far as I know him, I must tell you that it is a pleasure to recommend him. Concerning my knowledge of him, what impressed me most, is his leadership among his colleagues. He is regarded by all who know him, not only as a very capable worker, but also by his relationship among his friends.
During the time I could share his company he revealed a good deal of his easy-going personality. He has been characteristically careful and efficient, intelligent highly responsible and truly an organizer. He has the rare ability to obtain the most unreserved cooperation and enthusiasm from his colleagues for any project he proposes, what proves his ability to get along with others.
It is a privilege, as well as a pleasure, to have been asked to recommend such a likeable person, who has reached a high degree of learning in his own area.
Truly yours,
Mr. Keanu R. Swanson
I.  Mr. Keanu R. Swanson is writing to someone to recommend Mr. Frank Barrignton for a position.
II. One of Mr. Frank Barrington's strenghts is his leadership among his colleagues.
III. Mr. Frank Barrington is careful and efficient but he is not so responsible.
IV. Mr. Frank Barrington's personality is hard to deal with.
V. Mr. Keanu R. Swanson wouldn't like to recommend such a likable person.
Mark the right alternative:
a. I and II are correct
b. I, II and III are correct
c. I, III and V are correct
d. IV and V are correct
e. I, III, IV and V are correct      
Resposta: alternativa “a”
Comentário: De acordo com o que foi lido na carta de recomendação, podemos ver que as afirmações III, IV e V são falsas porque (III) Mr. Frank Barrington é uma pessoa responsável, (IV) tem uma personalidade fácil de lidar, e (V) por todas essas características positivas, Mr. Swanson se sente à vontade para recomendá-lo a um cargo na empresa.

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